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Realistic or Modern The Knights- (modern spy thriller)

Robin G. Hayes
Chapter 2:
Into The Dark

The journey back to New York was quiet for Robin. He exited with other staff before the body of Christiano Iker was even discovered. A plane hop in Lisbon, and he was sitting back in his new apartment.

A night of sleep enveloped him, yet it wasnt a sound one. He woke up a few times throughout nights and this would be no different. Silhouettes with heads told to the side floated in the sir of his dreamscape, awakening him often.

He woke up a fourth time, 2:00 AM sharp. He sighed and slid out of bed. He slowly walked through the room, and grabbed a box of frozen fajitas from the freezer.

During the process of transferring from Ireland's very small spy network, and into the Knights, he'd been left technically jobless. He could receive no pay with no assignments, and you can't exactly borrow money from parents buried six feet under.

He ended up falling asleep on the couch, lately a mix of night terrors and anticipation of the Knights had given him little rest. He awoke to a vibration by his head, and a loud ding.

Sleepily gazing over, he realised this wasn't his normal phone. This was his work phone. Arthur had called an emergency meeting. He rolled off the bed and used a coffee table to support his ascent.

Grabbing a suit and hastily slipping inside, he ran out the door and into his car. Pulling into a nearby parking lot he calmly walked into the factory, and gave the clerk a nod.

A few minutes later and he was seated at The Round Table. He hid his shock, Gambit had taken Galahad. This man was wanted by every bureau in the world, and then some.

He'd have to use his A game, and then do some extra credit. This would be no ordinary mission, this would be...interesting. Very interesting.
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra had already finished her coffee before the meeting had started. Despite getting lots of sleep, it had been restless, and she felt as if she hadn't had any at all. Apart from Arthur, she had been one of the first in the table room, considering she had slept at HQ that knight, it wasn't surprising.
She looked awful, her face was red and blotchy, especially around her eyes, which had dark circles underneath. Although she listened intently to everything Arthur said, she looked away when the video played - she didn't fancy watching it again. She merely nodded slightly as she was mentioned, not even her usual smile graced her lips. It was obvious to her that the situation was bad, perhaps because she had been there and seen him get shot, and failed to help him when he called for her... She had failed, and she knew it, and had been reprimanding herself all night. It was basically her fault, after all. If only she had gone in with him, if only she hadn't listened to him, if only she had reacted faster, if only she had been more prepared beforehand, if only she hadn't underestimated their opponents, if only...
She was a little miffed that she wouldn't have her apartment of anything yet - she was glad she had remembered to feed her tree frogs earlier that morning, still in the abandoned van with all her things - while she was at it she had changed her clothes, so instead of the more formal outfit she had been wearing before, she was back in comfortable yet smart greys and blacks.
She didn't have any questions, Lyra didn't really want to talk either - so she decided if she thought of something she would ask one of the senior agents... She imagined that she would be paired with one of them, as she had lost her mentor. It was a good thing that she already had experience through MI6, and wasn't a completely new face to the scene. So, even if she was, and looked, completely distraught and devastated, she was still managing, and after that coffee and last night, she was working through things - she'd be sad and guilt ridden until Galahad himself expressed his forgiveness, but she was a professional, and dealing with her emotions and not letting them interfere with her job and missions was something she had been trained for. Even if she hadn't experienced such strong attachments to a colleague before, she was still dealing with everything rather well, all things considered.
Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - LAX
Tags - Ren Ren ReverseTex ReverseTex & The Knights

Reciting the mission back to the FBI turned out to be quite lengthy. The early morning call and the lack of sleep was slowly creeping back up on her, if it wasn't for smaller Derek's excited face - as they recalled the rescue mission - the Czech agent may have fallen asleep. Already widened eyes were emphasised behind his convex lens glasses, the animated expression painted on his face was too humorous to miss. Nearing the end of the briefing Eliska turned to Rhys just as he was sliding his phone back into his pocket. She didn't comment on it, not wanting to pry, but she leaned across and spoke only loud enough for him to hear. "I'm surprised they didn't ask how many times we blinked during the mission." Her tone was light hearted, and it was welcomed after the extended meeting.

A shower and a short drive later the paired agents were back at the airport they had arrived from. Muscly Derek almost crushed Eliska as he gave her what she assumed was a hug, but honestly felt he was trying to immobilise her. Smaller Derek's hug was more of a latch onto her, much like a child not wanting to go to their first day of school. Eliska wished she had more time to get to know them but the clock was ticking and she needed to get back to HQ alongside her mentor. Turning one last time she gave a small wave to the FBI agents united by name. The shorter of the duo still waving with his whole arm extended over his head and tears in his eyes. "Come back soon!" He called as Eliska turned the corner out of sight.
The mission felt so long ago when they settled in the lounge; despite being only hours since they had completed it. Eliska's signature eyebrow quirk played again as Rhys poured out a few questions one after each other. Not unexpected but more amused that he was so concerned about his ability as a mentor. "I don't think I could've done that mission with anyone else, I really appreciate the support you gave me. Thank you." She rested her chin on her hand which was propped up on the table by her elbow. The mention of this mission possibly being the last between them stirred her stomach. Maybe the anxiety of having to work with agents she wouldn't be familiar with, or something more personal? She couldn't quite figure it out. Turning her head back to him, her hair falling off her shoulder. "Should I be scared?" She replied to his question with one of her own, a smile hinting on her lips at the prospect of Rhys 'scaring her off'. The flight home was mostly a blur as Eliska found herself falling asleep within minutes from departure; gravity pulled her head to the side where it found a pillow on Rhys's shoulder.

New Location - 276 Mott Street - The Knights HQ
Time - 10:05am

A new jumpsuit and her hair pulled back into her usual ponytail Eliska had arrived to the meeting a minute early and stayed silent as Arthur briefed the agents on their current situation. The atmosphere polar opposite to the one earlier that week. No unfamiliar faces. No outbursts. No whisky. The agents recognising the urgency of the situation at hand. The video was distressing to watch but she didn't dare move her eyes from the screen. Arthur's voice filling the silence the video brought. Her first mission provided Eliska confidence in her skill; and the success of the other missions displayed the skill of The Knights collectively. It wouldn't be easy but a voice told her they could pull through if they all worked together. Arthur had covered all the information she could need, leaving no questions floating around her mind. Only a mental checklist; to find a hotel close by for her single - but oversized for the small agent - suitcase, a series of programs that could be of aid to the mission, and a refresh of the names and agents occupying the room.
Gambit / Galahad
Location: Unknown
Interactions: PeanutLemur PeanutLemur ReverseTex ReverseTex

Gambit prowled through the halls, hands shoved deep into the reaches of his suit pockets. The employee from before, a thin wisp of a man whose name he never bothered to remember, scurried along behind him. All was quiet, though the tension in the air spoke more than words ever could.

The armed guard stationed outside Galahad's door inclined his head when the dark haired male arrived. "He seems to have calmed down." Hands moving, the man released the tumblers from the locks. Gambit smiled, waiting for the guard to open the door before stepping into the room


Galahad wasn't sure how much time had passed from when the guard had peaked in. Possibly hours, maybe minutes? The deafening silence and the abyss of the darkened room gave the man an odd mix of sensations. He could hear his thoughts as though he was speaking himself, maybe he was? He couldn't tell. But he also felt quite empty, as if he were the last man on Earth. The only thing keeping him in check was the flickering light above him, and his foot, which he taped the rhythm of multiple James Taylor songs in order to drown the silence.

But the damned sound of the lock shot Galahad out of his silenced state, and back into alertness. His back straight against the chair, an eager, yet terrified feeling rushed over him as he saw Gambit waltz in. Finally, something to do.

The room was dingy, dim, and lacking the opulence of the rest of the building. Perfect - for an interrogation, that was. Gambit motioned for the guard to re-lock the door with a wave of his hand, eyes trained on the agent tied to the chair before him. His head tilted, as though examining a priceless piece of art - not a prisoner locked within the confines of his home. Then again, maybe Galahad was an art piece; with Gambit, it was always hard to tell.

His feet moved with precise, careful steps. One foot. Tap. The other foot. Tap. He circled the chair like a vulture around prey, mouth molding into a smirk centimeter by centimeter. When he stopped, it was to nudge the discarded dart with the tip of his shoe. "I see you didn't like my present." His voice was neutral, calm. "Such a shame." Moving in front of Galahad's face, Gambit leaned forward. "Tell me: what would you like?"

Galahad listened as the man stalked around him, as if he was prey. He kept his eyes on the door, not to avoid the man, but simply to avoid the stress to cramp his neck.

But Gambit noticed, leaning in towards him. Looking directly into the man's eyes, stone cold and calm. Galahad smirked. "I'm more of a chess person, darts are too repetitive for me." He was trained for these situations, handling this would be easy. The Knights would swoop in and save him. Lyra would be okay, and Adair... "Well, you see, what I want wouldn't suit you well. I'd like to be released, but we both know that's quite impossible at this point. So surprise me?" He included a hint of playfulness at the end, paired with a smirk. Signature Galahad.

"Is it now?" Gambit leaned back, shoving a hand in his pocket. "I wonder about that." He continued circling. "You see, I hate certainties. Things you can't do, things you can - it's all in here." His free hand fisted in Galahad's hair, pulling the other man's head back at an angle. "People and their rules, their restrictions. Always blinding themselves to possibilities. So sad." He tsked. "I had hoped you'd be more imaginative. Maybe I should have gone after that driver of yours instead." His teeth gleamed. "Cute little thing, she seemed the creative sort."

Galahad didn't follow the man as he prowled again, but he did let out a grunt when his head was yanked back. His shoulder tingled in pain, but his mind was too busy processing the situation to pay any mind.

"Maybe I am? Shame you can't take a look at my handiwork in the warehouse."
The mention of Lyra sent a bell ringing in his head, the only noticeable reaction was him slightly narrow his eyes. Looking at the man from his upside-down angle, he sneered. "Well like you said, people and their restrictions..."

"Of course,"
Gambit said, matching his sneer. "But I have plans for you. Plans - would you believe it? - that I've had since Morocco." He released Galahad's hair on a shove, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck. "A chess player and strategist like you, you must have an idea of what I have stored. I did, after all, manage to see through your little ruse. Don't you want to know how?"

Galahad grumbled as he was violently lurched forward, his shoulder erupting into a fury of throbbing pain. He winced, the ache not disappearing like it had previously. For a moment, he glanced at the large blood stain on his shirt before back up at the man.

"Well I do have speculations..." If he was to play this man's mind game, it would keep him busy. Which he didn't mind at this point. "I'd imagine you have some questions for me, followed by me not answering said questions. Which will cause you to do something to me in order to extort the answers. Which at that point, who knows what the world has in store?" His shoulder throbbing distracted him greatly, but he kept his eyes locked on Gambit. "I'd love to be enlightened, but I have a feeling you recognized me from Morocco."

Gambit nodded his head. "Yes, yes - you lot weren't very subtle. Blowing up a warehouse, getting caught on cameras: were you practicing for the circus? I don't think you'd make it in the industry too long. Although," he continued, "I do have to give you some props. Not everyone can show his face so soon after getting his comrades killed. Do you get off on death?"

"But, hm - where was I? Oh yes, interrogation."
The man chuckled. "Asking you questions first would make sense, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, I'm not too fond of sticking with that cliche." Smirking, Gambit placed a firm hand on Galahad's injured shoulder and squeezed. "No, I'm much more fond of extracting them."

Galahad listened carefully to his words, noting the conversation in his mind for when he made it out of here. He had faith in Lyra, in Adair, in Arthur. They wouldn't leave him here.

Just as he was about to retort, Gambit clawed his shoulder, sending a white unbearable pain throughout his body. He shook in the chair, not giving the satisfaction of a scream or yell to the other man. His clenched his teeth as he felt the man's hand bury deeper into the bullet hole, and knife hold. "The streets of London have more balls than you..." He spat back, though his face was red from suppressing the pain. "I can do this all day."

Gambit grinned, and his teeth gleamed from the planes of his face. "I was hoping you'd say that."

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Aron waters/ agent Agravain
Location: strangers house- knights HQ/ meeting room
Mentions: ReverseTex ReverseTex NightSky NightSky FrostFire FrostFire / all other knights present in meeting room

Aron had a rather boring night after the first meeting with this agency. Having not been sent out on a mission was a rather large downer for her and she wasn't happy about it to say the least. So naturally having nothing to do she went and partied a little like any famous person would do. Having ended up drunk and spending the night with a rather attractive girl. When mourning came there she lay in Bed of the girl she had "spent" the night with's house, fast asleep till her alarm started growing off. Letting out a small groan as she cracked her eyes open and shut it off. Sitting up she rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes and looked around having forgotten the events of last night for a second. Then having the "awe that's right" look slip onto her face she looked back to the other side of the bed to see the woman fast asleep and sighed. "Well I hate to leave like this but I got business" she whispered quietly as she stood up and got dressed in a pair of tight black leather pants, some combat boots, a white striped tank top and a leather jacket. Looking to the alarm clock which read 9:02AM at the woman's bed side she nodded at it then quickly left without waking the woman.

Exiting the apartment building she looked around before spotting her motorcycle in a nearby parking spot. Quickly heading over she pulled the keys from her leather jacket and hopped on, slipping on the accompanying black helmet and strapping it tight she turned the bike over and quickly pulled away and off down the street. It only took her 15 minuets to get across town to China town and to HQ. Quidkly parking by the building she quickly shut the big off, taking her helmet off and hooking it to the bike she groaned at the sunlight and quickly put a pair of aviators on her face to dim the brightness and ease her small migraine.

Quickly shoving her keys in her pocket she headed inside and wasted no time getting down to HQ and into the meeting room just in time for the meeting to start. Silently having taken her seat and taking a couple drinks of the coffee placed before her as she watched the video and listened carefully all the while hiding a look of shock behind a calm looking face. Aviators still on she sat there silently staring down the boss and listening to his words as intently as she could but soon the hangover got to her and she sighed quietly, bringing a hand to her face she pushed the aviators up her face as she pinched the bridge of her nose and squeezed her eyes shut to try and ease the migraine. Then after a couple Seconds she let go of her nose and positioned the aviators back over her eyes and looked to the boss once more in silence.
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Location: 276 Mott Street

As he thought, there was no questions. His agents were the best of the best, they knew what they were doing. Making eye contact with each person, his icy eyes scanning the room he continued. "Now we have little clue to where Agent Galahad is.The only information about Gambit and his organization is the info you managed to scrape from your missions. Over time it may develop more, so for the meantime, I suggest planning a course of action. Senior Agents, you're in charge, do as you wish. I know it might take some time, but you are all very capable to do this job. Meeting adjourned."

Arthur stood up, adjusted his tie, and made his way back into his office. He'd stay out of the way, knowing if he hovered it would only slow the process.

Agent Robin G. Hayes
Agent Ector
Chapter 2

Robin glanced at his fellow agents around the table, quietly wondering if they were as dumbstruck as he was.

It was grim news. They had no clue where he was. Only who he was with, and knowing who that was, it didn't offer any clue so far. Gambit moved often.

They would have to piece this together with barely a lead. Although, he did have an idea. Raising his voice only to where every one else could hear him...

"Percival, what car were the kidnappers driving? We could maybe track at least where they went with the traffic cameras."
Ren Ren
Paris, FrancePhone calls riddled the trip back to the Big Apple. One to Mme Armelle ensured he would be kept up to date on Interpol’s progress with their investigation and any findings that followed. Regrettably, the two would have to catch up at a later date and time. Another to Arthur clarified the situation and confirmed its severity. Jared intended to stay as informed as possible. Any attempts to contact Galahad or his potential captors were futile, though that much was of no particular surprise. Even on the flight back, he exchanged a number of thoughts on the predicament with his protégée. It was difficult to refrain from any emotional investment given the circumstances, and he discovered that conversing with Victoria was rather helpful in maintaining a level head. He intended to deny Gambit of any further satisfaction. The remainder of the trip was spent in resting for the trials to come.

Knights HQ - New York City, New YorkWhile all briefing sessions included a heavy ambience in some manner, this one was especially discomforting. While the occasional kidnapping did not call for panic, one conducted by the same party who had eliminated several of his former coworkers was undeniably unsettling. He spent his entire Knighthood alongside Galahad: nearly ten years with the man. Although aware that everybody in the room was rightfully qualified for their position, it held that many were still complete strangers, to be frank. Even with the individual talent each new member brought to the table, questions remained about their ability to function cohesively. While this cohesion would have to be built one way or another, the notion of doing so in such a critical position opened up concerns. The added thought of being the eldest agent in the room sent a shiver down Jared’s spine, unsure what to make of the fact.

Still, whatever anguish Jared conveyed was nothing of that compared to Percival. The other agent was visibly distressed, and he could only imagine what thoughts were brewing in her mind at the moment. A combination of shock, a sense of failure, and perhaps some survivor’s guilt, he reasoned. He felt for her, but sympathies would need to be postponed for the time being.

Agent Ector brought up a valid point in identifying the vehicle used to transport Galahad. Though the possibility of the car being disposed of existed, it was a line worth pursuing nonetheless. “Any details would be appreciated,” he directed to Percival in the most reassuring tone he could manage. “I believe your mission involved Galahad handing off an envelope, correct?” Jared continued, eyeing Lyra. His brief review of the other agents’ missions as well as his earlier conversations with Arthur had confirmed the fact. “It may be in our interests to check the tracker,” he suggested, though not without uncertainty. If the captors had ascertained Galahad’s true identity and the car was already left behind, it was also conceivable that the tracking device would have been detected. It was apparent that the people they were up against were thorough, if anything.
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Listening to the rest of what Arthur had to say, managing to keep herself composed. She looked over at the agent who asked her the question, Agent Ector.
"I'm not sure whether that's been tried or not,", she looked over at the disappearing Arthur, "It was a silver SUV.", she recited the number plate in her usual strong, posh British accent. It was burned into her mind, along with the scene of the last time she had seen Galahad.
She was determined, that she would do everything in her power to rescue Galahad, it was her duty, after all, and the mission he had given her the minute he called her name... Her name that Gambit would probably now know her by...
"Yes, we should check the tracker. I'm not sure whether they took it with them, or whether it perished in the explosion along with everything else...", she sat up in her seat, and set her jaw. Now that she had something to do, it distracted her from her emotions - she was a professional, after all.
"He was shot, in the shoulder, and judging by his ease of capture, they drugged him too.", her voice had lost all hint of emotion, and despite her face still being red and blotchy, her voice was calm and collected as she distanced herself from the situation - a tactic she had been taught when training with the police. "Judging by how quickly he was out of commission, it was a powerful tranquilliser... The sale and distribution of which can be tracked. With difficulty, mind. But it is possible.", her brain was working at full speed, as she completely left her emotions behind her, focusing on the task at hand.
PortugalTM PortugalTM Digit Digit
Agent Bors "The Younger"
Location: Underground Hideout, 276 Mott Street, New York City, New York
Interactions: N/A (Moody German be moody.)

Anger - at Galahad, at Gambit, at the situation - coursed through her. It was an awful thing, red-hot and ferocious, tearing through her veins and forcing her to bite her tongue lest words she couldn't take back escape her mouth. Adair was used to emotions, and strong ones at that, but this was the first time in a long while her facade threatened to break. It was aggravating, and the blonde wanted nothing more than to punch someone, anyone, in the face.

How could this have happened? Galahad was their senior-most agent aside from Arthur himself. She'd known him for years; he didn't just get captured. It wasn't his style. He knew better, he - he'd made a bet with her. He'd made a bet with her and he wasn't even here to back it up. Unforgivable. When they got him back she'd rip the man a new one - right after she got done hugging him. Or maybe it'd be the other way around or both at once. She didn't know; her mind was too muddled, too out of sorts, for proper coherency.

When Arthur left the room Adair pulled herself out of her mental hole. Her hands, clasped before her face, tightened. They needed a game plan, but tracking and tracing weren't her areas of expertise. She could offer input and suggestions, yes, but no real help could come from her until they had a plan in motion. On the ground, in action, she could prove her use. For now, the woman would content herself with letting those more versed in the necessary methods take control. Lips pursed, Adair continued to read over the file, looking for anything she might have overlooked. Damned Galahad; today was supposed to be a good day too.
Agent Robin Garret Hayes
Agent Ector

Get access to local traffic cameras to find and track what happened to the mystery SUV.


Robin stood up from his chair, gripping the slim information file in his hands. He didn't have a personal connection to Galahad...he was a stranger as far as his emotions were concerned. But he was also a fellow agent. As far as Robin was concerned, that was enough.

He had no clue if their were personal offices or anything of that sort, this basement bat-cave lair was still a confusing labyrinth, all he really knew about was where the bathrooms and kitchen were. The rec room he'd used earlier was there, and,

"Now we're in business.."

He quietly said to himself, his voice quiet, his accent barely noticeable. The French one still stuck in his head a bit, he mused. He set down his satchel gently, slipping out a camera and other equipment, including a laptop.

He'd found an empty room, a table and chair all that filled it. Not a name tag, not even a loose coin. He opened his laptop, and proceeded to send an email to a local news station.

To whom it may concern,

My name is Robin Hayes, I'm an international freelance journalist, and I'd appreciate if I could have access to the traffic cameras from today and yesterday, I'm doing a report on traffic problems in the U.S.

Thank you for your time,


He sent the email, and sat back. He tried to think of anything else he could accomplish to help find Galahad, but his mind pulled a blank. It was about fifteen minutes later a reply was sent back.

Quite simply, it was no. They politely dressed it with, 'we can't release it due to drivers license plates'. He sighed to himself leaning back in his chair. His knee lead was a blank.

He nearly gasped at his own stupidity. His own mentor was a hacker brilliant enough to get into cameras at a world class gala at the fucking COLISEUM. If anyone could get access it was her. He practically ran into the hall, nearly slamming shoulder first into the wall.

He ended up finding Dinadan doing who knows what, and ran up.

"Dinadan, hey, I could use some help, if you don't mind."
GhastlySquash GhastlySquash
Agent Lancelot

Time: 10:10 AM EST
Location: Underground Hideout, 276 Mott Street, New York City, New York
Interactions: PeanutLemur PeanutLemur

Donovan first heard the news about Galahad after he finished his part of the mission back in Rome. After killing the target, he and the others quickly fled the scene and headed back to New York as soon as Arthur told them what happened.

So there he was, sitting at his seat in the meeting room with the rest of the agents. Everyone seemed to be in shock, a tense and pensive air filling up the room. He could feel it around him, inducing anxiety and slight fear. He normally didn't scare easily but if this Gambit person could somehow manage to capture their best agent, he only wondered what he could do if the man wanted to target someone else. They'd be virtually powerless against the man.

His hands clenched into fists, his jaw flexing. ''This is bullshit.''

Donovan zoned out through most of the meeting, trying to figure out how Galahad could let himself get captured. No matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn't find an explanation. It irritated him to no end, his anger amplifying even more. Some senior agent he is. Donovan told himself he would never get captured. He'd rather die than let Gambit or his goons take him.

He glanced at the others in the room, gauging their expressions. Everyone seemed to be keeping it together rather well; even Agent Percival/Lyra, who was Galahad's mentee. Arching an eyebrow, he wondered how she could remain so calm and...emotionless. Even when she was recounting the details of Galahad's capture, her tone was devoid of any emotion. Donovan then looked at Adair, who seemed to be struggling to contain her anger, much like himself.

A small smile found its way onto his lips. At least someone isn't acting like everything is fine and dandy.
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T R I S T A N / V I C T O R I A
Digit Digit

There was little time to celebrate the success of Victoria's first mission, for the next challenge came charging at them from around a corner at top speed in the form of Arthur's urgent message about the kidnapping. Jared really took on the role of a senior agent, more than she could ever imagine the likes of that redhead Rhys she'd met before acting in such a mature manner. It made sense, he was now the most senior agent in the Knights with Galahad gone. He wrapped up their mission with a telephone debriefing with Mme Armelle, and the tone of their familiarity within their working relationship confused her. She wondered to herself when she would ever have the opportunity to ask what sort of relationship existed between them.

Her mentor threw some speculations around with her as they flew over the Atlantic, and Victoria found the hard analysis and logic helpful in quelling her fears about what was in store for the Knights in such a major foiling of a mission so soon after the events in Morocco. She wanted to pick his brains for more information about the missing Galahad and the last mission, but was overcome by fatigue and eyelids too heavy to lift before she unearthed much. When they touched down in the morning, Victoria was barely aware of the groggy trip she made between leaving the airport in a taxi and sinking into her chair in the Table Room at HQ.

Arthur's brief was solemn, and although the footage from the scene was the usual stuff and not too exciting, Victoria could imagine the pain visibly felt by Galahad's long-time colleagues around the table as they watched it, a feeling she knew all too well. The Agent Ector was the first to speak up, a welcome break from the silence, but it only drew her attention to Agent Percival, a petite British girl who looked so upset there was no doubt she was the other participant of the mission. Victoria watched as Jared took the lead, and as she did so she thought about her fortune in having been paired with him. Respectable, disciplined Agent Gareth - she would learn a lot from him.
B E D I V E R E / R H Y S
Digit Digit NightSky NightSky GhastlySquash GhastlySquash PeanutLemur PeanutLemur DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz FrostFire FrostFire

Rhys was one of those who looked visibly distressed as he watched the video. Galahad never made things easy for him, and didn't make the slightly 'out-there' Welshman feel welcome in the same way that the other senior agents did when he first joined, seemingly a result of some beef that had occurred before his joining. Still, he would consider the older agent a friend, and watching him get taken was like reliving the last time Rhys was in the same position, a fate he would not wish on his worst enemy. Well, maybe his worst enemy, who still wandered the earth free as a bird. There were many positions he would like to put that woman in, and none of them comfortable, to leave a mark the way she left many. He hoped, really hoped, for Galahad's sake that Gambit was not like the Woman.

He was rested enough and caffeinated sufficiently to keep a clear head as Arthur left the room and Gareth began strategising. The journey back had been pleasant with Eliska's charming company, even when she was asleep the hair at the top of her head tickling his neck was a reminder of her dainty presence reassuringly beside him. As the new Ector ran to his mentor to start the proper search for the car, Rhys tipped an invisible hat at his fellow techie Dinadan, who he hadn't yet greeted since their reunion a couple of days before.

Speaking of fellow senior agents, Bors' face was taunt beside him, and although she did not look up from the file in her hands, the way she seethed made the hairs on his forearm stand. He slowly grabbed her wrist to stop her from turning the page again. "Adair, he's going to be fine. The old dog has more tricks up his sleeve than we have brain cells." He saw that her mentee Lancelot reflected her emotions, nice how they synced up well.

Rhys looked at the other agents around the table. He nodded in acknowledgement to Gareth's plan of action. "P- Percival," realising he didn't know her real name, "How do we track this tranquiliser? Can Lamorak help you?"
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Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - The Knights HQ
Tags - Ren Ren FrostFire FrostFire

The small conversations around her buzzed softly as the petite agent turned her gaze down to the table. Eyes fluttering shut she mentally divided her thoughts. A coping mechanism. Simply, she was stressed. The information - or lack of - was repeating itself inside her head; spoken details, images, words. Her dainty hands were lightly tapping the table while drifting side to side. As if she was sorting out a spreadsheet in her mind. Each subtle movement indicated a fact or idea grouping up with a similar matter. Breaking down the mission cleared her mind of confusion and overthinking but worries still laid intertwined in her stomach. Once each piece of information was set the wider picture was still blurry from the vagueness of the mission. That's where the Knights needed to fill the gaps.

A mention of her codename opened her eyes back to the Table Room. Tensions were high and most agents were distressed. Rhys being one of them, his brows knotted together and a straight line across his lips. The voice belonged to him as he spoke to Galahad's mentee. A small British brunette with her face dusted in freckles. "Can Lamorak help you?" Eliska glanced to the recruit, she appeared drained. As would be expected; after what she experienced. "I can definitely give it a go. I'm happy for you to also have a look through a few of my other programs to help find a loctation." She offered a small but warm smile to the other mentee. Not wanting to smother her. Percival's reserved tones earlier indirectly indicated she didn't want to delve into her feelings, that being the message the Czech agent deciphered. "Or at least get close." The composure from the agent was admirable. Eliska herself had a degree of control with her own emotions but never seemed to completely shake them off. The thought of being in the British recruit's position sent a small visible shiver down her spine. She spared a small glance over to her mentor and the feeling only expanded. Her overall inability to suppress such strong emotions would leave her lost and weak.
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra looked over to Bedivere as she was asked another direct question, snapping out of the thought process she had been in, her ears perking up as she recognised the familiar accent.
"I don't have the technological capabilities to do such a thing... But I have seen it done. If he bought in online, it's possible to track him, or find out his address... One needs a license to buy such a powerful drug, I have a license to buy and use them too.", she thought about the tranquilliser she had used against Gambit's men - that had been worlds more powerful... But they were similar.
"I'm licensed to use some of the strongest. Like carfentanil, 10 milligrams of it is strong enough to kill an elephant in minutes. So that certainly wasn't what they used...", she thought for a moment before continuing.
"You should look for the sale of large amounts of Ketamine... I doubt they would have bought it in small quantities. Lamorak...?", she located the girl, "I can't really help with the techy side of things. But chemicals, I can do.", she smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. Her emotions were tied down, barely, and she tried to sound as calm and nice as she usually did... But her general vibe was more worn down and sad... At least she didn't sound angry like some, but she very, very rarely got angry - and never stayed that way for long.
Ren Ren NightSky NightSky
Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - The Knights HQ
Tags - FrostFire FrostFire Ren Ren

Eliska added the anaesthetic drug by the name of Ketamine to her mental spreadsheet. Finding a large shipment of the drug would be doable; it would take a some time to scan for it. Maybe longer depending on the radius to the search, it could come from anywhere. "I can handle anything digital, I might just need you to check over any details I can find." The technologist could search for anything but having Percival close by or at least on call would allow her to get more accurate information or confirm any details that would arise; seeing as the agent was the only eye witness. The lack of emotion in her eyes was saddening. She could use a hug but Eliska was reluctant to bring attention to it. The Czech agent then realised she didn't even know the other recruits name. "I'm Eliska but feel free to call me Ellie," She offered extending a hand to the brunette. "if you need anything technology related let me know." It would be for the best to become acquainted with the other Knights, but they didn't have time to be socialising. Nevertheless, that would grow naturally over time.

"Chemicals did you say?" Eliska paused for a moment and casted her mind back to the day she arrived. Her mentor had showcased the laboratory and armoury room to her, which happened to be where Rhys's setup was positioned. She had accepted his offer to locate her own equipment in the same area. Consequently, meaning she would be working near Agent Percival and her speciality. "Looks like we might see each other quite frequently." She confirmed out loud, hoping the gesture would come across friendly. The thought had also made her aware her equipment was boxed up in that room. "Now we have a better idea of our tasks I think it would best to make a start." The longer they stayed stationary the less likely the outcome would be preferable. She laid out the offer to anyone listening but casted her eyes to her mentor, silently seeking approval. The ideas in her head were floating around, so much so she felt slightly dizzy and had to clasp her hands together in an attempt to stop them from recreating their usual twitch.
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra nodded, she would stay within earshot of Lamorak- Eliska, Ellie - so she could help in any way she could. Leaning over, she took Ellie's hand, a real smile gracing her face for a few seconds, lighting it up like the sun appearing from behinds rain clouds.
"Lyra, and it's nice to meet you, Eliska.", she pronounced the woman's name perfectly by mimicking how she said it.
"I will.", she smile faded, the sun going back behind the clouds as her moment of happiness ended.
"Yes, I believe so. Ah, I don't really have much to do... So I'm going to be in the lab, and work on some stuff.", Lyra decided she would work on her poisons - maybe give her tree frogs some TLC, it would distract her at least. And she would get some work done out of it... She wondered if her chlorine gas canister was still there...? Probably, she doubted anyone would want to move it, most would be much to nervous, but she had confidence in her own work - even if it was only held together with duct tape.
She looked up at Bedivere, noting that both herself and Ellie were similar in height - and both being the shortest agents around. So Bedivere was towering over her, but she still looked him in the eyes while she spoke.
"You look like a strapping young lad, Bedivere. Perhaps you could help me move some tanks into the lab? They'll only be there temporarily, of course. Until I can move them somewhere more... Permanent.", her mind was already distracted from her grief, and she brightened up more, nowhere near her usual cheerfulness, but at least now she didn't sound miserable. She was no longer moping by herself with no one to talk to - and socialising was certainly helping, and once she got into her scientist zone, she would perk up yet again.
Ren Ren NightSky NightSky
B E D I V E R E / R H Y S
NightSky NightSky FrostFire FrostFire

"If it has an expiry time limit, or special storage requirements, those might be able to narrow your search a little," Rhys offered as the two small female agents prepared to begin their work. He read through the brief again as the other agents murmured among themselves, but when he looked up his eyes lingered on Eliska's side profile - she had a funny look about her, as though she was going to faint. The feeling made him stand up ready to catch her in case she fell, snapping his own briefing folder closed, and after pushing in his chair turned around to almost bump into the short-haired British girl who had appeared behind him to request his services. A easy accent to identify and guess her upbringing, southern England but not far from London. Surrey perhaps, maybe Cheshire. With green eyes to match his own.

"My oh my baba, you can't go around making demands before you have even introduced yourself," he said to her with a mock frown. "I'm Rhys, and those tanks you are talking about make you sound suspiciously like the culprit of the mysterious Cl2 canister sitting in my lab." A grin showed her he was not serious, but things were not going to go past him in his lab. He held back a chuckle, and added, "You haven't even had your lab induction yet Percy. No amount of flattery by calling me young and strapping is going to get you out of it, isn't that right choufleur?" he tilted his head towards Eliska.

Pushing himself away from his chair, a few long strides brought him to the doorway towards the garage. "Well Knights must help damsels in distress, even if they are Knights themselves," he teased, looking over at the two much shorter agents.

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
Lyra couldn't help but flash a cheeky, too-innocent grin towards Rhys. "It's nice to meet you, Rhys, I'm Lyra. And yes, that canister would be my making. I needed to demonstrate my skills to-", she abruptly cut off, her face falling. She continued in a slightly dampened tone, "I made something easy, simple. But anyone's welcome to find a use for it, I can show you how to set it off, if you like.", she paused, before continuing on.
"A lab induction would be brilliant. Then I'll know where to find stuff, and be able to work quicker. And, um... The tanks I'm talking about aren't exactly what you have in mind.", she smiled softly, her frogs would be a nice surprise.
She followed Rhys as she spoke, having to power walk to keep up - she was used to that by now, being as short as she was, one got used to walking quickly to keep up with taller people.
Entering the garage, she located the van that held all her things, still sitting abandoned where it had been before, and walked over to it. "All my things are in here. There are 4 tanks that I need to move into the lab... If you drop them... Well, at least we won't have to worry about the mission anymore.", her eyes tightened as she opened the doors, and gracefully clambered into the van. There wasn't enough space for more than one person, so she carefully picked up a glass reptile tank - the vibrant and brightly coloured frogs within hopping about as their world moved about. The glass was insulating, and the air inside the tank was hot and steamy - the foliage replicating their natural habitat.
Kneeling down at the entrance, she held out the wide, rectangular tank out to Rhys. "Be careful with my babies, yes? I don't fancy another long trip to the Amazon... Or catching them if they escape.", she made sure he had a hold of the tank before she slowly let go, turning back she picked up a smaller tank, and handed it over to Eliska. She turned back one last time, and picked up a medium sized tank, somewhere between the smaller one Eliska held, and the larger one given to Rhys. She placed it onto the floor of the van, hopped out, and leaned in, picking it up again, turning back to the two agents. "Okay. The last one is the largest, so we'll need to carry it together.", she smiled, and waited for the others to lead the way to the lab.
Ren Ren NightSky NightSky
Agent Robin Garret Hayes
Agent Ector

Get access to local traffic cameras to find and track what happened to the mystery SUV.

View attachment 347148

Robin stood up from his chair, gripping the slim information file in his hands. He didn't have a personal connection to Galahad...he was a stranger as far as his emotions were concerned. But he was also a fellow agent. As far as Robin was concerned, that was enough.

He had no clue if their were personal offices or anything of that sort, this basement bat-cave lair was still a confusing labyrinth, all he really knew about was where the bathrooms and kitchen were. The rec room he'd used earlier was there, and,

"Now we're in business.."

He quietly said to himself, his voice quiet, his accent barely noticeable. The French one still stuck in his head a bit, he mused. He set down his satchel gently, slipping out a camera and other equipment, including a laptop.

He'd found an empty room, a table and chair all that filled it. Not a name tag, not even a loose coin. He opened his laptop, and proceeded to send an email to a local news station.

To whom it may concern,

My name is Robin Hayes, I'm an international freelance journalist, and I'd appreciate if I could have access to the traffic cameras from today and yesterday, I'm doing a report on traffic problems in the U.S.

Thank you for your time,


He sent the email, and sat back. He tried to think of anything else he could accomplish to help find Galahad, but his mind pulled a blank. It was about fifteen minutes later a reply was sent back.

Quite simply, it was no. They politely dressed it with, 'we can't release it due to drivers license plates'. He sighed to himself leaning back in his chair. His knee lead was a blank.

He nearly gasped at his own stupidity. His own mentor was a hacker brilliant enough to get into cameras at a world class gala at the fucking COLISEUM. If anyone could get access it was her. He practically ran into the hall, nearly slamming shoulder first into the wall.

He ended up finding Dinadan doing who knows what, and ran up.

"Dinadan, hey, I could use some help, if you don't mind."
GhastlySquash GhastlySquash

Agent Dinadan


To be perfectly fair, it was quite common for Dinadan to get...lost so to speak in her own world. She enjoyed taking in the latest gear that was developed, and had already put in multiple recommendations for an "invisibility cloak" that she might one day use specifically for the purpose of watching her own shows in peace.

Therefore, when she heard a knock on her office door, she was both annoyed so when she opened the door, dressed in her own pajamas with almost 10 different monitors glowing brightly in the darkly-lit room, it seemed almost humorus to find her apprentice.

"Oh! Ector come in! Sorry, I don't usually go home so when I am home, it's basically here. Think of it like my bat cave...or whatever."

Sitting back down on the computer screens, she grinned at Ector. "Pretty rough day eh? Nothing unusual from what I've seen. Seems you were trying to email a news agency though."

She pulled up his email. "Sorry I haven't talked to you since the mission, I've been super busy on this new project of mine."

The project in question being her own mission to get her hands on a drone. And not just any drone. If she was right, this drone was the equivalent of a fighter jet and the capabilities of supersonic flight. Of course, she wasn't entirely too sure.
Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - The Knights HQ
Tags - Ren Ren FrostFire FrostFire

Eliska gave a faint smile in return to Agent Percival, Lyra's introduction, as her eyes lit up for a brief moment. If the Czech agent had blinked she probably would have missed the change in mood as it had disappeared as quickly as it appeared. The freckled agent appeared to be dealing with conflicted emotions. As Rhys voiced his input into the search of the drug Eliska nodded in approval. "The more specific the details the faster the search will be." She agreed while tightening her locked hands. The twitching was on and off over the years, quite easy to ignore. Recently however she found her hands needed to be occupied much more frequently and was amplified with stress or anxiety. She made another mental note - much to her brain's reluctance - to look into some medicine to ease it. The sudden rustle of papers brought Eliska's attention back to Rhys as he stood up from the table, rather quickly. She opened her mouth to question it but closed it again as her head protested with a sharp pain. A consequence from suddenly turning to look at the taller agent. Absently listening as her mentor turned to speak to Lyra, almost knocking her back as he did so, she stretched her legs back to stand up. File in hand she turned to Rhys as he addressed her, using the same French word he had used upon their first meeting. "That's right." She concurred, flashing him a small smile which turned into a light laugh as he joked about damsels in distress.

Following the two agents ahead of her Eliska stayed quiet as Lyra spoke. The agent was of a similar height but had a much more talkative nature, content with only listening she didn't have time to worry about what type of tanks she was referring to. There were so many little wisps of information for the mission, EDDI3 wasn't advanced enough to read her mind. Not yet anyway. Eliska would also rather not recite the ideas typed into her thoughts in front of the other agents. That in mind she settled for a simple command to her essential earpiece. "Eddie can you type up all information from voice record since 10:00." She murmured as they walked into the garage. Of course. The familiar computerised voice was welcomed and Eliska sighed softly as a small weight had been lifted.

Not knowing what to expect when Lyra emerged from the van carrying a container Eliska's eyebrow quirked as she spoke of her babies. She tilted her head towards the tank in Rhys's hands to see a pair of brightly coloured eyes staring back at her. After a moment she lifted her eyes to the green pair of the senior agent, a single eyebrow still raised. She turned back to the British agent; just as another container was placed into her own hands. The tank was lighter than it appeared, curious the small agent pulled it closer to rest on her stomach as she peered in to see the contents. "Frogs?" The question rolled off her lips as she was mesmerised by the bright colours of the animal hopping around inside its closure. Was this even allowed?
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B E D I V E R E / R H Y S
NightSky NightSky FrostFire FrostFire

The pixie-like British girl brought them to a moving van in the garage that held her things. It sure was a lot of things, to require an entire vehicle to transport. The incredulous look on Rhys' face matched Eliska's tone of voice when she realised what the glass tanks contained. "Miss Lyra, you have definitely caught me off guard with your amphibians," his tone was amused, and he held back an oomph as a large tank was dumped in his hands. He was thankful for his gloves - who knows what kind of slimy residue was going on there. Rhys peered in through the misty glass at the poisonously colourful creatures who looked poised and ready to strike with the sway of their entire habitat threatening them. He wondered if they could be trained.

Rhys looked over at his mentee. "We've had plenty of animals in the lab before, we can handle it. I don't know if we'd have a permanent home for them, but Miss Lyra's pets can be accommodated for the time being with no problem," he explained and began to walk back towards the lab. This new Percy was an interesting one, she must have gotten on like a house on fire with Galahad. He felt sorry for the girl, it was on her mentor to have come up with a better strategy and protect his mentee, in some regards he had failed on both counts even though she was still standing here. He would offer to let her speak with him later on to try and work through the issues, it wouldn't be good to go into the field with demons still raging.

He set the tank down in the middle of the lab and took Eliska's out of her hands as well. "Are you alright?" he asked her softly, searching her face for something. "Stay here pet, sit down, I'll go grab the last tank with Percy." Without waiting for her reply he was already out the door back towards the van.

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Knights HQ
"Yes, frogs.", she carried her own tank, a little ways behind the other two agents, glad to hear that her frogs would be okay in the lab - at least until she could move them into her living space.
Walking through the lab doors backwards, she caught the tail end of some sort of exchange between the two of them - and her curiosity spiked as she carefully slid her tank down next to the others - all the frogs within seemed happy enough, each tank held an assortment of frogs - Lyra had nabbed every species she could find in her time in the Amazon, whether they had been discovered yet or not (she discovered 2 new species, and actually got to name them) was neither here nor there.
Her mind wandered back to Rhys' comments to Eliska, perhaps it was just how he was, but Lyra wondered if there was something between them - or maybe she was imagining things.
She followed after Bedivere, and hopped back into the van, her head cocking as she wondered how exactly she would manage this... It was too heavy, and much too big, for Lyra to be able to lift it to the entrance to the van, and sliding it wasn't really possible... The van was slightly less of a tight squeeze now that most of the tanks had been removed, but she still doubted that both her and Bedivere would fit in.
Lyra sighed, and hopped back out again.
"It's too heavy for me... Could you bring it out, please? And then I can grab the other end once it's out? Just... Watch the rest of my stuff.", she was sure he would manage, but she asked it like a question anyway. Being the biggest tank, this also held the most frogs, so dropping this one would be pretty bad... But he probably knew that. And she was watching on to make sure he didn't damage anything - she didn't think he would, but just in case... There was a picture frame of a beautiful, young woman - quite an old photo, and the woman looked somewhat similar to Lyra herself. It sat above a box, behind the last tank. Her mother... She looked away from the smiling woman, wiping her from her mind, and focusing on the task at hand. She didn't have time to let emotions get the better of her.
Ren Ren NightSky NightSky
Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - The Knights HQ
Tags - Ren Ren FrostFire FrostFire

"We've had plenty of animals in the lab before, we can handle it." Eliska hummed in response, if anything she found the thought of animals prancing around the laboratory quite amusing. Eliska walked slowly down the corridor, the container entrusted in her hands was the smallest of the trio but still just as important. She waited behind Rhys as he set down the larger box onto the table. Her eyes looked into the tank one last time as the creature from the rainforest hopped about. Possibly confused at the sudden movement but not visibly disturbed. The weight in her hands became lighter until it disappeared completely. She thanked Rhys as he placed the box onto the table, it was a simple gesture but it made her smile nonetheless.

The question caught her slightly off guard, as did the quietened tone of his voice. Glancing up at the taller agent she tilted her head slightly. "I'm alright." She replied, and it was the truth. Just perhaps not all of it. She couldn't read the expression on his face, his eyes were narrow as if he was confused or perhaps worried. The Czech agent lifted her heel to follow him as he continued talking until he told her to do the opposite. Not even waiting for a reply he had disappeared, leaving his mentor in the room. With no intentions of disobeying him completely she would stay in the room, and she would sit down. Eventually.

There were five black boxes pushed against the wall, not overly cluttering the area. Each one varied slightly in size but were all made out of carbon fibre; a strong material that carried little weight. Eliska's feet brought her towards the flattest one before she knelt down to unlock it. It required two stages; her ring finger to scan, any other finger - Eliska's or not - would have been denied and the box would be permanently shut for an hour before retry. The second was a six character passcode on the interactive screen. Once entered the box buzzed briefly before making a click sound and popping open. Inside were two computer screens which were thin, allowing her to easily lift them onto the desk in her assigned spot. Leaving a gap in the corner she positioned them behind her laptop which was already sitting there from before the meeting. Three of the remaining boxes were similar in size and stacked on top of each other; they included her backup computer, some spare components, and physical copies of her programs for safe keeping. The last box was definitely the heaviest, following the same unlocking procedure Eliska opened it to reveal her computer. The cube shaped system was equivalent in size to two standard desktop computers and once on the desk would sit at a 45 degree angle. She paused for a moment to glance over the system, checking for any damage that could have happened in the journey it made from Prague.

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