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Realistic or Modern The Knights- (modern spy thriller)

Agent Galahad
Location: Warhouse
Interactions: Percival, FrostFire FrostFire

The negotiations were always the boring part of his job. But being a world class agent required good acting chops, which what was Galahad's speciality...

"So Mr Calloway, today we have brought the weapons you have requested. This shipment that was destined for Morocco, and took us over two months to recreate. It was supposed to be shipped yesterday morning to a client in Barcelona, but you have outbid them by over a million. But before we continue this deal Mr. Calloway, i'm under instruction to see your credentials and cash. Not that I don't belive you are you, but for protocol reasons." Vladimir nodded, reaching into his breast pocket he pulled both his wallet and a large envelope out. The envelope, which contained the money that was promised, along with a tracker. And his ID, the one Bedivere had cooked up for him late last night in California. He handed both to the man, who took a few minutes to gloss over the items.

Once he felt sufficed, he handed his ID back, and handed off the envelope to an associate of his. "Well now that you've got my cash, I'd like to make sure everything is here. Ten tons of C4, a crate full of assault technology, a crate full of intelligence technology, and the codes..." The other man nodded, "Yes sir everything is here. The codes though were quite hard to retrieve you see, with the incident in Morocco.... You of all people should know." SHIT. The ID. The fucking ID, damned leprechaun fucking son of a bitch! Though his brain rattled the words in his head, Galahad's composure was stone-cold. He nodded with a smile, his accent changing back to his. British suave. "Yes I do suppose you're right." The room was silent for a moment, the tension between the two men couldn't be cut. It was a matter of who would strike first....

And with lightning reflexes, Galahad drew his pistol and fired, hitting the man in the chest. And in that moment, Hell broke loose.

Diving behind a metal crate as a birage of bullets dove towards him. He quickly raised his head to peer over, which he barely ducked away in time. "Lyra do not come in here! Meet me at the entrance again, and then detonate! If i'm not out in ten minutes, blow it up! Do you understand?!" Not waiting for a response, he peered over the side, firing a few shows, and he heard a pair of grunts. He fired the last of the rounds in his first pistol, the sharp click of the empty mag hitting the floor. He could hear footstools approach him, they thought he was empty. As this took place, Galahad had began to dismantle the gun, being left with only the the shell. The footsteps were closer, so, he stood up, plunging the shell of the gun into the man's neck. Pushing the body to the ground, he picked up the man's AR-15, and made his way to the next crate, firing a brigade of shots back...

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Just as she pulled out her phone, she heard the shot. With a gasp, she fumbled with the device, unlocking it and watching what went down in horror, one hand already on the opened door, ready to run after Galahad when she froze has he told her explicitly not to do that...
"Fucking hell, Galahad! I'm not going to blow you up!", her voice was shrill as she slammed the car door, and spun the wheels as she shot up to the entrance, slamming the breaks on once she was just ahead of it. She still had one hand holding the phone, as she watched everything going on in abstract horror.
"What the hell happened?!?", she didn't expect an answer, and guessed she wouldn't get one until Arthur chewed them out when they got back. They were both in some deep shit, and she wasn't looking forward to the punishment Arthur would inevitably dish out. Knowing this, she got the feeling Galahad would be in a foul mood for the rest of the day, maybe even the next few days, or even weeks.
She couldn't help but worry, he had expressed quite strongly that he was more than capable of handling himself, and she wondered whether this outcome was what he planned.
"Galahad, I'm outside. I. Will. Not. Blow. You. Up.", she knew he probably couldn't hear her, judging by the chaos within the building. She was torn between doing as he said, or ignoring his command and going in to help... If she stayed, it would mean they could get away quicker, and detonate her bombs faster too - so she fidgeted in the drivers seat, strapped in and waiting anxiously for him to run out so she could floor it.
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Agent Galahad
Location: Warhouse
Interactions: Percival, FrostFire FrostFire

Galahad tossed the empty gun aside, as he crouched behind another metal crate. So if he was correct, there were 15 men in the room. The leader shot, he currently wasn't sure if he was alive or dead. For sure five for dead, so that left nine. Fuck.

Pulling out his last pistol, he stood up and charged the next two men, firing two shots at each. Picking the man to his right, he grabbed him by his hood and slammed the butt end of his pistol into his head. Using the man now as a shield, he fired from over the man's shoulder at the next two men. His gun clicked, signaling he was out of ammo. Six more. Shoving the body shield, he sent a kick to the next man, then quickly paired with an elbow. The man staggered back, pulling out a knife as he charged toward Galahad. He grabbed the man, and felt a sharp pain in his upper back, more than likely the knife, which is what he wanted. Reaching over his shoulder he pulled the knife it effortlessly, his adrenaline to high to feel the pain. And plunged it into the man's neck.

Ripping the knife out, five more. The next man dove at him, who quickly met the concrete floor, knocking himself unconscious. Four more. Throwing the knife to his right, he looked to see it landed in the man's stomach, which a tshirt didn't do much good against. Three more. Diving behind the crate once again, he noticed that its lid was popped off. He shoved his hand inside, feeling around for anything he could use. Locking his hand on what felt like a grenade, he quickly pulled the pin and hurled it...

Galahad staggered up, his vision blurred, his ears shrilling. Flash grenade. Squinting through cracked lenses to see the three men unconscious on the ground, more than likely from the force of the explosion. His breaths were quick, as he scanned the massacred warehouse floor. His eyes widened as he looked at the carnage he caused, still a unsettling feeling for the seasoned agent. "My ID.... They recognized me from Morocco..." Was all he muttered as he slowly made his way from the machine floor. The way he came was through a series of abandoned offices, once used for slacking off and doing work.

Pushing the entrance door open, it flung heavily against the metal wall. Looking down at his suit, which was now blood-soaked, he could feel the slight drizzle on his face as well. He knew most of it wasn't his, but he looked like a fucking mess. But all of his thoughts changed...

A loud shot ran through the air, as Galahad hit the concrete face first. It wasn't a fatal shot, it landed in his shoulder, the spot he was stabbed moments ago. A large group of men rushed from the warehouse, some soaked in their own blood, some clean from Galahad's carnage. Maybe there were in the truck? "Per... Lyra!! Fuckiinn Lyra!" Codenames were bullshit in times like this! Galahad kicked and struggled, but a needle-like pain swarmed his neck, and he quickly began to loose control. He couldn't move! He could only watch.... The group of men dragged the agent back into the main warehouse floor, and tossing him into a silver SUV that wasn't there before. They quickly bagged his head, and the group rolled out just as the agent's partner entered the room....

Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - Brad Matthew's Mansion [Hidden]
Tags - Ren Ren

Eliska's spared a little more time away from her screens to watch in awe as the little metallic bumblebee flew towards its destination. It almost felt surreal. However, Eliska didn't have time to dwell on that, she had a job to do. Back to her screens the red dot had travelled along the road and was approaching its stopping objective, clearly driving above the speed limits but Matthew obviously had enough money to get himself out of any trouble that would cause. Holding back the urge to roll her eyes she looked over the series of numbers and letters on her main program displayed on her laptop screen. Everything was running smoothly.

Movement sounded from behind where the petite agent was positioned. She turned slightly on her stool to see Rhys applying sunscreen to his skin. No comment was made about it but she spun back to her work with a small smile hinting on her lips. Personally, Eliska's Czech roots allowed her to tan much more easily but rarely found herself burning under the sunlight.

As the real focus was sinking in Eliska helped Rhys guide the bumblebee through the maze inside the mansion. It almost felt like a mini game, trying to manoeuvre through the halls and avoiding drawing any attention to the little gadget. The only difference was there was no immediate restart. A series of commands from her mentor to his AI system later, Eliska was ready to delve into the system.

The start up program had worked its was into the initial system, the security measures were as advanced as she had expected. However, Eliska had been working on her malware for some time and the odds were in her favour. Most computer systems are set up to reject existing viruses, Eliska's was completely individual and therefore the computerised system would not know how to react to it, and if it were to realise her intentions they would be long gone by the time that happened. The coding of her program was eating through the existing firewall, perhaps a little bit slower than they would have liked but it was working nonetheless. This lead her to a password protected entry. Passwords are generally stored as hashes, which are encrypted characters. Mostly through trial and error her program begun to replace and retry a series of hashes from Eliska's existing database, around three hundred billion combinations entering the system per second. Creating a waterfall of numbers and letters on her laptop screen.

Access granted. Eliska pulled herself from the CCTV screens back to the laptop, her eyes widening as they lit up in excitement. A reflection of the green lettering in her irises. Ninety seconds and an infinite amount of passwords later they were in the system. Her fingers skimmed the keyboard as she typed in the sole command to transfer all the data Brad Matthew hid. A completion bar spread across her laptop screen. Twenty minutes remaining. It begun copying everything onto Rhys's computers, there were a lot of files but they needed everything they could find.

The Czech agent sighed as the hard part of the hacking was completed, their only task now was to wait for it to download then they could leave. "If all your gadgets are like bumblebee, is there anything you can't do?" She spoke to Rhys but kept her eyes on the screens in front of her. The programming was almost done but interceptions could be around any corner. Zooming in on Brad Matthew's location, his meeting was at a five star hotel in the centre of LA. "I bet half of this information we're infiltrating are selfies." She tightened her ponytail with a playful smile on her face.

The green bar on the screen had filled up and the information was all in their hands. The technologist closed the software and erased any trace of it being there. "Time for bumblebee to come home." Eliska mumbled to herself, their plan was simple as removing the mechanism and bring it back to the van. There was only one problem, bumblebee wasn't moving. "Uh, Rhys- Agent Bedivere, is everything ok?" Her eyes rapidly scanning the CCTV and her own system.
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Car/ Warehouse grounds
Lyra had a hand over her mouth as she watched everything happen through his glasses, horrified. Sure, she was used to killing and gore by now but this... This was something else. She breathed a sigh of relief once they were all apparently unconscious or dead, but was still too keyed up to reply to his explanation.
Turning around, she saw him come out of the building behind the car, a smile frozen on her face as she watched her fellow agent get shot. She couldn't move as she saw him fall to the ground, she was in shock. But the minute he said her name, she sprang into action, whipping off her seat belt and flinging open the door, hitting the ground at a sprint as she chased after him, screaming "Galahad!!", she saw them drag him back inside the building, and managed to reach the door seconds later, sprinting as fast as she could inside.
They took him, in a car. Her brain processed the information, and she skidded to a stop, sprinting back the way she had come, and threw herself into the car, slamming the door shut and snapping her seat belt on as she sped away - in seconds she was already going quickly, remembering from her time on the roof where they had come out and how she could get there and chase them down. She could do this, she had to do this. Lyra couldn't leave him...
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Location: Knights HQ
Interactions: Percival, FrostFire FrostFire

Arthur sat at his desk, tapping through each agent's feed. Galahad was negotiating, Bedivere was being, well Rhys. Bors was drunkening a man, and Gareth was tailing a man in Paris. Nothing extremely out of the ordinary for their job. But he always stayed tuned in, just in case. And today ended up to be one of those days...

A alert buzzed on his laptop "
Agent Galahad: Danger detected." Clicking on the alert, it brought him up to the live glasses feed, and quite a bloody one. He grimaced at a few of the kills, Galahad always found creative and usually gory ways out of situations. But the flash bang worried him, the effects making the viewing cracked and with little audio, probably due to the glasses being damaged. But the next events flew by rapidly, as a gunshot was audible, and then the glasses broke. His eyes widened, and he frantically began to type.

It took a few minutes, but Arthur successfully hacked into the GPS of the car, as well as the computer inside. He could tell Percival was attempting to drive off, but his actions failed manuel driving. Punching in the Headquaters address, he cleared his throat, though worry was apparent. "Agent Percival I need you to calm down and tell me what happened. You're in route to headquarters, and you can't take the car over. I don't trust you in your current state. So, I was watching for majority of it, but the glasses camera cut out after he left the building. Now I heard a gunshot, and I need you to tell me two things. One, is Galahad with you, and two, where was he shot?"

Agent Bors "The Younger"
Location: Colosseum, Rome, Italy
Interactions: DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz PortugalTM PortugalTM GhastlySquash GhastlySquash

Twenty minutes, it would seem, had been an accurate estimation on her behalf. With time came more people, and with more people came more alcohol. Iker was far from drunk, but he'd had enough wine to enter a pleasant state of euphoria. It was a shame, then, that she had to bring his night to the start of its end.

Stumbling in her heels, Adair shifted forward. Her shoulder connected with Iker's side, arm jostling, until the contents of her glass sloshed over its side. The front of his suit, once a pristine beige, dyed red in the liquid's wake. It was a leaking stain, set on the left of his chest, reminiscent of a bullet wound. Fingers trembling, she lifted her gaze.

"I-I'm so sorry." There was a note of hysteria to her voice, a tremor of fear in the depths of her eyes. Victoria Haugen was mortified, and the quaking of her lips gave tell to tears that'd yet to appear. "I - that suit must be expensive! There's no excuse for my clumsiness - my father would be so disappointed. To think I've ruined the clothes of a potential business partner in my air-headedness... You have to let me pay for this."

Iker furrowed his brow. His lips, once smiling, pressed into a firm line. "That's not necessary, accidents happen - "

Adair shook her head. "Nonsense! Jores will take you to the bathroom and help remove what parts of the stain he can." When Iker made to open his lips in protest, Adair firmed her voice. "I insist." Her eyes cut towards Lancelot, the message clear. Now.
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Lyra tried to turn sharp left, but the steering wheel wouldn't budge. Then she heard Arthur. "I-He-", she wasn't crying - yet. She was in shock, but she was a spy, so she had been trained to deal with this. Taking some deep breaths, she composed herself, and sat back. There was no point in her doing anything with the car, anyway, so she may as well curl up.
"Well, I did my part, and waited in the car... Also watching.", she paused, trying not to get upset, her voice strained.
"He came out of the building, and then they shot him and dragged him back inside into a silver SUV. He got shot in the... Shoulder. I tried to run after them, I really did. And then I tried to drive after them but-", she trailed off, and took another few breaths.
"The number plate is ___", she recited the number plate that she had committed to memory as the car drove away, and sat back, a few silent tears trailing down her face.
He called out for me to help, and I failed... She felt awful, he had trusted her and she had let him down... There was nothing worse she could have done.
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Location: Knights HQ
Interactions: Percival, Every Agent FrostFire FrostFire

Arthur listened carefully as she spoke frantically, but at the same time controlling the car. He now held a tablet, and his feet propped up against the desk. Though he looked lax, his mind was racing. It hadn't been the first time an agent had been captured, and there was a protocol for the course of action. But never in a million years would he had thought it would happen to Galahad...

Scrawling the license number down, but truthfully he knew that if their enemy had any sense, the plates would be untraceable. And if they were, the car would likely be left behind. But it was possible the tracking device inside the envelope was active, now it may not be in the exact car, but would get the group a start.

"Well Agent Percival i'm not going to sugarcoat this situation for you. Galahad is still alive, if your information is correct. But likely they'll be wanting information, which I know for a fact Galahad will not give. So we have time to deploy a rescue. But the downside is that we must wait till all of our agents have returned. I will alert the agents to see if they can find any information pertaining to possible locations of where Galahad may be held." As he spoke he quickly tapped through the feeds, seeing the agents busy at work. Taking a deep breath, Arthur continued. "Now listen to me carefully. Detonate the building. There is a mass of bodies and weapons, that if someone sees it will not end well. The best course of action is to eradicate the objects. I'll be able to explain the explosion to the New York city council." Opening up his email, he quickly punched in a code, which deployed a emergency setting that would allow the agents to be noticed immediantly. "Now Agent Percival i'm going to need to hang up now. The car should be here in about 10 minutes, and you'll be in the garage. Your welcome to consult with me in my office, or do as you wish, but I highly suggest you do not leave the compound. We have cots in the medical bay, and couches in the rec room. Please take it easy this evening. Arthur out."With a crack of his knuckles, he began the email...

Knights, this is a STAGE 4 emergency, and proper protocols are underway. Agent Galahad has been compromised. Any intel gathered on possible locations of prisoner containment or hidden locations will be greatly appreciated. Tomorrow at 10 AM a meeting will be in place. If unable to make it, please be wired in via Skype. But please be cautious during the remaining time on your mission... -Arthur



Atlas frowned, rubbing his forehead pensively. "To be entirely honest, I'm not sure. I only know what was in that file, which you saw. Now, the fact that they outsmarted and kidnapped a CIA agent would indicate that they have a leader and that they are either well trained or they have a lot of henchmen. Obviously, neither option sounds appealing, but if all goes according to plan, we should only run into a few guards. We can assume that they are all armed, but with what....I don't know." Listening to his own speech was setting him on edge. There were rarely this many question marks going into a mission. Especially with a new agent.
Suddenly the phone rang. "We have pulled your car around front, Mr. Lucan." The front desk said when he picked up the line. "Thank you." He said, hanging up. "Alright. You ready?" He asked, scanning his protégée up and down quickly. At least he didn't seem like the jittery sort.
He made his way into the hallway and down the stairs without really waiting for an answer to his last question. They had to do this whether they were ready or not, so they may as well get it over with. As promised, the rented car was idling just outside and Atlas slid into the driver's seat without really asking Gawain. He usually liked to be the one driving. They arrived at the opera house within a few minutes where he found a surprisingly convenient parking space. "Let's do this." He said, smiling lightly as the familiar mission-focus filled him. He led the way inside, pulling out his ticket with the name Lucan on it. Subtle.

After spending a decent amount of time wandering around like they were supposed to be there, Atlas nodded to Gawain. It was time to go henchmen hunting. He went to the nearest stairwell and went down to the basement level. The door that greeted them had a simple code-lock; the code to which he had found when hacking into the security feed. Once they were in, they were greeted with a web of hallways. Luckily, there weren't many doors to check, so the hardest work would be remembering the way out once they had their captive. "You okay with splitting up? Radio me if you find anything." He said, starting down the left most hallway. As he had expected, most of the doors he came across led to utility closets, dusty offices, or storerooms. There was a reason the kidnappers had chosen this place to hold the CIA agent. It seemed entirely neglected, especially compared to the glory of the opera leve.
After a while, Lucan heard voices around the corner. He proceeded carefully, drawing his knives from their boot-sheaths. He attacked the two guards quickly, stabbing one in the neck and the other in the side before they knew what hit them. The first guard fell instantly while the second guard stumbled back, trying to keep his defenses up. Lucan went low, stabbing his leg, before going up for the killing strike. He huffed slightly when he looked down at his blood covered clothes. Well, it wasn't like he had been planning on walking out casually anyway. He moved to check the door that his victims had seemed to be guarding, but it was another storeroom. They were probably just decoys then.
"Gawain, what's your status?" He said into his radio, retrieving his knives before he set off back down the corridor. Just as he finished talking, Arthur's voice echoed in his ear. His forehead creased in a frown. He wasn't particularly close to the temperamental Galahad, but hearing that any of the Knights were captured always landed a blow. "Copy." He said, refocusing on the mission at hand. This was no time to get distracted. Finish the mission, then worry.

_Aquarius_ _Aquarius_
Agent Robin G. Hayes
Agent Ector
Objective II: Lead Iker to his death
DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz
PeanutLemur PeanutLemur
GhastlySquash GhastlySquash

Robin glanced back at Bors and the target. This man was taking too long to get drunk. Trying to think quickly, he realised he could poison a drink, but there was too much wrong with that plan. Some other guest could unknowingly take the glass and drink it, and also, he'd have to go back to the storeroom tent, and that was on the other side. He'd lose his squad in a matter of no time.

Luckily, Bors solved this problem for him. A small "accident", and Iker had the finest red wine soaking the finest tuxedo. Ironic. He quickly jogged over, bypassing party goers.

"Oh sir, I'm very sorry. Here let's get you to a bathroom, I know one that will be empty. I'll call an assistant or someone to bring you a new suit, please, please, monsieur come with me"

He led Iker away from Bors and Donovan, but he knew Donovan would be right on their tail. He glanced back every so often to make sure Iker wash still there.

Then, fairly quickly, a small side hallway with some quickly assembled bathrooms came into view. However they were no party's. They were basically metal sheets, but something about them was elegant. He beckoned Iker to the door into the second farthest one, the agreed upon one, and got Iker's whatever's number.

He faked a phone call, however, this assistant would never arrive. There was no need. Mr. Iker wouldn't need a new suit tonight. Music still played nearby and sounds of party goers went on down the corridor. The sun was setting, and Robin almost wished he could watch it from the top of this place. However this wasn't sightseeing. This was business.

Iker stepped inside the bathroom. The door locked. However, he'd made sure that this particular bathrooms locks did not work. A silenced pistol lie in a nearby crate. They'd never get one through security on them.

Now he'd just await Donovan. Then the mission would be complete. He looked back at the door.

"They are on the way monsieur, they said fifteen minutes but with traffic here, twenty, eh?"

He chuckled at his joke before walking away. He'd spend the rest of the party here to avoid suspicion. All staff were paid in cash, so it'd be nice to get a little bonus. He'd meet up with the rest later. For now, he walked past Bird and Donovan, nodded at them, and then grabbed a new tray from the kitchen, serving wine to some of the most elite on Earth. Minus one.

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Car/ Knights HQ
Lyra listened to what Arthur had to say, and when he told her to detonate the bombs, she numbly reached into one of her pockets, pulling out the small cylinder, unscrewing the top and pressing the button. She didn't even look back to revel in the beautiful lilac explosion that engulfed the warehouse and it's surrounding area. "A gas pipe leak is usually a good cover.", she said, her voice thick from crying but dead from emotion. She was definitely going into shock, when she got back she would need a tea... Or something. Her thoughts were all over the place, and she was a million miles away...
She was so lost in her own head, that she didn't notice she had been sitting in the car for over an hour, staring at the steering wheel which had longs since stopped moving, curled up in a ball with silent tears running down her face. She had learnt how to not make a sound when she cried at a very young age, and she had never made a noise crying since.
Robotically, she unfurled, taking off her seat belt and opening the door, walking through the garage like a zombie.
Lyra didn't remember walking through the base, but the next thing she knew she was curled up in a ball on one of the comfy chairs in the rec room, her eyes red, swollen and closed - she appeared to be asleep, but of course she wasn't.
ReverseTex ReverseTex

Ren Ren
Paris, FranceJared nodded in accordance with Victoria’s own opinions of the city. “New York isn’t all that different in terms of modernization, but it’s definitely no fairytale village,” he explained. His years living in the Big Apple had been enjoyable enough, though he’d hesitate to call it a suitable replacement entirely. “How long have I lived here?” he repeated, not having expected the question from Vee. “Only for about two years, for my first stint with Interpol. That was long before I joined the Knights though. Haven’t really lived here since.” Taken aback by his sudden willingness to confide in the younger agent, Jared paused momentarily before directing himself back to the task at hand. He soon realized he knew very little about the Chinese agent’s own past, though any questions he had in mind for her had to be placed on hold.

With the targets’ location established, Jared gestured at his mentee, a signal to commence the trailing. The pair of buyers, supposedly some of Gambit’s own men, continued westward as Agent Foxtrot had communicated. One had disposed of the jacket he had previously been sporting – while it served as a safety precaution, it was also an obvious tell, perhaps more so than the exchange of briefcases itself.

“Team Alpha, Agent Foxtrot. Targets are trending southwest.”

With Agent Foxtrot’s words in mind, Jared pulled up a mental image of the city layout. It was possible to envision potential routes that the buyers would take, but the greater importance rested on the ability to effectively tail the individuals. Any time spent reorienting oneself was time wasted, and it was best to be prepared for any situation that may present itself. After idling for a few seconds to place some distance between him and the targets, Jared pursued the pair at a swift but controlled pace, consciously maintaining a balance of speed and stealth.

“Team Alpha, Agent Foxtrot. Targets are now at 4.5mph.”

As Gareth turned the corners he committed to memory and continued his pursuit into the more tranquil sectors of the area, it was evident that he was in his element. Still, he shot Victoria several glances every once in a while, noting the other agent’s location and status. As the noise of the surroundings gradually subsided, it became easier to track the footsteps and the hushed whispers of the buyers, one who was currently on his phone. Understanding that the distance was still too large to identify any specific words, Jared closed the gap ever so slightly, aware that a misstep could easily blow his cover.

“Vous en avez pour environ combien de temps encore?” Interest piqued, Jared leaned his side closer to the source of whispers. The two buyers had come to a complete stop. “Dépêche-toi, le temps est froid... Dix minutes?”

“Team Alpha, Agent Foxtrot. Targets are stationary. Do you have an update?”

Unwilling to speak up within the proximity of the targets, Jared remained silent for an additional few seconds until the two Frenchmen resumed their walking. He motioned for Victoria to continue trailing them while he remained in place to relay information, believing he could easily catch up later.

“Agent Foxtrot, Agent Gareth. Targets are moving towards rendezvous point – pickup in approximately ten minutes.”

“Agent Gareth, Agent Foxtrot. Understood. Our nearest vehicle will be notified. Continue to end location.”
B E D I V E R E / R H Y S
NightSky NightSky

Rhys sat forward with his elbows propped on his knees, fingertips touching the bridge of his nose. He watched with bated breath as Eliska's computer screen washed over with little green characters, certain of her skill but still tense in the moment. The other agent's sigh mixed in with his own breath of relief once the download bar began loading. He let a smile come to the corners of his mouth as he squeezed her shoulder gently, glad that the most difficult part was over. Rhys chuckled softly at her compliment, and looked over at her in a way he only dared to look because he knew she had her back to him. "For one, I can't do that," he replied with a playful laugh. She certainly passed his interview - that was state of the art technology and it took her 90 seconds. The Knights were flawless, experts who could each claim to be one of the best in the industry; that's why they were Knights.

Rhys suppressed a wide smile at Eliska's jibe at their target's arrogance. He looked at his hand resting on the edge of her stool, the one with three silver fingers that was resting on her shoulder moments before. She had never recoiled at his missing parts, never frowned or even looked at them for too long. The worn calfskin gloves, the ones he never took off in the company of others until barely 12 months ago, sat limp on the spare stool, and Rhys didn't even have the urge to put them on or shove the hand into a pocket. The prosthetics were strong and stable, the intricate design utilising thousands upon thousands of pieces to make up for just three missing parts of a man, and it was not just the work of Rhys McIntyre, but also of his master who taught him his craft, the magnum opus only completed and brought to life posthumously by his greatest student. Rhys was someone who warmed up to people quickly, but he never felt so open in such a short amount of time as with his new protégée.

Suddenly the van felt warm and stuffy, too cosy for his tall frame, and he chose to dip out in the sun with his bottle of water - to stretch his legs, he told Eliska. Maybe it was the whole being out in the field again thing (well, technically), or perhaps a strange mixture of unexpected emotions, but for the first time in a long while he itched for a cigarette, something he had given up a long time ago. There was a pit in his stomach, and no amount of water was making his mouth feel less dry, a sickened feeling coming out of nowhere. Twenty minutes passed too quickly, for before he knew it, Rhys heard Eliska's voice from inside the van, "Uh, Rhys- Agent Bedivere, is everything ok?" "What's wrong?" he asked, the sudden quickening of his pulse matching the uncertainty and incredulity in her voice. Within seconds he was back in the van, screen flashing as he ran checks on his gadget and gave Simone voice instructions.

Finally, he stopped and straightened his back. He looked over at his partner's screen, then at his own, scanning between them a couple of times. The information was all in their hands in a sense, the data retrieval was technically complete, but it was still trapped inside that little study room, inside the bumblebee. The reason the bee wouldn't react to his voice commands was the same reason they were copying the data into the little metal contraption as opposed to transmitting it wirelessly to Eliska's laptop - the entire computer was designed to keep all the information there inside the hard disks, and stop anything from going into a Cloud or network of any sort. This was a dangerous way of storing electronic files, it meant that obviously if any hardware was damaged the information in it would be lost forever, but that was why it was under such heavy guard after all. Matthew's sophisticated computer system allowed the invasion of the bee once it got past the firewalls because it was hardware, but once the system sensed the network connection between the Knights' computers and the bumblebee, it killed that connection off. There was no way they could have avoided it, it was like the flip of a switch. SIM1 relayed this information to EDDI3.

"Someone has to go in there to get it," Rhys said, turning around to Eliska. He gave her a relaxed shrug, "Plan C is now in play, Agent Lamorak." There was just one issue, however - this alternative plan was only made in the hypothetical so they never decided who would be the one to go in. The options were a hacker or a mild PTSD victim. Piece of cake, Rhys, get over yourself, the average field agent would laugh at such a mission. The redhead's internal dialogue was interrupted by something spotted in the corner of his eye, the red dot tracking Matthew's location had turned around. He swore under his breath, ran a hand through his hair, then gave his partner a thin-lipped smile with a quick exhale through his nose. "And now time pressure too, this is as good as it gets innit pet?"

Rhys held up a fist, somewhat returned to his usual self with a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Rock Paper Scissors?"

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Agent Lancelot

Location: Colosseum, Rome, Italy
Interactions: PeanutLemur PeanutLemur GhastlySquash GhastlySquash PortugalTM PortugalTM

Donovan struggled to contain his laughter as Adair theatrically spilled her drink on Iker, marring his expensive suit. The man held a strangely calm look on his face, his furrowed brow the only sign of his irritation. Adair seemingly went into hysterics, trying to apologize for her ''accident'', as Iker called it. While it was rather dramatic, he couldn't knock her acting. Though, he didn't expect anything else from her.

Agent Ector arrived shortly later to escort the man to a bathroom to ''clean up''. The only thing that would be getting cleaned up was the man's blood that would be pooling from his head. Though, Donovan wasn't planning on being messy with his task. Blood in the bathroom would bring suspicion and no one wanted that.

As the two men made their way to the bathroom, Donovan gave a curt nod to Adair before following after them. He kept his gaze away from them, trying not to draw attention to himself. He muttered apologies as he weaved his way through the crowd of people who had arrived a couple minutes before. He stopped outside the bathroom after seeing Agent Ector and Iker walk inside. He waited for Ector to come out before going in. He had been told that a gun was stored in a nearby crate, which he picked up before stopping outside the washroom. It was tucked in his suit jacket, hidden from the view of everyone.

Taking a deep breath, he walked inside the bathroom.

Iker was furiously patting his chest with napkins, grumbling curses under his breath. He cast a scathing look at Donovan before returning to his task. ''That stupid girl ruined my suit. You know how much this cost?''

Donovan shrugged. ''I don't really care.'' He had dropped his accent. His hand gripped the handle of the pistol in his jacket. Iker turned around, confusion written across his face.
Location: Unknown
Interactions: ReverseTex ReverseTex FrostFire FrostFire Digit Digit Ren Ren NightSky NightSky DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz _Aquarius_ _Aquarius_ Shadow Shadow GhastlySquash GhastlySquash PortugalTM PortugalTM

Efficiency. Long, tan fingers wrapped around red coated wood. Though small, its weight was tested with care, the attached metallic point prodded with the calloused pad of a single digit. A bead of blood welled in the action's wake - a testament to sharpness and steel - before being brushed away. Precision. The fingers shifted, drawing back, until only the thumb, middle, and pointer remained. Aim was taken; a hand and arm drew back. Accuracy. The snap of a wrist, the flexing of muscle. Between one moment and the next the dart was airborne, metal point embedding in the frame of the door beside a young man's head.

The boy gulped; Gambit smirked. Competence. "Speak."

"Y-yes sir." The boy - man, really, though the stuttering and sweating placed him in the shoes of one much younger - straightened his tie. A nervous habit. "We've acquired the target," he said, trembling hand motioning to the bound figure staining the pristine carpet red. "One Mr. Calloway. H-he took down a good portion of our men."

"Did he?" The suave drawl of Gambit's voice had the boy's spine straightening, his face draining of what color it had left. Danger lied in those words - in that tone. Sweat beaded on his temples; the man beneath the bag spoke.

"Yes HE did. Doubt the warehouse is there though. Gas leaks these days."

Gambit's teeth flashed. "How fun." The dark haired man stood, a dart twisting between his fingers. The blue of his eyes remained fixed on the wood, though his voice was sharp and direct. Deadly. "Show me."

The human figure was shoved forward, unbecoming canvas bag ripping from his head. Galahad stumbled, legs numb from the drug, before tumbling to his knees. Glasses broken, person covered in blood, he kept his expression stone-cold. His shoulder scorched with pain, but if he could pretend he was in another of Arthur's boring meetings...

Gambit grinned, fists tightening, as he leaned forward on his desk. "Ah, yes." A dark chuckle rumbled from his throat. The other man barely blinked. "Marvelous."

In Gambit's hand, the dart twitched. "I've been awaiting this day for weeks," he said, fingers flexing. "I'm practically salivating. Although - " the man sighed " - I wish you could have been a little cleaner. Getting blood on a man's white rug, what kind of guest are you?" A cruel smirk twisted his lips. "Then again, what kind of guest blows up his host's supply of arms, hm? Gas leaks indeed."

The snap of a wrist, the flexing of muscle. Gambit watched with smug satisfaction as the point of his dart embedded itself in the man's injured shoulder. The boy, standing to the side of the captured agent, pressed his lips together.

"Get him out of my sight."
Agent Dinadan

PeanutLemur PeanutLemur PortugalTM PortugalTM DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz

"Alright, looks clear." Dinadan began to browse through the area before deciding on an area. "Alright Mr. Waiter, I need you to work some magic for me."

If she had more time, it would have worked better but thankfully, she'd been able to get into one very convenient system. As soon as the murder occurred, she'd set off a distraction.

The stoplights outside would keep a layer of cars around the area, keeping police away while she monitored cop chatter.
Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - Brad Matthew's Mansion [Hidden]
Tags - Ren Ren

A stream of colourful Czech words flowed from the recruits lips as she read over EDDI3's report from SIM1. It had almost been too easy. Eliska could feel her insides tightening as she came to the realisation; someone needed to go in. Rhys has also come to the same conclusion as he expressed it through his voice. She turned around slowly on her stool, her fingers laced together in her lap to centre herself. It wasn't ideal but there really was no other option. Field work was neither agent's speciality, nor could they leave the van unattended. For the first time since she met Rhys she saw him slightly panicked, but yet he still seemed so composed as he shrugged nonchalantly. She figured it was probably down to experience; which she didn't have much of. "And now time pressure too, this is as good as it gets innit pet?" As if things couldn't be worse she glanced over her shoulder to see Matthew on the move. Eliska let out a deep sigh, although they could probably stall him it added more pressure to the duo. It showed visibly as Rhys ran a hand through his hair. Fighting back an urge to flatten a few strands of hair which had sprung up again, similar to earlier that day, she quirked an eyebrow as he extended his hand towards her.

Rock Paper Scissors? It took a brief moment for her to come to the realisation of what he was offering. How he managed to keep spirits high at a time like this was completely beyond the protégée, she wasn't sure how he did it but she was thankful regardless. The corners up her lips turning upwards, Eliska mirrored his gesture. The first round ending in both agents opting in paper had Eliska letting out a brief giggle before they set up again. Eliska won the second round with rock; but had she really won anything? Rhys seemed unfazed as he picked up one half of their communication earpiece, and took it in his stride as he moved to get out of the van. For a split second Eliska turned back to her screens before getting up to follow him out of the van. "Rhys," He was only a few steps away and had probably heard her get out of the van but she called to him nonetheless. A thousand words held on the tip of her tongue; of questions she wanted to ask and things she wanted to tell him. She settled for only two words. "be careful."

Climbing back into the van, Eliska ignored the drumming of her heart against her ribcage as she sat down. The red dot had made some progress, to buy them more time she played around with the traffic lights along Matthew's route. A series of lorries may have had theirs routes conveniently changed but no one would be able to trace that back to the small brunette. It may only be a few seconds delay but they needed all the time they could get. After putting in the other half of the communication device in her ear Eliska typed on her laptop to give a better view of the mansion. "Alright, Agent Bedivere I'm going to be your eyes and ears inside... We've got this." A fond smile played on her lips as she remembered Rhys comforting her that morning. Taking in a couple controlled breaths Eliska - alongside EDDI3 and SIM1 - were hyperaware of any sudden changes in the system.
T R I S T A N / V I C T O R I A
Digit Digit

A small acceleration. A stop. Low voices in French sounding impatient. Moving again. Victoria acknowledged Jared's gesture silently and continued on, hearing his voice in her earpiece update their correspondent. It was almost the end, with each step they moved closer to the conclusion of the mission as they neared the handover of the mission to INTERPOL.

Another stop. The two men began looking around. Victoria wasn't sure if Jared had caught up yet, unwilling to turn her head in case it drew attention. She walked on past them with her eyes on her phone screen, turning a corner and then leaning against the wall to look back. She was temporarily distracted however, because she had to look back down at the email from Arthur in her hand. Something had happened to another mission, and the message from HQ unmistakably conveyed urgency and anxiety. She looked up just in time to see the backs of the two Frenchmen who had taken off running in a different direction.

"Team Alpha, Agent Foxtrot, targets believe they are being tailed, received instructions via text message 15 seconds ago to try to lost their possible tail."

"Roger," Vee said under her breath and began running, her steps silent on the pavement. She slunk into the darkness of the alley parallel to the one the targets took, the map of that part of the city visible in her head as her speed ensured she'd be ahead of them at the next junction of streets so that she could see which one they take and relay it to her partner, who would follow from the ground as per their agreed maneuvre. She swung herself up onto the edge of a juliet balcony protruding from the narrow street of city apartments, and watched the pair come up one street and take a sharp right. She informed Jared of this and followed them from her elevated position, arm and back muscles straining as she caught herself on the next balcony, the next rung. Their set up ensured that they'd never miss which road or alleyway their targets tried to disappear down, and Vee's smooth jumps and flawless landings ensured no attention was drawn to her.

She suppressed her quick breaths from the exertion, but was calm as she gave a steady stream of muttered updates to Gareth and Foxtrot, being able to see clearly from her position that the unsophisticated attempt at losing their suspected tails was just the two Frenchmen leading them around a maze in the one part of the city. Twenty minutes later, the sky was already fully dark, and streetlights were fully on in some places, the other paths where they were absent were shrouded in an unwelcoming darkness. The two targets seemed to be unwilling to bring their briefcase through the dodgy streets, and some suspicious looks all around them at the uncrowded but suitably busy surroundings convinced them that the chase, if there ever was one, was over.

The small detour was the equivalent of taking the scenic route, and from Victoria's elevated point of view, she could see that they were equidistant to the rendezvous point as they were before. It was now obvious where that was, as the targets seemed to just make an arc around it. She timed her jump down so that she landed with a small, muffled thud in front of Jared. She gave a small tilt of her head to indicate the Frenchmen were still up ahead, and took her place behind her mentor as they followed on.

B E D I V E R E / R H Y S
NightSky NightSky

"So in sync," Rhys grinned after their first round ended in a draw. The next one was his loss. Oh well, he was never great at the game anyway. He always took a backseat in missions with the Knights, his gadgets were his representations out in the field. And since it was a rescue mission for his gadget, it was only fitting that he be the one to go retrieve it. The many variables surrounding the situation, including Matthew mysteriously returning to the mansion early, meant Rhys had no time to panic or think about what happened on that mission. The shirt change was quick, a camouflage utility shirt replaced his white one as he forgot about flashing Eliska the shocking array of scars smattered on his torso, and he stuffed his tools into his pocket. The bumblebee was not going to remove itself from the system without a command connection easily. He fit his earpiece in with one finger as he used the other hand to wipe the bottom of his shoes with a wet cloth to remove any substances that may be non-native to the area. Finally, he pulled on his gloves.

He felt his partner follow him out of the van, and turned around when she called his name. "Be careful." "Always, choufleur," he winked, then chastised, "Bedivere out on the field, Lamorak, but now that I'm not around you can call me the handsome divil." He motioned a salute as he began towards the mansion, her reassuring voice in his ear.

"Three guards inside the mansion," he was informed. "You've just missed the fourth one patrolling the perimeter, he won't bother you for 17 minutes on this round." Eliska directed him to an open window in the kitchen on the ground floor, no electric field or trip wire on it unlike many of the others. It was a squeeze for the Welshman's broad shoulders, but he made it through, landing squarely on his upper back with a thump, a ladle from beside the sink following him and clattering to the ground. Rhys rolled his eyes and swore inwardly, not daring to make another sound. The ground floor security was in another part of the house so did not hear, but the sound woke up the sleepy guard on the first floor to had decided to relax a little on a chaise longue and set him moving again. The soft chair was just out of the eye of the security camera, and although the security footage was safely on a loop, it was Rhys' next destination because the man was unlikely to return there for a little while.

Rhys glided up the large spiral staircase in a matter of seconds, taking the wide steps three at a time with a gloved hand holding onto the polished wooden banister. He waited out the guard on the chaise longue, under a frightening large photo print of the house's owner which was hung above him. Eliska directed him to the door of the reinforced study, and 142 tense seconds of hacking as he stood outside the door in clear view ended in the large piece of wood finally, finally clicking open. He turned the handle slowly and let himself in as quietly as possible, pulling it shut behind him. "How long do I have?" he asked as he began working on removing the bumblebee from the port. It was attached in a way that even if it was found, Matthew would not dare remove it carelessly in fear of damaging the computer hardware. "Matthew's shortest possible ETA is 14 minutes," Eliska told him.

"Good, because I'm done and I'm out of here." He pocketed the bee with the precious data they were returning to HQ, and scanned the corridor before letting himself out, and beginning the sprint back. He heard Eliska locking the door remotely behind him. The journey back felt longer than the trip in, but his partner kept him informed the entire way, and as the van drew closer and closer in his sight, he turned his head and saw Matthew's sports car pulling in front of the house with a screech and the older man run out and crash through the double front doors, undoubtedly in the direction of his study.

Less than half an hour out in the field was more than enough for Rhys.

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Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Location - [en route] FBI Base
Tags - Ren Ren ReverseTex ReverseTex

Eliska's lungs started to burn as she was forced to let out a breath that she was subconsciously holding. The timing between her mentor reaching the van and Brad Matthew returning was merely seconds. After cancelling the loop of the CCTV footage Eliska's fingers twitched faintly as they hovered over the keyboard. Her brain still ticking as her pulse slowed down. They did it. It had been eerily quiet in the van until Agent Bedivere had returned. They had only spent the last 48 hours in each others company but yet it felt weird without his Welsh voice filling the air. Pulling herself from her thoughts she managed to muster a smile to Rhys as he - more or less - safely made it back into the van. "You did it." Her voice only just audible as it sunk into her system. She was stating the obvious, in an attempt to recollect herself and fill her ears with something other than her own heartbeat. "I mean I didn't doubt you or anything, we just cut it really close."

Before she could continue to ramble about anything else obvious to the pair a mechanical beep sounded from her laptop. "Can you pull up the email." EDDI3 obeyed; displaying an urgent email. Eliska's coffee coloured eyes reflected the contents of the email as she scanned through it. She then turned the laptop to Rhys offering it for him to read as her privacy screen wouldn't allow him to read it from an angle. If she wasn't in a pressured situation she would've thoroughly aided the search for the senior agent, instead she replied to the email with a elaborate map program which she hoped could be of some aid.

The longer they stayed stationary the more risk they were put in; after Eliska manoeuvred her small limbs into the driver seat she started up the engine. Figuring Rhys would need some time to recover from the intensive rescue mission she left him to decide where he sat. "Eddie, we're going to need two tickets to New York tonight." Pulling away from their secluded spot Eliska accelerated back the way they came. Leaving Brad Matthew to throw a fit in his overpriced dollhouse.

Two tickets booked for New York at 2100.
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B E D I V E R E / R H Y S
NightSky NightSky

Rhys pulled himself into the van, grabbing his water bottle while simultaneously throwing down the bumblebee onto the table, before lying down on the floor of the vehicle's enclosed workspace breathing hard. 800m of flat out sprinting up a hill of long grass was not something he prepared himself for that morning. However, perhaps his sunscreen and strange feeling in his stomach earlier have pre-empted this outcome. He took a large gulp of water, then propped himself up with his elbows behind his back as he turned his head to look up at the Czech agent, laughing when she said, "I mean I didn't doubt you or anything, we just cut it really close." "Couldn't have done it without you," he grinned and got up, fixing his hair, and flicked over her chin with his thumb in the same movement as that morning.

The moment of bliss passed quickly however when Eliska turned her laptop screen to show him the latest email from Arthur. "Galahad, you old dog," he muttered wryly as he shook his head, turning away as Eliska as she went about replying. A message from their leader was distressing, but his fellow agent would handle himself, he was sure of it. If not because of his experience as the oldest Knight, then from his sheer stubborness. His partner booked the tickets and drove them back to base, where the FBI were waiting for their debrief just as the sun began to set.

During the debrief, where they basically had to recount everything that happened in excruciating detail, Rhys took the opportunity to text HQ from under the table asking if the administration had sorted out where his mentee was going to live. He didn't receive a reply, which he assumed was because a compromised agent had put HQ in a state of crisis, and also because they probably hadn't arranged anything yet. Their flight that evening would have them landing in the Big Apple approaching 0400, so they could probably reach HQ at 0530 with the minimum traffic at that god-awful hour, and catch some shut-eye and grab breakfast before meeting at what Arthur called, well, 10am. Guess no point returning home in that short space of time.

The Dereks drove the agents to LAX in a business class company car and bid them each farewell, the experience alternating between hugs and back slaps from the pair. Past security, a flash of Rhys' card put them in the executive lounge with a dinner service for the waiting time before their flight. Each of their dinner settings had been so different, but after all variety was the spice of life eh? Now dressed back in his white shirt, gloves and blazer, his navy trousers affected by a few grass stains on the knees but nothing too noticeable, and having freshly polished his shoes in the car (an unavoidable habit from the many years of military service), he looked his normal self again.

"Although you are my mentee, I don't know when we will be working this closely on a field mission again. How did you find it? How was I as a partner?" Rhys thought back to Jared's teasing after the mission briefing two days ago in the Rec Room, "Have I scared you off?"


Ren Ren
Paris, FranceThe Frenchmen’s attempt at losing the pair of agents on their tail was trivial at best. Jared’s initial reaction to Agent Foxtrot’s transmission posed a slight surprise, curious as to whom or what had tipped the pair of smugglers off. Regardless of the tip-off however, he brushed it off as a minor setback that needed working around. He wouldn’t let it faze him. As the two buyers twisted and turned every corner without the smallest inkling of thought, he looked to Victoria, who managed to take the high ground. Following her instructions and lead, Jared traced the paths of the Frenchmen, who led the agents on a redundant and fruitless pursuit for the next twenty minutes. It was well past the original rendezvous time.

Not long before the pair halted their shenanigans, the phone that had safely rested in his back pocket buzzed to life, a short burst of vibrations catching the Canadian by surprise. He was positive he had silenced it earlier – it had easily become one of his most practiced pre-mission habits over time. He opted for overriding all attempts at contacting him with the exception of his higher ups, and even then he rarely had an issue. It was unlikely that Interpol officials would be calling at the moment: they should know that he was occupied at the moment. The other candidate was Arthur back in New York, though he couldn’t possibly imagine what the man had to say. But again, all of this had no bearing on his current situation.

As the two Frenchmen came to a complete stop, they exchanged words before one reached for his own phone once again. Although unable to discern the man’s words, Jared could tell the general idea of the call. The two men frantically looked around themselves, returning their gaze to the end of a street once their observations were complete. Victoria returned to his side, explaining how the relative distance from the buyers to the pickup point had remained the same. With the buyers resuming their movement, they continued down the street. It would likely be the last leg of their trip.

Not long after the second call, the two men abruptly stopped in their tracks, scanning the area. They had chosen a semi-busy street, an abundance of moving vehicles in the proximity. Once the pair had located their designated van, the two hurried and entered the automobile, taking one last look around for any potential followers. ”Agent Foxtrot, Agent Gareth. Targets have arrived.” Within seconds the van had come to life, speeding further westward. Giving Foxtrot the car model, its location, and direction of movement, Gareth stepped out of the shadows, inviting Victoria to do the same.

”Team Alpha, Agent Foxtrot. Understood, our team is in pursuit.

With their jobs complete, Jared swiftly removed his phone from the pocket it had been housed in, the subtle vibration still fresh in his memory. It had been Arthur after all – the revelation didn’t surprise him. Scanning the contents of the message his boss had sent, he allowed himself a single sigh. While the circumstances were dire and called for panic, he knew what it all meant. Turning to his partner, he met Victoria in the eyes, a solemn look in his. “Our job’s done. We’re leaving, now.”
Chapter 2: Into the Dark
Arthur/ Agent Galahad

Time: 10:00AM
Location: 276 Mott Street

Interactions: FrostFire FrostFire Ren Ren NightSky NightSky PortugalTM PortugalTM Digit Digit DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz Shadow Shadow GhastlySquash GhastlySquash _Aquarius_ _Aquarius_ PeanutLemur PeanutLemur

Arthur had a sleepless night, which was usual for the man. He ran an international spy agency, it wasn't out of the ordinary for him to be up all night. And he knew some of his agents had as well, although if they were wise the plane rides home would be an easy time to sleep. Nether the less, coffee sat ready on the table instead of the ornamental whiskey.

His laptop sat at his seat at the table, which was connected to the large TV screen to the wall behind him. Arthur was already seated at the table, a rarity for the man. He usually waited in his office till the agents arrived, then appeared then. But the direty of the situation had put the man on edge. And once everyone was seated and ready, he began.

"Now most of you are aware of our current situation. Senior Agent, Galahad, has been compromised. We aren't sure how yet, but we know several things." Tapping a key on his laptop, the feed from Galahad's glasses played on the TV, though there was no volume. As the video played Arthur continued. "The weapon cashe Gambit had recreated in order to fit Morocco's has been destroyed thanks to Agent Percival. The city is handling the matter as a gas leak, leaving us out of the picture, as well as Gambit."

"Now we have little clue on the whereabouts of both Gambit and Galahad, but it's likely the two are in the same location. And it's of upmost urgency to rescue our agent, which is why all cases are on hold, as well as complete initiation for recruits. Which includes housing, card access, and garage access for all new recruits. Though once the crisis is over, I will make sure we get you all suited and ready." The video ended behind him, the glasses only showing the blood-stained concrete that had been the last projected image from the glasses. "Now for the mission. You will all work together cohesively to find, infiltrate, and rescue our asset. Senior agents will be in charge of any strike or tactical endeavors, which will be run by me before execution. Any intel found will be given to me or and any senior agent."

Snapping the laptop shut, he cleared his throat, as his tone shifted to a more somber one. "Now I must inform you newer agents of the more grimmer protocols, seniors you can take this a refresher." He shifted in his seat, briefly glancing at the empty chair beside him. "Now if Galahad is found in any emergency condition, he must be brought here immediantly to receive medical care. If his body is found, it must be brought here. He has no next of kin listed on his medical insurance, so The Knights will handle any expenses there..." He crossed his hands in his lap, as his silver eyes scanned the somber faces amongst him. "Any questions?"

Time: N/A
Interactions: Gambit

The concrete in the room with little light, along with the metal chair chilled Galahad to the bone. By this point he was a mess. His glasses had been flung somewhere in the room from his struggle, his jacket had been taken along with his hoslters and guns, and his shirt was riddled with his blood and didn't provide much warmth. The dart he had luckily managed to pull out with his teeth, seeing as his hands were tied robustly behind him to the chair.

He knew his odds were slim. Escape would be quite difficult, if not impossible at this point. The Knights he knew had protocol for situations like this, and were more than likely in the works. But he could tell this man was keen enough to know the fact as well. He probably had some elaborate plan to keep him in captivity for as long as possible, more than likely paired with as much pain...

Wincing at a surge of pain erupted in his shoulder, the bullet settling in over the night. He didn't sleep either, which suited him fine, running on the last of his adrenaline from the day before... Good God Lyra... He shouldn't have worried her like he did. Even though he only knew her for a few days, he could tell she had grown to him, as he did to her, a good friend. This wouldn't sit well with her...

He wasn't sure how long he had been in the room, but the sharp sound of the bolt unlocking on the door snapped him up from his thoughts, as he eyed the door, mentally preparing himself for what would go down...Which wasn't surprisingly a lot. Galahad gave a glare at the guardsman, who quickly shut the door. How boring.

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Location: Unknown
Interactions: ReverseTex ReverseTex


Gambit peered over the rim of his shoes, disinterest clear on the planes of his face. "Yes?" The word drew out on a long note, his legs shifting to align his employee's neck between his toes. Petty though it might be, the dark haired male found joy in the spark of fear that appeared in the other man's countenance. Brows arching, Gambit brought the tips of his feet together, pretending to sever the head of his employee when the male next made to speak.

"It's the pris -" the man shrunk under Gambit's pointed glare "- I mean guest. Sir. He's been in the room for a few hours."

Gambit arched his fingers and leaned back in his chair. If the male was trying to make a point, he was doing a piss poor job of it.

"A-and we were wondering when you were going to start questioning him. Sir."

The breath that left his nose was long and low. Removing his feet from his desk, Gambit shifted forward, muscles tightening and moving in a show of power. "There's a reason isolation chambers are so commonly used." His lips curled at the edges. "Besides - he ruined my rug. The man can wait as long as I want him to."

Gambit watched his employee shift in discomfort out of the corner of his eye. Waving his hand, he dismissed him from the room.

"I'll check on him soon enough."

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