• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Last Flicker -Character Creation-

Cheshire Grin

No cat has ever given a human a straight answer~

List of the Myths and Curses


Aokigahara Forest - Taken - dragonsfire

Gate of Hell - Taken - SeratheUnicorn

Noah's Ark - Taken - Jefferson

Eden - Taken - happydeath

Atlantis - Taken - Cheshire Grin

Bermuda Triangle - Taken - Buffasuar

Camelot - Taken - Lekar

Lighthouse of Alexandria - reserved for Triarius

Library of Alexandria - Taken - Gaaron01234

Mount Olympus - Taken - A Mysterious Figure

Stonehenge - Taken - Phantasm

Nexus - Taken - Andraus

Yomi - Taken - BlueLikeATardis

Fountain of Youth - Taken - Kiroshiven

Pandora's Box - Taken - Dragonsfire

Sherwood Forest - Taken - NemoTheSurvivor

Mount Fuji - Taken - Kiroshiven

Muramasa - Taken - Pinkalyn

Seal of Solomon - Taken - EuclidAmarok

Eye of Horus - Taken - Nicholas Waldorth


(Until the roles that aren't taken are, please don't get anymore myths or curses until then. Please take the ones on the list.)




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Character Skeleton

[Picture Goes Here]
Age: (In order for you to get your powers, you have to be at least 21)
Race: (Let's be creative~ this also means what will you be once your powers activate. Ex. Once the new personification of Atlantis awakens, she is now able to shift into a mermaid. Villains are allowed to be Demi-Mystics.)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Distinguished Features:
Role: (Which Mystic or Curse are you? For Villains, what rank are you in the Facility?)
Powers: (Villains are allowed to have powers, they just have to gain them through experimentation.)
Other Abilities: (This is where your passive powers go~)
Talents: (This involves things you can do that don't need your powers.)
Theme songs:


"H-Hello, I-I'm pleased to m-meet you. Pl-Please allow me to te-tell you a bit about myself."


Rosangela Astrid Callidora Darya


20, her birthday is in a few days




African-American, she will be half mermaid once she powers open






H-How rude~

Hair Color:

Platinum blonde

Eye Color:

A gradient of blue to teal


- There is a scar on her chest that she tries to hide, she doesn't know where it came from.


- A fin tail shaped marking on her upper right thigh

Distinguished Features:

- Her eyes

- Her voice

- Her swimming skills

- The birthmark on her back

- Platinum blonde hair

- Her smarts


The new personification of Atlantis


Rosangela was born on May 22 of 2011 in New York City. However, she was born during the time of a massive earthquake in another part of the world. This was also around the time things in the world were plummeting from bad to worse. Her family was born into a working lower class, her mother and father working odd jobs here and there to keep food on the table. However, this was also around the time, most of the richer families were robbing the poor of everything they had. Luckily, if it wasn't for her father quickly moving the family out of New York City into the poorer parts of the Bronx, Rosangela and her mother would have been sold and her father killed on sight. 

They remained in the Bronx until both Rosangela's parents managed to find a stable job within the crumbling economy, the business owner, who was a sweet old man, allowed her parents to work and get paid just enough to allow Rosangela to have a somewhat normal life. However, this didn't stop people from questioning the strange child, from the get-go, a lot of children didn't like being around Rosangela due to the fact she sometimes appeared to be out of it when it came to conversations and she appeared to also be looking in the direction of the closest ocean. Another thing that freaked people out was her ability to hold her breath for a long period of time as well as swim very quickly. 


Rosangela would get picked on for these abilities while others found them cool. Thankfully, Rosangela did meet people who were more understanding of her abilities and became fast friends with them. Over the years, these abilities got better. She was capable of staying underwater a lot longer, swimming faster and getting a better understand about the water around her. Rosangela would tell her mother and father about her swims, even admitting that she was afraid of these abilities since no other person could do what she did. Even her own parents couldn't explain her strange traits and just said that she was special. Rosangela would accept this until her 14th year. Her mother was kidnapped from shopping for food. Of course, Rosangela and her father went on a full search for her, even asking for the police for help.


Using her abilities to swim, she would search the waters around the area as her father and the officers searched the land. Months would go by and no side of Rosangela's mother appeared, it wasn't until around the 10th month, Rosangela found her mother while she was doing her routine swimming, her body was bloated, but she was still recognizable due to a few features that her mother had. Rosangela and her father gave her mother a proper burial, to this day, the police are still looking for the killer. Rosangela never went back into the water, still a bit traumatized about the discovery of her dead mother.


Six, almost seven years, had passed since her mother's death and discovery. She still hasn't gone into the water, even though her body has tried to force her in. On, or at least around, her 21st birthday, she promised to go back and swim. Unknown to Rosangela, her abilities aren't sheer dumb luck, there is a reason why she was given them. She has been chosen to be the personification of Atlantis, the legendary city said to have "sunk" to the ocean floor. It will just be a matter of time until her powers fully awaken and she can take her proper role as the "Ocean Princess".














"I-I'm so glad you st-stayed around, I don't like being a-alone. I don't really kn-know why, but I-I will tell you more a-about me."


- Pastries

- Meeting new people

- Swimming

- Her family

- The current friends she has

- Learning new things

- Drawing

- Food

- Animals

- Children

- Playing games

- Watching the moon

- Reading/Hearing about legends

- More to come


- Her mother's death

- Hunting for no reason

- Selfish rich people

- Those who enjoy hurting others

- Making people feel back

- Getting depressed

- Not being able to make sure her father is happy

- Remember what happened to her mother

- Being picked on

- Her abilities at times

- More to come


- Swimming

- Drawing

- Singing

- Playing with children

- Hanging out with her father

- Making new friends(even though she is shy)

- More to come


- Losing her remaining family

- Bullies

- Being told she isn't special

- Being useless

- Being alone too long


~ Arachnophobia

~ Autophobia - Fear of isolation

~ Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public



Other Abilities:


As the Personification of Atlantis, Rosangela will gain the ability to change her legs into a fish tail. She also gains the ability to breathe underwater, commune with the sea creatures and change her mermaid appearance.


As the embodiment of Atlantis, Rosangela will have intimate knowledge of Atlantis, this will include its location, how long it was around humans as well as other things. She will also know why it destroyed itself but still watched over the humans.


Rosangela will gain all of what her predecessors and the original has gained over the years. However, while she will gain these, she will also gain things about Atlantis a lot of humans didn't know about. This also means that she gains the weaknesses as well.



- Singing

- Swimming for long periods of time

- Her brains

- Holding her breath for a long time

- Drawing

- Mechanics

- Pottery

- Sculpting





- Until she turns 21 and discovers her power, Rosangela is still pretty much human, she can still be harmed and even killed.

- She can be described as a bit clingy, but this is mainly because she doesn't want to lose anyone anymore. When she is told by someone to leave them alone, Rosangela will think she did something wrong and it will bug her for a long time

- If Rosangela's necklace is taken, she will do anything to get it back. Sadly, this makes her very vulnerable.

- More to come











"J-Just a few m-more things and that will be all. Th-Thank you for coming to talk to me, I hope we get to talk more soon."


"If you want to make a change, then you will have to get up and be a part of them."

"The pain one has gone through can be lived through more than one person."

"People can change, they are just afraid to."


Theme Songs:



Rosangela wears a choker with a key on it, her mother and father had once told her that she was born with it on and it has been 'growing' with her. Of course, Rosangela doesn't believe it. The key around her neck can't be removed and it is linked her and only her, this will help her later in the future. Rosangela's name Astrid Callidora Darya is said to mean 'gentle, beautiful goddess and princess of the ocean'. Rosangela was supposed to be named Astrid, however, her father had changed her name at the last minute to Rosangela; a combination of Rose and Angela, named after her late grandmother and her mother's mom.











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Name: Riley Richards

Age: 21


Race: Nekomata ( Japanese cat demon )

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 110lbs
Haircolor: Black
Eyecolor: Brown

Scars: [ None currently ]
Birthmarks: [ Ouroboros (infinity snake) shaped, red, along spine ]
Distinguished Features: Ambiguous gender, wears corrective glasses

Role: The Curse of Muramasa, the unrelenting blade



Riley was never really one to seek out trouble. Learning from a young age that it's often better to blend in than to stand out, Riley often chose to be plain and avoid attention. In this world of poverty and misfortune, Riley had little interest in anything more than surviving. Except when it came to an old sword given to him by his father. This item sparked something in Riley, not just because it was the only thing his family had worth calling an heirloom, but because it was sealed with an intricate lock. A mystery, to which his father didn't have the key.

Even knowing that swords were an outdated and outclassed weapon, the image of a lone warrior on the battlefield came clear to Riley's mind. He romanticized the idea of wielding such a weapon, to defend his family, and to strike down those who would do harm to others. But when it really mattered, and the time came, he could not defend them. The sword remained locked. His family torn asunder. His hopes of a bright future dashed and his home destroyed.

For several years after Riley became a wanderer. He said little to others, used his talent for blending in to steal and pillage what he needed. He lived a hard life, as he always had, but now he did so alone. Or so he thought.

It was shortly after his 21st birthday. A day he didn't particularly celebrate, but was aware of nonetheless. He was hungry, as he often had been, and went out in search of something to swipe. Scouting out a house was easy enough. Empty, cold. But not abandoned. He made his way through a window, and immediately started to seek the kitchen in this dark place. He didn't make it that far. Something tugged strongly at his very being. He stopped in the room he had entered and looked around carefully, squinting his eyes but failing to sharpen his cloudy vision. Was someone else here? No. Not that he could tell, at least. So why?

"The key." said the voice in his head, one not his own. "It is before you. A simple trinket to you, but freedom to me."

Riley's heart skipped, and then beat more furiously than ever before. It was someone else, something else, but it was not physical. It beckoned him forward, to a stand, where a wooden box rested. Riley grasped the box, and with one hand pried open his prize. Inside laid a golden coin, with intricate etchings and several very specifically design prongs on one side. The beauty of it was somewhat lost on Riley, but the purpose was clear. He slotted it into the lock of his scabbard and gave it a small twist. A satisfying click was his response.

"So it is to be. I have reached out to you, and now I am in your debt. I will pass on to you a gift, my blade. I am the Curse of Muramasa. I am bloodshed incarnate, and to draw my blade is to know the taste of victory. But such power comes at a heavy price."


It is said that two blades were created in order to aid the Mystics in protecting the humans from each other. Muramasa and Masamune. Two Curses, intended to be mirrors of each other. But something went wrong in the creation of Muramasa. Perhaps it was merely an inkling of ill will, a passing thought, or a failed 'stitch' in the shaping of the blade. Where Masamune sought to protect and guard with love and honor, Muramasa sought only to destroy. To test himself against others and to become the strongest. Fearing that this Curse which they had created might cause undue strife and misery, a few Mystics gathered. They brought elements together in which they could seal the dangerous blade, and thus the sheathe that could lock away Muramasa was born. Muramasa has since waited for a vessel to come, to break the seal and set free the Curse. Because even now, after so long spent waiting, Muramasa seeks his twin, to better understand who he is, and who he was meant to be.

Likes: Quiet places, shadows, respect

Dislikes: Loud noises, bright light, cold weather, extended conversation

Hobbies: Glasswork, sculpting, carving

Phobias: Failure/Inadequacy, thunderstorms

Samurai's Armor- A sword isn't exactly the most powerful weapon in an age where guns and bullets aren't often out of reach. For this reason, Muramasa has bestowed upon his vessel a spiritual form of armor, a shell that encases Riley for a duration. It is not impervious, but it aids to stop most mundane forms of attack so long as Riley remains focused /on the armor/. If Riley draws Muramasa, this ability becomes impossible to maintain.

Seething Hatred- While Riley might not feel strongly about much at all, Muramasa is a font of infinite loathing. Muramasa focuses this emotion through the blade that Riley wields, coating it in a poison-like sheen. This energy infects that which the blade cuts like venom, causing numbness and preventing natural healing (clotting).

Other Abilities:
Shapeshift- Riley's new form is descended from Japanese lore, the Nekomata. It is a creature able to drastically change its form, but Riley is only just coming into his powers. He is able to make minor changes to appearance, such as hiding his ears and tail from view. This is a magical form, however, and others who have obtained magical sight can see through it.

Spirit Guide- When Muramasa is drawn its power is like a cocktail of energy. It is both corrosive and beneficial, all at once. This is the beneficial side, in that when drawn it allows Riley to move faster, strike harder, and react quicker. Cat-like reflexes combined with the knowledge and will of Muramasa himself allow Riley to be a more effective combatant with a sword than most mundane fighters.

Talents: Keen eyed artist. When Riley has an appropriate set of glasses, they are quite adept and steady handed, able to create masterful works from even simple materials. This also comes in handy for some tasks, such as when one needs to copy a key, create a forgery, or spot an enemy in the distance. Without glasses Riley's eyesight suffers, and such tasks can often be out of reach.

Muramasa's Final Work
A finely crafted katana, surrounded in both mystery and legend. While many blades have existed under the name of Muramasa, the master swordsmith, this sword is said to be the last he ever forged. A weapon into which he poured all of his malice, all of his bloodlust, and all of his knowledge into. Holding (mostly) true to the stories of being able to cut nearly anything with ease, it has earned its title as a legendary weapon.

Muramasa's Curse
To draw Muramasa, Riley must have a clear goal in mind. This goal can be anything from "I will slay the beast." to "I will cut the butter", but it must be specific, targeted, and something that the sword is capable of doing. Once drawn, Muramasa itself begins to burn away at Riley's waking mind, the blade itself wearing down its user under the vast potency of the will that inhabits it. The blade cannot be willingly dropped or sheathed until the task is accomplished, and even if removed from the user's grasp it continues to influence them in this way. Thus, preventing Riley from accomplishing a goal for which Muramasa has been drawn will quickly rob them of their control. If someone else accomplishes the goal, they are able to sheathe Muramasa for the user. This will break the madness, but not the scarring caused by it.

Samurai's Armor
Riley's armor is not impenetrable, though it is a sturdy and flexible defense. It is the embodiment of a warrior ready to battle, and reflective of Riley's will to survive in a given situation. If Riley falters in conviction then the armor will fail. In addition, it is not elementally reflective. Cold, heat, and some forms of energy can penetrate the barrier normally. It primarily exists to prevent concussive force from physical and magical objects.


"I'm sorry."

Theme songs:


Because of the nature of Muramasa, this sheet makes Riley seem like a very combat centric character, but in actuality Riley doesn't very much care to draw Muramasa unless it becomes undeniably necessary. Both because Riley knows what it feels like to wield the cursed sword, and because he's seen what it does to those who it's wielded against.

In addition to this, one of the grand goals of Riley and Muramasa is to seek out Masamune, the 'other half' of the legend so to speak. I don't know what will happen if they do find Masamune's blade, either on its own or in the hands of someone else, but I think it could make for interesting plot down the line.
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Ember Darkfire


Just 21




Part Demon


And it's your business because…?





*Huffs* Too Short!



Wow, how polite of you.



Hair Color:


Eye Colour:




A lightning bolt on my flipping forehead.

Aka. None in particular


A Mark resembling a forked tail on her left shoulder

Distinguished Features:

*Smirks* My-

Her Silvery Blue Hair

Sometimes Her Horns and Wings

Her Sass



Personification of the Gates of Hell myth.


Ember was born into a wealthier part of the world. Her parents were quite well off, and shielded her from most of the terrible things the world had come to. They were very selfish people, and beleived the ones that weren't fortunate enough to have money and things in this harsh world didn't t deserve it anyway. They were very happy with the life they lived, and thought that the problems were beneath them.

One thing she always liked to do was gymnastics and climbing. She always used to climb walls and whatever she could find, even once dangling off a chandelier. She grew to be quite flexible and agile.


Of course as soon as she was old enough to realise her parents lies for what they were, she confronted them about it. Upon learning the truth, she left. She didn't want to live with people like that who were purely selfish. She decided to go out into the world on her own, "ditching" her parents.

She explored as much as she could with the little money that she could. She has met many street gangs and such, even staying with some for a bit. As a result, she can handle a knife, and make a quick getaway from a tricky situation. She knows about the state of the world and cannot believe her parents ignorance.


Shortly after her 21st birthday, she began to feel a sort of tug in one direction. She followed it out of curiosity. Eventually she stumbled across one of the ancient "Gates of Hell". Not really knowing what it was she shrugged and went inside. That is when she received her powers in full.

For a while she stayed in the area, figuring out what she could do and how to use it. She now kind of travels around, meeting more people and trying to find other such Gates and others like her. She helps people when she can, because it feels like she is repaying her parents ignorance.



Stuff That Isn't Annoying

  • Pink
  • Black
  • Fire
  • Bats
  • Sweet Things

Pfffft, Demons from hell don't eat ‘Sweet Things’ *Munches Cupcake*


  • “Puke” Green
  • “Annoying People”
  • Squirrels
  • Vegetables

Squirrels are just fluffy rats, UGH


  • Climbing
  • Gymnastics


  • Squirrels
  • Moths


  • The Dark

Fine. So sue me I hate the dark.



  • Flame Control:

Ember can create and control flame. She can create a small flame in her fingers to light a space, or throw fireballs or create hellfire, which can pretty much only be put out by her (hellfire is really difficult to make though)She is also fire resistant.

  • Heat Control:

Similar to flame control, except she can raise or lower the temperature of a room, or even how warm a person feels. This can be so they aren't cold, or to create discomfort at the high or low temperatures.

  • Death Bridge

This is perhaps the most interesting power she possesses, although maintaining the link slowly drains her until she passes out. She can create a bridge between the earth and the afterlife, allowing a departed soul to pass through for as long as she can hold the link. As soon as the bridge closes the soul returns to the afterlife.This can also be used the other way. A dying person (or anyone brave or suicidal enough) can pass through to the afterlife through the bridge, although they will remain stuck there if the bridge closes on them.

Other Abilities:

  • Shifting

She can shift between her human and Demon Form.

  • Flight
  • Improved Regeneration

She heals a bit quicker than the average person. A shallow cut could fade in minutes but a broken bone would take a few days to heal. it just depends on the severity of the injury.

  • Razor Wings

If severely angry or irritated her wings will burst out if not already, but will be razor sharp as opposed to their normal leathery feel. These can cut through anything weaker than metal. SHE CANNOT CONTROL THIS.


  • She is very flexible and good at acrobatics
  • She is fast and agile


  • Twin Blades.

She usually uses one to throw and one for closer combat, though she sometimes uses both in close combat.



  • Fresh Water

Fresh Water (Aka not Salt or Chlorine ect. Infused water) can put out all of her fire, except hellfire. If in contact with water, it is almost impossible for her to make any fire. 

  • Bird Feathers

She doesn't know why, but for some reason contact with bird feathers can leave her temporarily unable to fly.

  • The Dark

Having an ironic phobia of the dark, blindfolds are her worst nightmare if she is captured.



Look through, I'm sure you'll spot a couple.

Theme songs:




In her demon form she gets very easily angry and frustrated with people that are morally wrong, or people like her parents.


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[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: Jessica "Brown Fox" Jessica
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian. Able to transform herself into a man for short periods of time
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 134
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Scars: None
Birthmarks: None
Distinguished Features: Tattoo of a brown fox on her right arm (it looks like it is slinking from her elbow up to her shoulder)
Role: The Spirit of Sherwood Forest[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Bio: Jessica is deaf. This one trait has defined her since the day she was born, and she hates it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Jessica's father left when she was a toddler, leaving her mother to work two jobs. Jessica studied hard, trying to prove she was useful even though she couldn't hear. Her teachers paid less and less attention to her as she grew older, since her deafness would make finding a job nigh impossible. Even without help, Jessica managed to graduate with straight A's. However, she wasn't allowed to attend her graduation/job fair, as nobody would hire her anyway.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Jessica tried to find a job for almost a year, but nobody would hire a deaf woman. Unable to pay for anything, her mother ended up kicking her out. After a couple of days, a group of thugs known as the East Side Businessmen kidnapped her, hoping she was some rich man's child. After hearing Jessica's life story (or read, as she wrote it all down), they took in her in and trained her how to be a thief. Jessica had a knack for stealing things, and though she was deaf, she learned how to move without a sound.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Jessica started off small, relieving drunkards of their wallets or distracting police while her partners mugged someone nearby. Her old hobby of Street Magic came into play as she used misdirection and sleight of hand to remove valuables from impressed onlookers, and her natural skill with her hands transferred easily to lockpicking. After a jewel heist in a banker's winter home, Jessica came to be known as Brown Fox, the Deaf Magician.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Not long after her 21st birthday, Jessica started having thoughts that weren't her own. These thoughts turned out to be the Spirit of the Sherwood Forest talking to her. After the initial shock of hearing voices, even if they were originating in her head, Jessica worked with Sherwood to discover her newfound abilities and powers. However, Sherwood not only enhanced her skills, but her desire to steal from the rich and give to the poor. This new direction caused a rift that resulted in her getting shunned out her home.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Alone except for Sherwood, Jessica wandered, avoiding police while helping who she could. Most of the criminal element knew Brown Fox, and would shelter her if needed, but her reputation for abandoning a job for moral reason meant most would not give her proper work. However, her talents made simple jobs a snap, and she is sought after to train newcomers in the underworld.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Books[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Feeling useful[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Learning new skills[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Being Deaf[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Music[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Rich people (rich criminals included)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Using her disability to play innocent[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Harming people[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Reading[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Lockpicking[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Street Magic (card tricks, misdirection, etc.; not actual magic)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Being defined by her deafness[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]People getting close to her before they die[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Killing someone[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Heights[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Lightning[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Being forgotten[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Powers: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Merry Men's Bow–A bow appears in Jessica's hand with an arrow notched on the string. After firing the arrow, another will notch automatically. She can only use three arrows within twenty-four hours after firing the first, though she can pick up and reuse the arrows. Once she is done with the arrows, they disappear into a burst of leaves. The bow behaves in a similar manner, and there is no restriction on how often she can use it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Marksmanship–Jessica is able to will any projectile she uses (bullets, arrows, thrown objects, etc) to where she wants. The slower the object, the more control she has, but she is unable to add momentum to the object.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Other Abilities:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Agility–By focusing, Jessica's movements are enhanced, allowing her sprint while remaining completely silent. She can also climb with ease. However, this tires her out quickly and dulls her sight and touch while she focuses.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Talents: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Trilingual–Can read and write in English, Spanish, and Russian. However, she can only lip read English and sign in American Sign Language[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Skilled Hands–Jessica's hands are incredibly dexterous, allowing her to lockpick and pickpocket with ease and perform sleights of hand easily.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Weaponry: Owns a 9mm handgun with a seven round magazine and a four-inch fixed blade knife.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt]Hates the rich–Jessica will go out of her way to sabotage the rich, no matter the consequences.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Deaf–Jessica can't hear anything. She also cannot speak words, limited to writing, sign language, or charades to communicate.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Has to help the weak–Whether it's through charity or acting when others cannot, Jessica feels obligated to help those who cannot help themselves, no matter the cost.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Quotes:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]*Signs that she's deaf*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]*Writes down that she cannot hear you talking because she is deaf; points emphatically to it several times*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Others: [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]After getting kicked out of her home by her mother, Jessica dropped her last name. On any form she has to fill out, she'll put her name in both first name and last name spots.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]She got her tattoo on her 22nd birthday after she heard there was a version of Robin Hood where Robin was a fox, both as a tribute to her thieving name and the Spirit of Sherwood Forest.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Is a known associate of Ember Darkfire.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Theme songs: [/SIZE]
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Name: Geoffrey "Jeffrey" Moriah
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Fallen Angel
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 141 lbs
Hair Color: Golden Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Scars: None
Birthmarks: None
Distinguished Features: His eye color can shift to gold in times of great emotion(happy/sad/distress) and when unsealed.
Role: The Great Exorcist, personification of the Ring of Solomon
    Born between a human mom and a fallen angel dad, he lived a normal, mostly happy life with his family until he was ten. Both were blessed with jobs and somehow allowed them to live by the tough days in comfort. When his father left without notice, his mom slowly became stressed. This lead to anger which spelled onto Geoffrey. Though he never truly blamed her, his hidden bitterness at both his parents quickly drove a wedge between them. It was easily noticeable that the gap was growing as he left his house and sought refuge at his friend's house, the nearby library, or the small river near his home.

    On his eighteenth birthday, he moved out without warning to a city far away while taking a part-time job as a librarian and working the night shift at a convenience store. Going through a local university, he dropped out soon after since putting more time into college meant he couldn't pay for necessities and working meant he couldn't go to classes. Working hard at these two jobs and managed to scrap by until he was sent a mysterious package from his father at the age of nineteen. Inside held a simple, brass and iron ring alongside a dated looking book written in Latin. Unable to understand the odd book and wanting nothing to do with the ring, the objects were hidden away in his small apartment in a small, unlabeled box until he became twenty-one where he felt a strange attraction to the hidden and nearly forgotten box. Digging it out in curiosity and slight fear, when he picked the objects up again he heard the words,"Tui gratia Iovis gratia sit cures." in his mind. Instinctively taking off the ring given to him by his father when he was still a child while chanting, another life was revealed to him.

    On that day, he woke his Fallen Angel side which was inherited from his father's blood. He learned quickly that donning the ring would disable this odd transformation and leave him with injuries depending on the time he was in said state. Not only that, but he could perfectly understand Latin and was able to comprehend the book in front of him without his angelic powers. It dawned on him that it was the ring which taught him of his own lineage, and that he was not only the successor to King Solomon but also the personification of the ring given to him by the unknown. And so, out of curiosity, he attempted to summon demon. Because the Curse has the ability to let him control demons, it held no knowledge on the requirements. So, with the aid of the dated Ars Goetia, he called upon the safest demon he could gleam from the book. One that went by Prince Orobas who leads twenty legions. Asking of his father's fate, the demon gave him a simple answer. His father who became a Fallen after returning his mother's affection died as his angelic powers waned away each passing day. He died to a simple cold, his newly mortal body unable to fight back against the viral infection. The prince then gave him a signet ring that represented himself and promised to come when his aid was needed. This, he learned, was a contract. Because this contract was not forced upon the demon by the ring, the chance that said demon would turn on him was low.

    Once the summoning ended, Geoffrey found severe burns covering his left hand and wrist. The ring told him of the price each summoning required, and that since his soul was not truly human, it instead took his life force which manifested in the aforementioned burns. Forced to go to the hospital, he refrained from summoning any other demon as their requirements were much more significant than Orobas. For the next three years, he lived in relative peace, scraping by with his hard earned money.
Likes: Reading, snow, rain, honor, airplanes, napping
Dislikes: Betrayal, night time, graveyards, fires, being underground(basement, tunnels)
Hobbies: Painting, piano, guitar
Fears: Blood, change
Phobias: Lightning, uncontrolled fires
    Demon Summoning/Control/Contract: Allows him to summon/control/contract with demons. Each demon requires a favor or a price in exchange for their power, and the stronger the demon, the longer and more costly it is to summon. Without the proper circles, the demon may also attack him as the summoner. Certain demons, if they like their summoner enough, will give them their seal and allowing them to quickly summon them without payment with the aid of his ring. In exchange for being unable to taking his soul, his body takes on physical damage akin to what his tainted holy form would do. Can currently only summon them for short periods of time and only inside their respective circles. He can also control them with the power of his ring and bend them to his will. He promised to himself that this power would be a last resort though.

Prince Orobas

Appears as a brown horse to the summoner but can take shape of a human if asked. Commands 20 legions. When summoned, he will answer any questions of the past, present, and future, protect the Summoner from temptations of other demons, and can gain favour from both friend and foes. Has little combat ability aside from giving the summoner a boost in protecting themselves from mental attacks.

    Holy Fire: One of three of his only angelic power he has access to. He is only capable of spewing it a moderate distance from his palms(20ft), and the flames are unable to injure those of pure heart and can only burn those of sinners.

    Holy Blast: The other of his angelic ability. It forms holy energy into a concussive shockwave that is capable of ripping desks off the ground and violently backwards. Since it becomes a neutral energy, it works just as effectively on angels as it does on humans and demons.
Other Abilities:
    Unseal: Allows him to utilize his fallen angel form given to him by his disappeared father. He can use this power for only about thirty minutes a day, even less if he actively calls forth angelic powers, before burns start appearing across his hands and feet which continue to make way towards the center of his body. To unseal, it requires both an incantation alongside taking off the simple silver ring on his fingers.
        Wings: He gains one white wing and one black wing, both of which are an arms-width large and can be removed from physical existence. Unable to fly, but he can hover with superior maneuverability and speed.
        Enhanced Strength
        Enhanced Durability
        Weak Regeneration: A broken arm can heal in a day if allowed and minor cuts in minutes. A gun wound would take several hours if it hits nothing severe though he must take the offending object out first. This applies to him as a human too though the healing rate in this form is halved.
        Mixed Blood - Fallen Angel: Because he is partially human, his fallen form takes less damage from normal measures due to not being a pure angel that fell, but his strength is comparably reduced compared to pure angels.
    Latin Fluency: Once awoken to his unsealed form, he is automatically able to both read, write, and speak fluently in Latin.
        Invocations: He is able to use simple invocations as a human. This includes healing spells and protective spells.
    Has an impressive ability to memorize things and recall them. This allows him to easily recall the Incantations he gleamed off of the grimoire.

    Has a naturally high pain tolerance and threshold.
    Ring of Solomon: The fabled ring which gave King Solomon the ability to control both demons and spirits.
    Ars Goetia: A grimoire with instructions on how to summon the 72 demons.

    Light Partisan: A partisan formed of solidified holy light. He can summon it, but he has no skill with the polearm. If forced to use it, he'd probably swing it around like a giant stick. He can create other objects but finds the partisan the easiest to create and keep in its form.
    Holy Water: Will lightly burn him in angel form and disable his weak regeneration during contact in both forms.
    Consecrated Grounds: Weakens him slightly and makes him extremely uncomfortable.
    Evocations: Will cause him more pain as the evocation continues. Will unconsciously anger him and also weaken him but is incapable of killing him. Works on both forms but has negligible effect on his human form.

    Holy/Demonic Energy: As a partial Fallen Angel, he derives weakness from both clashing powers. Since he's human, the influence of both is reduced. Only in angelic form.
Theme songs:


    His personality changes slightly when in angel form. He normally is open minded, but when transformed, he starts feeling annoyed at criminals.
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H A N A K O  ✿  B R I S T O W



Name: Hanako Bristow

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Human; once she is awaken, she will become a gateway for the dead. (This pretty much means that if you are dead, you go to her.)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5’ 4”

Weight: 97 lbs

























Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Brown
Scars: She has a litter of small scars on her right leg that she got when she was a child and ran into a thorny bush..

Birthmarks: None.


Distinguished Features:

  • Her light brown curly hair.

  • Melancholic attitude

  • Sarcastic quips

  • Tattoos on her top thighs

Role: The personification of Yomi




























Hanako was born in Detroit, Michigan to same sex mothers, Micah Bristow (birthed her) and Alicia Robson. She grew up in a low to mid class neighborhood and attended public schools. Hanako was a precocious child who lived under a loving intellectual home and always craved for more knowledge she was not getting from her teachers. By the time she got to third grade, she was homeschooled due to doctor’s believing she had holes in her heart, which later proved to be false. She lived in a household where creativity was heavily encouraged since her parents were both popular novelist for a horror genre. Hanako had no siblings or pets, but she had lots of love in her life.

She developed a huge variety of interests ranging from art, culture, music, science, and of course writing. She grew up in a Christian household, but religion always confused her. Why praise a God who preaches love, but then judges who you love? On top of that, Hanako was a person of factual evidence, she needed logic to be able to understand. Religion was based off of a faith system, personal beliefs, opinions; so, for Hanako, God was not real unless there was some type of shred of evidence. Everything could be explained from science, not faith.

Hanako had a hard time making friends due to her lack of understanding social ques and spewing facts that no one really cared about. She was awkward to say at the very least, but she never allowed that to stop her from reaching her goals. Hanako just deduced that everyone was stupid, they only saw themselves one way and strived for jobs that were mediocre. Hanako spent majority of her free time reading about various types of cultures, art, and animals. The animal books were always her favorite.

Hanako excelled in her studies to the point when she reached the sixth grade, she was able to skip all of middle school and high school to go straight to college. Her parents thought she was way too young to go, so they put her in summer programs, field trips, and even brought her along to their book signings until she was 16 years old. During her period of waiting, she found herself being interested in creating art. She quickly got her Master’s Degree in Fine Art.

After college, she took up jobs where she created her own art, even creating Art Galas for others to enjoy. It was during this time she met her husband, Thomas Friedle. They dated for two years before he popped the question and they married with 6 months, only having a simple wedding with a few friends and family. The marriage was great for about a five months before Thomas began to stray out of the marriage. Hanako did not know until she walked in on him with some woman in their beds on their anniversary. The divorce was quickly followed as she cut all ties with him.

By the time she was 21, Hanako was depressed and spent majority of her time at home doing nothing. It was during this time she started noticing things going awry. For instance, anytime she thought of a place, she tended to just blink there in a whip of black smoke. Or how about the fact that her imagination was making things that should not be possible to appear come to life.

The constant flurry of memories that did not belong to her but someone else. It happened a random times of the day or sometime snot at all. She was even seeing people who were not supposed to be there.

Gaining these new abilities, helped Hanako find a new purpose in her life. She decided to dedicate her time to helping the lost spirits who kept managing to find her, and bring them to their destination.







✓ Reading

✓ Music 

✓ Writing

✓ Food

✓ Animals










✘ Homophobia

✘ Isolation

✘ Prejudice

✘ Profanity

✘ Killing

⚔ Bullies/Villians. Anyone who think that hurt the innocent and get away with it. 

⚔ People who don't take things seriously.

⚔ Being under-estimated.





















She has a major fear of losing control of herself.



Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself.




[SIZE=10.666666666666666px]Powers: [/SIZE]

✈✈ Teleportation ✈ ✈

The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between. 


The user can teleport, or transfer matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by replacing and restocking energy in a spatial behavior.

While teleportation may seem like it is simply for travel, it can be a valuable ability as it can be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack) while offering superiority regarding movement speed and distance coverage. A skilled strategist/tactician can use it for many innovative manners.


  • Momentum may be conserved when teleporting meaning a being cannot simply avoid the damage in the midst of falling by just teleporting to the ground. 
  • Teleporting may take time, ie. user may need to concentrate certain time before the transportation happens.
  • If the user's power is calculation-based, low intellect and stress may hinder ability.
  • If the time-space coordinate the user is teleporting to is already occupied, user may get thrown to another location, or suffer some other sort of teleportation malfunction.
  • May not be able to teleport other teleporters due to a spatial contradiction.
  • Objects teleported may lose their speed.
  • May be required to know the area they are teleporting to to teleport properly.
  • May only be able to teleport a particular amount of times per time span, and overuse of the power may lead to self-damage and even death.
  • May only be able to teleport within a particular distance from where they are to begin with.
  • May only be able to teleport objects within a certain mass or density.
  • Users of Teleportation Negation can prevent user from teleporting.
  • Users of Teleportation Diversion can redirect user's landing position.
  • Users of Teleportation Prediction can predict where user is teleporting.
  • Users' teleportation may be limited when the Spatial Cognizance is being interfered with, such as rain, chaff or anything that emits spatial noise.
  • Teleportation may cause a spatial disturbance, allowing highly sensitive opponents to track down destination.

    information is from this website: 

    ☁ ☁ Mentifery ☁ ☁

The power to turn one's thoughts and imagination into reality. 


User can bend reality via their thoughts and imagination, they can change any and all aspects of reality, allowing them to achieve nearly anything simply by willing it.

Mentifery is both Reality Warping's strongest form and purest expression, allowing the user to directly achieve any desired change on thought alone, both rational and irrational alike, unhindered by the need for templates, materials, or proxies.


  • May be less effective if the user is not at their peak mental state; i.e. fatigue, and sickness.
  • The user cannot form or create what they are incapable of imagining.
  • Without restraint, a single wild thought could have devastating consequences.

    Self-control tricks are thus necessary, unless the user is well prepared, or born with it.


▲ ▲ Pain Inducement ▲ ▲

The ability to inflict agonizing pain by varying means. 


User is able to cause varying levels of pain, including physical, mental and/or emotional, to their targets using supernatural means.


  • May not work on users who posses Invulnerability or Pain Suppression.
  • May need to touch the victim.
  • May be limited to causing either physical, mental or emotional pain.

























[SIZE=10.666666666666666px]Other Abilities: [/SIZE]

  • ➳➳ Retrocognition➳➳

The power to discern events of the past. 


The user can discern the past and past events using various means, usually entering a trance while seeing and hearing a noted past event, whether it be concerning themselves or of an unfamiliar lineage in a past occurrence. Occasionally spontaneous.

  • Limitations

  • May be unable to notice present surroundings.
  • May need specific concentration.
  • May unwilling perceive collective knowledgeable attachments.
  • May gain instability from attained knowledge.
  • May become infected with information.
  • May be unable to tap into history of other universes.
  • May be unable to perceive contents from parallel universe.
  • May require physical contact.
  • May have to enter a state of trance.


☠ ☠ Mediumship ☠ ☠

Power to perceive and communicate with spirits and those who are in the afterlife.


User can view ghosts/spirits of deceased and communicate and/or interact with them, even if they have possessed inanimate objects/subjects/people. They are able to repel and run spirits away from an area, compel to employ an armada of ghosts, and may even view a visual conception of a spirit world in a trance if desired.


  • Ghosts can visit the user against their will; and will always come to them at least expected moments since this power attracts spirits.
  • Some spirits may not be benevolent, others may try and trick the user to do bad.
  • Spirits may be able to occasionally possess the user.
  • Making deals with a spirit can be dangerous.
  • http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Mediumship
























[SIZE=10.666666666666666px]Talents: [/SIZE]

Hanako has the talent of her extremely wide knowledge of practically everything. When she is not getting visions from the past, she is reading about it. She also has a pretty good skill of drawing and writing.


























While she relies more on her powers, she is able to handle physical combat without them. Although, it is a bit more tricky for her. Hanako's favorite weapon to use is a jawbone weapon from a donkey.


























Due to Hanako's powers being mental based and also being a logical person, if you were to affect her emotionally, then the opponent/foe would have a great advantage. She has a major fear of losing control of herself. Hanako is not fond of taking people's lives, but when she has to, it's always with a heavy heart. Guilt is another weakness of Hanako.
























[SIZE=10.666666666666666px]Quotes: [/SIZE]

❝At a certain point, you start to wonder, if it was all worth it. ❞
❝You can not accept life if you fear death. ❞























[SIZE=10.666666666666666px]Theme songs: [/SIZE]

















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Elam Rickson






Human; Once he sets foot

into a forest he becomes a Kodama.





Hair Color:

Eye Color:



A large burn mark on his right shoulder.


A sapling-shaped mark imprinted across his back, at the bottom

their are freckles that look like seeds.
Distinguished Features:

-The occasional smell of dead bodies erupt from him, this is very

faint and also smells like skunk spray
-His matching eyes and hair.




Growing up in Middle-Class Elam found many of his friends being taken out by "Gang Members"(JRF) as he knew them, the middle-class generally not being as crafty as the poor or famous as the rich, leaving them

vulnerable to these attacks. He began becoming more withdrawn and getting a sort of PTSD, often seeing these events of kidnapping and murder flash

in his head. After this happened to a small group of others, worrying parents tried to force them to get together only giving them more and more memories of these events.


Finally he entered high school, noticing the 'girl from another class' seemingly looking different, attempting to meet her she brushed him

off, simply assuming he was being flirtatious like many of the others. Afterwards he sent out a note to the girl, in which

she responded to by coming.

Elam took a few trips around the world also visiting a few of the mysteries, the ones that weren't taken over by the

rich and seeing if things were as bad... they were. On his final trip, he decided to end his life in Japan, although in the process

 an angry voice spoke to him screaming at how terrible it was to end his life, he came to knew this voice as the

Mystic-Curse of Aokigahara. After attempting in a few different ways he gave up, figuring he wouldn't be able to do this within a

reasonable amount of time. Finally, with his remaining money he took a trip back to America with a bunch of worries on his mind on having

to 'share' a body with a curse.

Through his journeys a few notable things happened

  • He got his left ear pierced
  • On his 20th birthday he was almost captured in what would be Russia
  • Elam learned about the consequences of a Mystics area falling apart, this gave him major Dysmorphobia.
  • He tripped during a visit to Aokigahara, in which he scrapped his shoulder on lava rock also giving him a burn mark. 





Playing with a Yo-yo


The beginning of spring

The name 'suicide forest'

The Pessimism side of Aokigahara

Judgmental/Suicidal People

His parents





-He is generally afraid of weapons, just the thought of him having one

-Elam is actually scared of him and her, as he wasn't around when they created

the world so he has no idea what to think of them.

-Humans becoming any more corrupted.

Dysmorphobia-Fear of Deformity

Pyrophobia-Fear of fire


Burning Rocks

If in an area with a mountain or exposed stone, any area

around may turn into hardened lava rocks.


Other Abilities:

The Forest's Reaper

Those who are suicidal are lured to him in an entranced state, he often ends

these peoples live telling them to respect the lives he gave them. 

Kodama's bond

As he is connected with the forest he gains energy so long

as the forest and it's trees are healthy. 



Worst case scenario he could swing or throw his wooden yo-yo at somebody, he

mostly relies on his powers and hoping he wont get in a situation.

-Elam isn't used to the second voice in his head, it often

makes him shriek when he pops out of no where.

-If someone cuts down a tree he's "possessing" as a Kodama he will

die, although if he can quickly switch to another one he is safe.


"There's so much beauty in the natural greenery, and so

much ugly in the man made one."-(Referring to Money)

"[COLOR=00ff00]Your life was given by [/COLOR]him and the mystics, if you wanna join us

so badly, die at the hands of a curse"-While killing a suicidal person.

Theme songs:

Kodama' have the same jobs Dryads do in Greek mythology, by making sure humans

don't deforest, but are more ghostly/demonic and in Japanese style

(ya know, exaggerated long limbs, cute little eyes.)and instead of haunting a human

they will curse them.


This was the note sent out


Dear Ms. Solberg

We would like to invite you to a modeling shoot at 5395, the payment and such shall be addressed once you arrive.


                                                                      From: The Star Shooters



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The Fountain of Youth

Name: Umi Kagawa
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Half Human Half Undine 

Sexuality: Asexual, Biromantic
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red
Scars: N/A
Birthmarks: None

Distinguished Features: Her white hair and lively red eyes. Her either utterly disinterested or completely overjoyed expressions and her very traditional clothing.

Role: The Fountain of Youth

Bio: Umi Kagawa was born into the lap of luxury and riches. Her parents were the owners of a rather large and successful technology business based out of Japan. Despite this high quality lifestyle, Umi was born with immunodeficiency and was hospitalized for a great deal of time from age five forward. She would go to school one day only to go into the hospital the next suffering from a severe case of the cold, flu or some form of infection, whether viral or bacterial.

Most of her early childhood was eventually changed over to her in the hospital. She was taught there, people helped take care of her and she was even given the chance to pick up hobbies like music and such while she was there. Even with something ominous like fatal illnesses surrounding her, Umi kept smiling and just looked toward a brighter tomorrow.

When she was eighteen, Umi’s parents came forward with a proposal. A team of top scientists had been working on a way to greatly boost someone’s immune system and so far their tests had shown that it would succeed. It would take a great deal of surgeries, treatments and examinations, but Umi would get the opportunity to live her life outside of a hospital and the ever prevalent eyes of nurses and doctors. Despite the obvious dangers of the theory, Umi accepted it with the hope that her life would become all that she wanted.

For the next three and a half years, the doctor’s and surgeons performed examinations, radiation treatments and surgeries. They took away a great deal of her life and put her through a great deal of pain. All the while she continued to smile and bare it for her hope of tomorrow.  When it was all said and done, Umi had successfully gained a normal immune system, but the price was dear. Due to the stress the medical procedures put on her, she’d already acquired several fatal diseases. Most of her doctors predicted she would live only long enough to see her twenty second birthday.

Faced with the harsh reality before her, Umi shut down. She no longer was the bright happy girl that could see tomorrow as her escape from the hospital and a chance at a normal life. She could only see a few months out where she would likely die a horrible painful death. So what had she endured the past three and a half years for? Nothing. It broke her down to the point where she hardly ate or drank and just stared aimlessly out the window.

One month before Umi’s twenty second birthday, during her usual cleaning she felt a sudden rush of energy washing over her. She no longer felt the pain of her illnesses or the surgeries and with each new wave of water that poured over her, she watched her scars fade away until they were gone. Then she heard the voice. It was the voice of a Mystic, someone she believed to only be a fairytale. It was the voice of the Fountain of Youth. The Fountain explained that she had been chosen to be its vassal and that she would no longer have to suffer any disease, poison, or venom again. Overjoyed at her miraculous recovery, Umi finally smiled for the first time in months.

The doctors, however, were baffled. Her body had somehow managed to remove all the cancer cells in her body, remove the scars from the invasive surgeries and on top of that purge any traces of her medications out of her system. It was as if she’d been purified by the universe. They wanted to examine her further, but Umi’s parents forbade it and let the girl go and live out her dream of exploring the world and experiencing life. They weren’t going to risk her sudden recovery being a fluke.

Likes: Swimming, The Beach, Birds, Children, Rainy Days, and Thunderstorms
Dislikes: Crowds, Hospitals, Guns, The Woods, Fire and Deserts
Hobbies: Drawing, Painting, Singing, and Reading
Fears: One of Umi's greatest fears is that this is all a dream and she's going to wake up back in the hospital dying slowly and painfully.
Phobias: Thanatophobia(Fear of Dying), Nosocomephobia(Fear of Hospitals), Iatrophobia(Fear of Doctors), and Tomophobia(Fear of Surgical Operations)


The Gift of Life: Using any source of water, Umi can then turn it into a temporary water from the fountain and give life to whomever drinks it. This water can also be bodily fluids like tears or sweat, but only form Umi herself. The person that drinks the water will be healed of all wounds, so long as they are still alive when they drink it.

The Gift of Youth: Reinvigorating someone with water is another gift that Umi can bestow on someone. If someone has burnt out on drugs, lack of sleep, overexertion or any other stressful situation, she can give the person water that will was away their weariness and make them feel like a younger version of themselves with all the energy to boot.

Other Abilities:

The Purest Water: The Fountain of Youth is pure and as such, so must its vassal. Umi cannot get sick, suffer from poisons, venoms or toxins and scars vanish under a quick rinse.

Timeless as the Fountain: Umi will not actually age so long as she lives, but is still vulnerable to external causes of death, such as falling, bullets, knives, explosives or blood loss.

Talents: Umi can sing in harmony with nearly anyone. She's a practiced and trained vocalist of the highest caliber. She also can paint a scene that she's only seen for a minute or two if left alone for about an hour or two to recreate it.

Weaponry: Umi isn't much of a fighter. When threatened she merely disturbs her enemies with her indifference towards their threats. Despite her phobia of death, any time she thinks she may die, she enters back into the state at the hospital where she had accepted it. It's her defense mechanism.

Weaknesses: Umi's "indifferent mode" leaves her easily to be kidnapped, stabbed, shot or put into harms way. She enters a similar state when she sees a hospital or doctor, but losing sight of them allows her to return to her normal self. She is also overly curious about the world as she hasn't gotten to see much more than a hospital room over the course of her twenty-two years of life.

Quotes: "Life is about living it as long and as lively as you can."
Theme songs: "Feel Invincible" by Skillet
Others: Umi dreams of meeting her true love much like how her parents talk about their past.
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Shinji Takahashi


Corrupted Angel Form

Demonic Form

Eden Form






Japanese; Corrupted Angel






198 lb

Hair Color

Human Form - White

Corrupted Angel - Black

Demonic - Black

Eden - Blonde

Eye Color

Human Form - Silver

Corrupted Angel - Greenish Yellow

Demonic - Red

Eden - Emerald

He has two large scars. One upon his back and one upon his chest; each being in the shape of two large 'x' shapes.



Distinguished Features

No matter how much his eyes would change, his right eye will always look different compared to the left. Shinji also always has a dark blue rose that he always keeps around with him at all times.


Personification Of Garden Of Eden


Being born and raised into a small town in Japan; the only person that Shinji ever had as family was his mother due to his father leaving right before he had been born, without a word. At birth, he was born with his this,right eye being much different from his left as doctors had taken note of this and taken Shinji away from his own mother at birth just to see if he was alright and healthy by doing small possible tests that he was breathing and such. At ease that he was perfectly healthy even if he wasn’t crying after he had been born, Shinji was returned to his mother’s arms where he had laid there silently the entire time before being brought home, one thing that was soon found out a year or so later on when Shinji was able to move a bit more, it had been found that Shinji had actually been born blind. Shockingly though, even with him being blind; something had seemed to allow the young boy to be able to move around and act as though he were able to see perfectly fine. Although the home was small and his mother hadn’t made much money, she had made just enough to support herself and him together for their life to continue on. However, soon enough as he grew older with each day; due to the amount of work that she had pushed herself through during the time when he was such a small baby, Shinji’s mother had eventually become terribly ill to the point that she had been unable to work and had been bedridden for quite some time. Due to them not having the money to bring her to a hospital, during the time when his mother was in bed and unable to work to bring in money for food and such; Shinji had ended up resorting to stealing food and such for him and his mother.

Of course, there had been times when he would be caught stealing and would have to run away; even if he had been caught and beat a few times, there had still been times where he was able to steal food and move at unimaginable speeds that he had never believed that he had the potential to do so and just believed that it was just normal for him. Although, no matter how much he had tried to help his mother; as the years went on and her condition only worsened, it was only a matter of time that she would’ve passed on to the next life. After this had happened and Shinji was left alone in the house with his mother’s dead corpse laying on the bed the entire time, the young boy had gone into a full depression where he had refused to eat, drink or even sleep. Rather, he would just lay there on the bed next to his mother, sobbing every day and night while he held onto her until one day; the scent of her body had reached outside and reports were sent to officers to check what made the scent only to find a very skinny young male holding onto his remains of his mother before him on the mattress.

Taking some time to be able to help Shinji away from his mother to give her a proper burial and feed the young boy; officers had been shocked along with even when he had reached onto the news that how Shinji was able to stay alive for so long without food or water. Once again, Shinji had believed this to be normal when he hadn’t truly realize that this was actually the power of Eden keeping his body and soul alive.

As time went on and Shinji had gone from one foster family after another simply because they had thought of him to be a freak and strange due to his eyes and how from time to time, he would create things that made people fear him; such as causing  flowers to grow beneath his feet sometimes when he walked on the grass or even short circuiting electricity around him whenever he would walk by from time to time.

Eventually, by the age of 18 and the young boy had been old enough to care for himself and live on his own; he had decided that he would refuse to go into the care of anymore foster families and just move to live on his own. Although it had taken some time, he eventually found himself a job at a small cafe below a decent sized apartment that was owned by an elderly kind man who strangely saw the pains and journey that Shinji had gone through in his life just by somehow looking at the eyes of the young boy. Taking Shinji in as an employee at the cafe and even allowing him to rent out one of the apartments; each day that he had worked, he made sure to be paying his rent even if the elderly man told him there had been no need to and just for him to save up the money for his own needs.

Soon enough, on his 20th birthday, without so much as a warning while he had been working at the cafe and business had been slow. One of the roses that had been placed in a small vase on the front counter where he had been working behind the cash register had ended up slowly but surely changing it’s color of it’s petals until the rose itself had become a pure dark blue color in the end. For some reason, the rose had seemed to attract Shinji closely, almost to the point that he had wished to take it; and with that he had asked the elderly man to do so and was allowed to take it. Strangely, after taking the rose and even as the days upon months had passed, never once had the flower wilted; even when he had taken it out of the water and simply had it in his shirt or just holding onto it, never once did it wilt. Thinking nothing of it, as the next year came and his birthday came closer and closer; right a day before his birthday, without warning during work, Shinji had simply collapsed onto the ground as he held onto his head to start screaming for some sort of intense amounts of pain. Employees all around and even the elderly man questioned in concern if he was alright, taking him to the nearest bed to let him rest if possible; debating on even calling the ambulance. What no one knew was as Shinji screamed, memories of images and explanations were filled into his mental state; informing him of everything that happened, of how he was the vessel to a Myth/Legend known as The Garden Of Eden and the full history of everything that had happened until now.

Although it was all really confusing, spending several days resting on the bed while he had been speaking with Eden within him; after fully being explained the situation and about what he can do and such, Shinji had finally reawakened just to attempt to keep everything he had been told a secret and just continue to live his life as normally as he possibly can.



- Gardening

- Cooking

- Drawing

- Reading

- Flowers

- Exotic plants

- Meeting new people

- Helping out others

- Sweets

- Baking

- Practicing swordsmanship

- Honing his other senses further


- Blood

- Fighting

- Those who don't respect nature

- Littering

- Smoking

- Large fires

- Burnt food

- Being made fun of

- Feeling/Being useless


Reading, tinkering with machines, gardening, playing music.


- Fire

- Abnormally large bugs

- Being stuck underwater in the dark


Mazeophobia - A fear of being lost.

>>Nature's Wrath (Mystic Earth Manipulation)<<

Unlike many others who would be able to control Earth; Shinji's form of Earth manipulation is considered mystic due to the fact that whenever he uses this ability. He has the ability to not only use his earth manipulation in the regular form of earth itself however also in it's darkest form; known to be it's more corrupted form due to the rumors that had spread about how it was possible that Eden had become ruins. This also includes his manipulation to be able to control nearly any plant in Eden.


>> Spark Of Grace (Mystic Electricity Manipulation) <<

Just as how his mystic earth manipulation works; Shinji's ability to control electricity also comes in many different forms. This also includes it's dark and yet corrupted form of it's black electricity all due to the same reason about how the rumor of Eden being ruins is.


>> Ruins Of Eden (Darkness Manipulation) <<

This ability is the true reason and source of power behind why Shinji has his dark form as well as his dark/corrupted versions of his powers. The rumors and such that have spread along with the myths about how the Garden of Eden was nothing more than ruins now has created this darkness. Obviously enough, Shinji prefers not to use this ability, nor does he favor it in any way whatsoever. This power in general is also one of the more difficult things for him to control at times.


>> Telepathy <<

Although this ability is still somewhat new to him in general, Shinji has almost no control of this ability other than the fact that he is able to speak to others from long distances but as well as animals and such. He is still unaware of much of the potential that the power has such as how to create psychic shields and many others things.


>> The Chill Of Nothingness (Ice Control) <<

With the so-called rumors of the ruins of Eden to never truly be founded by anyone so far and the thought of time passing by as the years progressed forward through each of the seasons multiple times. Even the ruins themselves had soon enough become consumed slowly by nature; at least that is what is needed to be rumored as, this soon causing the thought that many pieces of Eden that even if were found, would be frozen over during the harsh winters. This bringing forth the cold power of pure ice itself to life.

Other Abilities

>> Fallen Physiology <<

Unaware of his full capabilities of this power; with his fallen physiology, this allows him to grow a pair of black wings however also increase his power of his control over Eden along with his other powers to a much higher capability than he would expect it to be able to reach. However, whenever he goes into this form; he is unable to even fully think straight of who is friend and who is foe.


>>Heightened Senses/Attributes<<

Although Shinji is blind, after practically almost his full life has gone by each and every single day of having to resort to figuring out who and what were in his surroundings, he has learned to be able to heighten his senses and nearly hone them to close enough of perfection. Soon enough as the days had gone by and the day of his awakening of his powers had slowly but surely began to reveal themselves, his own attributes of how strong, fast, as well as his reflexes and other attributes had began to increase dramatically.


He has quite the natural talent to know how to nearly cook any type of food as long as he is given something to actually work with. Aside from that, with all the time on his hands; he has also become quite talented at playing many different types of musical instruments.


- A large scythe that materializes only when Shinji actually requires its presence.


- Twin pistols one which to represents the Tree Of Knowledge while the other is to represent the Tree Of Life. These are also to be called upon only when needed.


- Other than these, his only other weapon is a katana that was said to had belonged to his father by his mother telling him this. (As seen in picture)


Due to how close to nature Shinji is; he has a large weakness against the element of fire in general unless it is created by himself.

Although Shinji has learned to be able to increase the efficiency of his senses to make up for his lack of sight; the very fact still will always remain that he is fully blind to everything around him within his human form. Especially due to him disliking the use of his other forms, whenever an enemy or object comes flying towards him, if he is currently not paying close enough attention to his surroundings; he will end up becoming hurt by whatever or whoever had attacked him.

Following the issue that his race is considered that of a Corrupted Angel; many have considered him to be closely related to that of a Fallen Angel, some of that which is true also causing him to have invisible chains upon both of his wrists and wings whenever they are released. These very chains are normally silent to the ears of mortals while sometimes easily heard by mythical beings of any kind. These very chains can at times be used as a weapon of his own to swipe at his enemies as long as he can focus enough of his energy into materializing them fully; other than that, other times they are a weakness that drag him down due to their heavy weight.

“Your past is just a story, and when you realize this. It will have no power over you.”


“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.”


“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”

Theme songs



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74d288d2db07a7ec8ac0faa25f3b4593.jpgd34b459d9bac82150d4d92366f447c00.jpgName: Gaia CreteAge: 23Gender: FemaleRace: DemigoddessSexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'7"Weight: 132lbHair Color: Light BrownEye Color: GreenScars: None

Birthmarks: A splotchy birthmark on her back which vaguely resembles the Earth.Distinguished Features: None at the momentRole: The Personification of Mount Olympus


Gaia was born to loving parents, and grew up in a happy middle class home. Her father is a mythological expert at the nearby university, and he studies the Greek myths and legends, often getting to travel to Greece, and often Athens, in his search for historical artifacts and myths from the past. Her mother also works at the university, however she is an archeologist, digging up sites where old houses and towns from many years ago used to be, and finding out more about the past, and she too often goes to Greece on digs. As such, Gaia has also grown fond of ancient history, and researches the myths and legends her father does, imagining what it might be like if those stories were real. She particularly likes the stories of the Greek gods and goddesses, and often reads about them, making comments about the many strange yet exciting things they got up to. As an adult, she started at the university her parents work at, studying ancient history, and hoping to become a history expert similar to her father, learning about Greece and its history, along with its Roman counterparts.


- Ancient History

- Reading Myths and Legends

- Discussing and Philosophising 


- Being Bored

- Modern History

- Myth Debunking


- Reading about history and myths

- Visiting archaeological dig sites

- Talking to her parents about their work


- Failing her course

- Having to do more 'modern, real world' stuff (she prefers to think about the wonders of history, without guns and science)


- Death and Destruction

- War


- Death: destroying things, basic destruction, etc.

- Limited control of the skies, the oceans, and the earth (Zeus, Poseidon and Hades) AKA air, water and earth

Other Abilities: 

- Temporary immortality/extended endurance: enduring hits that would kill a normal person

- Life: healing, creating things, etc.


- Philosophic Discussion

- Knowledge of Ancient History


As of yet, just her powers.


- Brute Strength: She isn't very strong

- Hates guns and modern weapons

- Gets attached to people and things


"Imagine if this had actually happened... how might one deal with it?"

"Dig a little deeper, you might find what you're looking for."

"Don't think about death. Death is awful. Think about life, and what it really means to be alive."
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The Library of Alexandria


Human Form



Name: Ludwig Katz

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Anubis

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 6' 0''

Weight: 152 lbs

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Brown

Birthmarks: A feather (or leaf depending on who you ask) on his left shoulder blade

Distinguished Features:

Can see fine but is unable to read without his glasses.

Prefers to wear coats or similar pieces of clothing.

Is never seen without a book that he reads whenever he has some downtime.

Role: the Library of Alexandria


Ludwig, Born in Bern, Switzerland, has been in love with books aver since he was a child. Fantastic worlds to retreat into, ancient wisdom of People that have died eons ago or wild predictions of what has yet to come,

it seemed like there was nothing a bundle of paper couldn't accomplish.

He soon enough decided to become a librarian and sure enough for a job in his hometowns library when he left school with 20.

It was during work that his powers first showed themselves when he wondered where that one book went and suddenly knew its exact location halfway across town.

He has since then been traveling the planet on a mission to reclaim those books the library couldn't get its hands on through other means.

The Library has always been more of an a odd one among the myths.

While the others where building themselves beautiful gardens, holy temples and mighty fortresses was he content with inhabiting a dusty tomb.

For he was fascinated with the ingenious way humans sent their words across the world, the written word, and dedicated himself to collecting at least a copy of every written piece in the world.

And it was during the glorious days of Alexandria that the library truly seemed like a well of infinite wisdom with scholars from across the world bringing in scrolls and books

to in return be granted access and a chance to make a copy of one of the many books already collected.

This ended when an unknown group armed with torches stormed the hall and set fire to the collection.

The scholars and guards retired their best quell the flames but all was in vain and they all eventually could only stand and watch their lifework go up in smoke.

They would later report that they at that point heard a gentle voice com from the burning building.

"Weep not my children for you have all witnessed the glory that is a library. So now go forth and spread this glory around the world.

And wherever you go you shall build a library in my image and it will be a temple to me and you shall fill it with wisdom a thousand times greater than that what we had here. Promise me this and I can go in peace."

And with that the great hall was gone and the crowd soon dispersed to fulfill their masters will.

But of course it was only the public part that was gone. The enormous archives reaching deep underground survived and the library is still to this day strives to complete its collection and secretly fills its temples with many copies from its collection.

Likes: Books, coffee, chocolate, long and slow walks

Dislikes: Crowds, noise

Hobbies: Reading, editing Wikipedia articles

Fears: Fire, black birds


Archive access:

The vessel of the Library can accurately quote any book currently stored inside the Archives.

It's right over there!:

The vessel of the Library can pinpoint the exact location of the closest copy of any book as long as he knows its exact title. He is still trying to figure out what straight up it's supposed to mean, especially when he is out in the open.

The fire still burns:

Is the fire that once destroyed the library actually still burning somewhere deep inside its belly or is the name a metaphor for something? Only the library knows and he refuses to tell.

The vessel of the Library can summon strong flames from its hands.

But just like the fire that destroyed the archives do these flames obay nobodies will and resist any and all magical attempts to quell them. They act like normal fire otherwise though.

Anubian form:

Clad in obsidian armor and with jackal masks did the Anubians wander the old halls to protect them from intruders.

The library took inspiration from this and created the Anubis form for his chosen. Transforming gives the user almost two feet of height, black, stone hard skin and the head of an jackal.

Other Abilities:

I feel the loss:

The vessel of the Library can feel the destruction of any written document in a radius of half a mile. It is especially painful when the document was the last of its kind.


Fast reading:

This kind of comes with the job. Hand Ludwig a book and get an overview of the content or a specific information or of out in less than 20 minutes.


One of the benefits of being tall and in a trench coat. People just assume that there is a gun somewhere in there (there isn't) and Ludwig has learned to use this to his benefit when trying to fend off would be attackers.


The letter opener:


A very small, double edged knife with a large ornate handle. The blade is to small to cause severe injury but strong enough to cut skin and cause tons of pain. Ideal for a quick stab followed by running away really fast while the enemy is distracted by the pain.

The bit of magic in the handle causes it to become a spear when Ludwig transforms.


Getting wet disabled his fire powers and severs his connection to the archives.


"yes I can cite the entire twilight saga from memory, no I don't like the fact that I can."

"you might groan, but this does in in fact belong in a museum"
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Mount Fuji

View attachment 167151Name: Slavenka "Slavi" SolbergAge: 23Gender: FemaleRace: Multi-breed (Oread, Ifrit and Human)Sexuality: PansexualHeight: 5'7"Weight: 140 poundsHair Color: RedEye Color: GoldScars: NoneBirthmarks: NoneDistinguished Features: Long Red Hair, Unique fashion sense, and her smile.

Role: Mount Fuji


Slavenka Solberg was born is Oslow Norway. She was an average girl up until the age of thirteen when her unruly hair and natural tendency to disregard the "norms" thrust upon a girl by society. She didn't like dressing up nor did she care all that much about her looks. She wanted to have fun, play in mud puddles, start massive snowball fights and all around enjoy lief. She was labeled a freak by her fellow classmates and started getting ignored for it. Normally she wouldn't have even been bothered by this until even her guy friends started to ignore her because of the rumors.

Unable to handle being ignored and wanting to get back at the girls that started the rumors and caused her problems, Slavenka decided to prove that she could play their game better than they could. She talked to her mom and looked up some guides on the internet before finally pulling together a new ensemble for her look. When she returned to school the next year, she left her entire school speechless as her wild unruly hair was now sleek and straight. Her choice of clothing went from jeans and a t-shirt to what you see in her pic and ultimately she just looked more "stunning" by society's standards. Although now she had people's attention, Slavenka didn't care for her classmates. They'd proven that they were nothing more than skin deep artificial people. This didn't stop Slavenka from agreeing to being a model for her school's art exhibits which included a few students entering her into contests with magazines.

Slavenka's photo's appearance in one of these magazines caught one fashion designer's eye in particular. He'd been looking for a new model that could inspire his creative designs. He immediately left for her school and found that the girl was a breath of fresh air for him. She didn't WANT to be a model. She just looked like one because she wanted to prove a point. He decided to make her into something of a role model for girls in her predicament. Girls that thought they couldn't be beautiful, because people told them they weren't. He wanted to use her to spark a fashion revolution and create a new era in beauty. Slavenka agreed merely to help out other girls so they wouldn't feel as lonely as she did.

Slavi's modelling career took off without a hitch. Although she continued to go to school, one or two weekends a month she would go into a day long photo session with a few other girls like herself. Ones that didn't fit society's norm of beauty and such before they put in just a tiny bit of effort. Together the girls became a phenomenon in both the female and male global community. People started to send Slavenka fan mail and she would read and respond to each one. However, as her popularity grew she couldn't do that forever. So she started making a few more appearances outside of fashion shows and such to meet people that aspired to be like her or were just inspired by her drive to show that normal beauty was attainable by anyone.

A few months after she turned twenty one, Slavenka took a trip to Japan for a getaway. Her manager had cleared her schedule so she could get away from all the hustle and bustle of the world and her travelling around. While there she decided to go on a massive mountain climbing adventure to the top of Mount Fuji from the bottom. The alleged home of an ancient Mystic she recalled from one of her history classes. The several days climb was grueling but when she finally reached the top, Slavi felt like the world was hers to own. She'd conquered her problems, a modeling world where one mistake could cost you everything and now a massive mountain. There was nothing that could stop her.

In her celebration, Slavi heard a voice speaking to her. It was an echoed voice that seemed far away at first, but as she rested there on the mountain top, she heard it getting louder and more discerned. It was a powerful voice and as she finally focused on it she realized who it was. It was the Mystic of Mount Fuji, apparently, the being had been watching her for quite a bit of her life. At first, Slavi was terrified about having a Mystic for a stalker, but as she listened to the Mystic, she realized that she was being selected as a Vassal. She agreed without question, understanding that she was taking on risks and danger, but she was now able to be a beacon of hope for more than just the socially outcast, she could be a symbol for the world when the time came. It was the greatest honor she ever could think of having in her life.

Slavenk returned to her life with a new found joy and passion. She would spend time modelling, working on getting a degree and learning to control her powers for the next two years. All the while, she listened to Mount Fuji explain all that was going on back in Japan and all the things that it endured during its time of absence. She found it wonderful to have someone besides her manager or her fans to talk to. Now her fashion career brings her state side for a meeting with a designer that says she has a clothes line that Slavi will love. However, Slavenka is excited about her first trip to the United States and all that this trip will entail.

Likes: Fires, Deserts, Books, The Beach and Mountains Dislikes: Water, Rain, Interviews, meat, Paparazzi, and PervertsHobbies: Improv, Finding Exotic and Flavorful Teas, Daydreaming, and TravellingFears: Hurting a fan, Disappointing her fans, Phobias: Hydrophobia, Coimetrophobia(Fear of Cemeteries), Nostophobia(Fear of Returning Home)


Flames of Destruction: Slavi has acquired the power to destroy great deals by conjuring and controlling fire at will with her hands. The heats can go as far as blue flames, but those flames can only be kept alive within ten feet of her due to the amount of energy needed to be pumped into them.

Born from Destruction: Much like the forests around Mount Fuji, things are born from the volcanic destruction. Using dust, ash or sand, Slavi can create two regenerative hounds to fight for her. She must be within fifty feet for them to maintain their form, she can continuously recreate them within the sphere as long as there is a supply of some minute particles of earth. She named one Fuzz and the other Fluff. Not even the Mystic knows why.

Stable Grounds: Slavi's feet control the very earth around her. With kicks or slight movements of her feet she can uproot the very grounds around her, cause earthquakes or send boulders of stone flying across a busy freeway. The stone she can manipulate must be within twenty feet and puncturing through concrete is rather difficult to deal with.

Other Abilities: 

Immovable Mountain: Slavi doesn't get knocked over. When someone tries to push, trip or cause her to lose her balance, they might as well be trying to move Mount Fuji itself. The Mystic refuses to let its vassal be any less imposing than itself, thus it should never fall before anyone.

You're Mad Aren't You?: Slavi has a very calm demeanor, however her temper is tremendous and destructive. As she starts to get angrier, her hair seems to catch flame. The angrier she gets the more intense the flames color and the hotter it gets around her. If her hair's flame turns blue, you may want to run before you die of a heat stroke.Talents: Although Slavi is skilled at housework and maintaining herself, she has connections to countless people that can do things for her. It comes with the territory of being a model.


If she's pressed into combat Slavi CAN summon a weapon from her mystic. The weapon is a couple inches taller than she is and to most anyone else is literally too hot or too heavy to wield. However, Slavenka can swing it around like it's a baseball bat.

Slavenka's Axe.jpgWeaknesses: 

Water. No seriously, water shuts down all of her powers and abilities except for her immovability. Until at least her hair is dry she cannot use any gift. Once it's dry her aura can return. If her hands are dry she can use her flames. If her feet get dried she can move stone. Her whole body must be dry to summon Fuzz and Fluff.

Secondly, she has an image to uphold. She can't be running around town throwing fireballs out of her hands otherwise it would turn into a PR nightmare. As a model, she must maintain her image as strong girl that cares about her public and fans. And above all else, cannot come off as abnormal.


"Beauty is only skin deep. Being a model is about showing the confidence to work with what you've got."

"My priorities are my fans first, my health second, everything else doesn't matter."

"Get out of here before things get hotter than you want. Trust me, you'll live longer that way."

Theme Song:

"Born this Way" by Lady Gaga
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IffyBeathan.pngBut with hair more like this:a64e715e46dd8f32f4492c5751c97499.png

Name:Beathan (BEH-un) MacCriomain
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Faetouched Caucasian Human/Daoine Sìth.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6’
Weight: 13 Stone
Hair Color: Reddish Brown
Eye Color: Green
Scars: A handful of small scars scattered across his body.
Distinguished Features: Long Wild Hair, Stubble, markings when awakened, and his (oft annoying) boundless positivity and fascination.
Role: Stonehenge

Beathan had always been an energetic child, chasing insects, running through the tall grass near his highland home, and often getting in trouble with his mother for staying out too long because he got distracted with something. In spite of never meeting his father, or perhaps because of it, he grew to have an incredibly optimistic and positive attitude and view of life. As an adventurous and painfully inquisitive child, it’s not surprising how he came to meet the previous vessel of Stonehenge; by badgering the poor old man with a thousand and one questions.

One day in his sleepy little village, an old traveler happened to wander through. The man was easily over 90 years old by the looks of him, and news spread rather quickly of this strange old man, still exploring at such an old age, who had refused to tell anyone his name. The locals soon gathered into a crowd around him, listening as he told his story. And way at the back, clambering over others, desperate to hear the old mans stories, was a nine year old Beathan.

The traveler stayed at the village for a few days, at least, that was the plan, until Beathan got to him. Each day the crowd grew smaller, until just Beathan remained. The first day alone he asked questions almost ceaselessly, until at the hundredth question the man refused to answer anymore after, and excused himself to go to his room. The next day and each thereafter he would be down in the bar waiting when the old man came down the stairs. Each day he got alone with the man was another hundred questions he could ask the man before, and so he did, till each morning the man announced he would be staying yet another day, as a headache had robbed him of his sleep.

This continued for nine days, each with Beathan asking ever more questions. Throughout these nine days, each night the man thought long and hard, and had many long discussions with Stonehenge. On the tenth day the old man was ready for Beathan, sitting at a table when he arrived. Unlike the last nine days, he breezed through Beathans questions with speed and ease, answering a hundred questions by early afternoon. The man rose up, saying a thousand questions was enough, and that it was time he moved on. He ignored Beathans protests and pleas, or stifled them with a short, curt response. Beathans mother found him at that point, unfortunately, outside the door of the bar, and dragged him off in the opposite direction of which the man walked off. Beathan struggled against his mothers grip for a good three minutes before managing to wriggle free and dash off back down the road to the bar, running wildly after the man. It took him nine minutes before he turned a corner and saw the man, crying out one last question.

“What’s your name!?”

The man stopped walking, just standing there for a moment, before turning around and walking over to Beathan, slowly, with his head down. He stopped about a foot away from beathan and crouched down, looking him square in the eye. Beathan still remembers that moment vividly. The mans beard obscured his mouth, but his eyes were so bright and alive, they were smiling eyes, laughing eyes.


The man then proceeded to walk the boy home to his mother, then pulling his mother aside to talk as Beathan watched a bee pollinate a flower, enthralled. Beathan has no idea what he said that day, but whatever it was, it convinced his mother to tell him to go pack his things, as he was going to be going away for a while. Beathan cried and protested, until he learned he would be going with the old man, at with point he stared up at Grymmond with his big, watery green eyes in awe. At the smiling old man, who had a hint of mischief in his eyes.

And so that afternoon, Beathan left to begin his new life by Grymmonds side. The boy grew up with Grymmond, spending his childhood adventuring with and learning from him. He would visit his home town for a month once every three years. During his time with the man he wandered another country each three year period, Scotland for the first three, then Ireland, next was a short stop off at the isle of Mann before going down to Wales, and at his ninth year, towards the end, the old man brought him off to England, on a pilgrimage of sorts, to Stonehenge. When they arrived, tourists were everywhere, but under Grymmonds gaze all the people slowly left, one by one, ‘till only he and Beathan were left. Grymmond led the way to the center of the stone circle and told Beathan one more tale, the tale of Stonehenge.

As he spoke the world around him seemed to listen, and respond to his words. Beathan simply watched and listened, awed, enchanted, as Grymmond told his tale.

Toward the end of his story, Grymmonds features sharpened, and markings slowly spread across his skin. His hair grew wilder with each word, eyes getting brighter, before at the very end revealing to Beathan that he was the Vessel of Stonehenge. The mighty ring of stones immediately blazed to life, glowing green and blue, light showing stones that no longer stood, stonehenge in it’s full, former glory. Pulling back Beathans attention from the beauty of Stonehenge, Grymmond spoke to him with two voices as one, naming Beathan as his successor, and regaling how during those 9 days and nights so long ago, when he was nine, Grymmond and Stonehenge had chosen him.

Beathan, for the first time, was lost for words. Grymmond asked him gravely if he would accept this honour, and the responsibility that came along with it. Beathan managed to break out of his shocked state, joy welling up within him, and beamed breathlessly, “Aye.”

Grymmond beamed at him proudly before grasping him by the shoulders, still smiling. Beathan returned the gesture, and Grymmond began chanting in an old tongue. I say chant, but in reality it was more like a song, or poetry. Towards the end a few tears rolled down his cheeks as his markings glew brightly. At the final word his eyes grew brightly as the light seemed to float off of him, whirling around Stonehenge before diving back down, onto Beathan, inscribing new patterns on his flesh. Once all the light had gone from him to Beathan, Grymmond stepped back, looking at him again, one last time, with those smiling, laughing eyes. Beathan was confused for a moment at feeling a brief wave of sadness come over him, before a breeze came by. As the breeze touched Grymmond, he turned to dust, floating away in the wind, no longer held together by Stonehenges power.

Crying out, Beathan leapt after his teacher and closest friend, but it was too late, Grymmond was gone. Stonehenge tried to console him inside his head, but for that first minute without Grymmond he heard nothing. He felt more whole and yet more empty than ever before in his life. Over time he made his way back home, back to where it all started. When he entered his home his mother greeted him with a hug, then looked around confused, asking where Grymmond was. Too much to handle, Beathan broke down in his mothers arms, feeling once again as if he were only nine.

He stayed in that house for a month, as always, before heading out again, no destination in mind, simply knowing that he needed to move on as always. Move forwards as always, leaving the past behind, but never forgetting it, or the lessons learned from it.

He changed his last name to MacCriomain, using the scottish equivalent of Grymmonds name, to honour the man that was more of a father to him than his own biological father.

Stonehenge remained silent for the next three years, until his twenty on the birthday, when his dormant power could be awakened. Even now Stonehenge barely speaks to Beathan, unless it’s necessary. Beathan has mixed feelings about this.


  • Nature

  • People

  • Food

  • Culture

  • Helping Others

  • Discovering New Things

  • Learning

  • Old Things

  • Pretty Much Most Of Life


  • Hateful People

  • Close Mindedness

  • People Who Don’t Respect The Earth

  • Others’ Misery

  • Guns


  • Too Many


  • Losing People He Cares About

  • Going Permanently Blind

  • The Destruction of the Earth

  • Phobias:


    Attunement: Beathan is capable of attuning himself with his environment, or at least it’s natural elements. The wind may gust to match his melody, or a squirrel might alight upon his shoulder to whisper in his ear. Once during a storm, as he was telling a story to some children of a local family that ha given him shelter, he had caused lightning to strike nearby just at the climax of his story. He has since been incapable of reproducing this particular effect, however. This attunement also gives him a general sense of his surroundings, and any problems with the natural environment. He figures this was how he could never sneak up on Grymmond.

    Wisdom of the Elders: Stonehenge is a symbol of unwritten history, legends and tales, passed down by word of mouth. As such, Beathan can draw from Stonehenge just about any story, legend, myth or tale, passed down by word of mouth. Often however, the teachings they contain are encoded in story and riddle, so they often confuse him if he’s drawing one out to help him. He can also use this connection to access the knowledge of those who came before him, and try to learn from it and them. Grymmond told him many such stories attempting to teach Beathan, many of which he’s only begun to understand now.

    Daoine Sìth Form: Beathan can take on the form of a Daoine Sìth, a fae. Glowing marks appear on his skin, his features grow sharper, and his hair grows wilder. His powers are amplified in this form, and his words affect the world around him slightly. A cutting remark may cause an actual small cut or two on whomever it was directed at. A sonnet about a storm may raise a harsh wind, or a limerick on light may cause a wisp to appear. To go into a full story or song can cause even stronger effects, but take much longer to build up to their full effect, and if interrupted must be started over again.

Artificing: Beathan has learned from his ancestors how to craft and enchant a few objects. After a year he’s learned how to make some very basic magic staves and little charms. Even so, he’s still not very good, and they don’t always work. He still continues to pursue this skill.

Other Abilities:

Storyspeak: He can understand most any language thats been spoken for at least 100 years, even those languages which are not human in origin.

Energetic Aura: people around him who are open to his boundless positivity and energy feel energized themselves, and often at least a little happier.

Whispers: Beathan hears soft whispers from time to time in his head, but despite his best efforts has been incapable of pinpointing their origin or engaging the sources in conversation.


Storytelling: Beathan is fantastic at telling stories, and is capable of making up a good tale on the spot.

Poetry: Beathan is an excellent poet, and can think one up easily if he cares to, which he often doesn’t.

Survivalist: Beathan spent most of his life traveling, and as such grew accustomed to living in the wild for long stretches of time. He knows the inns and outs of wilderness survival and always knows which way is north.

Hobbies: Beathan has learned dozens and dozens of skills and hobbies, often with help from his connection to Stonehenge, however he’s forgotten most of them as he’s moved on to the next thing that fascinates him.

Weaponry: Beathan is capable of carving magical staves, and often uses one as a walking stick. They don’t always work as intended. He knows enough about other weapons to be able to do somewhat decently with your average sword or mace, but otherwise prefers to use his fists and a good stick.


  • Cold Iron; In his Daoine Sìth form, being around cold iron weakens him and his powers, and touching it burns him. Being stuck around enough cold iron for long enough will weaken him to the point where he falls unconscious, reverting to his human form after a few moments. Wounds from cold iron in his Daoine Sìth form affect him as if he were still in his mortal human form, and enough damage may cause him to revert as well. The purer the iron and the greater amount of it, the more of an effect it will have on him, as well as the way it is worked. For example, stainless steel would not affect him, but a low plain carbon alloy steel would harm him about half as much as pure cold iron, and if that iron is cold worked into a weapon it will be only slightly less repulsive than before, but capable of inflicting wounds on him.

  • Can’t Break an Oath; If he makes an oath in his Daoine Sìth form, he is magically bound to go through with it, no matter what. This only applies to the exact wording of the oath however, and he is free to try and weasel his way out of it through as many loopholes as he can find and make use of.


    “’Ey, watch this!”

    “Hold this fer a sec.”


    Theme songs:

Notes: Due to the strained relationship with his mystic, Beathans progress in learning his powers has been rather slow, resulting in him being weaker than he would have been should he have communicated more freely with Stonehenge.
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Sin-Imgurani Malicus


22 (technically speaking)




Mesopotamian Human






Weight:210 lb


Hair Color:white


Eye Color:Glowing Blue




Birthmarks:On his right shoulder, there appears to be a portal symbol on it.


Distinguished Features:~Glowing Blue Eyes~

~Apathetic Nature~

~Distinctive Accent~

~Fluent in various old languages~




The Nexus

Bio:Sin was an average kid, in poverty like conditions, in a simple world...In Babylon, Mesopotamia. Technically speaking, Sin is tens of thousands of years old, born after the reign of Hammurabi. By this time, Babylon was a major center. At the time, Myths and Curses were being captured for their great power, to ensure the rule of the kings. Sin was the first (and only) vessal chosen to house the Nexus. At first, Sin tried to use his powers for the benefit of the many, transporting goods and supplies, and fighting off invaders. However, soon after the fall of the empire, a warlord saw the power that SIn possessed, and not only murdered his friends and family, but tried to enslave Sin. However, SIn fought back, accidentally snapping the mans neck.


At first, Sin was horrified, but soon the power to be....exhilarating. To act the way he pleased, to take what he so desired, and to have no-one to stop him? It was liberating! However, no good thing lasts forever.


Soon, people began hunting Myth's and Curses for the power they possessed, and he among many was targeted. Alone, he only had so much power, and was driven away by the masses. However, when he was chased to a cliff-side, Sin refused to face the judgement of the 'people' and thus cast himself out, aiming to dive into the waters below. This should've been the end of Sin and his story, however fate had a different decree: Malicus, the original Nexus, opened a portal for Sin to travel through, bringing him properly into the Nexus itself, where he stayed.


Malicus offered to teach Sin to control his powers, and Sin, thinking this would allow him to rule as an undisputed King, took his offer and began his training. Malicus told him that the reason he rescued him was because bad things were coming, and Sin had to be ready to face the trials ahead, thus leading many to believe Malicus simply turned tail and ran at the first sign of trouble. However, Sin could care less about the needs of other people, believing that the only way to survive in this world was to strive singularly for your own gain, as helping anyone would only lead to competition.


However, once Malicus taught him all he was permitted, Sin left, but when he arrived back to the physical world, he found the world had changed drastically: In the time he was in the Nexus, time had slowed down for him, while here, it appeared much had changed. People could talk using flimsy plastic devices, there were lights everywhere without fire, and people seemed to wear less clothing. Needless to say, the world he knew was gone. This sent Sin onto the brink of madness, who made a vow that'd he would find a way to 'reverse' time, and return to his period.


Having been in this world roughly a month, Sin knows enough to get by, but is still confused over many things. For example, what is so special about a beaver named Justin? and how did it sing? Was it magical?




Visiting Museums







Hobbies:Learning as much as he can about this world.


Fears:Never being able to return to his world






~Teleportation~As a Nexus, Sin can appear anywhere instantaneously. For group travels, it will take longer, but it is still possible.~Deflection~Using a portal, Sin can cause an enemies attack to fly back at them. This is attuned to his reflexes, as he needs to react fast enough to deflect them.~Binding~Using two portals, Sin can bind a person in one spot, keeping them in place. This can be difficult, as maintaining two portals at one can take a toll on his mental stamina.~Singularity~Can create a small portal that acts like a black hole, drawing people in and crushing them. Sin can only maintain this for half a minute at most as doing so can cause intense mind-burn.~Planewalking~Sin can traverse the different planes of existence. His overall favorite is the Portal Nexus, which is the central spot connecting all the worlds. Meeting the different beings that walk it and conversing with them is quite soothing.


~Energy Manipulation~

Utilizing the energies that flow through the Nexus, Sin can manipulate this into various useful things, such as constructs or weapons. He can use this for other things, such as healing or strengthening, but like with all his powers, they take a toll on his mental stamina, and can cause mind-burn.


Other Abilities:

~Multi-lingual (mostly old or dead tongues, but also a few new ones)

~Demi-god Physiology


~Magical Resistance

~Enhanced body condition (Perception, Agility, Endurance, and Strength)





~Unarmed Fighting

Weaponry:Glock 19



Weaknesses:~Weaker towards modern illness

~Lacks the intelligence of this world

~ Reckless

~ Slightly Insane

~ Burns through his magic rather quickly



"I survived another fight...An obvious outcome"


"This world is not mine to save. Your struggles are worth nothing to me."


"I will return to my time, and correct this blighted world."


"Life is a like a game of strategy: You either win, or die."


Theme songs:




He loves animals
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Tommy-Jude "TJ" MinroeAge: 





5 '11"Weight:

192 lbs.Hair Color:

RedEye Color:



NoneDistinguished Features:

Eye patch.Role:

CurseBio: That kid in the Bronx, TJ grew up a normal life. Had money when needed, a place to sleep, loving parents. It all came apart in one car crash... It changed so quickly. Both parents died in the accident, he was twenty-one years old at the time. He could've saved them like he saved himself... He didn't. He covered it up. He failed his parents and never used his abilities ever again... Until needed.Likes: Smoking, Relaxing, Easy going personnalities.Dislikes: Insults, Cocky personnalities, jerks in general.Hobbies: Drag Racing, Video GamesFears: N/APhobia : Claustrophobia.

Powers: The Eye of Horus Keeper- The covered pupil, given only by Horus, the eye is located in TJ's right eye socket. The longer he uses these abilities, the faster he tires out. TJ is also able to talk to Horus and/or give him control over his body.

-Truth Detection: 

When using his right eye, TJ can tell when a something is lying.

- Falcon Energy Wrap:

When using the eye, TJ can enroll himself in a falcon like wrap, reaching up to fifteen feet tall, moving at speeds of 100MPH when in flight as well as sharp talons along his feet and wings.  When in this form all his senses are enhanced eg. Hearing, Smelling, Vision etc. His strength is also enhanced to an abnormal level and he appears to be floating in a giant see through yellow falcon. The falcon wrap around him is highly durable and can take damage from pistols to punches with ease.


TJ is able to teleport short distances in a fifteen metre radius as well as other people making contact with his skin. 

-Scythe Summoning:

TJ is able to summon a scythe made of a yellow energy, indestructible the scythe is able to do damage due to it's pointed tip.

-Enhanced Condition:

TJ when using the eye's condition is upgraded to a state where he can percieve things at a faster speed as well as move faster than normal, tying with agility and Reflexe. This is up to a state where even his senses and strength  are highly upgraded not to the depth of his falcon wrapping.

Talents: TJ is an expert with computer engineering as well as automobile engineering. He is currently a brown belt in karate though has stopped taking lessons.Weaponry:

Antique Revolver PistolWeaknesses:

-High usage of power

-Is a smokerQuotes

I'm try a quite smokin' , takes time!Appearance:


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Alexia Meridian








Hair Color:

Eye Color:



Many cuts over her body from

her "evils"

-Satanic marks are imprinted on her sides, hence why

she refuses to wear revealing clothing
Distinguished Features:

-Although hard to notice her freckles

are squared instead of circular.




Pandora grew up sheltered from the world, her protective parents making

sure not even the slightest of harm would fall upon her, they gave her an education, invited "friends" over who

were really just other parents' children and showed her videos of the beauty of the world. Once her

father died from a disease she was completely confused, not knowing disease's existed.


This was when a form of 'child services' came and picked her up, although due to a few nearby crimes going on at the same

time, she became lost on the streets. At the time she noticed the marks on her side the first time, and ended up being

mistaken for a child of a cultist hence giving her first experience of the world. Being completely horrified as she saw

a woman and man laying in cold-blood with words written on the floor around them, "Pandora, Unleash, Resurrect, Capture". This made

her take interest in the curses and mystics in which she thought they were a group of evil demons, and Pandora was the leader, despite her being

obviously wrong the cultist members allowed her to continue thinking this, giving her a reason to participate in the rituals.


Finally the services were able to find her again, which is when she began to become mentally unstable the cultist members being

taken away and seeming to accuse her of this being her fault. She ran into the streets crying and hiding in a dark alleyway, this is when a

horde of voices appeared in his head, tempting her to do evil deeds; steal, lie, murder, cheat, destroy...one appeared louder and brighter than all of the

others "Hope" it sounded almost as if it was screaming this over and over. And she smiled, brighter than she ever did before.



White noise




Singing (The voice of Apollo)



"Those strange men in the blue


The other Mystics, this bit is info

Pandora kept from her.

Theophobia-Fear of religion and things involving godly faith



This inner-Demon allows Alexia to neutralize the pitch of

her voice, making her seem neither masculine-nor feminine.

Steal & Cheat

Two twin demons which when inside Pandora's

box will cause her footsteps to become silent and her

reflexes to increase.


Once the spirit of murder enters Pandora's

box it begins to form a random form of weapon, be it

a gun, knife, knuckles, a sword basically anything that's intended harm somebody.


The area around her begins to change strangely, such as

water will become dirty or un-purify or air will thicken, she

avoids using this as it also affects her negatively.


This causes her to smile, although this seems useless it

is one of the most beautiful things around, the more positive things

she does the better the affect is she can give this to someone else and it will

make any recent marks disappear, hope is the hardest one to find.

Other Abilities:

-Pandora's box can change into Clay, Bronze or an unidentified

indestructible Greek metal.






She knows how to use a knife and automatic guns, although

she doesn't carry these things on her.


-She has no concept of time, as she was never taught

it she relies on her minds natural timing, she also doesn't know her


-Her bones are weak and fragile

-In order for her to give somebody hope, she will have

to let them hold Pandora's box, being too long without the box will give her depression.

-She relies on others and her cleverness to hide/protect her box when using her powers.

"I'm sorry can you explain...everything for me?"

"My inner-demons are my saviors, don't think otherwise"

"The hardest thing to find is hope, while finding that you learn to cope with the rope's that bind you"
Theme songs:


The way Pandora's powers work is she mentally travels into Pandora's box she

has to run around and try to find one of her evil's, in this stage her body becomes intangible, although

a person could grab the box and run off with it which would cause Alexia to be stuck in the box.
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Luther Alexander Maximus






Mixed; Half demon; Demigod

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Distinguished Features:
Role: (Which Mystic or Curse are you? For Villains, what rank are you in the Facility?)




Powers: (Villains are allowed to have powers, they just have to gain them through experimentation.)
Other Abilities: (This is where your passive powers go~)
Talents: (This involves things you can do that don't need your powers.)



Theme songs:


[SIZE= 24px][FONT= 'Almendra Display']Character Skeleton[/FONT][/SIZE]


Name:Tidus Alwain 
Age: 23
Race: Human
Height:6ft 3in
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Amber 
Birthmarks:On his chest,back and right arm is a list in a long forgotten language. It lists the animals, and humans who were in the ark in the past. 
Distinguished Features:his facial hair, he regularly styles it into the stripped pattern screen above. 
Role: Noah's Ark 
Bio:Tidus Alwain grew up in Chicago, Illinois. He was the oldest of 3 and spent more time raising his siblings than either parent did. His father was a depressed Alchoholic, mourning the failure of his dreams to become a musician. While he never put his hands on any of the children, he never did much of anything else,whereas his mother worked 2 minimum wage jobs and attended college so she was barely ever home. 

Tidus learned how to take care of himself and his siblings,by the time he was six he was changing diapers, and cooking dinner. Once school started he would walk across the street to school, come home between classes and care for his siblings then run back to school. Things took a turn for the worst when his father passed away. Eventually the old man got the relief he had craved...

In his will he left his son his instruments. Tidus rarely had time to play but when he did it was as if he had been doing so his whole life. The years crept on, his brother and sister went to school themselves which took some of the burden off of Tidus. He began to focus more on his music, he found that it wasn't just his fathers saxophone that he could play but all instruments, after he spent about a day growing accustomed to the sounds it produced. When he turned 14 however things got tougher. His mother fell very ill, she had developed a form of agressive breast cancer that left her with less than a year of estimated time left. 

She couldn't work anymore, and  Tidus dos what he had to do in order to feed his family. Tidus turned to crime, he fell in with a local small time gang of highschoolers and for a while he terrorized the surrounding neighborhoods. He was one of the most dangerous kinds of criminals, one born from desperation and the need to care for his family. He did take care of them however, they did not go without anything they needed. This went on for two years, his mother had been fighting off the cancer for that time period, and with the money left by Tidus's father she payed for the treatments. Eventually she won her battle, and actually became somewhat of a celebrity with the media coverage of her story. So Tidus decided to leave his street life behind. A decision that didn't sit well with the gang itself. They decided that they were gonna teach him the lesson that you never get out of that life. But Tidus was on guard and met them at every front. He lost  most of the fights, but eventually other friends he had made stood with him and the small gang decided to back off when they found themselves outnumbered. Once he turned 18 he graduated high school, and his music teacher had a surprise for him, he had gotten Tidus into a prestigious music academy in NYC!

Tidus's siblings had grown to be 14 & 16 his brother got a job to Save up for his own car, and his sister was in the honor roll, And his mother having recovered from cancer and finished her med school, moved on to be a physical therapist for recovering cancer patients. They moved out of their neighborhood and into a two story house in the suburbs. 

Content with his families position Tidus left to Nyc to attend him musical academy. He spent three year there before dropping out however... At the age of 21 he "met" Ark, and immediately realized that he was needed elsewhere. 

Likes:Animals, food, drinks, helping people, cinnamon, and people in general.

Dislikes: Cruelty, being unkempt, being alone, arguements, and violence. 

Hobbies:Feeding animals, talking to people, being a bit of a hero, playing the saxophone,piano, and singing.

Fears:Being captured, losing friends and loved ones, failing to protect others.


Autophobia: the fear of being alone. 


Protection from Calamity: Tidus can create an area around himself that will not allow any harm to befall those within the area. They do not become invulnerable but simply intangible to anything that could harm them.

All that crawls,walks, and flies: all animals and even a few humans heed the call of Tidus. He can call fourth flocks of birds, swarms of insects, and even stampedes of hers animals. However he isn't limited to large scale interaction and is actually able to communicate with the animals on an individual level if needed. 

Other Abilities:

Sturdy: even among other Mystics and curses, Tidus is remarkably durable. Able to shrug off bullets and even explosions with ease. No weakness has yet to be recorded and he seems to be impervious to injury.

Strong: the limits of this are yet to be tested and Tidus is actually a bit afraid to find out, but he has been able to effortlessly lift a small car over his head. 

Weather patterns: while unable to influence them, Tidus can sense any oncoming storms,earthquakes and other disasters. 

Calming aura: those in Tidus general vicinity feel a soothing calm wash over them.


Survival:Tidus know a how to find food & water when it would be otherwise difficult to find. 

Fast friends: Tidus has a knack for appearing trustworthy to others

Prodigal musician: though never formally trained Tidus is capable of producing beautiful almost tear jerking Melodies from both his singing, saxophone, and piano. 


he hates using weapons but carries a Dw 1911 .45 caliber pistol With a flashlight attachment. It is the last remnant from the old part of his life. 



Bleeding heart:He abhors violence and will not react to defend himself, he will however react to defend others. However after hurting or killing an assailant he will undoubtedly try and help them. 

Hostages: being almost completely selfless if he finds himself dealing with a hostage situation he will basically give the criminals what they want. 

defensive : the extent of Tidus's offense is to punch them with immense force, shoot them or attack them with a variety of animals. 

Whereas his defense is basically impregnable. Able to completly negate most damage, and those that slip through he is usually able to withstand with relative ease. However even a normal human can handle his offense with enough skill. 


"Everything deserves a second chance."

"I won't let anything happen to you"

Theme songs: 

Others: any questions or concerns? 

@Cheshire Grin
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Unarmored with Broadsword and Short Sword


Armored with Excalibur


Name: Bethany Logan, aka Commander Bellona
Age: 47
Gender: Female
Race: Demi-Mystic
Sexuality: Asexual
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Scars: None
Birthmarks: None
Distinguished Features: Tattoo of Excalibur on her back. Tattoo of a Roman helmet on her left shoulder.
Role: Commander of the Mystic Hunter Unit

Bio: Bethany was born a fighter. She grew up fighting. Her life has been nothing but an unending series of fights. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Bethany grew up in New York, her mother a policewoman and her father a soldier. Having parents that worked for the government made Bethany a prime target for bullying, as she had more than most others would ever want. Her mother wanted Bethany to make peace with the bullies, while her father wanted her to push back. After being suspended for fighting, the bullies never bothered her again.

When Bethany was a senior in high school, New York erupted in riots. Her mother never came home that night. In a stroke of luck, Bethany's mother was injured early on in the riots and was off the streets when the shooting started. However, the damage was done. Bethany wanted to leave New York and never come back. Her father helped her enlist in the military, giving her a way to leave.

While serving, Bethany was offered the chance to join the special forces. She took it, serving over a decade across the world. She earned the nickname Bellona, after the Roman Goddess of War, because she carried an unnatural bloodlust into battle. A rumor started to spread that Lieutenant Commander Bellona had some unnatural power that fed her fighting spirit. She let the rumor spread, as it made her subordinates respect her skill as a soldier.

The Judas facility caught wind of the rumor, and investigated the matter halfheartedly. Surprisingly, traces of mystic power were detected in her blood. After more detailed research, it was discovered Bethany had a supposed mystic in her ancestry. The Judas facility offered Bethany a way to access the potential power in her, as well as to fight people who matched her in strength, and she accepted.

It took three years of experimentation, but the mystical powers from Camelot manifested themselves in Bethany. The process changed her eyes to a crimson red, fitting for the Goddess of War. Bellona spent the next seven years training. Now, rumor is that the Mystics have returned, inhabiting the vessels they have chosen. Armed with her training, Judas's handcrafted weapons, and a prototype device attached to her chest, she has been tasked with hunting the Mystics down and bringing them back to the Judas facility alive.


·         Fighting

·         Hunting

·         Meditating


·         Quitting

·         Surrender

·         Cowards


·         Sparring

·         Meditating


·         Losing without learning

·         Being paralyzed by her emotions


·         Philophobia (fear of love)

·         Gerascophobia (fear of getting old)

·         Taphophobia (fear of being buried alive)


Superhuman Regeneration: Cuts, scrapes, and bruises heal in minutes. Broken bones heal in hours. Life threatening Injuries heal in a day. Lost limbs are fully restored within a week. Getting injured stops regeneration for several minutes, up to half an hour for serious wounds. Multiple wounds slow down healing. Regeneration will not brink her back from the dead.

Armor of Will: Her skin transforms into golden plate metal with a black plate metal layer underneath, resistant to all blows. However, the armor is controlled directly by her will and drive. The more damage she takes, the greater the strain on her mind. Too much strain will cause the armor to start to shatter as her will fails. Her combat efficiency also drops with the increased strain on her mind.

The Sword in the Stone: Possesses the hilt of Excalibur. As long as she is devoted to her cause, she can draw and wield the weapon of Camelot. If her devotion falters, the blade loses its magical edge. If her devotion fails, the sword disappears, leaving just the hilt.

Other Abilities:

Master of Combat: Her natural physic, honed by her life as a special forces soldier, is enhanced to superhuman levels. She has heightened reflexes, unbelievable strength, and excellent stamina. In order to use these advanced abilities, she has to maintain her focus. Disrupting her focus, through shattering her armor or other means, lessens the effects of the enhancement. Even unfocused, however, she is still beyond the speed, strength, and stamina of Gold medal Olympians.

Natural Combatant: Just touching a weapon will give her advanced knowledge of its use. She'll still have to practice to gain full benefits, however.

Unaging: Her regenerative powers prevent cellular decay, effectively stopping her from aging.


Special Forces Soldier: Training and service in the special forces has given her plenty of experience in actual combat, including tactical strategy.


Broadsword: A massive two handed sword, normally sheathed on her back. Cannot draw it without taking the sheath off her back, but will only draw it if her opponent proves to be troublesome.

Short Sword: A sword traditionally wielded with a shield. Sheathed on her left hip.

Flail: A club attached to a 20-foot chain. Wrapped in hoops and attached to her right leg.

Excalibur: The personal weapon of Camillia Odin. Unbreakable and forever sharp. Glows with a golden light when enhanced by magic, allowing it to cut through non-mystical objects with little force.

A strange device attached to her chest: She protects this device with everything she has, and the last piece of her armor will always protect this device.


Honorable Duel: In a fight, will not run or surrender.

Fair Fight: Will hold back her own power based on her opponents to give them a fair fight.

Unsensing: Cannot sense other mystics, but can be sensed herself (much like how mystics can sense vessels before they turn 21).

The strange device on her chest: She seems rather protective of it…


"Give me a challenge!"

"Win or lose, I will enjoy this fight."

"Face me again when you get stronger. I look forward to it."

Others: After seeing a drawing of Camillia Odin, the original Camelot, Bellona started wearing an outfit resembling her. She is aware that Gods don't exist and Mystics created the world, but will still refer to herself as the Goddess of War.

Theme Song:


Name: Lan Ilius
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human

"A waste of my time."
Sexuality: Bisexual, hates to get romantic, but feels a greater connection to those he considers intelligent.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Gold

"People can usually tell... somehow."
Distinguished Features: His pink hair. 
Role: Camelot

"I will not claim to have had anything in my life rough. There have been times of hardship, yes, but nothing has treated me particularly unfair, nor has anything negatively impactful happen that was beyond my control, or wasn't my own fault. I can not control who I am, that has been, and only has become more true over the years. My own being is mine and mine alone, nobody could even dream to understand me, for I don't even understand myself. I just am. Just as I cannot fully understand who you are, you are not meant to fully comprehend me. This is the informational gap that has riddled humanity with issues since its dawn. This simple lack of understanding is what has inspired humans to form legends, myths, and the supernatural.

I never believed any of them, until I became the supernatural, the myth... the legend."  


Growing up in a great age of local depression, Lan had to struggle immensly to secure his own future. While this was never necessarily a problem, it was still a burden that many kids of his young age never survived with. It ended up destroying them mentally, same gave up, some overexerted themselves until they couldn't bear the thought of any more responsibility. Lan not only survived, but strived. He had an uncanny ability to grasp new concepts and learn new subjects with immense ease, he was reputable for his vast collection of knowledge and memory. It grew to the point where, in the later grades, his teachers and professors had not only stopped checking his work, but passing him without even glancing to check for mistakes. His lust for knowledge was so unquenchable to the point where people could only call it passionate.  


While likable and envious, Lan possessed seemingly no emotion or personality. All attempts at anyone making friends with him eventually grew tiresome, and nobody could gain an inkling of consensual interest. He ended up graduating alone, far ahead of many people his age. With his intelligence came easy access to a successful future, but only one offer stood out to him, an invitation from an unknown organisation that only wished to search for people "like him." He ended up contacting them, and being told to wait until the age of 21 to be contacted back, with funds for him to live comfortably until then. 


Years later, his 21st birthday was the only birthday he was particularly excited for. He was swiftly taken to a secretive area for testing, where strange, unknown people tested his memory, ability to learn, and even his ability to speak different languages. After almost a month of testing, it was complete, and he was simply told to be the embodiment of the lost myth of Camelot. Originally taken as a joke, Lan wasn't pleased, but it wasn't until he was told how to use his powers when he first started to grasp his own importance. He could do things that could only be found in books, things that humanity had dreamed of, abilities that were only thought of as fiction. 


- Knowledge

- Silence

- Reading

- Curiosity


- Wasted potential

- Ignorance

- People who openly consider themselves smart

- Being challenged


- Studying

- Teaching


- Knowing everything


- Heights


While the full extent of his powers have never been seen, he does know of a few particular abilities.


Call Upon Fantasy - His ability to call upon the weaponry and abilities of the myths and legends he has studied in the past, limited to only one ability or weapon at a time, and physically draining him the longer he has it. 


Rewrite - The ability to temporarily recreate the opponent's memory if their mental fortitude isn't strong enough to resist, the ability only wearing off when they notice inconsistencies in the rewritten memories. 


Pendragon's Might - A boost of speed, vigor, and strength, limited to one use a day, and lasts as long as Lan can physically keep it up. In peak condition, Lan's record has been five minutes. 


Other Abilities: 

Camelot's Library - Possessing a seemingly endless memory span, Lan can draw upon any of his past experiences with ease and 100% accuracy, and can record everything down to the smallest details with the information given, no matter in what span of time. 


The Round Table - While he has never had a true friend, he does feel a close sense of security for anything he cares for, which would extend to human relationships. His natural abhorrence of destruction for the things he cares about makes for a powerful ally, if he was ever to make one.


 - Even before the age of 21, he could memorise Pi to the 31st digit flawlessly. 


Tyrfing - The only blade that he has brought using Call Upon Fantasy that doesn't drain him or disappear is the Tyrfing. Said to be the sharpest blade ever forged, it is capable of cutting even the hardest of metals with very little resistance. The blade comes with a gauntlet that could store life energy from the victims of Tyrfing for further use through different means of magic, the gauntlet only serves as a pact with the blade. For as long as Lan lives, Tyrfing is bound to, and can only be unsheathed by him. The blade is weightless to Lan, and can be handled with ease. With these come the most drastic downside; Tyrfing must take the life of something when it is drawn. If Tyrfing is drawn for a complete 24 hours without taking the life of another being, it will consume Lan, destroying him down to his very soul. 

Weaknesses: Lan is not very sturdy, well-built, or physically strong. He is very reliant on his abilities and agile movements, preferring to strike quickly and gracefully. 
Quotes: "While I do wish to know everything, I can't imagine a worst fate than truly having nothing left to learn." 

Theme song: 

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Jackson “Jax” Huber








German, Can turn into a Male Siren as well











Hair Color:



Eye Color:


Bright Green



He has multiple scars on his back due to his time on the sea.



He has a birthmark shaped like a mer-tail on his lower shoulder

Distinguished Features:


His hair color as well as his eyes when angered turning Aquamarine.



The Bermuda Triangle



Jax spent most of his teen years in Germany. He and his father always roamed around the country as his father was a fisherman and would sell his catch to multiple cities. Whereas most teens would find fishing and traveling boring, Jax enjoyed spending time with his father, both on the road and on the water. He actually made friends in a few of the cities that they frequented, always having "a way with words" as his father put it. He just enjoyed being nice to people, sometimes even taking a bit of leftover fish to homeless shelters. He would also play his pan flute, always attracted a big crowd that donated good bits of money. He would give most of the money to the homeless as well, only keeping enough to help his father maintain the ship and in the event of emergencies. His father often spoke of how proud he was of him, praising him for being such a kind soul. 


One day, however, his father refused to let him go with him. He told him that it would be a dangerous journey this time and he didn't wish to risk Jax being hurt. Jax didn't argue, knowing that he could trust his father. He stayed at a homeless shelter, they being more than happy to accommodate him with how much he had helped. He stayed there for about a month, after which he began to worry about his father's failure to return. A few days later, he received a letter from the coast guard, them apparently retrieving the remains of his father's boat. Everyone tried to comfort him but he refused to accept their pity. Once he turned 18, he stole a boat and set out to look to see if his father was alive or if he could find his body. He was at sea for 3 years, nothing happening until after his 21st birthday. He had been out of supplies for a while, no longer being able to eat or keep himself hydrated. After he entered the Bermuda Triangle, he knew he had made a mistake following his obsession to find his father.


He was already beginning to hallucinate due to dehydration so when he heard Allistair's voice he assumed he was imagining it. Allistair spoke with him and tried to help him but Jax was too malnourished and injured to survive for much longer. Allistair, having always hated humans because of what they had caused him to do, who never had any trouble sinking boats, found himself wanting to save the young male. He realized that the only chance for him to save Jax was to have him become his vessel. He asked Jax who agreed, though probably didn't understand what was going on at this point. As soon as Allistair merged with Jax, his body returned to a healthier condition. After Jax was returned to full physical and mental health, Allistaire explained what being his vessel meant as well as explaining his own history. Jax listened and accepted the fate he had been given, even testing his new powers by calming the storms enough for him to pass through the treacherous waters. He arrived in the states days later, deciding that since nothing waited for him back in Germany that he would now live in America.


With Allistaire's help, he learned Engish, though his accent is still very strong. Despite how dreary and depressing everything has become, he travels the coast, playing his music to try and cheer people up. He also researched and became very talented with technology, creating his weapon as well as a few other helpful devices for his own use. He has just arrived in New York City, hoping to be able to raise some of the citizen's spirits.










~Being rushed~

~Dry Weather~



~Writing stories and poems~

~Volunteering at animal shelters~

~Learning new recipes~




~Loud noises~



~Astraphobia-Fear of thunder and lightening~



~Disaster Manipulation~

Jax is only able to create natural disasters related to water. If the disaster gets too strange then he loses control, unable to stop it or change it anymore. 

Other Abilities: 


Unlike most Sirens, his music and voice do not affect those unwilling to listen to them. 


If someone isn't looking directly at him (Ex: they just glanced past him) then they won't be affected. He also only affects those that he intends to.



~He is naturally skilled with his pan flute, able to play almost any tune that is requested of him.~


~Despite being supernaturally beautiful, he has always been a very charismatic person.~


~Jax is very savvy regarding tech of most sorts.~



~His main weapon is a technically modified throwing spear. He has programmed it to be synced up with a bracelet that he wears, allowing him to control it after he has thrown it. He has also made it resistant to almost every element though it is easily glitched out by electrical pulses of any sort.~


~His secondary weapon is a small dagger with a diamond studded hilt.~



He cannot bring himself to fight during a thunderstorm as it freaks him out too much. He also cannot stand being around extremely hot weather as he gets overheated very easily. This will hinder his fighting and make his attacks weaker. 



"Storms make the oak grow deeper roots"


"The storm that scares me the most is that of humanity"

Theme songs:




He can breathe underwater, allowing him to stay under as long as he wishes.

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