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Realistic or Modern The Knights- (modern spy thriller)

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Careful of his injuries, she wrapped her warm arms around him, resting her head gently on his chest as she held the hug for as long as was comfortable, before she released him, and moved his glasses back up his nose. "You never know. If you keep up with your physio therapy, then you may well be able to do both of those things at some point...", she tried to bring a positive outlook, although she honestly wasn't sure how well he would recover, but she was hopeful. "It has only been a month... You need time, and dedication, for these kinds of things. I know it's hard, and all seems lost, but...", she smiled a soft, sad smile, "But it isn't, I promise.", she patted his knee softly again, before standing up off the sofa to give him space, and sat on the floor again, leaning her back on the wall.
"So! Have anything planned for today? Should we go and start moving my things? Or would you like to do something more fun? I'll be honest, I'd rather not stay in this office...", she made a face, but her voice was cheery and upbeat, manoeuvring past the serious topic. She felt there had been enough tears and hurt for one day, and that they should do something to lighten the mood - although if he still wanted to talk about things, then she wouldn't object. It was good to talk about things, after all.
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Location: 276 Mott Street
Interactions: FrostFire FrostFire

Galahad took the few moments for the hug, mentally composing himself. Hugs from his sister had always helped in his youth, and he was pleasantly surprised by the comfort it gave him. But he noted her hesitance, afraid to hurt him in anyway. Though he hated that he was seen as breakable.

Allowing her once again to fix his glasses, he moved back to his place as Lyra returned to hers on the floor oddly enough. But she could be right. If he did put effort, he may be able to do the few things his doctors said he possibly could. He could maybe write again, possibly hold and pick up a object again.

Standing up as Lyra did, he flattened his suit and adjusted his cuff awkwardly. Clearing his throat, his voice returned to a steady tone. "There's a small lead on Gambits whereabouts, so ill most likely address that. As well as a few new things i'll be implementing. But most have been or will be taken care off." Nodding his head to the idea to leave, "I've always hated this room. I just needed a private place. Away from everyone." Opening the door for the Lyra, he took a deep breath. He could do this.

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra nodded, "That's good. Well, I look forward to finding out about all that stuff!", she grinned, and stepped through the door he held open for her. "It is quite isolating... And you shouldn't need to hide from us, although I understand why you would want to.", she sighed, remembering when she too had wanted to hide away from the world.
"So, what's the plan? You're my boss now, so I'll have to get used to you ordering me around...", she laughed, as she fell into step beside him. "Although it's not like I'm not used to it.", she flashed him a cheeky grin, doing her best to lighten the mood as much as she could. She hoped her support, by just being there, that she could help him face his fears, his demons... She had plenty of her own, after all. But she was almost unnaturally good at dealing with them - although over the past month, she had struggled to deal with her guilt, which now was a distant memory at the back of her mind. It was still there, it would probably take a long time before she could get rid of it, but now it was satiated, she was among friends, and that made it much easier to deal with. Lyra just hoped that he would feel the same way.
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Location: 276 Mott Street
Interactions: FrostFire FrostFire

Galahad couldn't help but simper at Lyra's comment, she was right about him bossing her around. "I'm a outstanding mentor aren't I? Sometimes bossing around is needed for success." Now that he was in a public space, his mask had returned. Though only the few who truly knew him could probably read through his eyes.

Walking instinctively to his old spot, his Galahad nameplate still rested there. He froze once he imediantly realized his mistake, staring at the bronze tag for a few lingering seconds. His entire career had been here. Morocco, Paris... So many other missions, that'd he'd never be able to praticipate in. Snatching the nameplate, he slowly walked over to Arthur's spot, his eyes glancing at the others names as he went by, and grabbed his new title's nameplate. Setting his old on down, he returned to Lyra with Arthur's

"First task with me in charge: dispose of this immediately." There wasn't anger in his tone, more of his old coldness resurfacing. Nodding to Lyra, he handed her the nameplate. Waiting until she left, he made his way back to his spot, and leaned against the chair, his eyes watching the entrance to the Table Room.

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra grinned. Despite their jokes, he really had been an outstanding mentor, despite... Everything that had happened. "If you say so!", she flashed her signature cheeky grin, and watched him deliberate, then bring her the 'Arthur' nameplate.
"With pleasure. The 'Arthur' title does give the owner power over the rest of the Knights...", she took the plaque, and spun on her heel, making her way out of the Table room, theorising that there would be a bin in the rec room. Walking down the halls, she went slowly, paying attention to the pictures of former members on the walls - she liked to look over their faces, read their names... It felt respectful, right.
She got to the rec room, and promptly found a bin, taking one last look at the plaque before she chucked it into the bin, her lip quirking up at the ironic symbolism of the gesture.
While she was there, Lyra kept an eye out for anyone else, and pored through the food they had to offer - settling on an apple and a glass of water. She downed one glass right there, and filled up her glass again, taking a bite of her apple and wondering if anyone would wander in and talk to her...
ReverseTex ReverseTex @open for interaction!!
Agent Ector
Agent Robin Garret Hayes

Robin slank away from the dimly lit office. The building felt isolated and lonely today, he must have come early. He walked through the hallway instinctively heading towards the garage, where he could grab a car and get some fresh air. Maybe pick up a bite to eat. He needed to distract himself.

He opened the door and slipped the car key from our of his pocket. A Range Rover clicked upon being unlocked. Through the window, though, he saw Agravian working on her signature Escalade.

He walked around the car, yelling over to the agent. The Irish accent beginning to fade from his voice, but still prominent over the New Yorker growing on him.

"Agravian! How have you been cara!?"

Aron/ agent Agravain
Location: HQ garage
Interaction: PortugalTM PortugalTM

Aron was busy working on the escapade till she heard a familiar voice call out her code name. Quickly rolling out from under the car she looked around to see Agent Ector standing by one of the other agent cars. His eyes trained on her telling her he had asked a question she hadn't heard. Quickly grabbing her phone she paused the music that was playing over the speakers and looked to him. "What was that Ector?" She asked as she got up and walked over to him. Slipping a dirty rag into her back pocket after she had rubbed her hands off on it. Stopping a couple feet infront of him she sent him a smile as she waited for him to ask the question again.
Location: 276 Mott Street
Interactions: FrostFire FrostFire

Galahad had drifted off for a good few minutes, seeing the black abyss of the room he had dangled in for a good day. That time he had been awake before unconsciousness had greeted him kindly were the worst hours. He was in a constant pain, and his mind had began to eat itself away. But he wasnt there. He was leaning against a mahogany-cushioned chair, staring at a empty hallway, but most importantly safe.

But he had come to a conclusion, he desperately needed a drink before Adair showed. He began to make his way to the rec room, his head held high, playing the needed role.

Arriving to see Lyra, he froze momentarily knowing he'd get scolded or a scowl. Without saying anything, he made his way to the minibar, and plucked the bottle of scotch from the wall. Luckily it was preopened, most likely from him a few months ago, so though it took him a good minute to screw the lid off, it wasn't impossible. He titled his head back, and with a shaky hand began to nurse the bottle.

Taking a deep breath as he set it down, the surge of the achohal began to course through him, the familiar feeling welcomed dearly. "My apologies, it's just im not in the mood for drinking out of a kiddy straw."

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra had just finished filling up her second glass when she heard someone enter the rec room - and without having to turn around, or look, she knew it was Galahad from how he went straight for the liquor.
"Shouldn't you be easing off on that stuff? At least until you're a bit better... Oh well, I can't tell you how to live your life.", she sighed, as she turned around to a sorry sight. But she decided to let him struggle, if he wanted to drink. It wasn't like she had any say in it. "Fair enough, I guess... Don't apologise to me.", she held up her hands in defeat and rolled her eyes, taking another swig of her water as she watched him with the bottle. She didn't drink alcohol herself, although it wasn't like she cared if people did... But when it became unhealthy, or a problem, then she felt differently. With him she saw it bordering on a problem - alcoholism was a killer, and she didn't want him, or anyone for that matter, to suffer like that.
"Where is everyone, anyway?", she asked curiously, changing the subject as she eyed the empty room. Apart from Agravain, she hadn't met any of the other knights yet today... She doubted they were on a mission, she would have been told. So she guessed they were all just busy with their own things.
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Location: 276 Mott Street
Interactions: FrostFire FrostFire

Galahad made his way to one of the coushy armchairs in the rec room with his bottle, and sat down. Crossing his legs as he took another swig he shrugged. "I've gone without a bloody drink for a month Lyra, cut me some slack please."

Grateful for her dropping the subject matter, he glanced down at the auburn liquid, then back up at the wall clock. "I didn't set a strict time on the meeting. I was always late to Arthur's, so I felt that i'll let everyone at their own pace." The scotch had began to take affect, he already looked, and sounded more relaxed.

One more swig, making the bottle now a quarter empty, he looked up at Lyra. "We should find something to do. I'm growing quite bored as you can see..."

Agent Ector
Agent Robin Garret Hayes

Robin stepped past the Range Rover, meeting Agravian in an empty area, tools still lying under the truck.

"Just came to take a drive, didn't know anyone else was here yet. Haven't seen anyone at least."

He leaned back against his truck, the key still in his hand. The writer struggles to come up with more words to fill up this post so it's not too too short.
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra hummed, not convinced by his weak excuse, but decided to leave it anyway. She guessed she could cut him some slack, but she certainly had no intentions on letting him become inebriated at work, or otherwise.
"Oh... Did you actually tell them there was a meeting? Because I certainly didn't get a message... I don't think so, anyway...", she took a big bite from her apple as she pondered. She didn't think it was like him to forget to actually send a message, but what did she know. And in his current state, one could hardly blame him for being a bit scatter brained.
"Well, yes. I can definitely see that...", she grinned and rolled her eyes, her accent as strong as ever.
"You know New York much better than I do. Despite this being my new home, I've only lived in it.... What, 4 days?", she took another bite of her apple as she counted. That seemed right, although she had spent very little of those 4 days actually in the city - most of it had been indoors, on the mission, or travelling around. So she had absolutely no idea what they could do. Even less so, as it couldn't be anything that utilised hands... Which ruled out basically all the suggestions she had. So she just ate her apple, and waited for him to suggest something.
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Location: 276 Mott Street
Interactions/Mentions: FrostFire FrostFire PortugalTM PortugalTM Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Galahad took one last shaky swig, setting the bottle on the end table beside the chair. His glasses were quite wonky from tilting his head back, but he didn't want to attempt to fix them currently. "Well I mean I didn't explicitly say there was a meeting... More like come in before 12PM." That was probably a bad move on his part, but he could care less at the moment.

Glad to see she was on board with leaving, he stood up with a grunt, his shoulder sending a sharp pain along his back. Now in the mood, he adjusted his glasses with a shaky hand, making their position a tad better. "If we leave I think it would be best not to stray far, since the others may file in soon... Lions Gate Field is a few blocks away from here, the walk wouldn't be far, but it may be a better drive..." A wonderful thought came to his head, a spark lighting up in his eyes. "Follow me."

His usual quick pace had returned now, his focus turned to his idea. Walking through the Table Room, he briefly glanced at the empty table, before being surrounded by the lab equipment. Turning into the garage, he saw a pair of newer agent who's names had escaped him. He poked his head through the door. "You two! I'm going on a outing, give me a ring when a few more file in please." Shutting the door, he turned to the key wall, grabbing his Aston Martin keys with a shaky hand. He turned to Lyra, and with a simper he flicked her the keys. "It's yours. Now, and forever."

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Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra nodded at his explanation, it sounded like him, and explained why there was barely anyone around. Although she doubted that there would be any sort of meeting now - considering Galahad was now otherwise occupied.
"Lions Gate Field...?", she cocked her head, having no clue what it was. "Okay, sounds like a plan!", she fell in step behind him, glad that whatever this field thingy was, he seemed exited about it.
As he held the door open and ordered Ector and Agravain about, she popped her head over his shoulder and grinned, waving at them before turning her attention back to Galahad.
Grabbing the keys out of the air with ease, her brows furrowed as it took her a second to realise exactly what car he was giving her, her lips parted in shock when she realised it was his car. "N-no, I can't take your car from you!", she shook her head vigorously, but held onto the keys. "No way. The most I'll do is hold onto it for you, borrow it for a bit.", she was still shaking her head - no way would she take the Aston Martin from him, even if he wanted her to have it.
"I mean... It's not like I don't appreciate the gesture,", she backtracked a bit, realising she might have come across as rude. "And I do. Really. But this is your car, and sure you might not be able to drive it at the moment or whatever... But I couldn't take your car from you, with all it's sentimental value.", she paused, her excuses finished, a mischievous smile slowly spread across her face.
"However, I will borrow it from you. Although I'd imagine you'll end up regretting letting me even do that.", she laughed, and threw the keys up in the air, catching them again on their way down. She refused to let him give her the car, and she was strong headed enough to know that she wouldn't budge on her decision - regardless of what he said.
ReverseTex ReverseTex PortugalTM PortugalTM Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - The Knights HQ
Tags - none // open for interaction

There's never a right time to say goodbye.

The past month was the most disorientated Eliska had experienced in a long time. Sometimes it felt incredibly rushed as it became a blur flying past her. Other times it was painfully slow; every detail lingering in her mind like a timeless painting. The earlier days had been the most unpredictable. Like rolling dice.

It started with Galahad's rescue. In the films the good guy gets saved and then they can all return to the equilibrium. But this was not a film. Galahad was relocated to a hospital as soon as they found him. The concept of saving him was something they could not do. The physical damage still lingered from what Eliska had heard. She tended not to pry and only acknowledged the information sent through the emails. The young agent never really knew Galahad so she stepped back, allowing the people closer to him provide the comfort.

The loss of Arthur sent endless ripples through the pond which was The Knights. It left the agents in a state of confusion, but rather than becoming a frantic environment things became quiet. People took temporary leave. Most staying local but some finding themselves overseas. Whatever they were doing Eliska could only hope they were finding peace or at least having a well deserved break. Eliska herself never really had any efficient coping mechanisms other than diving headfirst into her work. She took it upon herself to upgrade her security programs and offer her expertise to other agents over the past few weeks.

Currently, the Czech agent was lightly sleeping in the laboratory with her head rested on her folded arms. A habit that - recently - had been occurring more often than not. Her screens displaying a series of codes that she had been reading over. With a jolt Eliska sat up on the stool, a gunshot in her daydream brought her back to consciousness. Running a hand through her slightly knotted hair the brunette's gaze dragged over her surroundings. The room was much more familiar to her now, but being alone made it feel extremely isolated. Aside from Lyra's little amphibians (which had been left in Eliska's care) the laboratory was rarely occupied nowadays. Rather than being expectedly silent the room was filled by romanticised orchestral music, only just audible but present nonetheless. And also the culprit of Eliska's napping. If questioned on choosing Mahler's symphonies she would just shrug and say it sounds nice, definitely not that it happened to be a certain redheaded agent's favourite composer. Not at all.

Eliska released a long sigh before pausing the music and standing up. A select few joints clicked due to being dormant for some time. After covering her yawning mouth with one hand and locking her computer with the other Eliska padded out of the room and down the corridor. She needed some tea.
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Location: OTW to Lions Gate Field
Interactions/Mentions: FrostFire FrostFire

Galahad knew he'd never be able to drive again. The tremors were permanent, no physical therapy would fix the nerve damage. But, he didn't rebuttal against Lyra. She didn't see his full reasoning behind the gesture.... He was given the car by his mentor, Lancelot, who passed shortly after. All he wanted was to do the same...

He shrugged, the excitement dwendling, though he was thankful for her "borrowing" it. Following her out, his eyes met the silver beauty, a familiar warmth washed over him. Sliding into the passenger seat, he smiled. "I'll never be able to drive it again, which before I continue do not contradict me on that matter. But as I was saying, i'll still get that same feeling i've always gotten."

Leaning into the leather seat, resting his good arm on the open window, his grotesque hand out for the world to see. "It's quite easy to get to. Just pull out, take a left on Houston and then a right on Layfette. It's the poor man's Central Park."

(Ok if there's any New Yorkers ik that the streets are not 100% correct, but i looked up the location and it's real.)
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra's eyes narrowed, but she didn't object, only hummed a little annoyed at his pessimism. It had only been a month, and she was hopeful that his wounds would heal over time, the permanent damage would lessen with work... She would certainly be making sure he kept up with physio therapy.
"Well, we would need to get out of the city to really drive...", she grinned as she skipped over to the car, hopping nimbly into the drivers seat. She couldn't help but grin like a little kid at Christmas... But she took a deep breath and composed herself.
"Got it.", she wondered why they weren't actually going to central park... She had forgotten to actually go to the famous park, it had all been such a rush, and then she had disappeared off to China... When she next had time off, she would have to remember to actually explore the city, rather than stay in headquarters like some sort of agoraphobic... She really didn't fancy a blast from the past like that.
Putting the car in gear, she drove out of the garage, turning onto the street as she posed a question slyly, "So... You and Bors, eh?", she chuckled, "Am I allowed to say...", she paused a few seconds before shouting softly, "Called it!", she was still grinning like an idiot, partly because of the car she was driving and partly because she felt like some sort of psychic matchmaker... Suffice to say she was pleased.
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Location: Lions Gate Field
Interactions/Mentions: FrostFire FrostFire

Galahad watched as New York slowly crawled by, the light fall breeze creating a brisk draft in the old Aston Martin. Luckily he had a spare go-bag in the back, which most likely had a overcoat. But, the leaves of the few trees planted along the streets were beginning to turn a rusted orange.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he turned his attention to Lyra. Scoffing at her remarks, releasing a small smile as well. "We've had a flair for longer than you've known. It's peaked through on a few missions, but now we're giving it a proper chance." Love was a hard subject for Sean to properly verbally express. He never fully had love, Adair being the only thing close to what he at least thought was love.

The park began to stick out like a sore thumb, since it was the only patch of greenery in the run-down city area. Though most of it was beginning to wither with the change of seasons.It wasn't as large as Central Park, but it was of decent size. They could walk around and not get lost, plus there was a few quaint coffee shops around. "It won't be a exciting trip i'm afraid. But it's a breath of fresh air, something that I think we could both benefit from?"

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Lions Gate Field
Lyra hummed, amused by his answer. "Perhaps...", she grinned, teasing. Of course there had been something there before, she had just picked up on it. She only hoped that everything worked out for the two of them, the consequences of it not working would be apocalyptic, she imagined... Or if one of them died... She shook her head, dispelling the nasty thoughts from her head. Of course it would work. And they would be fine, she was certain of it, retire after another few years, and move to some fancy house in the suburbs or something.
"Fresh air?!?", she laughed in disbelief. "It's a tiny park in the middle of a city, there is no fresh air. The most we'll get out of this is some greenery, and maybe a duck or two.", she rolled her eyes.
"You really have been in the city too long. We need to go hiking up Ben Nevis, that is fresh air.", she had trekked up the highest mountain in Britain before, when she trained for a bit with the special forces, it was a beautiful mountain - so much so that she had gone back and done it again in her free time. "Or I hear that Canada is lovely at this time of year...", she smiled wistfully - Canada was one of the places she had always wanted to visit.
"Well, I could do with a coffee... I'm still running on China time.", she sighed. Jet lag was the worst, and she seemed to be dealing with it more and more recently - and it still didn't get any easier. She would just have to wait out the day, and after one sleep she would hopefully be back in this timezone.
ReverseTex ReverseTex
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Atlas wasn't a man of routine. Well, that wasn't entirely true. He had been in the military; of course he was a man of routine. But this past month...it wasn't really a good time for any of the Knights and for Atlas, it was his routine that suffered. His eating and sleeping schedules were practically non-existent and the more time work took, the better he felt.
One of the things that had really been bothering him was the fact that his protégée had been absent since they had gotten back from their first mission. He knew Arthur was the one that handled any of the recruits that wanted to leave, but with the way things had been lately, maybe Gawain had been kidnapped. Atlas knew he probably should have brought it up a month ago when he first noticed, but he hadn't wanted to bother Galahad while he was recovering. And who else would Arthur have had time to notify before he was killed?
Atlas groaned a bit over-dramatically as the same thoughts that had been bothering him for the past month dashed back into his mind as soon as he woke up. Fortunately, his annoyance spurred him out of bed, whereupon he saw the summons for the meeting. He made a quick departure to the parking garage and slid into the little white car that he had grown increasingly fond of over the last month; then he began the familiar drive to work. He bounced on his feet a little on the elevator ride down from the Chinese shop, trying to shake off his nerves.
He stepped out when the doors opened and went straight to the meeting room, noting the absence of the other Knights on his way there. Somehow he wasn't surprised that the meeting room was empty. He chewed on his lip as he went the long way around the table to avoid the blood stain. One might think a secret spy agency would have endless ways to get rid of blood stains, but the one from Arthur's murder was still painfully obvious. He found himself simply standing behind his assigned seat, staring at the dark stain, almost hypnotized.


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