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Fantasy The Land of Xiǎolóng

Rori looked at the food, "No, thank you." She said, then realized that Hokusai had asked a question, "Well, I spend most of my time out here. Climbing trees, swimming in rivers, sitting in meadows. When I'm not out here I'm usually in my house, alone." Though she moved here a month ago, she still concidered herself new to the area.

( @PicaPirate )
Drax sat on his haunches inspecting his claws as Mir collapsed at the mouth of the cave, the elder faerie dragon looking down with a look of utter disapproval “I warned you, Mir. You hatchlings never seem to listen.” Came the disappointed mind tone of Drax “I trust my message got through to your thick skull about the gathering?” He inquired as he fluttered down to Mir, constantly fluttering and spinning around the dragon’s head.

The faerie dragon paused as he glanced towards the forest, feeling a faint mind signature within its depths. Another dragon. He turned his attention to Mir and continued move constantly around him “The Great Crater to the North, as always, but due to your little antics today you will be joining me in contacting our kindred.” With that the faerie dragon zipped up into the air and focused his mind as he reached out again with those mental threads to connect to his remaining kindred. He waited, pushing whenever he met resistance as he pulsed reassuring warmth through those nine threads followed by “Awaken brothers and sisters and head to the Great Crater to the North.” With that he sent mental images through the lines of the mountains lining the Northern coast of the Unknown Lands; a specific mountain towered over all others with the peak blown off and only a big empty crater. The Great Crater of the Fire Mountain.

@ScarletHood @Telios @DreadfulDragon @Lizzy
Hokusai chewed on some meat in thought of what she said. "So you are alone like I." He spoke frankly, staring into the distance. Maybe it was because of how large the place is that people were alone. He didn't even think himself alone until told he was himself.

"I've been all my life a Bushin, training to fight and thinking only on becoming stronger. Recently though after wiping out an army, I was injured and a shrine woman took care of me. She said of all the things I had not known. These things she called 'humanity', 'love' and 'caring'. Things I don't know. Makes me wonder what I have missed by living the life I live."

@Fantasy Crazy
Mir laid there, waiting for the gas' effects to wear off. "It got through my skull alright..." He answered the small dragon which was spinning around his head. With a groan, he lifted himself up to his hind legs, although still being a bit disoriented from the gas. "I'll contact any other dragons on my way there, I promise... But i'll finish my meal first." Mir waited for the gas to be drained out of the cave before going inside again, resuming where he had left with his meal.





Baixue had only spent a few minutes gazing over over the rough terrains of the land, when a message was sent to her. Drax was calling for all the dragons. A little grin came to her face, well the best a dragon could do. As their grins tended to range drastically from none to big. She flew close to the ground, scanning for Drax. She spotted him in the forest nearby, the drowsy figure of Mir trailing behind him. She swooped in folding her wings, and crashed down to the pair. Like a bullet she went, quick and fast. She let out an eagles screech to announce her presence. Such was the way Baixue like to greet people. Flamboyant and loud.

@Portal @Telios
Mist fixed her eyes back on the girl, complementing whether or not to leave her. She seemed friendly enough, and somewhat clueless to danger. Hopefully she would just tag along quietly, as not to cause any trouble with other dragons, speaking of which, Mist just heard another voice in her head and suddenly images of some form of mountain circled through her brain.

She rose to her paws, and then crouched, so the girl could climb aboard. Mist promised herself that if the human took advantaged or misbehaved she would not hesitate to let her drop off her back. Mist did not plan on becoming a humanoid pet and mount any time soon.

@Veirrianna Valentine @Portal
Rori nodded acknowledging what he had said. She then jumped up and said, "Well, I should be going now."

( @PicaPirate )
Hokusai looked at her with no facial expression, as he generally didn't use them. "Okay." Was all he said.

He felt something odd, an emotion unfamiliar. In his stomach he felt a slight tug, as though wanting more than what he has at current. Staying with her maybe? He didn't know.

He remained sat in place, staring into the distance and decided to leave himself to his own thoughts to try and figure what this unnatural thing he was feeling was.

@Fantasy Crazy
Rori turned and waved, "See ya around." It had been a long day for her and Rori was tired, she walked for about a mile, which didn't help with her fatigue. Once she felt she could no longer walk she climbed a nearby tree. After finding the perfect fork in the tree she positioned herself so she wouldn't fall out and closed her eyes.

( @PicaPirate )
Watching as her draconian new acquaintance stood, and then lowered one side, Leah couldn't help but recognise it as the invitation it was. Still, it would not due to make assumptions and act on then too quickly. Sure she wanted to make friends, but she didn't want to upset said friends the same day she met them.

Slowly getting to her feet and gently pulling her lance from the ground, she cocked her head to the side with a friendly, yet questioning, smile she spoke.

"Y'want me to... climb on? Yes?"

Receiving no signs telling her she was wrong Leah made her way towards the dragon's side and carefully lifted herself up, manoeuvring herself carefully as to not accidentally kick the dragon the half-orc finally get herself into a comfortable position for herself, and seemingly for the dragon as well, and levered her lance up so that the tip wasn't near herself nor her new friend. Once situated, she steeled her somewhat jittery nerves with a giggle and gave her the go ahead.

"I think I'm ready t'go. Just, uh, please don't fly upside down, right?"
Mist straightened up. If anything, she was like a large winged horse. Size wise, at least.

Opened her wings, and guessing the half-orc was holding on, she shot into the air. She hadn't ever had a humanoid ride her before, so she altered her flight technique as she went, unable to glide as easily as she had been able to do before. The dragon tilted slightly, and went higher in the air, just under the clouds. She flew toward where she remembered the mountain to be, since she had passed it once or twice. She was pretty close, and estimated she and the girl would be there within 10 minutes or so.

@Veirrianna Valentine

As the thread called on all dragons to converse in the Great Crater of the North, Ryukami piqued interest in his boring days. Drax, the little shrimp of a dragon with a big voice but a tiny physique, called out via mental thread.

“Awaken brothers and sisters and head to the Great Crater to the North.”

Ryukami roared out loud in laughter. That zippy little pixie thought himself some grand king now did he? No matter, he was clearly desperate to get all the remaining dragons together, since all the shitty weak ones died in the hunt, though some hid or were not fully born during the hunt. Nonetheless, clearly treasuries and clans meant fuck all now, since there were now so few and even he was called. Well, he supposed he should grace their presence, since he was summoned. All these newborns and newer dragons had yet to meet him anyway, so better have them recognise his might now for them to burn into their memory.

The kilometer long dragon launched himself into the air from a small squat and went hurtling through the sky, leaving the Tower from a disastrous thunderstorm into a somewhat more peaceful scenery with some clouds. The grand dragon gleamed in the air as it flew, blending with the clouds as it moved to the Great Crater of the North, which he may or may not have carved a few times in boredom.

(Now waiting for dragons to be there for him to join at the grand crater)
Mir was slowly waking up while flying behind Drax to The Great Crater until someone woke him up completely. He jumped when he heard an eagle's screech, now knowing who woke him up this morning when he looked up at the white dragon. Báixuě... So it was you. Mir thought to himself and flew slower to get out of Báixuě's directory: heading down straight to them.

@ScarletHood @Portal
Drax flew laps around Mir as they went North, the faerie dragon criticizing Mir's flying while pointing out the superiority to his own methods, this enjoyable moment of prodding the Onyx dragon ceased as that eagle screech sounded and Báixuě descended upon them from above. Caught by surprise Drax shrieked and zipped off in a zig-zag pattern as he left a cloud of euphoric gas in his wake only to lap back around and fly into the dragoness' face with the angriest look the faerie dragon could muster as anger pulsated from him like heat from a fire. His mind voice echoed through nearby minds "I will have you know that I spent HOURS perfecting my appearance this morning and you think it amusing to disturb it by such an entrance!? Mir has felt my wrath already today, shall I discipline you, too!?" Clearly Drax was heated as gas streamed from his nostrils his gaze never lifting from Báixuě.

@ScarletHood @Telios
(Kickstarting this back into action you lazy bums)


The sky darkened and lightning appeared as Ryukami entered the field, dramatic as he saw fit for someone as great as he. Every three seconds a thundering beat of two wings slamming the air for lift could be heard, causing grand currents of air. It was no surpise, since he was a kilometer in height and thus in size far greater than any of the other attending dragons. Lightning struck multiple trees around, being natural lightning conductors.

Landing in the great crater, he looked around to see various dragons, some of which he recognised and some he just forgot due to irrelevancy. He couldn't find the pixie dust dragon they call Drax, so put his head up and boomed DEEPLY "DRAX YA PIXIE SQUIRT, WHERE ARE YOU? YOU HAVE SOME REAL GUTS FOR YOUR INSOLENCE TO SUMMON ME!". He looked around to find them, but struggled, so once again exhaled through his oversized lungs "EXPLAIN YOURSELF!".

He noticed another much smaller dragon, but they weren't possibly related to him so ignored them. He was frustrated and did not want to be out here, so was looking for answers, and rather promptly before he razed the place in pure sadism.
Mist soon landed in the area she was called to. Just as a large dragon began booming out some other dragon's name. He seemed just a bit angry. Mist crouched slightly so the half-orc could get off. Mist was silent, laying down casually as not to seem rude to the larger dragon. She didn't feel like becoming lunch. She gave a small snort to the creature accompanying her, in a gesture to tell her to sit down so they could peacefully wait for the other dragons.

@Veirrianna Valentine
Leah rolled off of her new friend's back almost as soon as they landed. It wasn't that she hadn't enjoyed the flight, as it had been amazing, it was just that she was highly unused to it and wanted to be back on the ground.

With an easy shove she had her lance set in the ground like before, but rather than sit against it like before she instead stood and watched in awe and amazement at the dragons still in the air. She had never seen anything of the like before, and while sure they were massive in size, it wasn't anything new for Leah to find herself a dwarf amongst others, And to think, she had set out all that time ago to prove her dad wrong and that you can simply just make friends instead of fighting, and here she was making friends with dragons of all things! This. Was. Awesome!

Rocking on her heels in anticipation, Lean hummed a little ditty as she awaited the dragons to land.

@PicaPirate @DreadfulDragon @Portal @ScarletHood
Drax huffed at the two younglings before fluttering off “We must Gather, wyrmlings. Bring yourselves.” He’d state as he zipped off towards the North. With great haste the faerie dragon propelled himself through the air, spinning here and there for entertainment, as the Great Crater came into view and Drax witnessed the brilliant display of lightning. Ryukami. Drax pushed as hard a she could as he dived into the crater of the volcano that blew its lid long ago. The faerie dragon zipped up to the towering white dragon as he boomed his demands, hovering inches from his face for he was Drax the Great and he knew how to handle Ryukami’s ego “Brother Ryukami, I see you’re as mighty and obnoxious as ever.” The faerie dragon’s mind tone cooed into the much, much larger dragon’s mind as he began to zip and spin around the large head “However, you seem to have forgotten your manners, wyrm.” Threatened the faerie dragon as clouds of noxious euphoria gas seethed from his nostril “Need I remind you who the Elder here is? Now go take your place and be informed like everyone else.” He’d command before evasively flipping backwards and launching himself into the air, mental threads reaching out to all in attendance, including the still unnoticed half-orc.

Brothers and sisters, it has been too long since this treasury last gathered. I need all of your attention upon me and heed my words. We are all that remain of our once proud race and the Hunters are beginning to venture into these lands despite their fears, fear not most die or retreat in a matter of days, but we must prepare for the worst.” He’d flutter about as he spoke, his voice calm and commanding yet constantly flying in circles and spinning, “As the Eldest dragon among us I say we claim these lands officially and name me, Draxlasar the Great, as your king! We must reestablish our superiority amongst the Hunters through diplomatic relations or” He’d stare at Ryukami knowingly “By force. There are no other options for us it is either DO or DIE. This Treasury will either stand by ME or I will allow Ryukami to finally release some of his pent up aggression.”

@PicaPirate @DreadfulDragon @ScarletHood @Telios

@Veirrianna Valentine
'Ohmigosh, look'it th'wee thing, all fluttery and cutesy with its wee fae wings!' Leah mentally blurted, either completely dismissing or blocking the mental speech as she surged forward on a whim and scooped Drax out of the air and hugged him tight to her, giving him a few pats on the head as she began to splurge over him, the northern orc in her becoming apparent in her excited words.

"Och an' y'must be jest a wee bairn of a drake, aren't ye, with yer cute wee face an'yer adorable wee wings and just the lot of ye's'll n'th'best part o'it s'tha' yer a half fae jest like me! Jest a half fae drake jest like Ah'm a wee half fae orc, och we're jest twinssies th'pair'o us-"

Unbeknownst to Leah, the whole time she'd been fawning over 'th'wee baby fae drake' Draxlasar she didn't even notice the gas pouring out of the less-than-pleased dragon's mouth, even as she began to inhale copious amounts of it.

"-n'we'll take th'world by storm, th'pair'o'us! The world's first half-fae singin' group, ye ken? Oh but, but, but, oh aye, yea, tha's right, ye need tae grow up all big'n'stronglike tae be n'adult fae-drake, don't ye?" the now intoxicated half-orc slurred clumsily, tripping over a loose stone and accidentally tossing Draxlasar to the winds as she fought to keep her inebriated balance.

Stumbling off to her side Leah quickly found aid to regain her balance in the form of one towering white dragon's leg. Instead of pushing off to her own feet, Leah, as inhibited as she was, settled for running her hand over the driven white scales for a moment before launching into another tirade.

"Y'know, y'know wha'? Ah like this colour, Ah really do. S'a'pretty hue'n'all, but y'know wha' it r'minds me of th'most? Th'stuff tha' allus falls from th' sky when it's'cold. Y'know, th'white stuff an' y'know wha' tha' means!? Tha' yer a giant white flying dragon! 'Xactly! Knew't th'whole time!"

Pushing away from Báixuě, Leah stumbled back over to her original compatriot, sticking a hand out unsteadily wiggling her finger at the dragon with a dopey grin.

"Ah'like you 'l'ready, cos we're best mates, aye?"

Attempting, and failing horribly, to wander over to the other black dragon, one with a gold emblem on his head, Leah found herself instead backing into Báixuě. Hugging one of the dragon's forelegs, Leah began to hug it and whisper consolingly to the appendage.

"Shhh, shhh, shhh, s'okay, ssss'ooookay, Ah ken ye missed me, but ye have to share yer mates with all their mates, and it makes th'world'a better place, shhh shh," trailing off for a minute Leah's face grew blank as she drifted off before coming back to her 'senses', "Shhh'oh yea, tha's righ', Ah was comin' over tae say'a hullo tae you ser goldie-nosed dragon! So... ahhhhh, hullo!"

Stumbling out into the middle of the crowd once more the diminutive half-orc finally seemed to take notice of the biggest, largest thing she had ever seen. The dragon she finally noticed was massive and towered well over any other dragon she now stood in the presence of. Turning her head to look almost directly up, any sober half-orc would have recognised the look of pure hatred and annoyance. That said, Leah was not just any half-orc, and she most assuredly wasn't sober.

Drawing in a deep breath of air Leah shouted out a greeting which had decent volume despite her size.

"Hullo up there! Yer a braw'n'bold beastie aren't ye?! Y'know, m'mum allus said tha' th'biggest'n'fiercest lookin' types were allus the nicest! Ah'll bet tha' b'hind that scowl'o yers ye'v got the ourest, nicest heart in th'lands, y'big softie ye'are! R'minds me o' a similar happenstance away back when Ah was just a wee're tyke than Ah'm th'now. S'all started hen m'dear ol' da' told me tha' ye cannae fling yer enemies ou'o'a twenty storey flat...





'n'o'course th'bar wench wasnae pleased with tha' bit of news so she reached 'cross th'table an' boxed 'is ears in. Cos, ah mean, e'eryone knows tha' ye shouldnae tell an' orc wench tha' she looked like a brother ye once had, but y'knew tha' already, didn' ye? Anyway...





So he grabs the poor lady by'er ankles, swingin' her about, 'n'screams out 'I'm go'in tae snuff out yer life with the body o'yer wife', an' ye can understand the poor lad's confusion, as he was but a spotty faced teen who'd never but dated another, but lemme tell ye, it made for the best excuse not to go coo tipping, ye ken? So what happened next was...





He was goin' tae launch in tae a rousin' tale of where bairns came fram, but m'dad seemed tae have been displeased by th'idea and had 'im talkin' out th'other side o'is face soon after. One o'th'great mysteries Ah've still no' figured out quite yet actually, but Ah'm gettin' off topic aren't I?...





An' tha's how Ah know, first hand, tha' the biggest meanest lookin' blighters're allus the nicest blokes around! Sides, y'don' look tha' tough tae me. Watch'n'learn!"

Rearing back, Leah launched herself forward, driving a full throttle headbutt into the foot of the massive dragon that was Ryukami. Despite her forehead connecting solidly, paired with a triumphant shout, it achieved little other than having Leah stumble back, a silly grin on her face, as she spoke one more word before falling onto her back.

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She took in Drax's words, it was true that they would need to prepare for other races invading their lands. Her mind wandered to possible ways of preventing major harm. However then a non-dragon being stumbled into the scene. She went up to Drax and said humorous words such as "wee" and "little," before stumbling over to her. Baixue gave a little snicker at the drunken orc/fairy girl, she probably has inhaled Drax's

"special gas." Her mind turned to Ryukami, a dragon like her, however he wasn't as fun to tease. After the girl left her, she let out a seething steam of mist. It flowed around her, making her more sparkly than ever.
Mist stayed silent where she was, glaring at the creature she had brought blunder around and act like a fool. The dragoness heard something bout preparing for a war. That didn't sound very pleasant, was all she thought about the matter. And if this half orc creature didn't behave she wouldn't have a very pleasant time either, Mist figured.
Lazrex perched in the corner away from the other dragons and listened to the cute Fae Dragon as it spoke. "D'awwww it thinks I am going to listen to someone as cute as it over say the big guy behind him" he thought to himself. He sinuously moved to the middle of the crowd and sat on his claws. "Must we kill from the frontlines or can I make minced meat of them from the shadows? Seems like a much smarter way to go against such a vast array of enemies." Lazrex spoke to th crowd.

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