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Fantasy The Land of Terra in the World of Earth-Gaia

Genis moaned and pulled himself to the wall. His attacker was soon on the floor, and he let out a chuckle, that was stopped by the pain in his rib section:

"That probably isn't good." He mumbled to himself while sitting up agains't the wall:

"Neither is this... For you." one of the attackers came to him, one of the goons to be more precise:

"Hey, hey... I'm kind if the least of your concerns. I am not going anywhere like this... How about you kill the ones that will fight first, eh?" Genis replied, scared to death. The shard in his pocket started to faintly glow, but then the most strangest thing happened:

"I-I think you're right... Thanks." The monster proclaimed before jumping away from him. He never expected to persuade the monster to leave him be... And his shard glowed even more.

He went to reach it... But only cursed his pain.

"Armando, you idiot! What are you doing!?" Xanth roared in fury. He raised the hilt of his axe and slammed it against his soldier's skull. A cracking sound could be heard as the solder who spared the hero flew to the pillar and slammed against it with such force that it left a deep crack on it. Xanth looked at Rodel and motioned him to move. The horseman nodded and took a few steps and began to kneel. With his bow, he took an arrow from the quiver and aimed at the wolf. Rodel's muscles bunched and tightened, sweat pouring from the pores of his heated biceps,. His legs tensed with focus and concentration. With one magnificent neigh, Rodel released the arrow and one can hear it fly to Bert with the speed or a galloping horse across a windy meadow, the air running through its mane.

Kraxthnit stood up and screeched in frustration. He was the second strongest in the division, he was not going to lose to a drunk and a suit of armor! Looking at the lush, he lunged for the man once more, the aura of his viciousness in full display.

Xanth, meanwhile, looked at the knight that was charging towards them. While it blinded him, he could hear the sound of the knight's footsteps. Picking the vibrations of the floor, the minotaur took hold of his axe, lifting it, and with a great battle cry, swung the wide head of the axe at the knight.

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