• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern The Knights- (modern spy thriller)

Agent Dinadan

DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz PeanutLemur PeanutLemur PortugalTM PortugalTM

"Well it's nothing special." Dinadan chuckled, sitting down as the car began to drive to their destination. "Well, I suppose as far as you know, I'm Agent Dinadan. Think of me like a glorified IT department."

She pulled out her phone, browsing through the various names and aliases of previous agents. "And yeah, if you couldn't tell I'm American. And I'm guessing by your accent..." She put her hand to her chin, pretending to ponder like a detective. "I'm going to say Irish? Or maybe Scottish."

The car was now stuck in traffic, and Dinadan was thankful that times like this allowed her to keep up with the various shows she'd been tracking on her phone. "You like computers, Ector?"
Agent Bors "The Younger" Location: Personal Apartment, New York City, New York
Interactions: DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz PortugalTM PortugalTM GhastlySquash GhastlySquash

Adair hummed, an eyebrow arching high upon her face. "I believe," she drawled, "our gala is taking place at The Colosseum."

The location was intriguing, to say the least. Whoever was hosting the gala had to have deep pockets, for national landmarks didn't run cheap. (Especially ones as well known as The Colosseum.) Perhaps he/she was trying to make a statement? There was nothing like throwing a lavish party on the very spot men gored each other to death over a thousand years ago after all. And honestly: violence did have a way of spurring people on like nothing else. Then again, the host could always be a history buff with a morbid sense of humor. It didn't hold as much flavor as the other option, but one could never discount the possibility.

Specific location aside, outdoor galas were a rare sight. For some reason, people seemed to enjoy staying clean - and, well, The Colosuem wasn't the cleanest of places. Dirt would be an issue, and that little white number she'd been saving for an event like this would have to wait. Maybe. She'd have to think on it.

"I can get a diagram of the area pulled up on my computer, but I doubt even I need to tell you that stashing our techies in a nearby building will be difficult. And Rome traffic..." Adair suppressed a shiver. "It makes New York's seem like nothing. ...Maybe we can hide them in the bathroom?"

A wry smile curved her lips. "Or, you know, the car. We'll need a driver."

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Every single time his gun went off, Lyra jumped. Although she was semi thankful for the last one, because it gave her the opportunity to send her last man down with a quick elbow to the neck, collapsing his windpipe.
"Now I get why you carry around that umbrella...", Lyra stared at it, wondering if Galahad was always that aggressive. f course, beating those thugs up was only decent, to teach them a lesson... But she didn't think they needed to die for it, be put in prison, yes, but die...? She wasn't so sure. But decided not to say anything, as he seemed in a better mood.
"Well, I did warn you it was spicy... So don't blame me you didn't listen to my advice.", she put her hands up, surrendering, noticing she had some blood on her jacket from elbowing that guy in the neck. "Good thing about black, is that one barely notices blood stains in the fabric.", other than that spot of blood, she was clean.
"Yes, ice cream sounds nice. Good thing I'm not squeamish...", she looked him over, noting the blood on him. This was America, though, and New York at that - so she didn't think there would be a panic like there would have been at home.
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Agent Lancelot
Location: Agent Bors' Apartment
Interactions: PeanutLemur PeanutLemur GhastlySquash GhastlySquash PortugalTM PortugalTM

Donovan frowned. He had forgotten that the gala was being hosted at the Colosseum. How the host managed to get the arena as the venue for a gala, he had no idea. He had been hoping the event was going to be held in some fancy hotel or any other place but the Colosseum. Sighing, he took another sip from his glass.

After Adair proposed that she could bring up a diagram of the area, he nodded. While it might not have helped much, as the location was outdoors and in such a huge area, it may have allowed them to come up with the skeleton of a plan. He chuckled about her comment about the traffic in Rome. Having never been there himself, he didn't know how bad it was but he decided to take her word for it. He hoped they wouldn't have to be in any sort of car chase. If the traffic was as bad Adair was making it seem, they would never be able to catch someone or get away.

Adair then proposed that they have their other agents stationed in a bathroom or the car they would be driving. ''I think the car would be a better option for them. I'm sure they wouldn't want to stay inside of a bathroom the whole time.''

He drummed his fingers against his leg. Recalling that they were supposed to be escorting and assassinating the head of European trading, a question arose in his head. ''Do we have any specific instructions on when to take our target out? Like, after he makes a speech or something? I'm sure we're not supposed to kill him after dropping him off.''

Agent Robin G. Hayes
Agent Ector

Robin chuckled at Dinadan's statement about her being the IT Department. He replied with;

"I'm more of a photographer actually. They like me in mission reports."

He opened his phone, and looked at his notepad he'd made a bit before. He had to scale down the spy talk of course, and he already had his cover story. Photojournalist. These kind of events usually would accept them, if not, you knew something was probably up. Publicity is good for most kinds of events. The ones it isn't, are the ones you don't hear about. However, looking at this text, this was taking place at the Coliseum. The one that's been a historic landmark for centuries. That meant they were just begging for attention, that's a huge thing. Although, it does go back to his saying. They'd never expect you to be the one standing out. Could that be the case here?

However, his thoughts were interrupted by Dinadan asking his nationality.

"First try, I'm impressed. Im from Athlone."

She was American, told by the accent especially. Peering out the window, traffic was terrible. He muttered "By Jehsus this traffic is terrible." His mentor asked if he liked computers next.

"Nothing against computers, without em we'd be lost as all hell. I sure aren't good with em."

He looked outside again, they had gone only a block. Looking at his phone, they'd only made it halfway in the time they'd been talking, and it'd been a while.

"Eeh, by Jehsus, we almost there? Traffic's terrible here, god!"

Agent Bors "The Younger" Location: Personal Apartment, New York City, New York
Interactions: DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz PortugalTM PortugalTM GhastlySquash GhastlySquash

Adair chuckled, pausing to take a sip of her water. "I don't know," she said, "bathrooms can be quite... enjoyable. I've seen my fair share of them on missions. Inconspicuous little places, great for getting away."

And it was true. Adair was a woman of many faces, and the majority of those were literal ones. Rare was the situation she went into an undercover mission without a backup disguise. Bathrooms were great for a quick change of pace, public ones in particular. Goodness knew the woman couldn't count the number of times she'd resorted to using them in the midst of a job.

"But you're right, the car might be best." She waved a hand in front of her face, bending forward to place her glass on the table.

"As for our target - I thought it'd be best to take him out in the midst of the party. We'll give people two hours to be 'fashionably late' and wait for the alcohol to start flowing." Her legs recrossed at the knees. "We'll need to draw him away from the crowd - a task that should be accomplished easily enough at our location. I was there a few years ago on another assignment; there are numerous alcoves. Or -" a smirk transformed her lips "- you could take him to one of the less frequented bathrooms after I accidentally spill some of my drink on his suit."
Agent Lancelot
Location: Agent Bors' Apartment
Interactions: PeanutLemur PeanutLemur GhastlySquash GhastlySquash PortugalTM PortugalTM

Donovan smirked at her comment about bathrooms being enjoyable. He agreed with her partially, though, perhaps not in the way she meant it. However, she was right about one thing: they were great for getaways. They might not have gotten him out of any tight spots during missions, but they definitely saved him during a couple of bad dates. He shuddered at the thought of one.

Adair then proposed her plan of getting their target to the bathroom for him to ''take care of''. Donovan nodded, his smile growing wider. ''Now there's something I'm good at.'' The plan, while being relatively simple, should have worked pretty well in principle. Plus, that way they wouldn't have to kill the man out in the open. After Donovan completed his task, he could stash the man in a stall and recreate a scene to rule out any foul play. Though, he wasn't sure if that was entirely possible. There was only so many ways a person could die of natural causes in a public bathroom.

Shrugging, he figured he'd come up with a better idea when the time came.

''This mission sounds too easy to be true,'' Donovan joked. Something could have easily went wrong, but considering that Adair was a senior member of a high caliber and that Donovan had never failed a mission in the past, he figured something going awry was highly unlikely.

''What will the others be doing?'' Donovan asked, sipping from his glass again. ''Agent Ector and....Dinadan, I think are their names.''

Agent Dinadan

DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz PeanutLemur PeanutLemur PortugalTM PortugalTM

"Got a keen eye for stuff huh?" Dinadan smiled. "That's a pretty nifty skill to have." Pulling up her phone, Karen began to read the briefing. She was assigned to hack of course. Nothing new there. With the Colosseum, it would be hard to get any wires in. The place was renovated with a secure system for the party, but CCTV wouldn't be a problem.

It's funny how secure people like to think they are. Dinadan would just need her laptop and an access to the network. From there, she could run her attack to fish a password and gain access to the cameras. Temperature control and lighting would be another issue. She could gain more access to just about everything if she was able to use a raspberry pi.

As if luck would seem to have it, however, the lights in their area were green all around and the traffic soon began to speed up.

"I think we'll arrive just on time." Dinadan smiled. "You know, it's so funny what one laptop and a card on the same network as traffic lights can do." She gestured to Ector. "It's sad to imagine how many car accidents happen a year. But honestly we were doing this shit with the CIA long before the Knights."

She pointed at the stoplights turning green, and the huge buildup of traffic on the opposing roads. "I suppose I could tell you about this Uber driver. Not really much of a glorified person that you'd want. If anything, he was particularly nasty. A supporter of several militia groups and an arms dealer. Made me wonder why he was driving at all."

Dinadan sat back. "Anyway, the story goes that he died in a car crash the next week. Semi truck rammed right through. Terrible accident, but not the driver's fault. He was gunning at top speed. Didn't notice a light change I suppose."

Karen was staring at Ector now. "Poison, guns, and knives do all well in emergency cases, but I've always preferred statistics and accidents. No one questions a car crash or a pipe explosion. A sudden loss of power or an electric surge. A blackout or power outage. A transformer overheating and turning into a mini bomb."

"I don't know if you're the kind of agent that enjoys being James Bond, but if I'm your mentor, you'll start to see how easy it is to spy on people. A governor will get the latest in cybersecurity but his assistant is running on a network with no password protection."

The car finally stopped and Dinadan smile as she packed her laptop and got out of the car. "Alrighty we're here!"


Once she and Ector reached the door, Dinadan would knock several times. If the door opened, she would smile and simply say. "You know I think you need a better Wi-fi password. And better wi-fi while you're at it."
Agent Robin G. Hayes
Agent Ector

Robin listened intently. She already seemed to be a quite interesting lady. He had abandoned any doubts of having her as a mentor, at first it was confusing, a hacker, as his mentor? He was a field agent, he didn't know how to hack apart from how to install a virus, if you had somebody's computer on you.

However, she was teaching him some important things. Things didn't have to be complicated...things didn't have to be...he had an idea. He'd talk to Bors and Lancelot about it later.

Looking out at the expanse of now green lights, he was slightly terrified of her power, but more impressed. She had taken order and tossed it out of this car. Then, they arrived.

He stood back, letting Dinadan take control of getting Bors' attention. He chuckled at the comment on Wi-Fi, and stood against the wall waiting for it to open.
Agent Galahad
Location: Somewhere in New York
Interactions: Percival FrostFire FrostFire

Galahad frowned at him umbrella, he had made with 3 weeks without damaging or messing it up. And now a lowlife thug was the one to do it. A fucking joke. Tossing the umbrella angerly back in the alleyway, he took a deep breath to calm him. Once he walk calm, he went back to leading the way.

"It's my weapon of choice, well second to a pistol. I'm a monster at hand-to-hand, but my aim is of no other." Sticking his hands awkwardly in his pockets, since he didn't have him umbrella to hold onto, he continued. "To bad I wore white." She was right, the blood on his jacket and tie were less visible than his shirt, which was sprinkled in red and pink.

Stopping at the door, Galahad held it open for Lyra then entered once she did. He could feel people's eyes on him as they made their way to the counter, where a freightened looking teenager stood. "Mint chocolate chip for me, single scoop. And whatever she wants." Handing the Silver card to him, the two patiently waited. Galahad dipped his head down in order to whisper to Lyra. "Should we sit in here just to scare them?"

Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Ice cream shop
Lyra was still slightly torn over the whole 'death is justice' thing in her head as they walked, but she pulled herself out of it and threw it to the back of her mind when he spoke - there was nothing she could do about it now.
"You certainly are good at it... And blood stains like a bitch, so don't expect me to have a fix for it.", she had never managed to get blood stains out completely - she had tried everything with a beautiful floor length, and very fancy white dress, and ended up ruining the fabric, and even then it was still stained.
She was conscious of the stares when they walked in, but acted normally, relaxed. She only hoped no one would think to call the police - because then they'd have some explaining to do.
"Oh, I'll have the bubblegum, one scoop, please.", she asked in her usual soft chirpy tone.
She leaned in towards Galahad as he whispered, answering him in an even quieter voice. "No! Bad idea. What if someone calls the police? You'll have some explaining to do. Just pretend you had the worst nosebleed in human history or something.", despite her best efforts, the corners of her mouth rose slightly in amusement. She had to admit, it was kinda funny in a morbid sort of way...
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Agent Bors "The Younger" Location: Personal Apartment, New York City, New York
Interactions: DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz PortugalTM PortugalTM GhastlySquash GhastlySquash

"Dinadan and Ector," Adair intoned, "will be our Aces. I can't attest much for the latter, but I've worked with Dinadan on a few cases. She's a techie with a gift for hacking, and securing the Colosseum's security cameras for our own use will be her job. Ector can pose as a waiter and ensure our target is supplied with enough alcohol for his - and our - needs. It's best to keep an operation like this simple. The more complex it gets, the more likely it is to fail."

Adair opened her mouth the continue - only for a knocking on her door to interrupt her train of thought. "Speak of the Devil and he shall appear." The sentence was muttered, but she gave Donovan and inclination of her head anyway. "One moment, please."

Standing, she made her way across the apartment, bare feet silent on the hardwood. Another cursory check out the peep hole revealed the two missing agents, and the blonde wasted no time in opening the door.

Dinadan was the first to speak, a warm smile curling her lips. "You know I think you need a better Wi-fi password. And better wi-fi while you're at it."

Adair snorted, motioning for the duo to step inside. "I doubt it'd make much of a difference with you around. Please, come it. Lacelot and I were just getting to the good part."

Agent Dinadan

DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz PeanutLemur PeanutLemur PortugalTM PortugalTM

Gesturing for Ector to stand up, she followed Adair inside. "So I heard we're going to be touring a nice little Italian city huh? My parents would probably want me to get a picture with the Pope."

Sitting down, she immediately pulled out her computer, pulling up various files and intel. "I was able to fish a password from one of the interns. Can you believe the event planners forward everything to them? As far as I can tell, CCTV shouldn't be a problem. I can access the network just fine but we're going to be limited."

She smiled. "Good news for you and bad news for me. Certain areas aren't covered. I've checked. the cameras don't work, but they're there for show perhaps. My guess is regular rank and file security is watching those."

Dinadan paused. "With a little more time, I could get even more but the cameras should be fine unless the network changes. As far as where my agent comes in."

She began to click on her keyboard. "It seems you have something in store for him? If it's staff, I can make a decent fake but chances are they're going to have additional measures on checking staff that are serving the guests."
Mission Day
Arthur/ Agent Galahad

Time: 5:00PM EST
Location: 276 Mott Street

Interactions: Everyone
Arthur sat at his aged mahogany desk, one hand rested on the keyboard, while the other held a glass of brandy. Pressing the play button on his laptop, he casually leaned back into his large leather office chair, and crossed his legs. Staring into the small camera, he addressed it. "Hello Knights. Now that i've given you a day to prepare, you should all preform to the standards that I expect. To senior agents, I hope you have taken the proper precautions to assure your apprentices safety. I don't need another Morocco on my hands." Taking a sip of his brandy he continued. "To new agents, this is your interview. If you preform to the standards that I expect, your job will be permanent. If not... Let's just say you won't remember much of us... With that said, I wish you all the best of luck, and I expect mission reports tomorrow at 10AM. Arthur out."

Arthur/ Agent Galahad
Time: 5:00 EST
Location: Galahad's Penthouse
Interactions: Percival
The morning had gone as planned. The two had picked up the SUV from the garage, which was equal in security as the President's. Bedivere had handled and processed the information on Vladimir Calloway, and picked up the fake ID's for the meeting at HQ. Percival seemed to have her equipment ready, it was just a matter of time to wait for the meeting, which was in a hour...

Galahad stood in his closet, studying his reflection. He knew he wasn't as attractive as he was 4 years ago, but he seemed to be aging well. He wore a pair of thick-rimmed prescription glasses, similar to Way-fairs. His suit, which was dark blue with a black shirt and shoes. It looked quite menacing to be honest, especially with is height. Adjusting his tie, which was dark blue like his jacket, he was satisfied with the look.

He made his way into the living room, where Lyra sat doing her own things. Taking a seat in one of his armchairs, he grabbed his laptop off of the table. "For God's sake dammit Arthur..." Galahad grumbled as he saw the email titled Mission Day Clicking on it, a video began to play....

By the end, Lyra had made her way behind his chair to watch, and he had grown quite blasé. "If it makes you feel any better I didn't take any precautions to your safety. Your not a child. But he is right on one part, this is your interview. So don't fuck it up."


Atlas didn't bother much with following the speed limit and luckily, the deli was a bit out of the city, so they were able to avoid the worst of city traffic. "I'm from Australia, actually. Good old 'down under.'" He said, making a face at his own use of Australia's nickname. "My family is still there on our ranch. How about you? Got any family around here?" He asked, glancing over at the other man before returning his attention to the road. It seemed strange to be talking about home-towns and family considering they were partners in a spy agency. But then again, even spies have to socialize sometimes.
Atlas pulled into the tiny parking lot of the deli and easily found a spot. "Let's go." He said with a grin. It had been a while since he had made his way out here so he was actually looking forward to it. He led the way inside and nodded at the lady behind the counter. She seemed new, which would explain why she didn't recognize him. After he ordered, Atlas took a seat at one of the booths towards the back. He set to eating quickly; mostly because he was hungry, but he also wanted to get going as soon as possible. After all, when it came to twenty hour plane flights, it was best to get it over with quickly. Atlas waited until Gawain was finished, then he led the way back to the car, sliding into the driver's seat comfortably. As ridiculous as it was, he might actually miss this little car while he was gone. Rentals always sucked, in his experience.

"So, what did you think of the food?" He asked, starting up the car and pulling back onto the road. "Oh, and we should get to the hanger where we keep the jet in about twenty minutes. I hope you're ready for the longest plane flight of your life." He said, smiling humorlessly. He usually loved plane flights and the longer the better, but twenty hours was pushing it even for him. "There should be a little shop where we can buy books or something to keep from dying of boredom." He said, realizing that he had forgotten to grab books from his apartment.
The little airport had a well-secured parking lot that he pulled into exactly twenty minutes later. He patted the little car's roof affectionately after he got out, already looking forward to driving her again. "Ready?" He asked, grabbing his bag from the trunk and locking the car. Just as he had said, there was a small shop with a surprising variety of books, magazines, and other airplane comfort items. Atlas went straight for the bookshelves and took a moment to pick out a few books. He checked out and gave Gawain some time to buy anything he might want. Then he led the way to where the jet was kept. It seemed Arthur had already alerted the pilot to get ready for a flight so all they really had to do was board the plane. Atlas told the pilot where they were going before he took a seat.
He looked at Gawain with a light smile playing on his lips. "So, what do you think? Enjoying the life of a Knight so far?" He asked, looking for the tell-tale excitement that new Knights usually had. At least, he had had it when he first joined. The Knights were a huge step up from freelancing. "And we should probably discuss the mission plan. What were some of your thoughts about it?" He asked, wanting to see how much of Gawain was brains, since he obviously had the brawn.

By the time they arrived in Sydney, Atlas was exhausted. Luckily, they had a few hours in the hotel to rest up before it was time to prepare for the mission. Arthur's somewhat motivation clip played and then it was time to gear up. Atlas hadn't been this nervous for a mission in a while. Mostly because he usually had a far more specific plan worked out. He had tried hacking into the Opera house's security cameras to get a location on the hostage, but the best he was able to do was limit the possible locations to the basement level. "Okay, so the rough plan is that we are going in as guests. I have us on the list with our code names. We should be able to sneak away pretty easily and security leading to the basement should be no problem. Once we get down there, though, we are basically going to have to sweep the entire level for the hostage." He outlined the plan to Gawain as he strapped twin knives to his ankles. He was dressed casually in slacks and a button down shirt. It was nice enough to not stand out, yet it still concealed his weapons without a problem. "Do you have any concerns?" He asked. "And it's okay to say yes. We will be far more likely to succeed if we are on the same page." He said, hoping he didn't sound like he was preaching too much.

_Aquarius_ _Aquarius_
T R I S T A N / V I C T O R I A
Digit Digit

Victoria decided against resting, she'd done plenty of it on the long flight from Shanghai. Instead, she enjoyed conversation with the other agents in the Rec Room immensely, unable to remember the last time she had such a normal, relaxed conversation with other people who understood her - or at least understood her profession. They would chat a bit about techniques in the field, discuss the politics in the intelligence world, and Rhys would get bored every so often and steer the conversation to some mundane thing like the best type of rice (directed at Victoria shamelessly, which she took little offence of) or why some people can't taste the difference between pork and chicken, before being gently put back on track to a more practically useful topic by the others.

Rhys managed to fit in a tediously long and relatively pointless lab induction for Victoria before he left with his mentee, leaving her with her senior agent and some peace and quiet at last. Dismayed at the second long haul flight within three days that was facing her in the very near future, Victoria kept her mind off it by looking through the library's wealth of resources in order to prepare to keeping track of their targets on the winding streets of Paris. It was a simple mission all in all, so didn't need too much strategising. She and Jared would most likely spend the preparation day learning each other's signs and movements, and parkour abilities it seemed because Paris was full of alleys and narrow gaps between buildings, enough so that they could move fluidly and stay in sync on either side of the people they would be tracking. Jared was right, it was definitely the focus of their mission.

The Interpol meeting would be a lot more straightforward. It was set up already of course, and Jared, being the senior agent, would rightly take the lead. Victoria's job was more along the lines of an assistant or stenographer for him, alongside just learning and taking things in. She was happy on the flight there to just work on her aural French, which she figured would be important for their tracking of the arms deal in case any instructions were shouted out in the native language. And how to apologise to anyone she smacks into accidentally while running, of course.

Victoria's field experience kept her level-headed during the hurried ordeal of the preparations, a complete 180 from the fun afternoon she had at the Knights' HQ that first day, but it meant she was confident in the success of the mission and the success of her 'interview' when she opened the email just as the first streaks of sunlight began to filter through the blinds of the place she and Jared were staying. He had done well with their accommodation, but then again he did know Paris a little. She put on a pot of coffee for them both, before going into the bathroom to brush her hair back into a ponytail, a few strands wet from washing her face before, and make a final check on her outfit and what she'd prepared for the day. She gave her reflection in the mirror the same bright-eyed smile she would greet her partner with.

Last edited:
Agustin Fernando 'Goose' Cruz

Agustin grabbed a sandwich on the way out, and flashed a grin at the barista. Aldo always knew his favorite way to prepare a sandwich. Mayonaisse on the bottom and mustard on top. Salami thick layered with ricotta cheese. Then a thin layer of spinach and mushrooms. Odd fellow they used to call him but he was okay with that. He ate and chewed slowly as Agent Lucan talked about his family and hometown. For a moment he almost forgot they were two spies in a car about to board a jet and save a hostage from world criminals. Talking about everyday topics made it easy to forget the responsibility that weighed down his shoulders. He took the last bite of his sandwich and crumpled up the wrapping. He shook his head, " Murder. Illness. Accidents. I only got a younger sister left and she in the US. But I was born and raised in SAlamanca. Small university town two hours north of Madrid. " He was pretty surprised at himself for openening up a bit but evn he knew this talk was all surface level.

As they rounded the corner to board the plane he shrugged, " 20 hours got nothin on me." HE assured Atlas as he helped him unload somethings from the car and followed closely behind him as they entered the already loaded plane, "Sick," he exclaimed under his breath as he grinned from ear to ear at the view he was about to enjoy for the nxt 20 hours. Jet planes he had been on before but none like this high tech modern knight shiz. This was totally next level. Agustin plopped down on a reclining chair smiling like a little boy and then sat up, " So you must be excited to go back to Australia? " HE popped a piece of gum in his mouth and began to swallow as the jet would take off soon, and flying wasn' his problem but take off and landing were something his ears never appreciated. He looked around and put his blazer over the chair and then stood up to chck out the rest of the jet. After the small tour of the place he sat back down as Atlas explained the silver lining of the mission. He was a bit excited to go into the opera as guests, he hadn't been to one in such a long time, since his father died to be exact.

"Seems pretty easy but I do have a concern." HE raised a brow, " Who exactly are we up against? "

Shadow Shadow
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Galahad's apartment
lydia_100x151 (1).jpg
Lyra made sure she had a very good nights sleep, and was up bright and early(ish), finalising all her things and checking over the bombs to make sure everything was okay. She was dressed simply, in a white shirt, black suit jacket, black trousers and her military boots - she had various throwing knives hidden all over her person, just in case. When Galahad came into the living room, she was just checking the last of the explosives, her ears perking up when he mentioned Arthur, and she went behind him to watch the video too.
Well... At least by placing her with Galahad, she could think of only 3 reasons for it - either he had a trace of faith in her abilities, he wanted to get rid of her, or he was testing her more than the rest. She had her money on the last one.
"Well, one can only hope. And thank you for your confidence...", she felt a pang of nervousness in the pit of her stomach, she was a little apprehensive for this mission, considering it's importance to her career, the Knights and Galahad himself... He was right, she better not fuck it up. Lyra was also worrying because there wasn't much of a plan. Apart from the basics, she was going in blind - not knowing how many guards there would be or what she would have to go through to plant the bombs. She didn't like it when there were lots of things that could go wrong, but she knew if she thought about it, she would just make each mistake more likely to happen.
Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Lyra moved back to her seat, and zipped up the bomb bag, and stashed the detonator securely and safely hidden on her person. "Okay... I'm ready as I'll ever be.".
ReverseTex ReverseTex
B E V I D E R E / R H Y S
NightSky NightSky

Rhys liked to make his lab inductions long. He covered all his bases in terms of legal requirements with it, and also look it as an opportunity to get accommodated with new recruits. Wouldn't it be funny if he became better acquainted with Jared's mentee than Jared himself? Of course, it was unlikely, American law enforcement and Chinese military intelligence seemed to both create serious, stoic people who were much too focused on the task at hand.

It was approaching 6pm by the time he decided to finally waltz out of the base, with poor Eliska in tow. He slapped on his calf-skin gloves and picked up his black blazer from beside the entrance where the elevator was, carefully covering his hands and forearms while avoiding his mentee's gaze. He would rather take stares at gloves on a hot day to stares at hideous scars and missing digits any day.

Preferring taxis to driving himself, in contrast to most of the other senior agents, Rhys hailed a New York cabbie to bring them to Madison Park for the ritualistic fine dining experience that he found almost compulsory before a mission. The better the meal, the more successful the mission. And this time did not disappoint - always trust the Michelin review. They were sat in a candlelit corner of the hall instead of near the centre of the dining hall as per usual, because the waiter had mistakenly assumed them to be on a date. Much awkward eye-adverting which followed ended in a chuckle from Rhys when he mused out loud, "Well that gives them something to think about other than my gloves finally." Still, he did his part and pulled out her chair, and picked out a wine she liked, and some overpriced spring water for him. For the money they charged for clear bottled water, it better have been blessed by virgins and triple distilled like vodka.

"So what do you like to do in your spare ti- no, better, what would you do if you had no electricity for a wee bit and had to entertain yourself somehow?" Rhys asked his female counterpart during their meal, volunteering up for himself, "Me, I swim a lot. There's something really calming about moving through water. Free swimming in the sea is also enjoyable, but a bit more difficult now that I'm in New York." Small talk continued on their flight, where Rhys offered his favourite film (Shawshank Redemption), favourite colour (green) and favourite composer (Mahler), and a whole load of other insignificant details. He managed to talk through the entire journey, including after they were picked up by the FBI at the airport from a private arrivals gate, although he wouldn't be able to say how much Eliska listened to of it.

It appeared that Rhys' preferred method of getting energised was through energy drinks rather than sleep, which could only be far from ideal. He spent the day tweaking, setting his partner the task of writing something to get them into Mr Brad Matthew's systems. Even by mission day morning, when his phone beeped with Arthur's emails, Rhys wasn't rushed. They had a whole day to do a few hours worth of information extraction, and from a distance also. They'd slept in the FBI base's dorms, and the night before Rhys had introduced Eliska to some of his old friends in the gadgetry department, the very friends who came knocking on their door at 0700 singing, "It's mission day!" much to Rhys' chagrin.

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Agent Robin G. Hayes
Agent Ector
Mission Day:
Agent Donovan
Agent Bors
Agent Dinadan
(If I forgot someone I'm sorry please tell me)

Robin stepped out of the bus he had taken here. His uniform, a navy polo, and black slacks on him. His ID card clipped to his belt loop. It was amazing what Dinadan could do, bar code replicating? He didn't know it was a thing.

'Elijah Simonds'
It read. He hoped that the cover would live up, and that no one would suspect him, however, the cover was thought through quite well. He stepped towards the staff side entrance, and unclipped his ID, flashing it to the bouncer. He was told to scan it. The moment of Truth was upon him...

It beeped and his face, complete with a shave and different hairstyle, as well as fake glasses, came alive on screen. He had even changed his eyebrows and put in hazel contacts. It had worked.

He briskly walked towards the holding room for the drinks, and trays. Dinadan had worked wonders with the map as well. However, he knew he was heading into unmonitored territory, so he'd have to be on alert. Hopefully nobody would assume the target being sought for was theirs, and that it was some other criminal overlord here. He couldn't be the only one.

He hoped the escort was going well, and that the target would arrive soon. He waited at the agreed entrance for his partners to arrive. When they did, a smile would appear on his face, and he would cheerfully ask;

"Drink sir?"
Eliska Lysakova - Agent Lamorak
Tags - Ren Ren

At any other time a repeat of a lab induction would've been a lullaby for Eliska to have a quick nap but Rhys managed to keep spirits high the entire time and that alone was incredibly admirable. Eliska did, however, manage to start some research on Brad Matthew with her laptop - and EDDI3 - for a couple hours. Finding odd bits and pieces which may come handy later. As Rhys announced they were leaving Eliska briefly bid farewell to the other pair of agents in hopes of seeing them after the missions. Not wanting to make Rhys uncomfortable Eliska only glanced his way a few times as he covered up his metallic additions, not because she was curious as to what happened but more because she felt it was a shame to cover such beautiful work. Taking into account Rhys's unusual silence she felt it was probably best to not comment. She stayed close behind him, with her backpack even closer, as they made their way to the restaurant.

Eliska found it almost quite humorous being so secluded at the restaurant. With anyone else it would've felt unnatural and quiet but she had quickly learnt this wouldn't be the case with the Irish agent. "I wouldn't mind this before every mission." She noted while eating a pasta dish recommend by Rhys during the meal.

No electricity?" Eliska mulled the thought over. Perhaps a few moments longer than she should've. "I find yoga quite relaxing, although I don't have much time for it recently so I usually only do the breathing exercises while working. Or I'd read your book again." She added on the end, it had sounded like a joking comment but there was nothing other than honesty in it. Softly nodding her head as Rhys spoke she swirled the wine around the glass in her hand. Although she had not had the luxury of swimming regularly she could agree it was a relatively calming activity.

How Rhys managed to talk the entire time at the restaurant through to the flight later in the evening was beyond Eliska but she was not complaining, in fact she was tempted to ask how he does it without losing his voice. She figured that was more likely than him running out of things to talk about. The constant exchange of words between them had allowed Eliska to not get worked up about the mission. It was fairly straightforward but the feeling of worry was always present, just not overwhelming this time. As if it was locked in a box where Rhys was holding the key.

New Location - L.A. - FBI Base

It had been a blur but Eliska managed to settle down efficiently.
While her mentor tended to his gadgets Eliska set off coding a programme to hack into their target's data. Quietly mumbling to herself and sometimes EDDI3 she worked without much distraction, sat cross legged on her bed, in their assigned room for most of the day. Honestly, as long as she had her laptop she could essentially work anywhere. She met a few of Rhys's friends later that day who she got along with well, despite feeling substantially inexperienced to them.

Letting out a muffled groan Eliska sat up in her bed, rubbing her head. It was definitely not the first time she fell asleep while working, and it wouldn't be the last. She hadn't been asleep long so her hair was still tied in a ponytail with a few strands straying away and her laptop sat at the end of the bed. "Eddie, what's our status?" Her voice came out quieter than expected, sleep still lingering in her. Completed proof reading the code at 5:32am, approximately an hour after you fell asleep, all should go to plan. "Thanks." Eliska managed to find her voice this time. While stretching her arms above her head she turned to Rhys. "Are your friends usually like this?" She asked glancing to the door where the human alarm clock had sounded from.
Agent Galahad
Location: Galahad's Apartment- Car
Interactions: Percival FrostFire FrostFire

Galahad stood up with a light sigh, he could feel Lyra's nervous energy in the room. Clenching his jaw, he wasn't quite sure what to do. As the two turned to the elevator, he rested his hand gently on her shoulder. "You'll be fine, all you have to do is drive and place some bombs. I'm the one with the most work, so just take a deep breath. Nerves won't help us tonight."

Letting her enter the elevator first, he leaned against the wall, tucking his hands in his pocket. "I'd suggest taking a shot, but since you distain liquid courage I don't think it would be a good idea." The light ding ended his words as the doors opened to the lobby.

The two exited the Dakota, and the valet stood in front of the tinted SUV, with the keys in hand. Galahad slid into the back seat, and watched as Lyra did her things. Once she was inside, he spoke. "GPS will take you there, but I have a feeling this will be your first time driving on the right side of the road.."

Agent Bors "The Younger"
Location: Colosseum, Rome, Italy
Interactions: DatGuyWelbz DatGuyWelbz PortugalTM PortugalTM GhastlySquash GhastlySquash

Crisanto Iker was a man at home in his element. Tall, with dusty blonde hair and tan skin nearly the same shade as his eyes, it was easy to see how he charmed his ways into business deals. He was attractive, and Adair found herself all the more cautious for it. (Not that she'd let it show; the mask was in place, and it wouldn't be removed until Rome was far behind her.) It was a known fact, after all, that true villains rarely looked the part. The truth in her field of work was a simple one: the more perfect a person appeared to be, the more likely it was that danger lurked beneath his/her skin. She herself was a prime example of this, her face and feigned charm but mere weapons in her arsenal. Many were the people she'd led astray; Iker would be nothing more than another tally to add to her mark.

She was dressed in a floor length silver gown, long hair - dyed red earlier that morning - swept into a tight bun atop her head. Her guise was that of Victoria Haugen, the only daughter and sole heiress to a Scandinavian bank owner charged with attending the gala in her father's place. Rich, cultured, proud - she was the embodiment of wealth, airy tones and Scandinavian accent wrapping around her voice like silk. Her actions were demure, her smiles coy. All traces of Adair Meier, German agent and member of The Knights, had been swept away.

The Colosseum was alive with people. String lights wrapped around columns and hung from above, the wait staff drifted in and out of the crowd, and an instrumental band charged the space with soft notes and vibrant refrains. It was an impressive gathering, filled to the brim with members of the world's elite and powerful, though one couldn't help but note the setting as bizarre.

A hand brushing along the small of her back pulled Adair from her musings, and she glanced up to find the dark gold of Iker's eyes locked upon her own. "A drink my lady?" His voice was smooth velvet; dangerous. The type that promised things she didn't care to know. "One for you and -" his eyes cut over to Lancelot, tightened at the edges "- your friend?"

"Please," she murmured, taking the flute from his hands and peering at the waiter through her lashes. Ector, undercover as planned, was performing well in his role; she only hoped the rest of the night proved as fruitful.
Lyra Mackenzie/ Agent Percival
Galahad's apartment - car
Carefully hoisting her bag of explosives onto her shoulder, Lyra followed Galahad to the elevator, and almost froze, her eyes wide with shock as she was consoled. From the short time she had known him, she certainly hadn't expected it - but all the same it made her check herself, as she calmed down with a deep breath. "Sorry. But I'm a worrier, unfortunately...", she rolled her eyes at his comment on alcohol, it would probably just make her worse, and she wouldn't dream of drinking on the job.
Loading up her bag under her seat so it was hidden but within reach, she did one more check before hopping into the drivers seat. "Of course not, I've driven plenty on the right. I'm trained to be comfortable with either side.", she fired up the sat nav, and started to drive.
"Go over our covers with me again? Well, go over everything with me again. Just in case.", she wanted to make extra sure that she had every detail down, even the insignificant ones, and make absolutely sure everything was set to go smoothly. Of course, everything being set to go well didn't mean it would.
ReverseTex ReverseTex
Agent Galahad
Location: Galahad's Apartment- Car
Interactions: Percival, Bors FrostFire FrostFire
PeanutLemur PeanutLemur

Galahad eased himself into the charcoal leather seats, and pulled out his phone. Scrolling through his contacts he spoke. "I'm Russian millionaire Vladimir Calloway. Inherited old money and paved my way in the underworld. Now i'm looking into weaponry for a couie in Moscow." Clicking on the Bor's contacthe continued. "Your my driver. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't speak, don't make eye contact. Buyers get suspicious when lower levels do that. Just let me do the talking."

With that said, he focused on his phone and wrote.
How's Rome? Bet it's quite splendid at night. I'm guessing your trying to woo your way into the targets good graces? Now i'm quite bored in the car so if you would please indulge me for at the most 10 minutes.

Clicking send, Galahad looked back up at the road. "I hate to be a backseat driver, but there's a red light coming up. "

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