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Fantasy The Land of Xiǎolóng


One Weird Winker

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    Far away, beyond the fog, there was a place called "the land of Xiǎolóng", filled with mythical creatures of various kinds
    ; Elfs, Fairies, Orcs, Gnomes, human, halfling, goblins and dwarves.

    As such powerful races resided together, the land was split. Four sectors;
    South Silver, Highhaven, Wellbourne & Fairfall.


    Before the split the land was ruled by demographic system, the citizens voted and a council that contained members of each race. Years flew by with little to no trouble, until the a new race came; Dragons they called themselves. They took over the land and claimed it the Land of Xiǎolóng, the Land of Dragons.

    However after years of being objected to slavery the races fought back, teaming against each other and forming an alliance they pushed against the Dragons. Soon they triumphed the race diminished to a few hundreds, but they didn't stop. Feeling more powerful the races started a competition;
    Hunt of the Dragons. Which race could bring the most dragons would be crowned the rulers of Xiǎolóng.

    Consumed by the thirst of conquest and power the blood slaughter continued on, causing the hundreds to fall to only 10 dragons left. The remaining survivors of the hunt fled deep within the land where the other races never dared to tread.

    Soon after each race started to claim that they had the most dragon hides. None would admit defeat, causing a large decision for the land to be split into four.

    One well known rule, that is left unspoken of, is applied here; each race stays in their territory unless to trade or sell.


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Garlon yawned and stretched as he stood up. He'd been sitting outside under a tree for many hours, with nothing to eat. "I think it may be time for my travels to start. The HighHaven area is pretty wonderful." He said speaking to himself. Garlon put away a map he'd been taking notes on, "Maybe I should head into the more populated areas, and indulge in Elf activities. Sounds magnificent...but maybe I wouldn't be right for them. " Garlon said mounting his horse and riding into the populated areas of HighHaven. He waved and greeted many new people before making a stop at a local shop for something to quench his thirst. Garlon purchased a oddly shaped bottle that contained water, even though the bottle looked odd, he wasn't so sure it contained water though. He payed the shopkeep and left to find somewhere to eat. As he walked, he sipped the liquid from the bottle. It didn't taste right, it had more of a liquor taste to it, and due to it being Elf liquor, Garlon had ended up with a almost immediate drunk-like feeling. He started to get a little woozy, before wandering back into the forest and sitting on a nearby rock. "I am not gonna die from this, but I know for a fact, I'll sleep a few days if I am not sober soon." He said hanging his head.

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Khalroth is sitting on one of his favorite tree branches a little ways off from the populated areas. Having just come back from a successful hunt in the forest, he was building up the nerve to enter the town to sell his kills when he noticed someone sumbling out of the bulding and inside the treeline. Khal flies to a closer tree branch and notices that the individual is human and that the human is holding a bottle of one of the most potent elven brews. "Ahh, the follies of human kind strikes again. Another poor soul who falls victim to fae drinks," he mutters to himself with a sad chuckle. Preparing to move away and leave the man to sleep away his drunken state, Khal hears a sound in the foliage beneath where he is currently perched. When he looks down, the light of the sun soaking through the canopy reflect off the eyes of a hungry feline that currently has its gaze and hunger focused on the man. "Oh great, now do I take the life of another creature of the forest or do I allow nature to take its course and see the human be killed?" He sighs before continuing, "Not much choice I guess. Was my kind that got him into this mess." Waiting for an opening, Khal drops down onto the feline just as it is about to pounce upon the man and uses his dragon-bone shortsword to slice its neck open, quickly and cleanly ending its life as painlessly as possible.
Iason places another wet river rock, slick and green from algae. He stands, eyes closed, letting the last of the warm sun's light play heavily across his closed eyes. With an expanse of his chest, he draws the chilled evening air deep into his lunges. Once again, with an open mouth, he allows the frigged air to roll over his tongue, carrying with it the flavor of rain on a field. He rolls his bare toes through the recently disturbed earth feeling the damp soil press lightly between them. Faintly, echos of the screams and commotion from the night before break the silence of his mind, as images press against his closed eyelids.

It wasn't the sounds of breaking brush that had alerted him, it was the smell of Blood. The terrible smell of wet raw iron that pressed harshly against any surface it could find purchase, binding with fabrics and permeating into wood. The smell drew him from his meditation, and urged him into the woods. Rising without a second glance at his staff, Iason broke into a run. Any of the gods poor creatures who had lost that amount of blood held no threat. With only a few short steps, the healer reached a small clearing in time to see the ferns on the other side give way. There, standing, was a mountain of a man with shattered armor, no remaining weapon, and a facial expression that read dread. Proximity brought with it a new mix of scents. Blood still strong, but now with undertones of infection, excrement, and bile all oozing from the broken warrior's now mostly shredded abdomen.

"Please" The word burst forth in a cloud of blood from the dying man. It was all he could managed. His lunges had started to seize and the initial cloud was followed by a thunderstorm of crimson. The healer grabbed the man and ushered him back to the encampment. As he laid him down, gently, another scent washed over him. An odd one. Much like rot. Or harsh Chemical? Sulfur. Iason bowed his head and prepared for the long night ahead.

He stepped back to survey his work. His hand wiped sweat and dried blood from his for head. Covered from head to toe in dirt and grim and swaths crimson, now dried to a dull brown, the healer looked down at the dirt and stones he had toiled over. Arranged neatly, Thirteen slimy green river rocks danced over the dirt in the shape of a serpent. The symbol of the Healers of the Broken, now stood a mark of solemnity on top of an otherwise unmarked grave.




The dry and desert like wasteland, was spattered randomly with clumps of trees and rocks. Nearby the forest of Fairfall could be seen. Wind blew past; the icy chill had no affect on the dragon. It was close to dawn, the sun was taking it's time to submerge from the water. A large puff of white mist blew from her jaws, she watched the fiery ball of gas. Slowly her white scales began to glow as Sun hit her. She let out a pleasant sound at the warmth. Her mind was at peace, one with the land, yet she knew it wouldn't last long soon the other dragons would wake.

The sun now blasted from the sky, raining it's light onto her. She glowed a pure white gleam. Her wings spread out wide and large in size. In a blink of an eye she took off. Reaching the clouds, she blended in perfectly. Now gliding she gazed down onto the Unknown lands.
In the branches of a tall, ancient oak Drax emerged from his lair located close to the border of Fairfall and crawled out onto a branch, stretching with his front end down and back end up. He’d let out a satisfied coo as he reversed the stretch, his colorful scales glimmering fabulously in the light as he preened his bristly spines and glittery, butterfly-like wings. The morning ritual of Draxlasar the Great was indeed a tedious and time consuming one but the future King of Dragons had to keep up appearances; stars forbid the other dragons try for the crown. Giving a final stretch of his wings Drax leapt from the branch and took flight to chase after a juicy looking beetle. The faerie dragon zipped and swooped to whack the beetle to the ground with his tail and dive bombed after it, cracking the shell and receiving juicy innards as he caught it just before it’d hit the ground. Regaining his altitude the tiny dragon munched on a variety of berries before landing on a limb just above his lair and stretching out along it to bathe in the morning sun. “This is the life.” He’d say to himself in mind speech, his primary form of communication. Despite being one of the last remaining dragons Drax was living it up to his fullest, he wasn’t going to be one of the dragons hiding in a cave and waiting for the Hunters to come.


Drax the Great would gas them all and steal their knickers before he’d go down; given the Hunters were distracted by the other dragons first.
Arixia was on her morning walk through HighHaven, waving to a few of her friends as she walked by, and fluttering her wings to feel the warm breeze accompanied by the high glittering sun as her translucent wings caught the light, shimmering in response. The numerous shops reflected the bright sun as she passed by, and she peered through them, making satisfied grunts when she saw something she liked. Unfortunately, she had nothing to buy these things with, and walked past them with a disappointed frown. Soon enough she reached the end of town, and saw a drunken human near the end of town. Arixia laughed to herself, and approached him with a smile on her face, "You realize you're drinking a pretty hefty alcoholic beverage there." She sat on the leafy ground as she waited for a response, fluttering her wings once more, the ground rustling from the breeze created. She wondered when humans would care to study Elven culture, and would possibly understand what to drink and what not to. She frowned inwardly, knowing humans usually don't concern themselves with things outside of their safe bubbles.
Khalroth notices a new elf, another winged one similar to himself, approach the drunk human. Seeing the new arrival, Khal's social ineptitude causes him to freak out a bit and retreat back up into the tree where he feels safer. Back up in the tree, he watches the elf sit near the human and attempt to talk to him. He continues to watch as he cleans the blood from his sword, still regretting the kill he just had to do. After sometime waiting, he finally pulls together enough courage to call out, "I would be surprised if that human stay consious enough to be mobile much longer. It would be best to get him out of the trees while he is still safe."
Arixia looked up as a voice called out from the trees. She saw another winged elf in the tree, and replied, standing and brushing the dirt and leaves off her pants, "Okay, would you like to help me?" She glanced at the human, and knew she couldn't carry him alone. She could carry him using a spell but that might be too revealing in front of strangers. Not everyone liked it when she used magic in front of them.
Khalroth shifts uncomfortably in the tree, feeling awkward about helping someone who likely wont remember it before remembering that would be better since he could view it as only being near one person rather than two. Khal eventually jumps down, using wings to lessen the impact, and walks over to help move the human. "Im Khal by the way. Khalroth Vandir," he mutters weakly when taking one arm of the human over his shoulder.
Arixia smiled softly, and took the human's other arm, and sharing the weight with her new acquaintance with a small grunt because of his weight, "My name is Arixia. Nice to meet you Khal." She winked at him, as they carried the human, and looked up at the sky, the warm sun beating down on her pale face and ebony hair, creating silver streaks as the light bounced off her head, "It's a beautiful day to be carrying a human, isn't it?"
When Arixia winks at him, Khal starts to fidget as his social ineptitude begins to act up. As they walk, his gaze is kept towards the ground, arguably to make sure not to trip over anything when actually it is because he is scared and wanting to bolt. "Uhm...ya, I guess it is," Khal answers her in a small voice, "Sorry, I grew up as an outcast who prefered nature to society." He keeps looking down as they reach the edge of the town and he stops, unsure what he should do now.
Unfortunately Drax’s relaxation would be cut short as he raised his head up as a familiar mind signature drifted within range of his senses; Báixuě. The tiny dragon huffed as he slowly lifted himself off the branch and took flight in the direction in which he could feel the mind of the white dragon. All the dragonkin thought her strange yet it was her parents who, with their dying wish, made Drax promise to watch over the wyrmling. So he obliged seeing as it was technically Drax’s fault her parents were killed, but those unimportant details are often overlooked, and he became a rather anonymous caregiver. Probing his mind forward he located Báixuě out in the wasteland and adjusted his flight path in her direction. Now Drax was never the best caregiver, especially the first few years of being orphaned but he always made sure something, whether it was food or shelter,went her way in those dark, desperate times. Even after the relocation into the unknown lands Drax remained an anonymous caregiver until after a century or two into their stay he’d come forward to explain what her parents had asked of the faerie dragon and he made sure to point out the points in her life he was there. He flew on until he reached the vicinity of her mind signature and he’d huff “Where is that troublesome wyrmling?” Irritation in his mind speech as he glanced up towards the clouds and high-pitched trumpeting sound, a greeting to any dragon within earshot as he awaited a response.




She felt the almost transparent texture of clouds past through her as she glided along. Her moment of bliss only lasted for a few moments, soon a high pitched sound resembling a trumpet reached her ears; it was Drax, the faerie dragon. A dragon who has looked after her from the moment she had lost her parents, as such she was grateful to him. Her small wisp of smoke came out of her mouth, then she dove, straight through the clouds and head on aiming at Drax. She let out her laughter; which sounded like tiny bells. A strange sort of sound coming from such a big dragon as herself.

As her body left the clouds the Sun hit her scales, creating a bright white glow, enough to blind anyone looking head on, unless they were a dragon. She didn't falter in her speed as she got closer and closer to Drax. Until just a inch away she flung out her wings and was pushed back a little bit. Then she slowly descended in front of him, staring innocently into his eyes.

Mir was sleeping peacefully in a cave until he was rudely woken up by a high-pitched sound. Growling, he slowly opened his eyes and look at the entrance. "Morning already...?" He growled, eyes squinting to adjust to the light but was soon closed as he tried to get some more sleep. It was about time for his morning meal, but he had already had a big meal last night, having caught a big deer for himself due to how late it had been. That was also the reason why Mir was so sleepy even at this time of the day.

The faerie dragon, which was shimmering fabulously in the sunlight, turned his head to that familiar laugh and he cringed internally. Releasing a hefty sigh he fluttered backwards from the approaching white dragon, which was blindingly bright in the sunlight, to avoid an accidental collision. Such as when she first learned to fly; Drax had to be present for that and it was horrifying. For him, at least. As the dragoness stopped herself the tiny Drax nearly flipped backwards as he shrieked “Must you ALWAYS do that!” His scolding echoing through her mind “Do you not remember what happened LAST time you failed to stop?” He queried with an annoyed look, his head craning forward and one beady eye focused on her. He’d huff, disregarding her response, as he began weaving and fluttering around the large dragon, inspecting her from head to toe, before circling her head “You’re alive and healthy, I see. Have you heard from the rest of the Treasury? I have been busy watching our borders for the Hunters.”




She gave another laugh, Drax's reactions to her close encounters in crashing into him, amused her so much. As he let out a question to her usual shenanigans she went to open her mouth to respond, however was dismissed. Sheesh for a tiny dragon he sure was "mother like." He inspected her before saying;

You’re alive and healthy, I see. Have you heard from the rest of the Treasury? I have been busy watching our borders for the Hunters.”

She shook her head, "I was the few that have awoken, but I bet you had fun "watching" the borders my dear Elder" She roared with laughter and lifted off. Creating a huge gust of wind that could blow the average being off their feet. "I'll go check on Mir!" she voiced her thoughts to Drax flying to the direction of where Mir should've been. Upon closer inspection she came across a cave, where the dragon she had been looking for was sound asleep. She gave a quite laugh and came up with a plan.

Using the clouds once more, she flew straight up, as quick as she could and blended in with them. This way she would be invisible to Mir. She let out a piercing shriek that resembled an eagle. She had learnt this when she bored one day, an eagle was passing by and making the most irritating of sounds. Her logical thought was to intimidate it by screeching back. However it came close to her, not seeing what she was, thinking she was a friend. Some time later she had a belly full with roasted bird.

Then in a breathe she dove down towards Mir, cutting straight through the clouds leaving her mark in them. The cool breeze coming from the sea hit her as she went faster and faster. This time she unleashed her bright blinding wings a foot away. Then landed softly onto the nice soft grass. "Mir! My good friend!" she said to through her mind.
"G-Gah!" Mir jolted awake at the screech of an eagle. "First Drax now an eagle?! Can't a dragon have some sleep?" He growled in annoyance, walking to the entrance to look for the troublesome bird, checking if it was still nearby. But just then, Báixuě landed in front of the cave. "Mir! My good friend!" Her voice came into his mind. "Good morning Báixuě..." The bipedal dragon bowed in respect, having already known that the dragoness is much older than him. He was still annoyed due to disturbances keeping him from sleeping but he put up a smile at her. "How has your day been?"

Menrei sat on a tree branch eating her lunch. Her dark gas mask was hung down over her neck and she carefully took a bite of her fish, wanting to make sure no one had poisoned it... Or if she accidentally spilled some poison over it.. The smell of the fish was drowned out by the dead Griffon Weed wrapped around it. Dead Griffon Weeds are great for wrapping up perishable food, such as eggs, fish, meat, etc. It helps keep it fresh and alive, because of the nutrients inside of the weed. A drunk man fainted not too long ago, and some elf companions came over to help the drunkard. It was a sad sight really... Because helping a stranger, if you're unlucky, could lead to injuries or death. Such as, the man is a murderer and tries to kill the two compassionate elves, or they are left with cuts and bruises after he rises. The two theories could be possible, couldn't they? Menrei decided to follow them out of boredom. She finished her fish and wrapped the weed around the tree branch and jumped into another tree, landing softly onto a thick wide oak branch.




She responded, "So and so, Drax being the usual melodramatic self that he is" She gave a chuckle. One of the eldest of all the other dragons, besides Drax, the others naturally gave her respect. However personality wise she had adopted some traits of the younger Drax, as she grew up. She let out a wisp of cloudy smoke, tiny crystals floated in the mist. Any one who knew her would know how dangerous the harmless looking mist was. She played with mist carelessly, awaiting Mir's response.
Mir looked at the mist and slowly, but respectfully backed off from it. He has already known how lethal it is, one breath in and you are guaranteed dead. "It's Drax we are talking about. Of course he would be melodramatic." He laughed, although he knew Drax is trying to take good care of Báixuě. She is a strange dragoness, having bright white scales. The only dragon he has seen with that color is an ice dragon, and he was sure that she wasn't one.
He narrowed his eyes after the white dragon as she flew away, waiting for her to gain some distance before he’d flutter down to a lovely sized rock and perching himself atop of it as he watched the sky, basking in the sunlight as he entered his thoughts. Stars above. She must have been a faerie dragon once or I was more involved than I thought. Won't be long before she tries tampering with Power, unless she retains that innocence. He once again began to preen his fabulous platinum colored wings and bristly spines, clutching his tail between his claws as he perfected its appearance. He would continue to be patient for the others to awaken because he required his kin to be present if there was going to be change. What good is a king if he has no conscious subjects? Growing impatient the faerie dragon began blowing streams of euphoric gas into the air and giggling as birds and insects stumbled across the noxious fumes and creating an enjoyable sight; the affected creatures spinning and swerving through the air and often enough entering such a state of bliss they’d become comatose and drop straight to the ground. Drax gained great pleasure watching the effects of his gas, sometimes a bit too much.
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Baixue sucked the mist in dispersing it into her body, however it would not poison nor harm her as she was immune to such things. She stretched out her wings and gave a little shake, causing a gust of wind to flow from her. She then tilted her head at Mir, "Haven't seen any of the others around your area?" She needed to find out where all the dragons were and report back to Drax. Even if he was tiny, he was in a way the leader of the group.
"I don't think I have seen any." Mir shook his head in response. "Why are you asking?" He questioned due to he was curious. Why does she need to know? Or someone else is needing to know? He thought to himself and spaced out, only to shake his head to snap back to reality.

(Short post is short. ;. ;)
Neere relaxed in the warm sun on a tree branch high above Wellbourne. She had her eye's closed and was about to strech when she began rolling over the edge of the branch. She opened her eye's quickly and as she fell she grabbed on to a branch and pulled her self up onto it, escaping her bag's fate. She groaned, jumped down and gathered up her things, many of the bottles in her bag broken and their contents spilling out over the ground. She stamped the ground and in frusteration she yelled. She had spent a lot of money on those potions.

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