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Fantasy Waking Nightmare


The Dragon Reborn
The source of Nightmares are special people who have such powerful dreams in the Interspace, that the dreams effect the real world. These people are known as Dreamers. Nightmares come from people who die mysteriously while sleeping. The souls of these people remain in the Interspace, but instead of dreaming, the only generate Nightmares. The cause of their death is unknown, but dreamcasters are beginning to think that the causes of the deaths are sinister.


The main reason for the formation of the dreamcaster formation was to liberate souls who have died and are trapped in the Interspace. Their secondary task is to slay Nightmares, and protect the people.

The society of the dreamcasters is not the most complex of societies, but is the most common. Dreamcasters are widely known to be able to enter a person's dreams, and able to change what occurs. Even though this is widely known, it is thought to be nothing more than legend. People can not normally see Nightmares when they manifest in the real world, so it is the work of the dreamcasters to protect the humans from what they know nothing about. Their ability to enter dreams gives them the ability to destroy Nightmares before they become deadly to others. Dreamcasters are gifted with a unique sword, which is able to change form, depending on the user.



The main goal of the soulslayer division is to slay every Nightmare, and kill every Dreamer.

Soulslayers are Nightmare hunters. Their soul purpose is to hunt down and slay every Nightmare they can find. They are able to use a variety of weapons that vary depending on the soulslayer. Soulslayers are always supernatural people of some kind who are able to detect Nightmares. Upon entering the Soulslayer society, they undergo a series of challenges before selecting their talisman. Each talisman is completely unique, and each talisman is able to generate a weapon out of pure energy.



Nightmares are beings generated by Dreamers. They can range from purely instinctive and savage, to intelligent and meticulous.

Nightmares are almost always evil. Although Dreamers are able to create beings in the Interspace that can have power in the real world, Nightmares are the only thing powerful enough to manifest in the real world. Almost every Nightmare is terrifying, and unless dreamers are stopped, they will never stop coming into the world. These beings are invisible to normal people, and cannot be heard by normal people.

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