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Fandom The Last Rebels


Author and seamstress.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


  • The First Order is unstoppable, sprawling across the galaxy with no signs of stopping. The rebellion is suffering. All attempts to quell the destruction of the galaxy seem to be futile. Everyone has effectively reached the point of accepting that all is lost.
    However, distantly, a group of strangers from all over the galaxy, have ended up on a ship together. They are the survivors, the only ones capable of stopping the Order's path of destruction. Together, they must protect the child aboard their ship destined to bring an end to this madness. Together, they will grow as a group and as individuals, aboard a falling apart and several times stolen ship they have dubbed "The Crapmobile" in lieu of knowing it's actual name. Over the next four years, the group will be torn in many directions, forced to make decisions they never thought they would have.
    Some call it madness.
    We call it saving the galaxy.
. . .​







ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛᴏʀ --
Feldaris:: ??? :: female :: twi'lek

It all started when she betrayed the First Order. Fel was a loyal servant in the mission to take over the galaxy, indoctrinated from a young age to wield her powerful grasp of the force against the resistance. Something in her past changed all that, known to few of the other travelers, leaving only one option: board the ship and run for her life, hoping like hell that her new found friends don't mind having a previous disciple of the order on board.


ʀᴇʙᴇʟ ᴘɪʟᴏᴛ --
Adros Baez :: 24 :: male :: human

Adros' moral conscience led this fiery tech type to take the ship out of the hands of the bounty hunter, making him the new pilot. His family were key players in the resistance, meaning he grew up believing completely in the movement against the First Order. Adros was sent on a routine mission scouting the galaxy when his X Wing was interrcepted by the First Order fleet. Everyone on the mission was obliterated except for the pilot. He couldn't face going back after that, but choosing to help the crew of The Crapmobile with their mission may well force him to.



ʙᴏᴜɴᴛʏ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀ --
Maran Nix :: 36 :: male :: kiffar

The copilot. Maran was finishing up a contract when he was first arrested by the First Order for being a 'rebel sympathizer.' He found himself locked away in some backwater prison until freedom came in the form of a renegade sith. Maran joined up with Feldaris and traveled, slowly collecting even more misfits.


ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ --
Nicholas "Nick" Lambacher :: 14 :: male :: human

The youngest member of the crew. Nick might look innocent to the untrained eye, but he is the chosen one. He has power in the force incomprehensible to most beings, and is destined to stop the dark side once and for all, to bring peace and balance to the galaxy. Problem is, this young one is barely old enough to live alone, let alone save the galaxy. Nick will need a teacher if he is to fulfill his destiny and not heed the call of the dark side. The First Order are close on his trail, and he must be protected at all costs.


sᴄᴀᴠᴇɴɢᴇʀ --
Adom Extinct :: 19 :: male :: human

Adom had never even left his home planet before, and the stars still make him dizzy. Sure, he can't really fly to save his own skin, but he is a brilliant mechanic, and more than makes up for his cluelessness when it comes to the galaxy by having saved The Crapmobile's big old metal skin more times than the crew can count.

Current Events
The crew are currently in hyperspace within the mid-rim. Their destination is Corellia.
Feldaris is amusing herself with a map and talking to Nick.
Adros is modifying the hyperdrive.
Maran is checking a weapon.
Nick is questioning Feldaris.
Adom is tinkering with items he picked up at their last stop.​
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For the most part, the ship was quiet. The typical groans and creaks of the Crapmobile were absent. It seemed Adom's latest attempt to fix the pile of scrap metal they called a ship had temporarily worked. Of course, it wouldn't last. It never did. Their supposed ship was old. No one really knew it's exact model or age but Feldaris was pretty sure the thing had been around before the Old Republic fell. It was a wonder that it could even get off the ground. There was no doubt in the Twi'lek's mind that one day, when it was needed the most, the Crapmobile would simply stop. Splutter and die, getting her.... and the others, killed.

Speaking of the others... Feldaris turned her head to look at the closed door to the bunk room. For now she was alone, seated at a small table shoved against the corner of the room with a glass of T'iil-T'iil in front of her. It was an expensive beverage, one that she had grown rather fond of in small doses, that had been... acquired during their last stop for supplies. The blue skinned Twi'lek let the smallest traces of a smirk creep onto her face as she remembered confronting the strange alien merchant. The thing had been terrified to find a red lightsaber in his face, and was more than willing to part with some of his goods in exchange for the guarantee of not being completely mutilated. Hey, desperate times called for desperate measures!

After another moment of watching the door and thinking, Feldaris abandoned her seat and drink in favor of seeing what the rest of the Crapmobile's occupants were doing. There was only so much sitting around that one could do and truthfully, she much preferred movement. Not one for being very conservative with her use of the force, Feldaris waved her hand for the door to open and it did, shutting behind her on it's own.
Adom worked tediously in his junk room. Atleast, thats what the rest of the crew (and usually outsiders) called it. It was the room that he spent the most time in, and sometimes even slept in. Throughout the small bedroom-sized room lay bits and bobs of machinery, tangles of wire, and other things that wouldn't look useful if you weren't him.

The thing he was currently working on was a new special weapon that he could (and the others if they actually wanted to) use. After their last..."trip", The planet had been that of one with many precious metals and materials, so most visitors brought along some funky metal detectors to take those gems and metals from themselves. After an alien merchants goods were...."confiscated" by Feldaris, he had found the most interesting metal detector yet. It was a long metal stick, with MANY various buttons and switches that didn't seem to do anything, and ended on the usual fancily designed circle piece. Well, Adom gave those buttons and switches purpose.

He had added an armband o the top of the stick, to you could hold it with one hand or two.He had taken a few of the levers and buttons out, only leaving a few in. Inside, he had put a crystal chamber, which is very similar to how a lightsaber works. This allowed the detection machine to also be used as a gun. Two of the buttons going down the side changed the bolt pattern (Single, Two at a Time).
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"Hey Adom, mind checking out the ship's engine one more time? I'm running diagnostics up on the hyperdrive motivator. I don't wanna get stranded anytime soon," Adros was quick with the orders as his head peeked into the Scavenger's Room.

After the barking of directions, he made his way into the pilot's seat of the cockpit and began to flip a few switches. After a bit, Adros furrowed his brow and sat back, hot air blew from his jutted mouth and up towards the strands of hair that fell out of place.

"We are in dire need of an upgrade...", His hands fell to his lap as he pushed himself up from his seat. The man was wearing a simple white long sleeve shirt and fitted khaki-colored pants he had picked up during a visit to Talus. "Hey Maran! Let me know if the Hyperdrive is fully functional, I wanna see if we're getting the most out of what we got working here!"

Adros yelled out the orders to his copilot, he gets a bit bossy when he's cranky, and he gets cranky when his ship isn't perfect. The young pilot made his way out into the commons area, and then to a medium-sized grate located in the floor. He kneeled down on his left knee and began working on removing it. There was a glance of a Twi'lek that graced his vision before ultimately making him outwardly cringe. "Get Nick strapped in soon, I'm working on the hyperdrive and hopefully Adom can get to work on our Ion Engine."

The pilot didn't say anything more to the ex-disciple and opened up the grate attached to the floor. He slide inside and got to work on finding the hyperdrive generator. On his belt was his trust hydrospanner, the intergalactic all-purpose tool used on star-ships. With that, he began to work on modifying the hyperdrive.

Methalis Methalis Squad141 Squad141 Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi sheesh sheesh (Forgive me, but my SW knowledge is a bit rusty)
In some of the newfound peace and quiet, there were many things that were just a little bit easier to get done. And for Maran, who was sitting in his room with the door just a crack open, the most pressing one was getting his journal up to date. Not a whole lot had happened, just a few little encounters with a couple of people, and Feldaris whipping out her lightsaber to rob some weird alien. Maran had been all over, and he'd seen a couple of them, but damned if he knew what the hell those things were. Still, they'd gotten a few bits and pieces out of it, and Maran was sure he'd seen Adom almost start glowing at the sight of a couple of the random trinkets.

-you should've seen the look on that bloody sleemo's face when that lightsaber ignited! ... I wish you could've still been around at all. Right about now you'd probably be telling me 'there's no point wondering about what could've happened or should've happened, because it didn't, and that's the end of it.' You always did have practical advice, and it was always what I needed to hear.

In any case, now-

Adros' shout for him to tend to the Hyperdrive or some junk cut across Maran's concentration, and Maran set down his journal with a sigh. He preferred to keep it to himself that he kept a journal, if only because then there'd be the temptation for someone to start trying to steal the damn thing. And once they stole it, they'd want to read it, and he'd really rather not have other people reading his private thoughts. The whole thing was more a ritual than any practical chore. He stood up and slid the door open a little further so he could lean out of it. The door's auto-opening function had gone and died a while ago, and he'd never really wanted to bother Adom about it. Didn't seem worth the effort compared to keeping the ship together. "Buzz off, flyboy! Check the hyperdrive yourself if you're so eager!"

That done, he returned to his journal.

-now I'm getting harassed by Adros, that do-gooder pilot who ended up flying this heap of junk instead of me. Wants me to do something about the hyperdrive. Always something with that guy, always about the ship. I don't think he likes either me or Feldaris, and I'm pretty sure the feeling's mutual with that Twi'lek. It definitely is with me. Sometimes I wonder why he sticks around. Maybe he feels bad for us, like without his help we'll just all crash and die. Whatever it is, the only reason I don't space him is because he really can fly the ship. I'll give him respect for that. Not much, though, just enough to keep him firmly inside the ship. Not sure what happens from here. I'll write in when I do.

Love you Dad.

Finished, Maran latched the book shut, and stashed it in a compact drawer under his bunk, next to a small-ish, rectangular case, a gold ring with "Father" carved on the inside of it in Mando'a which matched the silver one he wore bearing the engraving "Son", a couple of other pieces of similar memorabilia, and a small holdout blaster wrapped in a fine Ottegan silk sheet. It blended in with the rest of the 'sentimental objects' theme of this drawer, so it could be taken out without drawing too much suspicion. Just in case. He smiled at the brief mental image of him blasting that one sadistic guard, Jorlen or Jorren or something, with it. Psychotic little blighter.

Enough remembering. Time to go do something. Something useful. Maran frowned, before the fact that he hadn't actually maintained that little holdout in a while occurred to him. So he carefully picked the silk-wrapped weapon out of the compartment and started carefully unwrapping it as he moved towards the little weapons and armour maintenance bench he'd set up on the other side of the room to his bunk. Then he placed it down, sat himself down on the little stool there, and started the process of taking it apart, checking all the bits, and putting it back the way it was. It was something his father told him. Always be self-sufficient when it comes to the basics of your life. He could hear his father say that. The thought brought another smile to his face, warmer and more cheerful than the last one.

(I guess I'll mention everyone, too) Methalis Methalis Retro-Grey Retro-Grey Squad141 Squad141 sheesh sheesh
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Stepping into the corridor proved to be rather unpleasant for Feldaris, a sudden drop in temperature causing the Twi'lek to shudder. The freezing temperature of space and space travel never ceased to surprise her. She sighed, only slightly amused at the sight of her own warm breath meeting the cool air and creating a swiftly fading cloud of vapor. Wherever Adros and Maran finally decided to land, it had better be warm so that, if only for a little while, she could escape the temperatures of space. Feldaris pulled her brown cloak a little closer before beginning to walk forward, following the faint sounds of the others further in the ship.

The first person she found wasn't really... found. More like sensed. It was Nick. He was sleeping and quite clearly broadcasting his emotions into the force. That child needed to learn how to shield himself and quickly, otherwise Feldaris would end up going crazy. She stood on a rocky slope regardless of the child, fighting an uphill battle for the occasional touch of the lightside of the force. If it weren't for her audience, the Twi'lek would have been quite happy to stay nestled safely in the dark. It was strong and powerful, but Adros already disliked her and while she really didn't care about him all that much, they were both stuck on this ship together. It would be well within her own interests to try and keep their interactions short and... semi-pleasant. But with Nick around and his shaky yet powerful grasp of the force, every little thought he let slip sent her skidding down that rocky slope between the light and the dark. It was hard enough controlling her own rather volatile emotions, much less adding the kid's on top of it all.

Feldaris had barely rounded the corner when Adros said something to her. She didn't really hear him, too focused on trying to block out Nick, and only managed to catch the slightest glimpse of him disappearing beneath the floor before she was left alone in the room. The Twi'lek stared after him for a moment before giving the grate a quick look over. A soft gesture of a blue hand and the grate slid back into place, covering the hole where the man had went in at. Feldaris stood next to it, debating whether she should lock it as well, before silently deciding that no, she probably shouldn't. That would be going just a bit too far.

The Twi'lek finally set off again, heading towards the front of the ship. There wasn't much there, just two seats and the controls, most of which she was clueless about. Flying ships hadn't exactly taken priority over learning how to fight... Still, Feldaris could perform the basics like landing and inputting hyperspace coordinates if need be. She just couldn't fly a ship alone. She slid into the copilot's seat, Maran's seat, and tapped one of the glowing screens to pull up a star chart. Selecting a planet in the mid-rim, Feldaris settled in to do some reading.

Squad141 Squad141 Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi sheesh sheesh
Retro-Grey Retro-Grey
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The problem with being.. nomadic, was that you never really got to settle anywhere. Anywhere safe. He lived on a ship that honestly looked like it would crumble to nothing but dust just from grazing a feather. It was surprising that it could take off and land anywhere, much less jump to hyperspace. It had truly earned its name "The Crapmobile", because in reality it was... mobile crap.

He seldom slept anywhere on the ship. He was usually full of energy. The energy couldn't be spent lots of the time, because a lot of the time they were floating through space. He slept because that's how he dealt with his issues. Sleep solves everything, right? Hungry? Take a nap, you'll wake up and won't feel hungry for a few hours. Frustrated? Take a nap, you probably won't remember why when you wake up. In pain? Take a nap, it won't feel as bad when you wake up. Out of those three examples, Nick slept out of frustration. He was Force Sensitive, yes. Fel - a nickname he had given to the Twi'lek, who's full name was Feldaris - occasionally give him tips or gave her best shot at trying to hone his Force abilities, but nothing seemed to actually work.

He had tried to use his abilities on his own, in the small cargo hold near the bottom of the ship, which was arguably the most dangerous part of the ship. Breathing on the hyperdrive seemed like a bad idea. The engine made horrible noises whenever they entered and exited hyperspace, and it was near uncontrollable. He spent a good thirty minutes here, practicing on an old inventory droid. He tried even the very basic form of Force use, which was telekinesis. The thing barely moved an inch. No matter the amount of times he tried he would never get it right.

He awakened, slightly less pissed than he was when had went to sleep. He slept in the same thing he always did. A tee-shirt with a First Order stormtrooper helmet on it and black shorts. The tee-shirt had grown a little small after being washed and dried multiple times, and it hugged against his body. His build was lithe, yet muscular, something he was proud of. He looked at his door, which he had locked to prevent any interruptions to his anger nap. He threw his legs over the edge of the bed and sat upright. He was a little tall for his age, tall enough to pass as older than he actually was. He stretched his legs for a few moments before standing, making no attempt to shake away the grogginess that clouded his mind.

He input the code to his door to unlock. Multiple times in fact. The door didn't open as the first few combinations were entered, but when it did open, it only opened a bit. It had happened before, and from this point, Nick could place his hands in between the door and the wall and manually open it, which was usually done with a lot of effort and a cringe worthy grinding noise of metal against metal, or a little bit of effort and a cringe worthy grinding noise of metal against metal. A noise which usually made it hard to sneak out of his room, as it alerted everyone that was near 'Nick's leaving his room again.'

He started towards the cockpit, making little to know acknowledgement to anyone he passed through the corridors. He made his way to the cockpit, spotted Fel in the co-pilots seat. He didn't know where they were going, or maybe he did and he just forgot. Either way, he had to ask:

"Fel. Where exactly are we going?"

Blue color - Passive tone.

Red color - Angry tone.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi
Methalis Methalis
Retro-Grey Retro-Grey
Squad141 Squad141
Adom looked up from his machinery, which was no lying on a table, with him trying to add a label to it (though writes block had a big hand in his creativity), and put the detector-gun-thingy down. The engine. Of course. Adom should be the one who most annoyed by the dying yet malleable engine, being the one who was capable of fixing to not explode every time they lifted off, but he was acrually the least concerned about it. The engine was like an old friend to him, which he could console and fix its problems if it needed help. He knew it'd wiring like the back of his hand (though his was usually covered by green gloves and oil), and felt said he was responsible for its remaining life force.

Adom headed down to the engine room, toolbox in hand full of stolen, borrowed, or bought tools and items. On the way there, he passed their future prodigy, Nicholas. Yes, he was full of Force Energy, at least that's what Feldaris said, and Nichojas knew it. But he never seemed to be able to use this energy, and seemed to be more frustrated as he passed by.

Adom reached the engine room, prying the door open, and looking at the old and dated piece of machinery, with stuff bulging and steaming. This of course, was normal for the engine, but he still checked to make sure that they wouldn't combust in the middle of their trip to... Wherever.

It was alright, and after exiting informed Adros of such, and assuming they were going into hyperdrive soon, tied most of his scattered junk in boxes which were secured, as hyperdrive on this ship can be a bit... Bumpy.
sheesh sheesh Methalis Methalis Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi Retro-Grey Retro-Grey
Naboo was an interesting little planet and one that, in another life, Feldaris believed she could have been happy living on. The star chart had been rather enlightening on the planet and truly perked the Twi'lek's interest. The Naboo people and their culture was such a drastic change to anything she knew of and the different locations were beautiful in the pictures. She couldn't imagine what they looked like in person! The Gungans were an odd bunch as well. She remembered meeting a Gungan once, though the details were lacking. The one thing she did remember was the creature's strange speech, halted as Feldaris was forced to send her lightsaber through it's chest. From what she understood by reading, it was an odd occurrence for a Gungan to leave the planet. How strange that she had met one... Somewhere. Feldaris gently pinched the bridge of her nose. She couldn't even remember why she killed it, just that she had.

With her thoughts interrupted, Feldaris turned to face Nick, a flare of annoyance sparking in the force before fading as she regained control. Nicknames were annoying and a waste of time. They served no purpose and were overall useless, thus why the Twi'lek never used them. She was not surprised by the child's arrival, having felt him approach. Upon realizing that she was being asked a question, Feldaris silently stared at him for a moment. She didn't have an answer, a failure on her part. Always know where you're going, otherwise you end up dead.

The Twi'lek turned away to look at the controls once more. She pulled up the current hyperspace coordinates, copying them over to her star chart, and pulling up their destination. Corellia. Interesting... It would be a good chance for her to spend some time practicing her skills and doing something productive. Without saying a word, Feldaris motioned for Nick to look at the star chart, assuming that would be a good enough answer.

sheesh sheesh

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