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Realistic or Modern The Knights- (modern spy thriller)

B E D I V E R E / R H Y S
NightSky NightSky FrostFire FrostFire

As Rhys stood inside the back of the van hunched over, ready to push the heavy tank towards Lyra and gingerly (lol) stepping over the bits and bobs littered around the storage area, he noticed her looking at something behind him with shining eyes. He turned his head to follow her gaze, and met eyes with a woman in a weathered photograph who had a striking resemblance to the younger agent waiting at the open back doors of the van. He brought the tank out far enough until a few inches were over the edge of the van's floor, then hopped out beside the small woman and heaved up the tank from the overhanging edges with a grunt. "If you could direct me a little and watch out for anything under my feet, I can carry this in," he said with a strained voice, just about able to cope with the weight of the tank.

He walked slowly, careful not to rock the tank too much, for fear of making the little creatures inside spill out. "Your mother in the picture frame?" he made a guess as he made his way out of the garage and around the corner to the lab door held open by a doorstop, not needing to rely on Lyra's guidance much at all because of the amount of times he had made the trip over the past couple of years. He wasn't sure if he should ask, she must be still quite emotionally sensitive from the recent failed mission and he knew better than to assume anything of anyone's family background in their line of work, but the likeliness was so uncanny it must have been a close relative.

Eliska seemed to have started unpacking her things, which must have arrived while they were away. He set down the final glass tank next to the others, the subdued chorus of the frogs in the enclosure ribbiting beginning to blend in with the others. He breathed hard and stretched a little. He looked over at Eliska's new setup, and noticed an eye catching desktop. He contained a grin, and asked her, "Where did you get that? Looks pretty impressive. You know what the letters OMEN are for?"
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra stepped forward to grab the other end, but it seemed that Rhys had other ideas. "A-ah, okay...", she walked in front, and a little to the side, ready to jump in and grab the tank, or help if he needed any. Pausing for a split second when he mentioned the picture, she picked up her pace to stay in front, speaking a few seconds later.
"... Yes. That is my mother. From when she was around... My... Age.", the emotions in her voice were indiscernible, a melting pot of many, hard to decipher, even for a seasoned psychologist.
She let him go through the door first, and stayed silent as she arranged the tanks into a more uniform and orderly position. Turning around to face the others, she said abruptly, "I'm going to get a few more things, I'll be back in a minute.", before turning tail and walking quickly out of the lab and back to the van.
She was indeed still raw from the mission, much more than she let on, and the mention of her mother brought back deep emotions that she really didn't want to deal with. Lyra sat down on the doorway of the van with a sigh, her legs swinging in space (her short stature meant her feet didn't reach the ground) as she stretched up, reaching behind her, and grabbing the picture frame from it's perch on the box.
"I miss you, Mum.", she whispered to the smiling woman, a sad smile gracing her own lips as she flopped down, falling back onto the floor. Lyra lay there for a minute, and let her emotions wash over her, dealing with each and filing them away.
Composed again, she sat back up, putting the framed photo into a box, and grabbing a plastic bag, and after rifling through some things, a smallish box - and jumping nimbly out of the van. Her emotions mostly dealt with and locked away, she was closer to her usual demeanour, although was certainly a bit more subdued than she had been before Galahad had been captured... Lyra turned back around ready to walk back to the lab, slowly, mind, as the box she was carrying was rather big and heavy for her.
Ren Ren NightSky NightSky
Gambit / Galahad
Location: Unknown
Interactions: PeanutLemur PeanutLemur ReverseTex ReverseTex

Galahad felt a sudden sharp pain, paired with the deadly sound of a bone cracking made him yell within his mouth. He wouldn't give this man the satisfaction. Clenching his jaw as he felt another crack, this new pain shadowing his shoulder.

He wasn't going to give in. He wouldn't drop. The Knights would come, he had faith, he knew they would. They'd come blazing in, ready to save him. It wasn't like he'd been here before. Galahad would've turned his head if he could to face Gambit, but the door would have to do. "I've got 8 more fingers. And i've got no answers for you!"

Gambit tsked. "You really must watch your words... Because I had hoped at this point you would have realized something..? I simply don't care." Repeating the process on the rest of Galahad's right hand he had previously done to the last two fingers, he smirked as the man began to aggressively rock in the chair, still not erupting a scream. He was quite a stubborn bastard, but he knew he could break him...

Galahad wouldn't let him win. No. His hand throbbed tremendously, now overruling the pain from his shoulder. Biting his lip was the only relief, feeling a tang of blood dribble down his chin. Suddenly, he felt the restrains on his hand loosen from the chair, but quickly met with a firm squeeze from Gambit.

Gambit held the man's restraints with his hand, as he prowled in front, twisting the man's shoulder uncomfortably as he did so. With his free hand he hammered the metal door, which was met with the sound of the multiple bolts clicking. "Yes Sir?" The armed guard questioned as he stuck his head in, his eyes paning from Galahad to Gambit. "Get me three things. A stool,the envelope, and a meat tenderizer." Gambit said as the guard nodded, shutting the door again as he left.

"Now do you know why I asked for those two things? Because i'm going to give you a choice. If you tell me what i'd like to know, i'll leave the tracker with you, and your dearest and company will be here within the hour - But if you'd like to keep yourself bottled up, well let's just say a flat iron steak would be better off than you." Gambit squatted down, his head tilted in amusement as he smirked up at the man.

Galahad listened as Gambit spoke, his blood boiling at the words. But, he let his head drop, exhausted from the beatings. He was done... No. His devotion to his job, his colleagues, was one of no other. It was the only life he had, and more than likely the only one he'd get.... Following the man's eyes as he squatted down, subtly patronizing him, he narrowed his bloodshot eyes and muttered. "Go to Hell..."

Gambit let out a chuckle as he stood up, "You're quite a stubborn bastard aren't you? Fear not, you'll be broken my friend." There was a knock at the door, followed by the guard dropping off both of his requested items. A metal stool, probably from the kitchen, as well as the tenderizer, the jagged freshly washed. He gave the guard a nod, grabbing the stool to set Galahad's hands on. Tying the chains to the stool, preventing the man's movement, he then picked up the hammer. "Look at that! Your fingers are already turning purple! Lovely your hand will match." Bringing down the hammer two times, the sound of three things filled the room. A haunting crack, metal thumping, and the best of all... A blood-curling scream...

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Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - The Knights HQ
Tags - Ren Ren FrostFire FrostFire

Running her finger along the dimly flashing lights she sighed in relief. It was in the same condition she left it in. The few scratches she had made previously were still there, she didn't dislike them. In fact it made it even more personal and gave it a story rather than being from a repetitive line of production. Satisfied she slid her hands down opposite sides of the cube and lifted it up to rest against her chest. It was rather heavy for the small recruit but she had done this many times before. Eliska managed to put it onto the table after shifting it from one hand to the other a couple times. To plug the power supply in she had to almost crawl under the desk. After standing back up she flicked two square shaped components that opened out to act as feet for the computer. As she did so she heard footsteps rustling around the labatory.

Eliska turned on her heel to face the Welsh agent as he placed down the last of the tanks. Lyra had followed him in but seemed less upbeat than before. The Czech agent nodded in response as she swiftly headed back towards the van. Not giving Eliska a chance to question it. She raised an eyebrow at the size of the final tank, mildly impressed. It didn't look light. Rhys's actions after he putting it down indicated it didn't feel light either. "Where did you get that? Looks pretty impressive. You know what the letters OMEN are for?" Glancing back at the treasured system on the desk she smiled sheepishly. "Believe it or not the case is made by HP. I did some work for them about a year ago, mostly coding and translations. They offered me the desktop system in return." She turned back around to the desk to turn it on the 45 degree angle. Now it was plugged into a power source the red lighting rippled along the sides. "Omen is the name, it's part of the OMEN X series. Originally designed for gamers but the system is pretty powerful and holds a lot, I just swapped out most of the components." While she spoke her hands threaded leads between her equiptment. "The custom liquid cooling system and Bang and Olufsen speakers stayed though." She stopped herself before she tumbled into a lengthy ramble by sitting down on the stool and repositioning her screens. Waiting a moment before looking up to meet Rhys's warm green eyes. "I hope I'm not being a bother setting up here." Eliska spoke in a softer tone, the last thing she wanted to do was be in the way.
Gambit / Galahad
Location: Unknown
Interactions: PeanutLemur PeanutLemur ReverseTex ReverseTex
A scream can represent many things. Some scream in joy, some in anguish, but these were ones of agony. Not only from the excruciating pain, but ones of a man who knew he broke.

He lost...

Galahad dropped his head between his arms, close to sobbing, as the feeling in his right hand began to disappear. Thankfully, since he knew the pain would trump his shoulder. But he lost. Gambit won. And he knew it wasn't near over.

Gambit grinned widely, chuckling in satisfaction. "Now see I told you I could do it! Pain does a funny thing to man, it enlightens them in no other way possible. I'm just glad you had the imagination to allow the enlightenment to take place, because I was slightly concerned your thick skull wouldn't let it!" Looking down at the metal stool, which was beginning to be coated with blood, but Galahad's hand was worse off... "Well you do have another hand... And I still don't have my information..." He paused, changing his tone into a mockery of a British accent. "Sorry ol' chap."

Those same screams erupted again, as if Galahad himself was Pompei, unloading millions of years of bottled up pain. Galahad could feel hot tears water his eyes, at this point, he could care less. He let out a wail, keeping his eyes concentrated on the concrete floor, avoiding any cost of eye contact.

Gambit tossed the blood-covered meat tenderizer in the corner, followed by kicking the stool away, breaking the chain restraining Galahad's hands. It wouldn't matter anyways. Once you told a man enough times he couldn't leave, he wouldn't. Tilting his head, marveling in his work, which was one of his finests. "Good man. You took that quite admirably. But I regretfully have to inform you that you're not quite done yet. Physically yes - mentally no. Now I will tell you this, only because of your nonexistent candor, that your friends will be here. Now I won't tell you when, because that's quite the spoiler, but I can change you before then. You're already broken, my job is to let your reassemble them in solitude. So to you Galahad, I say Adieu." The door clinked open, allowing Gambit to leave. Though he paused briefly, glancing over the shoulder back at the broken man inside. "Hang him up." The guard nodded, a pitied glance at the poor mess of a victim of his bosse's wrath...

Galahad's shoulder throbbed as it was above his head. He was hooked to a large industrial hook on the ceiling by hands, which was dripping blood all over him. But he couldn't feel his hands, and he figured he may never do so again. But his shoulder was still palpable, and the awkward angle made his whole body ache in agony. But he was alone again. In the damned darkened confinements of his personal Hell.

B E D I V E R E / R H Y S
NightSky NightSky FrostFire FrostFire

Rhys watched Lyra's back as she left the lab again, seemingly even more withdrawn than before. Clearly bringing up her mother wasn't a good idea. He was not much of a therapist and decided to avoid any such questions about her past for a while, his usual response to such a reaction. Knowing that he preferred solitude if he ever had a mood, he decided to leave her alone. Rhys would like to think he wouldn't react in such a way if ever asked about what happened to him, God knows he reiterated it enough times in his debriefing, but for the junior agent it was perfectly acceptable - he was a lot older than her after all.

He turned back to Eliska, who said, "I hope I'm not being a bother setting up here." A warm smile crinkled the corner of his eyes, "Not at all pet." He gently ran his hands along the edge of the machine, admiring the engineering and nodding to her explanation. "It's beautiful, I like it a lot." He decided not to say any more about the original designer, maybe one day he'll introduce them. He helped her link it to the various screens and power sources, and when they finished, he lifted himself to sit onto the work table and took off his gloves.

"Simone, run a diagnostic on our tracker, it's time to find Sean." Rhys picked up his laptop and set it on his knees as he scanned the information. He looked down at Eliska. "Alright choufleur, as your mentor let me tell you that your next mission is a-go," he announced with a grin. "I'm transferring the tracker information to you, it has pinged against the enemy computer so you should now have an 'in' to possibly Gambit's computer, or a computer of one of his goons. I don't know for certain which."
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Walking slowly, Lyra lugged the box and packets on top through the still open door, catching the end of Rhys' statement as she slid the box onto the table next to the tanks.
"I'll stick around, just in case. But I doubt you'll need my help, so I'm going to collect some mucus... If you don't mind...? I'm sure we could all find a use for it on the mission. I certainly will.", she set the packets of frog food (dead bugs, mostly, but there was a packet of live, wriggling meal worms) down to the side, and opened up the cardboard box - revealing the safety equipment and various tubes and similar stuff, a pair of thick rubber gloves sat on the top, their length suggested they would reach past Lyra's elbows. She had already decided on her main weapon that she would take with her on the mission - her sophisticated and deadly blowpipe and darts. Using the poisons from her frogs, she would without a doubt be killing each person she hit, her aim with a blowpipe was good as well, and she loved the silence and execution of it, it would allow her to sneak around - the poison usually took about a minute to take affect, so she was able to down a large amount of people in a short space of time.
"Unless, of course, you'd like to give me a tour of the lab now?", her voice was calm and soft, her emotions dealt with and locked away, although she was more subdued than usual, Rhys and Eliska wouldn't know that, as they hadn't seen her usual upbeat and cheery, happy-go-lucky attitude.
Ren Ren NightSky NightSky
Agent Robin G. Hayes
Agent Ector

Robin took a seat next to his mentor. Pulling up his email on his phone, he showed the screen to her.

"Yeah, I tried. I could use some help getting into the traffic cameras, we can track the car that took Galahad."

He took out a small notepad where he wrote down the information Percival gave him.

"Here's who we're looking for."

~spoooOOooOOoKy time skip~
Gambit / Galahad
Location: Unknown
Gambit stood facing his expensive view of the concrete jungle of New York. People busling, cars crawling, the usual rushed atmosphere of the city at 10AM. His hands were behind his back, ex-military habit. But he turned his head to hear a knock at the door.

"Yes - Yes come in." Gambit said rather boredly not turning away from the window. He could hear the tentative man scurry in, settling by the door. "Umm... Sir? I--ts your computer. The Knights managed to hack into it over night... They haven't found anything yet, but I can have Clov..." Raising a hand, the goon immediately stopped. "No. We'll give them one hour. After than we will pull out. We've been here to long anyways, plus I have a series of events that must be taken care of today."

The goon nodded, "Yes Sir. I also have a update on the... Guest." Gambit turned around, his face clearly unamused, but he dipped his head to hear the information. "He's near unconsciousness, don't know how he made it through the night awake. But there's definitely something not right. He stayed quiet the entire rest of the day, no foot-tapping like before. He just sat - hung there..." A smile arose across Gambits face, with a grateful nod to the goon as he made his way to the computer. "Very good... Now i'll be centering the camera on Galahad, that will be the only information Clover will let them get. After that she can activate the tracker, and we pull out. The guards will stay here, as will you. We've gotta test these people, see what they're made off!"

Galahad's eyes flickered open and shut, open and shut. His head dropped to the ground, sending the chains clanking. He was exhausted. Solitude wasn't a good time, but The Knights had trained him for this. Reliving memories always helped, and for him, there wasn't any good ones. He didn't pick and choose which memories he relived, deciding to take the oppurtunity to reflect on his life, allowing anything resurface.

But he had came to a conclusion some time ago about his life. Sean Hardy was born in tragedy, raised in tragedy, worked in tragedy, and now became tragedy. It was all a cycle. From the streets of London, to the MI6, then the Knights, and now within these confinements. He never experienced love, real love that is. He did care for people, like Lizzy, Lyra, those people he did care for. But there was someone he couldn't place. Adair. He cared for her, but more so than his sister or protege. It was an odd feeling, and he spent however much time thinking about it.... His eyes flickered once, more before drifting into the sea of unconsciousness

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra was already in the lab when they started getting somewhere. She had slept in the rec room that night, but spent most of the previous day and that morning working in the lab - gathering poison from her frogs, and keeping herself busy, distracting herself from her own thoughts. It had worked to some extent, keeping her mind focused and away from depressing thoughts and feelings, but her dreams had been restless as her subconscious mind dove into thoughts that her conscious mind had done it's best to avoid.
Bags under her eyes, she sat cross-legged on one of the metal lab tables, dressed in what looked like a hazmat suit from the waist up, thick rubber gloves holding a syringe as she slowly and tediously collected the last drops of poisonous mucus from the flashy frogs.
Depositing the gunk into special containers and cleaning up, she had removed the long gloves, and was about to remove the helmet when she heard a faint beeping. She pulled it off, breathing in the clean air, and without turning around, called out, a hint of urgency in her tone. "Eliska?", she wasn't sure if the other woman was still in the lab or not, but the beeping was coming from that general direction, her phone - which was safely zipped into her pocket, buzzed too - so it must have been important.
NightSky NightSky @to whom it may concern
Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - The Knights HQ
Tags - Ren Ren FrostFire FrostFire ReverseTex ReverseTex PeanutLemur PeanutLemur DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz Digit Digit _Aquarius_ _Aquarius_ Shadow Shadow PortugalTM PortugalTM GhastlySquash GhastlySquash Physiicz Physiicz Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Ever since the get go Eliska's attention had not left the screens positioned in front of her. Countless numbers and letters flooded across each one. Upon first glance they look irrelevant. But each one was a command, slowly but surely narrowing down the position of Agent Galahad. Tasks like these could not be left unfinished nor were they a quick fix. Every second mattered. She had spent the majority of time using trail and error. Every error was another location crossed off the list. Using Rhys's tracker information and the specifics from Lyra, the progress was more efficient. The two other agents had also not left the room.

Lyra, however, had at some point fallen asleep at a table.

What felt like a few hours had really been all night. Eliska's determined typing and clicking mingled with the low hum of the computer had not stopped until the sun had risen. A single entrance. One small loophole in the firewall allowed Eliska to push herself into the system. A specific program was highlighted inside, CCTV. After a brief moment of hesitation she opened it up. She held her breath as her laptop screen went black; it flickered briefly before displaying a room. It was a small, dimly lit room. Bare apart from a lone figure in the centre. He was soaked in blood, as was the floor around him. The distressing sight almost looked like a painting until he moved. It was ever so slight but it happened. The brunette agent sighed; he was alive at least. His life hanging by a thread but his body hung by chains. She didn't need to second guess who he was; or rather she didn't have time to.

Recording a short clip of the footage Eliska attached it to an email (with a brief explanation) before sending it to every agent from The Knights; including Arthur. Agent Galahad was alive. But for how much longer? The voice of the small British agent drifted into laboratory as she called the technologist. "I think I've found him." Eliska spoke softly, as if she couldn't believe it herself. Although she was also taking care around Lyra, her emotions were untraceable still.
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Agent Robin G. Hayes
Agent Ector


Robin's eyes slowly awoke to a desk littered with chords and photography equipment. The silhouettes made out under dim light given off by the computer and outside rooms.

He'd still not bothered to decorate the office. No free time to do so really. Ever since the license plate lead went down in flames (the SUV turned an ally and didn't turn up again, seeming to purposely avoid the cameras), he'd realised this was no basic criminal. Well, more a reitaration, stories did that already.

He looked at the glowing phone screen next to his head. He desperately wanted to sleep. He didn't usually do so on his desk, but, he'd thought he had a lead, but it turned out null. Another broken hope. Nothing to show but a late night.

It'd be an understatement to say he felt like a bit of a disappointment to the Knights right now. He hadn't gotten very far and he sure as hell hoped the others weren't looking down on him, so to say. However he'd have to brush that aside and keep working to stop least provide the tiniest piece of the puzzle.

His internal struggle was won to check the phone screen and see who it was, and why they were texting at so early in the morning. It was Eliska.

He clicked play on the video clip, and grimaced at the sight. The senior agent was chained, battered, and beaten. He'd thought the man was dead for the first few seconds.

He stood up and began walking down the hall to the lab. The others who stayed here overnight would follow suit, or so he'd think.

He turned the handle of the lab door and stepped inside, the burning question still in his mind;

"Ye know where he is?"

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra was out of her safety gear in seconds, and she fumbled with her phone, hastily unlocking it and opening the email. It took her a few moments to process what she saw, and her phone slipped out of her hand, both shaky hands rose to cover her mouth and stifle the breathless gasp that had escaped her lips moments before. She was in shock, and suddenly felt very cold... She still blamed herself, and to see such a beaten and battered man, a man she had come to grow fond of over the short time she had known him, it was distressing.
After a few more seconds, she bent down, and picked up her phone from the floor, not looking again. She really didn't want to.
Taking a deep breath, she put her phone back in her pocket, and glided over to Eliska - avoiding looking at her computer. "Yes, do you have a location? Judging by his injuries, he won't last much longer without medical attention. We need to form a plan, and start a rescue mission as soon as possible.", her voice was calm, professional, and devoid of emotion as she distanced herself from the situation to save her sanity and a lot of difficult emotions, she would deal with them once Galahad was safe.
NightSky NightSky PortugalTM PortugalTM @to whom it may concern
Location: HQ
Interaction FrostFire FrostFire PortugalTM PortugalTM NightSky NightSky
Aron had busied herself in the time after the meeting they had. Having found the garage she had busied herself with the cars she had found there which was a surprising amount of high end vehicles. Figuring a rescue would be planned soon she got to work having pluged some headphones in she blared music as she worked through the night turning and working on big grey escalade they had there.

Aaron had easily worked through the night on the car and easily into mourning. It wasn't till her laptop went off with an email that she had stopped her work. Looking over at her computer from under the hood of the escalade she groaned and backed up, standing
Up straight she rubbed the back of her neck as she whipped some grease onto the white tank top she had on. Walking to her laptop and opening the email she immediately playing the video. Having a small look of shock she quickly collected herself and spoke. "Alright let's go get him." She said as she quickly made her way to the escalade.

Closing the hood with a bang and quickly grabbed a rag to while her hands with and left still covered in grime from her night in the garage. Quickly finding where everyone else was she entered that room immediately talking. "Alright guys I got a car ready when are we getting him?" She asked still whooping her hands on a rag to try and get as much grease off them as she could while looking from one night to another waiting for an answer.
Agent Dinadan read the message again, pursing her lips. Something didn't feel...right about this. It felt too easy. It felt way too easy. She'd been looking through cameras, scanning everything she had available.

When the email came, she had half a mind to delete it. This didn't sit right with her. None of this did. The NSA had taught her to fear communication. It was warfare she'd seen. Warfare that feigned innocence.

Hackers lured by a gate...a false sense of hope. Even if this was real, than it was certainly an invitation. The person wanted them to find it.

As Dinadan entered the room, she looked for her protege, Agent Ector.

"I have very strong reason to believe we're being lured by this. Nothing comes easy. Someone wants to lure us."


Atlas yawned widely as he sank into the stiff mattress. Even the hard bed was better than sitting all day. The plane flight back from his mission had been horrible; boring and stressful at the same time. Somehow he had gotten back to headquarters just in time for the rather depressing meeting. He felt bad going home while everyone else was still working to find Galahad, but he had also learned not to work while sleep-deprived. Which led him here, trying to sleep but hoping he didn't miss any important developments.
Several hours later, he woke up and stumbled into the kitchen. He fumbled with the coffee maker for a few minutes before successfully getting a pot started. He then went to his laptop and instantly became wide awake when he saw the new email. He watched the video soberly, hoping they had more to go on than a demoralizing video clip. He dressed quickly and hurried downstairs to his apartment building's parking garage. It was early enough to avoid the usual traffic so he made it to headquarters in almost record time; even with a quick stop on the way.
He walked into the lab after the elevator ride down, bringing the smell of coffee and tea with him. "Hey." He said quietly to the room in general. "I got some coffee and tea from a cafe on my way here. I didn't figure anyone had time to make any here." He continued, setting the carriers of to-go mugs on the table. There was a variety of lattes, frappuccinos, and tea; enough for everyone to take their preferred drink. He took a seat on the edge of the nearest chair, running a hand through his hair reflexively. "So, what exactly do we know?" He asked tensely, hoping it was some form of good news.

Agent Bors "The Younger"
Location: Underground Hideout, 206 Mott Street, New York City, New York
Interactions: DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz

Anger had various ways of working through a person's system. For some, it eased a slow, burning path, boiling beneath the skin in preparation for release. For others, it came as a great inferno, burning everything in sight. Adair's ire, despite her proneness to outbursts and rants, paralleled the first of these two scenarios. It was a hot, roiling thing that festered in the pit of her stomach and provided the incentive needed for a few of her more... creative means.

For this reason, the blonde was able to avoid a curse-filled tirade when Eliska's email reached her phone. In another time, another place, she may have given into the temptation. Now, however, was not the time to murder her marbles - Adair knew this. Jaw clenching, she pushed away from the table. Her chair, of course, did not venture far. Its heavy frame made sure of that. Nevertheless, the lack of confinement standing provided - and the scuff marks she may or may not have left on Arthur's floor - offered the woman enough means of venting. For now.

Steady feet brought Adair in front of her apprentice who, like her, had yet to leave the meeting room. Whether he felt useless as she did - tracking and technical work were not her fortes - or enjoyed his char, she did not know. What she did know, however, was that she needed a distraction. Agent Lancelot held promise for that.

"You up for a few rounds in the gun range?" The blonde crossed her arms and did her best to wipe the twinges of ire off her face. "I'm not much help in this situation and sitting around doing nothing isn't accomplishing anything." She paused. "I haven't shown you around the base yet anyways. Rome and all that."
Agent Lancelot

Location: Underground Hideout, 276 Mott Street, New York City, New York
Interactions: PeanutLemur PeanutLemur

Donovan glared at his hands as he wrung them together, still pissed off at the entire situation. Some of the other agents already left to go tackle other tasks and here he was, still sitting in the meeting room twiddling his thumbs. Galahad was still captured and he wanted to do something about it; he hated feeling useless, especially in a situation like this. Grumbling under his breath, he pulled his pocket knife out the pocket of his jacket and spun it around his long fingers.

The large man arched an eyebrow as Adair, the remaining agent in the room, walked over to him. She looked pretty angry as well and he figured she needed a good distraction. Which is why he quickly accepted her offer to go shoot in the shooting range. He needed to sharpen up his aim anyways. While he was excellent at short range, his long range shooting was still a bit iffy.

He stood up and nodded at Adair and the two of them made their way out of the room, towards the gun range. He jammed his hands into his pockets, his gaze trained on the ground.

''This is bullshit right?'' he asked her, bitterness filling his voice. ''I mean, our leader is being held captive somewhere and we can't even do anything about it.''
Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - The Knights HQ
Tags - Ren Ren PortugalTM PortugalTM FrostFire FrostFire Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving GhastlySquash GhastlySquash Shadow Shadow

Once the CCTV had been discovered Eliska implemented a location tracker to pinpoint the location of Agent Galahad. It would take some time to retrieve the satellite information then the exact destination. She had kept the CCTV footage on one of her screens, the senior agent moved every so often. The only indication he was still alive; but the actions were small and heavy. Despite working all night the Czech agent did not feel drained, with each minute she felt more motivated to find the missing agent. Alongside keeping herself focused on the screens, Rhys had stayed up all night with her. His jokes and lighthearted nature gave her even more incentive to not give up. Even when she felt she hit a brick wall at around 2am, he helped her to compose herself and keep pushing on. He may have needed to poke her a couple times but it worked nonetheless.

Other than the one screen displaying Agent Galahad; the remaining screens displayed maps with red squares flickering around them. Scanning for his location. Within a couple minutes the laboratory had begun to fill up with a selection of agents. Undoubtedly, led there by Eliska's email. She wasn't familiar with the majority of the agents but they were all Knights so she knew they would be professional and reliable. Following them in was the smell of hot beverages. The scent alone gave Eliska a small buzz. Turning on her stool away from the screens she located the owner of the first unfamiliar voice. A dark haired recruit, Agent Ector. "Ye know where he is?" Lyra followed with a similar question. Eliska let out a shallow sigh but it was followed by a hint of a smile. "I don't exactly know yet but I'm getting close. I'm currently tracking the location of the CCTV it will take a few minutes yet; the system is working as fast as possible." As she spoke to the room in general she locked her hands together on her lap. The small agent had crossed her legs on the stool for a sense of comfort during the night, it made her appear even smaller than usual. She located another agent, presumably their driver. Indicated by her mention of a vehicle and hints of grease on her appearance. "As soon as I've found him we'll need to leave promptly. I am 98% sure they already know I'm in the system so they won't be hanging around long." Her words were controlled, almost business like. In contrast her mind was working as fast as her computer; running every scenario she could think of. Agent Dinadan had entered voicing concerns that had also occupied Eliska's thoughts. "I understand your concern Agent Dinadan, but we really don't have time to sit back and decipher what their intentions are and we don't have any other option right now." Turning back to her screens her eyes danced to each one, any moment now the system would find him. "I'm sure that we can all see Agent Galahad doesn't have time." Her words were quiet but still audible. There really was no other option.

A single electronic beep erupted from her computer. The dancing square had stopped on a single location. It zoomed in until it revealed a building resembling a warehouse. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. "They're here," She paused double checking the location. "in New York." Eliska pushed her stool away from the desk to let the rest of the agents get a better look of the screen.
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Gambit / Galahad
Location: 54th Street and 22nd
Clover was a crane of a woman, standing around 5'6 and most of her features elegantly thin. She wore a pair of electronic glasses, which usually displayed similar knowledge as her computer. But her sleek black hair was held together by a pair of chopsticks, how, he had no clue. But she was his right-hand in most operations, and the best person with tech knew.

"I've revealed the location. All of my gear is packed in the SUV, and the airport is about 30 minutes away. They'll have the jet ready in a hour. The captive has fallen unconscious, most likely to blood loss or amount of physical stress. But The Knights will be cutting it close to say the least..." Gambit nodded, adjusting his cuff links as he leaned against the SUV. "Good. Well I have one stop i'd like to make before we leave the city. You remember the intel you were able to gather 5 days ago? I'd like to stop there once it's cleared out."

Clover nodded, clearly not on board with the idea, but regardless she had to follow. "Very well... May I ask why?" Gambit nodded, "Let's just say i'd like cause another inconvience for our new acquaintances..."

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra stayed quiet as she let the others plan and discuss - feeling like she didn't really have much to contribute. Her bag was all packed from her mission with Galahad, and all she had to was add in her blowpipe and poison she had just collected, and she would be ready to go. She hung back from the rest of the group, tidying up from her earlier work with the frogs and packing things up neatly and safely. Pulling out her bag from where she had stashed it under the table she had been working on - she put in her blowpipe and poison darts, zipping it back up once everything was in and secure.
So Galahad was still in New York... At least they could get him to medical attention as soon as possible, they barely had any time to waste. She slung the backpack over her shoulder, and faced the rest of the group.
"It may very well be a trap, but just like Lamorak said, we don't have the time, nor do we have the options available to us. If we don't go soon, we may be too late...", she cleared her throat, and looked at each agent individually before her hazel green eyes rested on Eliska.
"So, let's go.", Lyra knew it was perhaps a little rash to leave immediately without making any solid plans - she of all people was the least likely to do such a thing, but she knew that they really needed to move quickly - and there were enough of them that Lyra was confident they could manage to rescue Galahad without too much of a problem. They had to.
NightSky NightSky @to whom it may concern
Agent Robin G. Hayes
Agent Ector

Robin slid away from the door way, allowing the influx of agents here for the same reason as he to file in. Everyone had a good point, he had not a clue how to go about this.

He took a frappe out of the drink carrier, nodding at Atlas as a thanks for the coffee. Taking a sip, and adjusting the sleeve to his sweatshirt, he chimed in.

He agreed with Percival on this. If they didn't go now, he'd be dead soon. It most likely was a trap, but if they didn't at least try, Galahad was as good as gone. He looked towards Aaron, and spoke.

"You've got the car. We'll plan on the way. We need to get there A.S.A.P"

He briskly walked out of the room, and into the nearby office. He lifted up his camera bag, his gun, and his knife. He stepped out the door and began walking towards the stairs leading to the garage, his coffee halfway home already.

With a smile on his face he yelled back to the others

"This espresso better set in quick!"

A happy yet anxious laugh filling the corridor.

Location: 276 Mott Street
Clover had traced a foreign signal the day before he had captured Galahad to a lone Asian market on Mott Street. It was quite bartered from the exterior, the only oddity being the industrial sized loading dock door in the back of the alley. But the signal had been so distinctive, Gambit could smell The Knights all over the place.

Gambit sauntered through the front entrance, giving the older Asian man at the counter a smirk, before two of his armed guards rushed in. Their guns pointed at the man, he smiled. "You're to menial to die. So just stay out would you?" Stepping behind the counter, he crossed into the chilled storage room, spotting a thin metal shelf placed oddly. At a closer inspection a elevator door was visible, and with little effort the shelf was easily moved. The doors suddenly opened, revealing a classy interior. With a satisfied smile, he waltzed inside.

A few moments later he was standing in a hall, framed portraits of both men and women lined the walls, as well as a few waiting chairs. As he ventured further on, Gambit found himself in a grand library. Walls littered with books, cozy armchairs and a gigantic marble fireplace centered in the room. The Knights sure had class. Suddenly he heard of footsteps, in which he quickly dipped behind a bookshelf. Removing his trusty Kimber, flipping the safety off, he peaked around to see a young look agent. Maybe not a agent, nether more, he effortlessly squeezed the trigger, sending the man down to the ground without a groan.

The rest of the place was similarly decorated, lots of mahogany, and lots of expensive leather furniture. It looked like a cigar club. Gambit found himself in a large room with a circular table in the center, most likely their meeting room. Another pair of footsteps filled the room, this time with little urgency. They were precise. Paced. Tucking his gun away and tucking his hands in his pocket, Gambit turned around to see a older man prowl in...

He was a large man, similar to a tree. Silver hair and beard trimmed to precision. Expensive suit like most of the male Knights. His expression was like Gambit's, calm but filled with curiosity. His voiced boomed with calm authority when he spoke. "I feel I should introduce myself. You may call me Arthur. I hope you found little inconvience Gambit. I told my men and women to stand down, I thought a little exploration could satisfy you for a good while. Shame one slipped out though. As they say, curiosity killed the cat..."

Gambit nodded. "Very true. And I was quite surprised at what little trouble I had, I expected more fun from you though. Galahad was quite the treat may I say..?" Arthur's icy eyes flashed briefly at the mention of his agent's name, but his calm expression never faded. "I'm afraid we're both aware of the current situation. I have my folks heading to retrieve Galahad as we speak. And I wouldn't be surprised if you had some sort of challenge for them. But i'm a reasonable man Gambit, i'm up to settle this more civically."

Gambit smiled, pulling out his Kimber, studying it momentarily. "That's good to here. But you know, civilization doesn't apply to this type of work we do. It's everyman for himself, and the survival of the fittest... So as they say in Camelot, Long Live King Arthur..." With a simple squeeze, Arthur fell to the ground , his silver hair splashed in crimson.

Chapter 3: Long Live the King
Location: 276 Mott Street
Sean's appearance changed drastically in the past month. His hands, the knuckles and veins a ugly maroon from the permanent damage. He hadn't fully recovered, and probably never would, but the swelling had began to decrease. A series of small scars were also there, from the multiple pins that had been placed in his hands. The nerve damage was unfixable, which caused his hands to tremor dramatically, and drastically limited their mobility. But currently he wore a pair of wrist braces, in order to keep his hands somewhat still, and to limit the pain.

He also needed glasses, due to the stress of the pain he had withheld during interrogation. Choosing a pair of tortoiseshell frames, only adding to his roguish appearance. His eyes that were still their chestnut brown, but rimmed with the visible strained blood vessels, as if he had pink eye.

His left shoulder didn't operate correctly either. Both the bullet wound and knife wound had servered nerves, making movement quite difficult. He currently had his left arm in a sling over his suit, which was a boring black and white suit. Nothing special.

He lost weight too, his facial features more defined than they were, and his skin less blushed from the blood loss, as well as his limited achohal consumption.

But his personality had taken a major blow. Quieter than ever before, and his temper only worse, he had became quite umperdicatable, either being awkwardly shy or having random outbursts usually over menial things. Luckily the past month had been bearable with the help of Adair...

She helped him more than anyone could. Staying with him in the hospital, even helping him get readjusted at home.... He owed her a proper date, maybe now he could finally come around to it...

Galahad had never been a morning person. It took time to get out of bed, and get ready. Coffee helped with the process, but it never fully quenched that feeling he had lately. That feeling. Indescribable and quite lucrative it be. But with the recent events over the course of this month, he had become quite a shell of himself. So for the past month, he had been practicing. Practicing for quite a hard alias to play. Himself. But with assistance on the physical aspect from Adair, he was solely responsible for only playing the mental part. He could fake it. It would just be difficult.

Tenetivly walking down the halls of the Knights headquarters, taking smaller steps, opposed his usual quickened pace. He had his right hand tucked awkwardly in his pocket, embarrassed of the brace, and his left arm cradled in a sling. He was going to see Lyra, for the first time in over a month, which was entirely his fault. Pushing her away, embarrassed of himself, while also scared. He hated being this way, feeling worthless, Gambit had been right. He did break him...

Walking into the Table Room, he glanced at the stained wood, a large dark pool still visible. Then looking at Art- his office, a wave of nausea ran over him. He'd never use that room. But he needed a place to hide for the moment, from Adair, from Lyra, from the world. Maybe that was the reason his former boss spent so much time confined. Shutting the door behind him, which made his heart skip a beat, still afraid of enclosed spaces. He leaned against the furthest corner of the room, which looked quite arbitrary to any on looker. But to Galahad it was safety, if only for a moment. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. "You've got to get through the goddamn day Sean..."

Chapter 3

̷̷L̴̢̨͟͠o͝͝҉n҉̢͡g͘͞͏͜͡ ̡͠҉Ĺ͞͏i̴̕v͢͢͠ę̛́͡ ̷̨͘͢͡T͞͏͞͏̕h̴͏̢̨e͘҉ ͘K̛i͜͟͢n͟͠͡g̷̶̕͟


"It's funny how somber moments can become. How hard times get harder so quick.
We say things are funny, don't we. Nothing's funny about what's happened. Nothing at all.

That's all I have to say really. Rest in peace? I don't know. Generic words don't seem to fit this man, aye?"

- Robin at Arthur's memorial

A few cardboard boxes still lingered in the studio apartment. A small place, the window displaying a cityscape, and the water at the end of it all.

Robin was seated on a stool, at the kitchen bar. The only seat in the house really. A coffee shop cup held in his hands. He hadn't even been inside the Knights HQ in a month. Not since that evening.

fancy flashback noise

"You die on me, I'll bloody kill you."

Galahad was barely alive. Lethargic. Clearly in pain but it seemed as though he barely noticed anymore. He and someone else, he couldn't remember who in the moment were carrying him out.

There weren't many guards actually there. It was odd, and, soon it was obvious why. They'd gotten him to a hospital and Bors had stayed there with him while the rest had gone back.

A smiling lot shadowed the relative fear Galahad wouldn't make it, but the doctors said he'd had a good chance, just damage. And while the damage part wasn't the best news, it was better than him dying.

When they'd arrived the clerk was, gone. He'd never been gone before. "He must be in the bathroom or something." They went back, and the shelf was moved. It shouldn't be like that, and it was worrying.

A brisk walk down the hall revealed one of the security personnel, lying on the floor. Robin went to check his pulse, gone. They'd all gotten their weapons ready. A pistol shakily held in Robin's hand and a turned corner revealed their leader on the ground. Pooled in crimson death.

They all knew he was gone.

They all know who did it.

They all had no clue how.


The subway finally reached Robin's stop. Stepping out with the crowd, and a walk away he was at the Asian restaurant. This would probably be their last time meeting here, since the location was compromised.

Nonetheless, it was where they'd meet today. A step inside and he was back in the sullen room, apparently the only one here so far. He eventually reached the Round Table, empty

He turned away, and reached his "office". The laptop still plugged in. An old coffee cup still half full on the desk. He stepped in and tossed it. Unplugging the laptop, he plugged in a new one. More secure.

He fell into his seat. He'd barely known Arthur but his murder was more than just losing the boss. This was Gambit showing his control. This was symbolic. And knowing that was hard, to say the least.

He stared at the laptop screen as it turned on, a certain emptiness within him. He hoped a new mission would turn that around, maybe he'd go and get some pictures up in Maine sometime. A sigh escaped his lips and he leaned back, finally getting up and walking back k to the meeting room to await the others.


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