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Fantasy The Land of Terra in the World of Earth-Gaia


This meme is already nothing but a memory
It is night. It is day. Whatever activity, whatever task you are working on,you do it. However, in the sky, you see light. It shines brightly with a tail of the stars and falls down to the ground nearby. Around the displaced soil, you see a shard in a myriad of colors.

You pick it up.

A vision awashes you in psychedelic colors. You see a woman with hair like oranges, lips like roses, skin so fair it is ethereal.

"Chosen one," She speaks.

You recognize her, she is the Goddess Adilicia. Her face has been carved on statues and wooden boards in the temples that worship her. The Goddess of Bifocals and Common Sense.

"If you receive this shard, you have been given a great task. The world is now in chaos, yet I fear this is greater than last. You must, with the others, defeat this evil. I find you worthy of this task, and I am sure you will be able to accomplish it." She spoke, her smile mysterious yet full of gentleness. A smile a mother gives to her children that instills confidence.

"The shard you touch, contains great power. Hurry and meet the other three champions of peace. Journey to my temples, you will meet them there. The Journey will be dangerous, the danger treacherous, the treachery perilous, the peril unfathomable. But you hold the shard, and the strength it gives you will be sufficient to fight the greatest foes. Now Hurry, let the first task commence. Onwards to my temples."

Her voice fades out, darkness covering you, but you could swear a group of female voices echo in the distance screaming in excitement before you pass out.

When you awake, you feel power and knowledge that when combined turns into ancient magic. You can hear the voice echo once more. Go to my temple.

Your Journey begins.
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Vylchyn stumbled backwards a few steps, falling to his rear with with a yelp. He blinked his eyes rapidly a few times, shaking his head to try and clear it. The vision had seemed so real, so urgent, that he had half a mind to actually listen to it. However, he had a job lined up, so that was that. Putting the "vision" out of his mind, he tried to occupy himself by brainstorming for where he was going. He got as far as remembering where he was going to immediately lose steam, and with a defeated look rummage through his pack for a notebook.

"Let's see, where are we in here... The Briarmists? That was two weeks ago, so we should be abooouuuut..." he flipped through the pages before stopping and letting out a melodramatic sigh. "Dungford."

He let the word hang in the air for a moment, really just taking it in.

"There's a place called 'Dungford'? Who would- I mean, why-" he clapped the book shut, roughly shoving it back in his pack before picking it back up, grumbling the whole while.

"Couldn't have been something like Summerland or Easydale or something, no! Dungford! It even SOUNDS backwater!" He made it all of ten feet before stopping, casting a long look back behind him.

"...Dungford isn't that urgent, right?" Turning around, he started back down the direction he had come from. He remembered seeing one of those temples back at the last city he was in, though the name of the city eluded him.

"Yeah, Dungford ain't going anywhere. I'll just... do this first." With a bit more of a spring in his step, he headed back towards civilization.
Lucio walked silently with his speared staff in his hands, his crystal blue eyes looked out in the horizon. But something caught his eye, he averted his attention to a shiny crystal, he approached it slowly. Not knowing what it is, but he didn't care, it looked valuable. He knelt down before picking it up, right when he picked it up his eyes went to the back of his head there he had the vision of a woman telling him he is "the chosen one." When the vision was over his eyes went back to normal, shaking his head not knowing what just happened but he put the shard in his pocket before standing up straight.

Instead of continuing on going West, he started walking East to start this journey he didn't even know about. Lucio didn't understand how he was the chosen one when he is a killer, he also wondered who the rest of the chosen ones were.
The almost empty beer bottle falls out of Genis' hand as he falls on his rear hard. He manages to somehow keep the crystal in his hand. The woman he was, ermm, "trying" to court, starts to walk with more speed, quickly coming out of his reach.

He, however, doesn't care anymore. His open, awed, mouth quickly changes to a smile. He begins nodding his head:

"The Chosen One?" He then looks up to the sky: "You're making a huge mistake."

His next day is spent preparing for a journey to the nearby temple, located just above the Bunee village, which is only a few days walk.

He is the chosen one. Time to prove it.
Anastasia was admiring the temple of Adilicia above Bunee village.

She had arrived here a week after she found the beautiful crystal shard she now wore as a bracelet. She had literally flown back to the manor after the vision and surprised her masters when she entered as a sparrow and spoke to them of what she saw. Her masters were shocked, but after consulting a wise wizard, they bade her fulfill her destiny.

She had always dreamed of adventure, but she never thought it would arrive this way. It was perfect! It was dangerous. It was exciting! She grinned as she skipped around the marble steps looking at the beautiful engravings and golden pillars. Her family, the Duke and all of his household were sad when she left, especially the children and his eldest, Mary, who was Anastasia's best friend and sister at heart.

She stopped and looked at the bracelet Mary gave her and the crystal that shone brightly there reflecting the interior of the temple, momentarily sad. She was going to miss them all very much. The backpack she had left on the steps was full of food, clothes, gifts, and gold from the mistress and the Duke's mother. Anastasia had tried to refuse the gifts and gold, but they insisted. They were all wonderful people, and Anastasia would defend them from the evil that was growing.

"Anastasia?" called a man's voice.

"I'm here, Edgar!" said Anastasia peering from behind a gold pillar. Edgar was an archer in his early twenties from the Duke's army and an old friend of the family. He had escorted Anastasia here and was given orders to stay by her side until it was safe to leave her with the other chosen ones. He was standing underneath the oak tree where their horses were grazing on grass nearby, keeping watch.

"Did you see anyone else inside?" he asked.

"No, the sparrows said they haven't seen anyone either, I guess we're the first ones to arrive!" she smiled, resuming her exploration.

She strode into a garden and sat on the edge of a fountain, took out paper and charcoal, and began sketching the altar of the goddess.
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Bronze had knelt to the ground. He had to ponder what he had just seen, "Adilicia... The goddess...", he spoke to himself. Chosen one? Someone like Bronze? The man could not believe to have such a vision. A moment of clarity struck him. He thought to have been chosen for all his good deeds, that the goddess has noticed his efforts and blessed him with a duty far beyond he'd ever expect.

"There is no way I can refuse someone who needs my help! Especially not a goddess such as her.", he exclaimed into the darkness, his voice echoes into the distance. Silence.

Bronze remembered the shrine back at the city of Geon he had just left a few hours ago.

"That will do.", he thought as he got up from the dirt. He looks at the shard, glowing in his palm. The glow was gentle; it felt tepid. He carefully placed the shard in his pocket.

The man started walking back to the city of Geon. He no longer needs sleep he thought. Slowly, but surely, he will get to the shrine. The anxious feeling he had inside the dark forest was gone as soon as he left. He gazed at the stars while walking, then gave then them a smile.

Bronze whistles a joyous tune, on his way to the temple.
Bert didn't mind the rain that tapped upon his armor, he couldnt feel what it was only that it made a peaceful sound as it hit he metal of his plate. The puddles that formed on his feet and the muddy sounds of soil made him feel safe as he walked along the fields.

He didn't know the lady much really, he remembered her from the carvings and temples he once visited, but nothing more. He never really had a reason to do what she told him to do. "Champions... Power..." Bert didn't know much of these things.

As he gazed upon the the bright crystal shard in his stony palm. He was a little fearful that such a shiny object would break. He had no pack nor pockets so he tried to find someplace to keep it, and decided to hide it between a crevice behind his shield. It didnt fit much at first but it was neatly tucked in after Bert fastened it in with some cloth.

Bert was happy about it

It glowed a warm glow, something Bert actually felt. For a moment he felt that as long as he had the crystal he was safe. He remembered the words of the lady in his mind. To find her. Bert thought that maybe if he followed her, maybe he'll feel something else. It was a little exciting to think about what could be and what she meant. And he knew it

Bert felt like walking again. Wanting to know, wanting to discover. He knew where to go.
As he continued to train in the wilderness, he noticed a glimpse of light heading towards him, later to land a few feet ahead, and thought of pickimg it up. As he gazed at this stone, it shone a large myrad of colors of beauty, far more that he has seen after these 15 years. As he looked closer, there appears a woman of ethereal beauty. She spoke, "chosen one...." as he listened to every word she said the last words were: "go to my temple."

Finding this hard believe, he walked home as he tries to take everything in. Realizing such events wouldn't occur so often, he believed it would be a good opportunity to set out to the world such as his father.

As he packed his things for the journey, he decided to leave a note for his father for the day he gets back:

Dearest father,

I'll be heading out to the world in hopes of finding myself. I pray you receive this letter in hopes that you have arrived safely. I thank you for your guidance in making me a blacksmith as well as the hardships you have done to sustain.

I know it's been hard for you since mom passed away, but she always wanted us to keep going forward, and to honor her we shouldn't let her down.

I left something for you in your room, it's a present I made for you and hope you are able to get it.

Until then, I'll be gone for a while, I pray you be safe

Sincerely your son,

Eric Von Wilder

Heading out, one of the young children playing together went up to him and asked where he'll go.

He told her he may be gone for sometime and tries to spare the details, they're children after all.

As he departs, he says his farewells and waves at the townsfolk and the children as he sets out towards the horizon of the setting sun.

Well, that's one adventurer more in this world.

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As you near the temple, you see the familiar design of the place of Adilicia's worship. Regardless where you are, be it from the forested lands of mist and fog to the icy tundras of snow and permafrost, the temple of Adilicia always retained its structures. The materials may have been different, a natural conclusion due to its surroundings, but the architecture was always the same.

In the entrance of the temple, you see light filtered through colored looking glass. It landed on the ground in a myriad of colors. Around you were large mirrors hung against the walls. Each glass was sharper or duller depending where you looked and how strong your eyesight was. This was Adilicia's temple; This was the place where common sense and bifocals were worshiped. As you go closer to the temple, the shard that you carried with you begins to shine. The colored lights on the ground seemed to brighten and expand until the colored lights filled the room and the mirrors. You feel yourself rising in the air, and slowly warmth flows into your body.

To those who were in the temple, they saw you rise in the air, your body slow disintegrating into small white orbs of light. First from your fingertips and toes and slowly to your head, until nothing was left. But you saw only bright light, blinded by it and finally the light receded.

You find yourself in a large temple, same as the one you have been in, but larger in scale. Around you were statues of women with bifocals, carrying jugs and water flowing out from it. Music of the wind played a gentle hymn, through the windchimes that were hung around the ceiling and pillars of the temple.In front of you was a large statues of a woman with bifocals, looking intelligent and in deep thought. On the marble floor beneath you, were lights of the following colors: Sarcoline, Coquelicot, Smaragdine, Chartreuse, Wenge, Glacous and Fulvous. You were standing below one of these colors. There were others, who stood in their own colors. Men and women of different races and cultures.

You look at the looking glasses, and noticed that the reflections of yourselves has slowly vanished and became transparent showing you the view of the outside. The mountains were high, shrubs and plants grew everywhere, verdant surroundings. The sea of clouds beneath you, was your clue that you were high up in the mountains.

If you knew of the faith of Adilicia, then you knew you were at Mt. Cassol. The Mountain where the main temple of Adilicia was. And you are in the inner sanctum of the temple.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/fantastic-sea-of-clouds-5291-1680x1050.jpg.40cba0fe77027e352b08bd53009e3625.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108885" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/fantastic-sea-of-clouds-5291-1680x1050.jpg.40cba0fe77027e352b08bd53009e3625.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Adrian felt disoriented.

He wasn't sure what just happened. One moment, he was standing in the temple after picking up a shard in a hill nearby. The next thing he knew, brightness and blindness, then somewhere where his ears popped.

He looked around and saw people. Alarmed, he instinctively took a few steps back and fell on the granite pillar.

"Wh-where am I?" He asked as he looked around. He didn't want to be here. He wanted to be back in the woods, drenched and thankful that the mob hadn't lynched him for trying to do his job.

He looked at the statue and his eyes widened with shock as he turned his view to the looking glass, seeing the sea of clouds and the mountain peaks.

They were in Mt.Cassol in the island of Sholte. The North-Western most island in the land of Terra.

"Why are we in Adilicia's Main Temple? Who are you people? What do you want with me?" He asked as he took out his moneybag, ready to have it taken better to have been looted than to be killed. He just didn't need this right now.

But then, this beats having his employer give him a scolding in public for not reaching the quota.
Anastasia blinked and found herself standing on a marble tile glowing the color of smaragdine holding her paper and charcoal, her backpack around her shoulders.

She looked around and saw other people in the temple almost as surprised as her. There was an old man who looked like a tax collector who stumbled back. "My name is Anastasia Rose," she said kindly showing him the shard bracelet, "I'm not a thief, good sir, I was chosen just like you." she offered a hand to help him up and looked at the others. "Is everyone alright?"
Bronze was dazed by the light. Slowly his eyes readjusted, and there he sees himself inside a temple alongside a number of people, a circle of light beneath each one. Bronze's light is glowing coquelicot. He marveled at the architecture for a moment before he spoke, "Is this real? Are we really in the temple of the goddess...?", he stopped as a voice cuts through. He looks to his left, and sees a young girl speaking with perhaps a circus man? His clothing was strange, but Bronze loved the circus, and approached the two.

"Excuse me! Sir, are you from the circus?", he asks the man with a jolly, childlike expression. He continues, "Were you brought here by the goddess Adilicia too?", turning to the girl, he gives a smile, "And you little miss? Were you brought here too? Such a fun assortment of friends we have here!"

He gives a hearty laugh. The lack of sleep must be getting to him.
Genis admires the architecture of the temple as he looks up, with the faint smile that he always seems to have. Lowering his head, he noticed that he wasn't alone here. His smile grew. He took a small bow to everyone, and calmly said:

"Hello. How is everyone doing?"
Vylchyn looked around, slightly stunned and off-balance for a moment as he recovered from the unexpected teleportation. Shaking his head to clear it, he tried to get his bearings. He got as far as wondering if he'd been poof'd into some ostentatious back room before overhearing someone mention something about Adilicia's Main Temple. After a quick check to ensure that his bag was still slung over his back, he took a few steps to where the various humans and other tall people were gathering. Coughing once to clear his throat, he did his best I'm-short-so-I'm-being-loud-so-I-don't-get-overlooked voice.

"HEY! Yeah, hi, hello, prodigal trapsmith and chosen one coming through here. Kind of a big deal, no need to bow." Scrutinizing the group in front of him, he figured most of them probably weren't associated with the temple. He had never really been one of those religion-y types, but he was pretty sure most of the people here didn't look like they were wearing any of the right clothing—come to think of it, what did religious people dress like? Eh, probably not like this. Reaching into one of his many pockets, he fished out the shard that had given him the vision, pulling it out and holding it up for all to see.

"Found this little wingding out in the woods, told me to come to one of these temples and meet three other chosen ones. Who can give me directions to where the big bad heroes are meeting? I'll put in a good word with..." he found he couldn't remember the name of the goddess. "...with Adi*cough*-a for ya!"
Bert felt disoriented by the sudden dazzle of color that surrounded him, splashes of spectrums and flashes would cause him to suddenly tumble and lean on the side of the wall

He was a little scared and very startled one moment he was perusing the temple as his legs told him to, course the locals kept a wary eye seeing an ironclad black sooted Knight walk nonchalantly in a place of reverence. Even more so one crusted in mud, grass, and whose eyes glowed in an ember red.

Wherever he was, it looked very bright he wanted to close his eyes for a bit just to help get his bearings but something made sure they kept open.

He found 4 other people. They felt different than everyone else, one looked like he was scared backing off from the other two who were smiling somewhat warmly at him. He didn't feel comfortable about it. Where they attacking him? Why would he be scared? More importantly where am I? Who are they? Is that a lizard?

Lizard? Bert focused on the kobold a bit never seeing a real one in person. It was weird but he became curious about the creature, it's like those giant lizards he found when walking along the forests only bigger... And on two legs... He was curious but a little scared about it. What caught his eye however was the shiny crystal it held on his hand. Bert felt drawn to it like he did his other one.

There were a lot of people but Bert focused on the one who held the shard. He was still very unsure about the creature, and everyone else. So he held his shield and walked towards the Kobold slowly with heavy steps past the crowd and eyes locked on the shard
The moment the girl, Anastasia, spoke Adrian squirmed, "Don't hurt me!" He whimpered. It was only that she explained who she was did he lift his head to look at her and the others.

"Not thieves, then...mercenaries?" He said in confusion. He stood up, his legs shaking, shaking!

"A young girl, a suit of armor abomination, a recalcitrant musician, a drunk, a kobold, some kid, and that guy." He mumbled. He didn't want to deal with these people. He wanted to go back to work now.

"I sell insurance...that's..." His words slowly died out as the girl, the kobold, the musician all mentioned Adilicia and her shard. "All of you as well? Adilicia called for the chosen ones? But...why?" The way he said the last word was indicative of his confusion. They weren't the strapping heroes he thought about, nor was he one himself. "I would understand the suit of armor and that guy, but...a musician, a drunk and a Kobold?" He said, his voice dripping with disappointment.

Nevertheless, he lifted the shard from his pocket, larger than the others and stared at it, then at the statue.
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"Well, you shouldn't judge by appearances." said Anastasia. "The goddess must have seen something in us or else she wouldn't have chosen us."

"How do you do, sir?" Anastasia bowed to Genis. "My name is Anastasia Rose, are you a royal guard?"


"What kind of foul magic was that!" Henry said as he took a wide step back away to the trees, it was as if, someone teleported there to talk to him about an invading evil, cause that was exactly what happened. Except that it was a goddess. Somehow, he felt that it was a good thing, certainly not a foul magic. But nevertheless, it was definitely a weird revelation, that too, from the goddess of bifocals, and certainly at a weird time too. He didn't even wear any bifocals, and that was the ugly truth. However, he did possess the will to protect every innocent beings from every foul beings, his singular question was? Why would a message like this be conveyed by a goddess like that? Then again, there are certain things only deities seem to understand.

Yeah, come to think of it again...

Flashback sequence...

Henry was practicing his sword fighting skills against wooden posts, at the small clearing in a deep and dark forest. He set that place up as his regular training and meditation area, simply because the tranquil ambiance and setting helped him a lot to concentrate and empty his mind of all surrounding distractions... But that was only half the case in here. The place was also fitted with a hammock, a small self-serve bar for the all the cocktail enthusiasts. All-in-all, it was the ultimate relaxation spot, a good way to escape the daily hustle of the city, and the ultimate training spot, a good way to hone your physical prowess without killing someone.

As he striked the wooden posts, he saw a piece of shard in the more deeper sections of the forests, but it was real shiny, so shiny that it could be spotted from a mile away. it was pretty moderate in terms of size and filled with a collage of colours, but it looked quite intriguing, and it heavily piqued his interest and curiosity.

Once he closed in, he was startled at the shard's refined quality, wanting to inspect more, he picked it up. The moment he touched that thing, he witnessed a vision, it was the goddess adilicia, the deity of common sense and bifocals, who relayed a message to him all the while he stood there, totally dumbfounded to even utter a single word. As the vision slowly faded to black, he heard the excited screams of woman, maybe the goddesses really had the mentality of a teenage girl, or maybe it was tequila Tuesday. Who doesn't like tequila Tuesday? In fact, that information reminded him that he forgot the tequila shipment he was going to receive.

Flashback sequence end...

He came back to his senses before actually remembering where he was and what he was about to do. Yeah, he was about to go to the nearest available bar stool. As he was about to sit down on it, he suddenly remembered that he had a job to do, a real job.

"Funny that was exactly what I was about to do." He muttered to himself as he travelled for the temple.

23 minutes later

He arrived at the magnificently small temple. He silently sighed underneath his breath as he climbed up the steps to what he presumes is the truth, or something else. Maybe the goddess really should be

As he closed in, he was blinded by lights, big glares filled his vision. And then he finally noticed that the shard was glowing. Truly it was a worthless sight, so much lighting for a single shard. Either that or the goddesses had the mentality of a partying teenager.

He could notice the collage of people's and the numerous statues who had numerous bifocals.

It was a truly disturbing sight.
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"I am afraid you are mistaken, my dear lady." Genis proclaims whilst approaching Anastasia. He heard that name before, probably in some legend or fairy tail:"I am just a mere traveler through these lands." He gently grabbed her hand, focusing his on her fingers:

"And what do you... Did you do, Anastasia?" He knelled in front of her, like he would to to any other proper lady.
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Henry stood there, dumbfounded beyond belief. Yep, he was dumbfounded again. He looked at everyone, including the kneeling guy and the other people. He could understand some of the people there, but most of them were, well, a bunch of weird folks. He scanned the room, before proceeding to speak.

"So, I presume this is the common league of chosen ones?" He said, with a rather bold tone, before continuing again.

"And were chosen by adilicia, to fend off a certain evil force. Just for old times sake?" He said, now things were getting utterly ridiculous.

"And something's supposed to happen here, eh?" He finished with a hidden smirk, of course. No one can see beneath his mask, no one. And hopefully, no one will in the near future.
"I am not aware." said Anastasia, confused. "I am only a simple manor servant, sir." she inclined her head. Realization dawned on her as she looked around at the others. "Wait, how many here are-well . . . ordinary?"

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"Chosen ones..."

Adilicia's voice echoes in the temple, a soft whisper filled with celestial strength.

If one were to look to the statue, you see it giving a faint glow and slowly the marble appearance begins to fill with color. The long rough shape of hair slowly turned into soft colors of summer orange, waving in the wind; Her skin becomes more fair and glowed like pale moonlight; her bosom began to expand and exhale in sweet motion as it began to fill with life; her lips turned to the color of the purest rose; her eyes flashing like the brightest color of honey. Her hands were like the gentle breeze and as they touched upon her forehead, beautifully rubbed her temples in a perfect circular motion. With a voice so sweet and so soft, she let out a demure groan, and let out her words in a radiant sing-song manner,

"I wanna vomit..."

Adilicia opened her eyes, her heavenly presence inspiring awe to all those who saw her.

"You have at last arrived, my dear foourrrplenty chosen ones." The Goddess of bifocals and common sense spoke, her composure intact as if there had been no snags in her plan. She had hoped that the problem was a dream, that it was all just in her mind and that the four crystals had arrived to the four chosen ones. However, the people in front of her were more than the four men and women she had expected to be in her midst. They were not the handpicked heroes and heroines she had placed the powers of the Celestials on, they were in fact the least likely candidates to be holding them.

"I have been expecting you all," She beautifully lied in a sincere voice, "For you have been tasked to defeat an evil that is most unnatural."

"The power of the empire grows stronger, and I detect a malevolence that is not in the origin of these lands."

"You must defeat it or else-"

"This is the temple of Adilicia, eh?"
A rough and tough voice echoed as the doors were shut open.

Adilicia looked past the chosen ones to see a group of beastmen come out from the shadows. Aside from three of them, the rest of the beastmen -from the boar tribe- wore chainmail and armor that bore the seal of the empire. They carried axes, maces, and hammers and were organized as if battle was about to begin.

"My name is Xanth, the Alpha of this unit," A tall minotaur, at the height of seven heads, introduced himself as he carried a large, intimidating axe and bowed to the vision of the Goddess in a most rude manner, "I didn't think I'd ever meet a Goddess in this lifetime, but forgive me you have been the third today."


The other two that were with him, stepped forward. One was of the lizard tribe, taller than the minotaur by four inches, and carrying a morning star that he held so tightly, the tension in his arms clearly seen even from the distance. The other was a horseman, carrying a bow, a quiver of arrows strapped on his side. The horseman was shorter than the two but nevertheless was as imposing as the rest of them.

"The one here," Xanth pointed to the Lizardman, "is my Beta, Kraxthnit."


The lizardman let out an reptillian screech that echoed through the room.

"The other one," Xanth motioned to the horseman, "is the third in command, Rodel."


The horseman neighed as it stomped its hoof on the ground filling the room with a deafening noise.

"I don't like wasting my breath, so I'll just give you the details: Some God told us we should get these shards, the empire would reward us for coming here, and would all promote us if we get rid of you 'chosen ones'." Xanth laughed in delight, the bloodlust emanating from him everywhere. "So sorry Goddess, but the reward is just too good for me and my men."

Even with her head ailment, Adilicia could feel an eerie power coming from them that made the medicine she had ingested earlier work faster. Her beautiful eyes grew alarmed as they trio took something from a small pouch.

"It can't be!"

It was a shard. A shard like the others held however the three were different from the rest. One shone like the darkest shade of blue, the other shone like bright sparks of amber, and the last shone like amethysts in the pale moonlight.

"Why is the God of Thunder and Percussion Instruments and the God of Darkness, Sadness, and Poetry involved in this!?" Adilicia's lovely horrified voice echoed with growing anger.

The trio of beastmen held the shard, to which the grunts knelt before them, and the shards brightened with their color.

The trio felt power running through them and they grunted with delight. Their biceps and triceps expanded, their thighs ballooned with corded muscles. Their abdominals tightened and developed four new sets that boasted its strength. Their Pectorals jutted out with strength as their frames grew bigger and wider. When their transformation was over, their bodies were covered in sweat glistening like diamonds in the sun. Confidence and power brewed within them and they looked menacingly at the crowd before them.

"Now," Xanth spoke with a deepened voice that rumbled like earth from underneath, "Hand over those shards, and we will promise your deaths to be quick and painless as possible."

With that order, he took a menacing step towards them, the grunts and his lieutenants right behind him.

"Chosen ones! Stop them!" Adilicia commanded, her aura of a Goddess fully awoken and filled with rage at those who would let the evil in this world continue.
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As henry was about to question the goddess about her apparent nausea. He saw a bunch of thematically weird beast-like folks, who may or may not be unassuming pedestrians who came to the temple for sown touristic action. But then again, adilicia was the least popular goddess, so maybe he was imagining stuff. Nevertheless, as the conversation grew on, he soon realized that they were promptly betrayed by two of the most idiotic gods ever, who thought they'd defeat the original gangsta chosen ones. This things were about to face the real meaning of terror, and by that, they'll face the worst of all tortuous forms of interrogation, which may include copious amounts of chilli powder and mustard sauce. But now, they're going to feel the pain of messing with OG Chosen ones.

Henry whipped out his sword from his scabbard, and his shield from his guige strap. Before raising his sword up into the air, and shouting out to everybody in the room, including the three mules.

"By the power vested in me by Frelland, the God of light and warfare! And adilicia, of course. But as I was continuing, I shall smite you evildoers until you are no more! Heroes assemble!" He said as he took a more defensive stance, before rushing towards them, only to be knocked off his own feet due to utter clumsiness. In the initial confusion, he suffered mild concussion.

"Let there be light!" He said, not so loudly, as lightning came from the heaven upwards, striking the ground with a blinding impact as a loud noise erupted from it. And than there was too much light. But the weird thing here, was that the place had a ceiling, and the lighting came from the skies, how come that happened? Actually, never mind, the world was already weird enough. As soon as the light emerged, the dank yeast mules got tremendously stunned. Henry took the chance and charged at them with the exact speed of a crazy athletic woman.
Kraxthnit charges towards Genis. Thanks to his quick reaction, Genis manages to jump to the side, and dodges the Lizardman by a hair. He reaches for his little knife while he gets up, hoping it will somehow aid him. The Lizardman charges at him again, and Genis executes his quickly thought plan. He flings himself off of a little bulge on the wall. He lands on his face, and sticking the knife next to the monster's eye. It moans. However, it also throws Genis across the room, and charges at his hurt body.

Genis thought: "Why? Why would I do that? Why would I risk my life? Why didn't I just run?" It was a question that was hard to answer. He didn't know why he suddenly acted like a hero... He would find out, but, you know, he'll be dead in a few moments.
Things became a little too complicated now fo Bert. So many things were happening all to suddenly, and the unraveling events only served to confuse him more.

First were the people!e now, now the crystal then the golden lady up above,and suddenly a group of beastmen Mae burstig in one of em making him very VERY uncomfortable. It was overwhelming!

The world just started swirling in his poor little head, what what he supposed to do in this situation!?

The all too suddenly he sees one of the crowd jump and stab the the lizard in the eye causing it to recoil and throw the man on a wall. Things might have been blurry in his mind, but one things for sure there's a fight going on. And right now that lizard looks awfully like a bandit.

No matter with shield in hand and steam billowing from his armor he charged to meet the lizard smacking his face fore his ball gets even close to the man. A metal HOWL and a painful clang

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