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Fantasy The Knights and the Dragon Brothers - CLOSED

CactusWren CactusWren

"You sure we shouldn't help with what's up there?" Ragnfridr said as the commotion was still going on above them, which no doubt piqued her interest. But she continued with Yago anyway. " To start with, what is the trouble you are in and do you know the solution to it? Can you also tell me a bit about everyone too?"

(Sorry for the short post. And how does Yago look like?)
Osthavula Osthavula
Yago shook his head, going back to his book.

Well, I mean, if we don't know how to solve it we might have to ask you for help... a guy kind of flew out of our mirror. I mean we should have seen it coming, it is enchanted...

He sighed and took the book back. He took a while thinking about what to write on the page, carefully choosing his words.

We got cursed ten years ago, and now we can't leave our tower because of it. The only way we can ever hope to break the curse is to bargain with the witch who cast the spell on us to lift it. Or kill her, but our friend Yoshi was telling us a witch's ghost has a bad habit of haunting you pretty badly.

Yoshi gave us a list of items to summon the witch, but in order for it to work we need her name. We're searching for someone who's willing to come with us and search for the items; apparently they're scattered all over the land...

There are six of us. From eldest to youngest, it's Daiki, Mitch, Jiro, me, Kev and Zayn. No idea about the other guy, but I can safely assume he isn't cursed like the rest of us...
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CactusWren CactusWren animegirl20 animegirl20

“Thanks… that will do…” Pari said and separated from the other two as soon as the stable was in sight. “This is what I needed the most…” She said as left Pride in care of a horse-boy. Then she returned quickly to join the rest in the inn.

The place was airless and cozy but Pari was fine with it as long as it was safe and it seemed like the purple man was so comfortable there then she trusted him and rested at ease. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Jiro… it sounds like your given name… should I call you Jiro without titles?” She asked. “You may call me Pari, of course… I’m not sure about using my family name everywhere yet… not until I reach my goal…” She added then faced the younger girl. It was her turn to introduce herself.
Odette looked at the man who appeared next to the two girls and she looked at him for a moment. He looked familiar but she couldn't place the name. She followed him as he lead the way. Though he managed to walk into a bra which was pretty funny. She held in her laugh. She glanced at the woman next to her. Apparently her name was a knight and had two names. Since her other name was Pete she imaged that she dressed as a boy. Wasn't a bad idea honestly she sort of wished she had thought of that. She was just about to introduce her self to Pari but then they arrived at the Inn. Once they sat down the Man who introduced himself as Jiro asked Odette her name. "I'm Odette......" She looked at Jiro for a moment. "Haven't I seen you some where before...I think I've heard your name to...." She then turned to Pari. "Hey doesn't that dress get in the way of fighting?" Odette didn't really dress what people would consider appropriate cause it was to hard for her to fight like that. The clothes she worse now were easier for her to move in.
CactusWren CactusWren
MJ ._. MJ ._.
MJ ._. MJ ._. animegirl20 animegirl20

"Yes," Jiro said, leaning forward slightly as he addressed Odette, "You may have seen me doing a few odd chores here and there, around the kingdom... as well as my brothers. We all support each other in our effort to make a living, but thankfully I didn't have anything to do today."

The barkeeper returned with three plates of steaming slices of rhubarb pie, only leaving to fetch their cold mugs of buttermilk. Jiro counted the few coins he had and handed them to the barkeeper.

He went back to Pari. "You were speaking of a song, dear? Of an adventure? Is there anything I can help you on your quest?"
CactusWren CactusWren The DoomyFish The DoomyFish

Ragnfridr listened attentively, her hair bangs casted shadow on her face when she lower her head in thoughts. If it was possible she wanted to avoid having to kill the witch. Brynhildr, being someone powerful, absolutely refused to talk about that witch and strongly oppose to her being in contact. It indicated that either that witch was trouble, or way too powerful to deal with. That and he was right, a ghost of witch is no joke, especially one who already posessed ill intentions. Hence unless they are close friends, a witch knew not to disturb the home of the passed witch, and worst of all disturb a witch's grave. Killing a powerful witch is almost a guarantee of some terrible punishment.

He gave her enough information to ponder, and she thought what she should address next. As curious as she was towards their 'friend' Yoshi, she thought that could be explained later. The next important thing ...

"Why did you get cursed in the first place, do you know?"

"And does that guy upstairs appear hostile?" She pointed up. "Enchanted mirror that let others to cross could mean it was connected to another. It could lead anywhere. There were old records of people coming from mirrors, and they spoke of...... things that were not from this world that we know off. There were many other anchanted mirrors too, as mirror being a good medium for a lot of spells and rituals. "

Brynhildr did not let her perform rituals with mirrors, actually. She was taught that tampering with a mirror could lead to many possibilities that it could become dangrous.

"You should know whether he was followed." She continued, finger pressing her lips, "And cover the mirror before anything happens. "
Osthavula Osthavula
No, he isn't hostile... he's more confused if anything...

Yago clenched his fists slightly at the question, and slowly relaxed them. He slowly wrote something down on the book, fingers clenching the charcoal pencil as it scratched against the page. It felt like ages to him, even if it was probably a few minutes. He and his brothers knew the story since it began; this was probably the second time in his life he had ever shared it... and the first time in a book. He let out a quiet breath and then handed it back to her.

A long time ago, my brothers and I lived in an orphanage. We are not related. A kind old woman visited us one day and adopted all of us, inviting us to live with her. She was barren, unable to have a child of her own... We would be her sons.

She took us to the Kingdom of Teriah. She brought us to the palace. Imagine our surprise when we found out that we were adopted by the Queen herself. She declared Daiki the heir to the throne, in front of the entire Kingdom, and then pronounced us as part of the royal family.

I don't know why the King hated us. Maybe he didn't like that we weren't his 'real' children. Maybe he thought we were stealing her love away from him? I don't know. But before she passed away she asked our Fairy Godmother to protect us. To this day I don't know what she did, but the King retaliated by paying a witch to put a curse on us, ten years ago. Leaving this tower means certain death.

There's an amnesiac spell on the kingdom too, I think. Nobody seems to remember us, and nobody seems to want to help us. We really need all the assistance we can get.
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CactusWren CactusWren

What he wrote surprised her, certainly. But on her face there was no hint that she was. Knowing they were orphans triggered some faint emotions in her. She too knew the feeling of being orphaned, and knew how important was a place to belong. Fortune smiled upon her, for Brynhildr acted cold, but she was a caring guardian and a brilliant mentor. She couldn't bear to picture losing Brynhildr, the person who took her in care, nor could she picture being in a place with someone who wished you death.

She knew the king, as do everyone in this city. He housed himself in his castle, only his knights could see him directly. She may not know the king's personality nor his life story, but she did know he allowed the knights to abuse their power, and certainly wouldn't care about two quiet witches in the city. And now, a fairy godmother...... She may have heard of a wanted fairy. Brynhildr mentioned fairies can be quite skilled in magic.

But it wasn't good to be over sympathetic, nor did she wish to needlessly pity the prince. Ragnfridr decided she should think as rational as possible, though she took longer to return the book, and was awfully silence for some moment. When she spoke, her voice almost trembled at the first word. Almost.

"I have a charm against the amnesiac spells, so it was not impossible to combat it. I remembered it as a higher level spell, and it will take me a day or two to replicate another one. " She knew Brynhildr could make it much faster, but also knew she would refuse to be involved any further. " Did you find other asistance? I saw footprints on the way here, a lot of them. Mostly armoured prints, and some does return. "
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Osthavula Osthavula
Yago started helping himself to some cheese and crackers while she read over what he wrote, chewing contemplatively before perking up at her response.

Actually we have a witch friend named Yoshi. She has a couple of enchanted thingamabobs we can offer, I think... some necklaces, earrings, that kind of thing. She also isn't stingy with her items, so I doubt she'll have an issue giving it to you...
He hesitated while the conversations were still ensuing upstairs. He held up a finger, scribbled a quick, Be right back. and went up the steps, leaving the witch alone.

"Who was that?" Zayn asked, folding his arms. "Girl scout?"

Yago stared at him dryly and grabbed the book he had been reading prior before going back down.

He opened the tome to where he had left the leather bookmark and opened it to the pages containing the list of twelve ingredients.

This is the stuff that we need, he wrote in a clean page.

Written in small, neat cursive, someone had written:
TO SUMMON THE WITCH, these items must be collected and boiled inside a kettle of choice (preferably a cauldron), and after such, the chant along with the witch's name to be summoned (check page 74)

-Fur from the red fire rat
-A lock of golden elf's hair
-A sweet button
-The Queen's tears
-A peppermint branch
-2 magic beans
-A drop of nymph's blood
-A piece of forbidden fruit
-The hair from a pig's chin
-A mermaid's scale
-A string of straw gold
-A chunk of enchanted pumpkin
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CactusWren CactusWren

With a single glance, Ragnfridr was stunned. "I can't do this alone." She said, again with her finger pressing her lips. "I'd love to, but we need a group if I wish to return safely. And where can I meet your friend Yoshi? It would be nice if there is euipments for potions too. Even a carved charm would do, as long as it doesn't break. Gems are stronger in terms of effect, metal are more enduring..."

"Perhaps it is better if I copy it into my tome too. Do you have a table I can use?"

She didn't pull her eyes away from the list, and was half drown in thoughts. From Yago's view, her silver hair blocked most of her face, only her saphire blue eye staring blankly.
Osthavula Osthavula

She lives in the swamp east of here, but... Yago hesitated as he wrote the next line, It would be better if one of us went with you. We know the trail that has the most sunlight; it gets dark the further in the forest you go... We have these creatures called Leopardbats, which are these huge, ferocious cats that consume human flesh. They're really dangerous; Zayn, who's the strongest of all of us, struggles taking down only one of them.

He glanced out the window.

Unfortunately none of us can go with you right now... our brother, Jiro, has a necklace that'll let one of us go outside, but he's still at the market right now, I think...
CactusWren CactusWren

A necklace that allow them to go outside
, he said. That pulled Ragnfridr's attention back, and she spoke a little faster. "A charmed necklace that can combat a death curse? That's powerful and complicated as it can be. Can I see it later? And that explains how you get supplies too. "

"I can somewhat deal with leopardbats in small amounts, but if it is too far, maybe I'll just get something.... Do you have gem? Or metal charm? I can think of something if you do. Actually, before all that we need to find more people, since you can't come as a group. Hmm."

So many things to do, and so much to prepare. For some reason Ragnfridr felt she wouldn't have a lot of time.
Osthavula Osthavula

Yago was surprised by what Ragnfridr said about the necklace and scratched his cheek hesitantly, realizing what he had been implicating this whole time. To answer her question, he wrote, We might have something upstairs, but, uh... can I show you something?

He gently tugged her sleeve to indicate he wanted her to follow him, and then led her to the front door. He let out a small breath before pulling the glove off his hand and stretching his palm out in front of her, and then slowly held it outside.

Distinct cracking sounds came from his hand the moment it touched the outer vicinity of the tower. Flesh melted and hardened, gleaming in the sunlight as scales. Bones snapped and thinned and curled as his fingers became claws, but by the look of his face there was no pain aside from the disgusting sounds his hand and arm was making.

Outstretched was a dragon's paw, connected to his shoulder.

Dragons were considered a worldwide threat in this land; they polished off cattle, slaughtered civilians, destroyed villages. As soon as one is spotted, it must be put to death... immediately.

This curse was a death sentence in itself. If the men so much as stepped outside, their lives were on the line.

Yago pulled his hand back inside the tower, and his scales instantly fell off. It was a human hand again. He timidly tugged the glove back on, and rubbed his neck, waiting for her reaction.
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CactusWren CactusWren animegirl20 animegirl20

“Odette… it’s a beautiful name! My eldest sister’s name is Annette and I always wished to have a name like hers… but seems that my father wanted me to become a charming girl therefore named me Pari but in the end I turned out to be the exact opposite…” Pari said as Odette introduced herself. That girl questioned about her dress and she smiled meaningfully. “It’s way more comfortable than my armor suit.” She answered then bent toward her and whispered in her ear: “And I can plenty handy gadgets under my skirt!” She leaned back and added casually. “Also, although it’s not made of leather and metal, it still protects me in many ways. For example I won’t be too worried about mosquitoes!” She added and winked at Odette.

"You may have seen me doing a few odd chores here and there, around the kingdom... as well as my brothers. We all support each other in our effort to make a living, but thankfully I didn't have anything to do today." Jiro said. He made Pari dive in her thoughts, wondering what kind of deeds a bunch of brothers would do and she imagined all of them having purple hair, popping here and there doing irrelevant errands.

The barkeeper returned with three plates of steaming slices of rhubarb pie, only leaving to fetch their cold mugs of buttermilk. Jiro counted the few coins he had and handed them to the barkeeper. “So we are your guests? So generous! Thank you, Mister.” She told Jiro as soon as the barkeeper left. "You were speaking of a song, dear? Of an adventure? Is there anything I can help you on your quest?" The man went straight to the main point. “Of course. Everything began with that song…” She replied and sat straight. “I don’t know why I’m trusting you about it. Maybe because I’ve decided to trust my fate during this journey that has been started by counting on it; fate, destiny…” She said then took a deep breath and leaned forward to talk to the other two in low tone. “Here is the song. I’ll sing it to you and you’ll give me your idea. The details behind it can wait for after. Now listen;

O' the sun
O' the light
O' the wind blow away
Fog that is on the hill
Where they were snatched away

Out of luck
They were doomed
God knows why she took away
All the sons of crown
Cursed them, locked them far away

No one sees
No one hears
Of a path to a tower
Under curse of a witch
No one dares to call her name

She whispered the song then sat back and asked: “So… have you heard something like this before?”
animegirl20 animegirl20 MJ ._. MJ ._.
Jiro's eyes widened as he leaned back against his chair, contemplative. "...Hm."

He wondered if Kev wrote that song... no, they would have heard it at that point. He sighed and poked his fork into the freshly baked slice of pie. He was surprised that the song was unforgotten, but it was certainly vague enough to be able to float around without anyone knowing it was about. For another moment, he wondered if their fairy godmother had anything to do with it...

He made a one-sided shrug before giving up. "Yes. There's a tower in the middle of Castoice Forest... there's some princes there that are held under a spell. If you'd like, I can certainly--"

Shrill screams of terror filled the air from outside the inn. Odette would be able to recognize many of the voices from the men of her battalion, the knights of the kingdom yelling against the loudest roar that made the glasses tremble on the pub's counter. A woman sprinted inside, red-faced, caked with dirt and streaked with sweat as the keeper tried to get information out of her.

"D-- Dragon!" she shrieked, wringing her hands. "You've got to hide me!!"

The dragon continued to roar, moaning in the air, thrashing through the dirt and crumbling buildings beneath its powerful body. Before Jiro could say anything more, the noises stopped, and suddenly there was a heavy, sickening thump that made the surrounding structures shiver.

The silence was instantly subsided with cries of applause and triumph. "We slew the dragon!"

Jiro's face turned completely white. "...No. No, no, no!" Without warning he jumped out of his seat, knocking the chair to the floor as he scrambled to the door and ran outside.
“And I can plenty handy gadgets under my skirt!” She leaned back and added casually. “Also, although it’s not made of leather and metal, it still protects me in many ways. For example I won’t be too worried about mosquitoes!” She added and winked at Odette.

"Yeah? Wish I had thought of that." That would of made somethings easier but she would stick with her clothes she had gotten pretty use to them. She leaned as Pari sang them the song a listened carefully. It sounded like princess were stolen from the sound of it but she could be wrong.

"Yes. There's a tower in the middle of Castoice Forest... there's some princes there that are held under a spell. If you'd like, I can certainly--"

Odette looked at him in surprised when he mentioned there were princesses under a spell. "Wait there are??" He was just about to say something else but people outside started screaming about there being a dragon. Odette stood up from her seat. "A dragon?!" She ran to look outside. She saw the great beast but she also saw it get slain and of course the guy that slew it was he knight from earlier. "Figures..." She looked in surprise as Jiro, who had went pale, run past her. "Jiro?" She then looked inside the In. "Hey Pari what's up with him?"
MJ ._. MJ ._.
CactusWren CactusWren
CactusWren CactusWren

Ragnfridr could barely refrain herself from excitment and interest. She almost had the impulse of taking his arm and inspect it, but could stop her hand from further lifting. "This is..." She said, calming herself in the process. "I can see how this is most troublesome. It was a rare spell, and there were interesting theories back in the day that this was how dragon came to be, at least the one that was said to be wise... I'm sorry, I... uh...."

She didn't know if that was the thing he wished to hear. The young witch panicked under her skin, and looked straight into his eyes, hoping to prove her sincerity. "I'm sorry if I said anything rude. And I'm sorry, I know what this means. The crowd hadn't been friendly to dragons and their related kinds... Oh, I see. The necklace was to combat a transforming spell. Still, it's rare..."

At last, she chuckled lightly at how shaken she was. "I do hope you forgive me, Yago. I'm not usually like this."
CactusWren CactusWren animegirl20 animegirl20
Pari clapped her hands happily. “I knew it! My father told me I must be a real fool to chase after a lyric heard from a drunkard… but I had this feeling in my heart that God had sent me a message through that rotten old man… and now see, father? I was right… and considering that the first man I met in the citadel knows of my mission… this is the destiny I was talking about…” She sprang to her feet excitedly to ask Jiro to take them to the tower but was cut by panicked screams coming from outside. A woman burst in and asked for shelter talking about a dragon. Pari put her hand on hilt of her sword, ready to get in action but in no time they heard that the dragon was done. Suddenly Jiro paled and practically jumped out of his seat to run out. She ran after the man immediately, feeling that something horrible might be awaiting them. The left the inn and she stopped beside Odette, still having her eyes locked on Jiro.

"Hey Pari what's up with him?" Odette asked. She sounded as confused as her. “No idea… but he must be afraid of something… like… the dragon shouldn’t be slain?” Pari replied then gasped. “These knights are from your unit, right? Can you stop them from cutting the creature? I need the check it on… dragons can’t be killed as quickly as this…” She suggested.
"Yeah they are....and yeah I can give it a shot. Might as well I'm already going to get a ear full later." She said mumbling to herself as she walked off towards the knights. Just as the knight was about stick his sword into the dragon Odette quickly took out one of her's and jumped infront of the fallen dragon and blocked his sword. The knight step back and then gave her an angry look. "Get out of the way Odette." Odette took out her other sword. "Sorry but I'm afraid I can not allow anymore danger come to this dragon. A friend of mine here wants to take a look at it." The knight growled and pointed her sword at her. "I don't care what this girl wants. You realize the deep shit your going to be in later right? Why don't you just move out of the way huh? And maybe it won't be so bad." Odette just smirked and said in flirty but taunting voice. "Make me"
MJ ._. MJ ._.
CactusWren CactusWren
animegirl20 animegirl20 MJ ._. MJ ._.
The black dragon was already limp, motionless. Its eyes were dull of life.

Jiro was struggling to catch his breath as he stared at the fallen creature, shaking his head and breaking into a cold sweat. Its midnight-colored scales were stained with blood from the fight, covered in dust from the ground. It was clothed in puncture marks and numerous wounds, and for a second Jiro thought he was going to lose his lunch. "...Oh my god, please, please don't let it be..."

He couldn't look at it. Even as the female knights were drawing near it, he had to turn and run in the direction of Castoice Forest, pleading that it was another dragon. Anything but him.
Osthavula Osthavula
Yago had a rather dry expression on his face, but it wasn't like he could comment on the matter. Instead he sighed and took his book back, scribbling on it, You said you wanted to copy the list of ingredients in your book, right? I'll take you to our dining table so it'll be easier to do so...

He pulled the chair for the young witch just as Daiki came down the stairs, curious from Yago's absence. He blinked at Ragnfridr and then looked at Yago, butterfly-like wings fluttering, flustered. "What is going on here?"

Yago drew a down arrow in his book with the word "WITCH" and held it above Ragnfridr's head.

Daiki folded his arms. "Witch?" he repeated.
Just as the Knight was about to come towards her he stopped, he seemed to be staring at something behind her. She turned to see Jiro looking at the dragon which seemed to had already gone limp. "Jiro?" She put her swords away and walked towards him but before she could touch his shoulder he ran off into the forest. She then took off after him curious to just what the heck was happening.
MJ ._. MJ ._.
CactusWren CactusWren
CactusWren CactusWren animegirl20 animegirl20

Pari examined dragon’s head checking every nuke and cranny. She even poked its eye. “Let them be, Odette. This one has already gone.” She said then smiled coldly at Knights. “Sorry, Misters. You can have its heart first… only if you know what to do with it.” She told them then ran to Jiro and held him by shoulders to stop him. “Please forgive me, man. But you need it…” She suddenly slapped him hard leaving red marks on his cheek. “Now get a hold of yourself and tell us what’s wrong with you. That cadaver lying there isn’t more than a mere beast. It isn’t even one of those talkative dragons.” She said.
MJ ._. MJ ._. animegirl20 animegirl20
Jiro had a stunned look on his face, his glasses having fallen off from the impact of the slap. He blinked and then shoved her off of him. "No, you don't understand. A mere beast?! You said he was gone?! Oh my god."

He stared off dazed before immediately scrambling back to his feet. He started running in the direction of the forest again, this time too far gone for them to grab him, but close enough to still follow him. He was not going to let them impede his desperate journey back to the tower, to make sure his brothers were alright.

He was almost blind without his glasses, but he knew the route by heart. Jumping over logs, swerving around bushes, ducking under trees. He felt the thick gravel soften into grass and he knew he was almost home.
Pari just let the prey flee. If he hadn't answered her once he wouldn't no matter how many times she stopped him. "Serves me right; the one who follows a drunken song should chase after a loony man after... and my dear Pride is still in the stable..." She grunted as chased after Jiro only because she didn't want to one man who knew about the tower disappears from her sight.
CactusWren CactusWren animegirl20 animegirl20

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