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Fantasy The Land of Xiǎolóng




She took the information in, hmm this meant she would still need to continue her daily check up. "Nothing much just doing a favor for a friend.." she flew off releasing an even larger breeze towards the cave. A light laugh, and the sound of bells reaching the ears of anyone nearby. She flew onwards to the clouds, once again blending into them, watching over the land for any of the other dragons.
Garlon looked at the winged elf, "Indeed, we humans are a little over our heads." He said, stood up, he dusted himself off and shook his head, "I think it may be time for me to leave. I have to return to FairFall. It was nice meeting you, ma'am. Take care." Garlon started to jog back into the city to his horse. "Darn, I almost died. I need to be more careful." He thought as he found his horse and mounted her. "Well, it's time to go." Garlon said quietly, as he rode off.
Mist glided onto a tree branch, the branch bending under her weight. She leaped off again, landing gracefully on all fours on the ground.

It had been weeks since she had seen another dragon, so she felt like she was going insane almost. Nothing to do, no one to talk to or anything. Forest animals weren't friendly either.

The dragoness crept through the woods, perking her ears in hopes to find another dragon soon.


The blonde haired elf was closing up shop, and then began walking home. She saw other elves, and talked for a minute to a few of them, since she knew them. When she got home she ate supper and then headed outside, outside of the town just to unwind after work.

(Not really sure of what exactly is going on with everyone else.. So anyone can approach either of my characters.)
Spinning and dancing airily through the trees, Leah smiled at the freedom she felt. She knew that, unlike back home, there would be no disapproving grunts of her brothers at her antics, or disapproving words from her more orcish sisters. No, this was freedom, not surrounded by the more fearsome and brutal types of peoples she'd been raised around.

Even better, she was in the woods, and her faerie side loved it. Spinning around a tree, her eyes locked on to something she had never once seen in person before.

It was a dragon.

It was black, probably double her height, about the same height as her dad actually, though maybe a bit shorter. The dragon was not angry or scary looking at all, though, not like the massive beasts the tales said. No, actually it just seemed to be wandering about... just like her!

Making her way over, feet inaudible as they settled in the grass, Leah made her way to the dragon's side and settled into a fairly relaxed pose, rocking back and forth from her heels to her toes before speaking.

"Soooo... a dragon huh? I guess you never have to worry about weighing things do ya? Ya know..." gestured Leah, a friendly grin on her face, "Cause you come with your own scales? Oh, by the way, hiya, I'm Leaahraeh, or Leah for short."

(Starting from now when posting please tag the people you are interacting with)

@Veirrianna Valentine @Phoenix Lord @ashlynn @Odek Lorehunter

(If I forgot anyone please let me know, I'll be adding this rule to the rp)
Mist had to take a double take on the creature that just flounced up to her. Were the humanoid creatures really getting this bold?

The dragoness growled lowly, arching her back like a cat and baring teeth that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

However, very slowly the dragon seemed to calm down, instead staring at the creature, since it didn't seem wanting to harm her.

Had it really tried to tell a joke? Slowly Mist sat onto her haunches, staring -now curiously- at the halfling. She quickly eyed the female up and down, looking for any weapons or something that could be used against herself. @Veirrianna Valentine
Khal watches the human take off into the town before looking over at the other winged elf. "Well then, what do you plan to do now?," he asks her curously. As they stand there, he feels a familiar prickling that warns him that someone or something is watching them, causing him to look around and eventually narrow his gaze at the canopy of a tall tree. "Come out whoever you are," Khal calls out defensively, a hand holding the bow he had unslung from his back.

@Nyxx @yumiyukifan1


Aria is walking through an elven town, watching with interested eyes all the tall fae that walk past her. Her engineering mind also take stock of all the building and other structures in the vicinity, taking stock of what could be inproved or used n a defensive manner if needed. Eventually, she found herslef stopping at a pub for the night and went inside to order a drink.
Vytalas was walking around his mage tower in HighHaven, the Elven settlement of the land. As he walked through the halls of his grand tower, smiling at the apprentice mages and master mages that crossed his path, he eventually got to the top of the tower and into his study area as he grabbed his mage staff and then made his way out the room and out of the tower, into the city. As he walked around, the Elven mage proceeded to go to one of the many shops in the city. "Hello again" he said, looking at the shopkeeper as the words escaped his lips "I'm here for the package of herbs" the shopkeeper, who was also an Elf, nodded with a slight chuckle, tossing the package to Vytalas who caught it and then nodded farewell, leaving the shop and heading back to the mage tower.. "I can finally get down to business.." He muttered. "If I want to venture towards the unknown then I Must be prepared" he thought to himself as he walked the streets
Leah watched the dragon as it seemed to go through a myriad of reactions before it settled onto its haunches. Figuring she may as well do the same, leaning back until the tip of her lance sank into the ground, propping her up at an odd angle until she reached up and unbuckled the sheath from her chest causing her to slide down the shaft until her bum touched ground and she sat opposite of the drake.

Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a stack of five salted salmon, placing two on her own lap and leaving the other three in the wrapper, placed in between herself and the black dragon that seemed to find her interesting. Which was completely understandable Leah was sure.

Tearing a bite out of the fish, she swallowed the mouthful and gestured at the other three.

"Dear old dad always said the best way to greet someone was with a challenge of battle. But m'dad's'a orcish warchief, so that's't'be expected, right? Anyhow, I prefer a nicer approach, want some salmon?"

@Lizzy (Can't believe I forgot this *Facepalms*)
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Mist watched curiously, soon eyeing the fish hungrily. Luckily, she didn't have to stare for long, because the human gestured to them seeming to say to help herself.

The dragon gave a small sound, similar to a purr, of gratitude as she stood up to take her own helping of fish. She flicked the wrappers off with a claw and ate the fish at once. A long slender tongue licked her chops, her eyes fixed on the human as she ate her own fill. Maybe the people weren't so bad after all. @Veirrianna Valentine
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Hokusai wandered through the land, searching further the lands of people and 'humanity' the unknown that nursed him spoke of. The woman spoke of foreign words, such as 'love' and 'compassion', among other words that were simply not compatible in the mindset of a Bushin. Bushin, a man who focused since as a newborn in the ways of martial prowess and skill. You were taught how to kill a group of enemies in one fell swoop, not how to love or care for someone.

He wandered through the forests of South Silver, dense with shrubbery and towering woods. You could probably lose an elephant in these woods, and standing at 7ft 8 and with the ominous aura he gave of basically a walking Grim Reaper, he basically had the presence of one. Even if you didn't see him, you would probably have your senses tingling with something extremely terrifying and dangerous, like when a sword swings your face and your body reacts as though it is an extreme threat.

Not to blame either. He was no senseless killer, however death was what he was best at dishing out cold. Served with a sprinkling of salt. The salt of blood that will cake the enemies limp bodies that is.

He looked around, thinking there was someone nearby to him, though maybe he was just paranoid. His mind returned to a blank state as he idled through the forest, his obscenely large glaive (matching his size) on his back and ready to draw at any moment. A clouded mind was a mind not ready. A blank mind was ready for any situation to react accordingly with nothing to block judgement and deal with a situation accordingly.

Death was on the loose, and its hair was a bit messy.

(Anyone can butt in here to meet, @Fantasy Crazy if you want to introduce yourself to the RP here meeting him)
Roria wandered through the dense forest of South Silver. She had just moved here but, she was always one to stay in the outdoors. With her white hair flowing behind her she looked at the ground.

Soon enough she felt as if she was being watched. Well, she didn't necessarily know she was being watched. But, she did know there was something else around her.

Carefully, she walked over to a tree. She always did this when she felt in danger, for this gave her back protection. She gripped the dagger in her belt and stood confidently, "Hello?" She choked out. Though she stood confidently, she wasn't confident whatsoever.

(@PicaPirate )
Hokusai raised his voice at the small choked voice of a woman. Its accent was elvish, however hard to confirm due to how broken in fear the voice was. Slowly turning to the origin of the voice, he wandered in its general direction, unsheathing his glaive and holding it to his side as he walked. The broken litter of the forest crunched beneath his feet, giving no care for hiding his presence, if that were even possible. Doubtfully.

Eventually he saw the one in question, a young elf. Even if elves were famed for their height, his huge frame and height towered over all, especially her. She gripped to a steel dagger, however there was no way she could stand a chance in hell in fighting him. The scene was like a lion towering over a hamster, and he has killed lions bare handed.

He attempted to do start with how the woman of the shrine taught him, with this 'greeting' of people as she called it. He looked at her and said "Hello. I am Hokusai. Your attempt to threaten with the knife are of no use."

Well...baby steps. He wasn't going to hold good conversation from the get go, for someone born and raised to kill.

@Fantasy Crazy
Lazrex lay in the crevice of his cave resting his eyes before he battles off the orcs that try and steal his jewels. His charcoal eyes observe the entrance of the cave from the right upper corner of his cave or what these orcs call a "mine". Outside the cave lies a vast journey of trees up until the point you learn to fly or die from the 40,000 foot drop to the bottom of Fairfall.

Time passes and Lazrex wakes up from a deep sleep to the clinking of iron against ore. Out of the corner of his eye he sees an orc about to hit him with a pickaxe. Lazrex swerves to the side and slashes at the Orcs jugular, cutting right through his throat making the head fall right off their shoulders. The other Orcs turn to see their friend on the floor and a diamon scicle bloodied near the wall.

They go to observe it only to pass it off as a diamond just sticking out of the wall. Lazrex standing there with one claw extrnded and both eyes closed. They finish their work and head out. Once they are out of sight and earshot, Lazrex relaxes and heads back to sleep.
Out of curiosity of the progress his dear white dragon was making Drax focused his mind and cast a single mental thread out after Báixuě. It would take little effort to locate her, he did monitor her upbringing, after all, and to view her surroundings as she flew and made contact with Mir, the onyx dragon. As with Báixuě, Drax also knew Mir’s parents from before the dragon hunt but he did not charge himself with the hatchling’s care. He did, however, pass on what all adult dragons do to new hatchlings at their first Gathering; the memories of their ancestors, their knowledge and their experiences. It was customary and the future King of Dragons had to make sure his future subjects were educated; education is always a big issue amongst the humans. Drax continued to observe the ongoing between the two before disconnecting from Báixuě once she flew off.

Taking the opportunity the faerie dragon launched into the air and flapped his butterfly-like wings towards Mir’s lair. As he flew, despite having smaller wings he still flew at a faster speed than most dragons, he dipped and swooped through the air with little spins and dive-bombs as he blew euphoric gas in the faces of birds and land animals as his mischievous laugh echoed through nearby minds. He hovered over Mir’s lair and glanced about, expanding his mind and spreading mental tendrils out as he his mind voice called out to his kind “My kin, this is Draxlasar the elder of our fine Treasury; I ask that you all prepare for a Gathering. This is do or die, kindred.” With that lovely message sent through the mental links he waited for connections to be made before descending down to Mir’s lair “Mir!” Called the tiny elder as he zipped into the cave and spun about within the darkness as his mind called out again “Mir! Do not hide from me! Remember what happened last time?”

@ScarletHood @Telios @DreadfulDragon @Lizzy
Mir took off when Báixuě left, heading to the forest to find a meal for him. Soon after, he returned to the cave with a dear between his jaws. After having laid it onto the ground, he started eating until a particular dragon showed up. He sighed and cast an invisibility spell on himself, not wanting to be interrupted while having a meal.

Drax continued to zip around the cave, irritation evident in his tone as his mind reached out again “Mir! Stars above, you better not be hiding from me!” and with that the irritated faerie dragon spewed a large cloud of euphoric gas into the air and growled “if you can hear me, Mir, it would be advised you show up to the Gathering.” With that the faerie dragon fluttered out of the cave and perched atop the mouth of Mir’s lair, glaring down at the entrance in annoyance; he was unsure whether or not he detected Mir’s actual mind signature of the remnants of it but the tiny dragon was determined to find out.

Mist suddenly had a males voice saying something about a gathering in her head. 'What the heck..?' She thought to herself. Could it be another dragon? It had to be.

She hasn't had much practice with talking to dragons through her mind, but she wanted to find the others. This girl was kind, but she would prefer to be with her own kind.

She tried concentrating on sending a message in return, but wasn't sure if it would get through. "Where?" She attempted to reply, multiple times. After a minute or two of this she stopped, staring back at the creature. @Portal
Menrei leaned against the tree while sitting down. She was in a crisscross position waiting for the man to make his first move. Her eyes were still set on them, watching them for no reason. The dagger around her waist dug into her hip, but she didn't mind. It felt calm up in the trees. But when lightning strikes, the tree will probably be in it's way.

@Phoenix Lord @Nyxx
Watching as the dragon before her gulped down the fish she'd been offered, Leah couldn't help but crack an even wider smile. Temporarily losing herself in eating her own meal, the half-orc didn't look up for a while, but when she finally did she found the seemingly mute dragon staring back at her, seeming as if there was something she wanted or needed to tell her.

Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, and then the back of her hand on the grass, Leah cokced her head to the side and stared back before speaking.

"You want t'go somewhere..." she spoke, her voice sure and strong, "Because you don't have a drink and y'just ate salty foods!" She finished with a triumphant cry, raising a fist in a victorious shake, though it didn't seem to be the correct guess and she slowly lowered her arm and laughed sheepishly.

"Or, y'know, you could just show me."

Mir noticed the cloud of euphoria gas, which was probably made by Drax, and tried to blow them away with his wings. But he breathed in some of it and began to smile unwillingly. "Not...good..." He felt suddenly happy and began to stumble out of the cave, his invisibility spell dissipating. When he was at the entrance of his cave, he fell over onto his belly and couldn't help but smile goofily at Drax. "Again...?" He asked, clearly still drunk from the gas.

Roria looked at the giant that stood before her, she put the dagger back in its slot and stood up straight. "Rori." She said, she disliked it when people called her by her real name, "And I was not trying to threaten you whatsoever, I was merely trying to protect myself."

(@PicaPirate )
Hokusai sheathed in a smooth motion the glaive to his back and looked down at the woman. Since she was of no threat and didn't attempt to harm him, it would be needless slaughter to attack her.

He thought for a moment as for what to do. He wasn't...well...familiar with sociality and people.

"My given name is Bushin Hokusai. The bushin are warriors trained since birth by dragons to fight and kill. Until recent it has been the only one I lived and remains the one I know the most. What about you?"

He was attempting conversation, though his tone was probably completely off and made him still sound threatening.

@Fantasy Crazy
Rori thought for a minute, then decided she could trust Hokusai, "Well, to start, my real name is Roria Winters, though I do prefer you call me Rori." She said and pulled back her hair, showing her elf ears, "I'm an elf, uh, I guess that's it."

( @PicaPirate )
Hokusai noticed that either he could just not hold conversation, or she did not talk much either. He noticed himself growing hungry, so sat down beside the tree and dug out a pouch with some resources. He still had some dried deer meat packed earlier for use as provisions and offered some to Rori.

He debated explaining to her the change he had undergone the last few days, or rather, the change he had been instructed in. Becoming...human.

"Tell me, what do you do in your life?"

@Fantasy Crazy

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