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Fantasy The kingdom of Life and Death

Kyubi said:
So guys I had to rewrite this a lot for mutuiple reasons so sorry if there is any mistakes which seeped for the gaps of my tired rewritingness.( I use proper words)
Majestic Falme Bird as the GM you can change anything I wirte but please try to keep my precious Chubi pleeeease *gives cake with a cherry on top whilst boring into the birds soul with pleeding, innocent eyes forcing you into submission* I hope.

Name: Jenna Vay (she writes her name as Gemma Vaa because of her lack of formal education)


Appearance: Just remove any of the hair accessorys (This drawing isn't mine I found it on google. Acknowlements at the bottom)


Side: "I am not a spy of life! I am a spy of peace between you two idiots!" Right now she is infultring Elora. Porably gonna be captured by Moon Shadow or someone else.

Occupation: She's a mercenary when she really needs money otherwise she's okay doing any part time job whilst being the founding member of the tiny and unelite W.P.S. (World Peace Seekers).

Gender: IC "She is male Hahaha, okay it's not funny" hides in a dusty conner *cough* OOC (her humour can be crap)

Bio: She grew up In a small militaristic camp of a faction different from Life and Death (unless life and death are the only militaristic factions) which got totally and untterly obliterated minus her and her 'imaginary' pet who, were unconscious in a cell for a crime Jenna didn't commit.

(They were belived dead by the attackers, who were in a rush,)

This fox, Chubi, is real

it's just invisible and inhearble to every one except Jenna and is extremely week.

Now this fox's ability to turn a revenge inspiring situation to a situation which inspires people to go on IC "a quest to spread world peace thourgh out the world peacefully!" Raises Nunckuku OOC is the reason she founded the W.P.S.

Now Chubi is a spirit who has a psychic link with Jenna which weakens with distance and magical (or what ever powers the godesses. It could be chi or chakara) influence so when at least one of them is near a powerful entity their psychic link is teporaily weakened. This dose give them the ability to 'sense' strong 'magic' though they weakened because of it.

Now Jenna can 'sense' people since Chubi can scout ahead look around (as a spirt, the fox can fly and move though soild objects) and report back to Jenna thourgh their psychic link. This dose have limits as she can only 'sense' were Chubi is, can only 'sense' things Chubi can see (the fox dose have better sight the most humans) and Jenna gets headaches if a)she has to psychicly report back b)she've been using the link for two long or c)Chubi is more then a mile away and the fox risks death that far away from Jenna.

Now Chubi can move stuff but since he is so weak he can only perfome feats like getting dust in someone's eyes and that tires him. Though he is stronger when he is colser to Jenna.

I think these 'powers' are fair considering that Moon Shadow has Kage Bushin no Jutsu and technically her only power is the psychic link.

I've skipped some of her history because this already excessively long an it would be cool to reveal that in character.

Thanks for reading my rambling post. Were Google links the picture

(Click Here)
Accepted and if you don't live in Elora or Soman you live in one of the towns of Manscia, which is a town of people who don't live in either. It is made up of 3 small towns not that far from echother. One is more north, one is more east and one is more west but they are still close together
[QUOTE="Phoenix Dixon]Accepted and if you don't live in Elora or Soman you live in one of the towns of Manscia, which is a town of people who don't live in either. It is made up of 3 small towns not that far from echother. One is more north, one is more east and one is more west but they are still close together

Thanks I have to do real life stuff now so I can't role play, but thanks again
[QUOTE="Phoenix Dixon]Accepted and if you don't live in Elora or Soman you live in one of the towns of Manscia, which is a town of people who don't live in either. It is made up of 3 small towns not that far from echother. One is more north, one is more east and one is more west but they are still close together

Ummmm, I choose you North-a-mon!
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  • Name:




    Side: (Life or Death or Neither)


Lilliana said:

  • Name:




    Side: (Life or Death or Neither)


Sign up sheet

Name: Cordilia

Age: unknown

Appearance: (anime please)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c555f3193_ScreenShot2015-10-27at8.41.20am.png.da95b4993233d3553d8ccda6dd7cab7c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82377" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c555f3193_ScreenShot2015-10-27at8.41.20am.png.da95b4993233d3553d8ccda6dd7cab7c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Side: Life

Occupation: Queen of Life

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Bio: (Already in the RP)



  • Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 8.41.20 am.png
    Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 8.41.20 am.png
    259.1 KB · Views: 47
[QUOTE="Phoenix Dixon]Sign up sheet
Name: Cordilia

Age: unknown

Appearance: (anime please)View attachment 185697

Side: Life

Occupation: Queen of Life

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Bio: (Already in the RP)

I accept myself

Thank you!! May i start?
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Name: Raylen Verkal

Age: 21


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-27_17-39-53.jpeg.851caf7319fbdf6e30ff8daec1985a09.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82415" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/upload_2015-10-27_17-39-53.jpeg.851caf7319fbdf6e30ff8daec1985a09.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Side: Neither

Occupation: Once a Pirate now a thief and an assassin.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Bio: Raylen is a son of an infamous pirate he learned thievery and tricks from his mother and fencing from his father. His father and his crew tried to avoid other pirates and bounty hunters for the sake of his family until a group of bounty hunters ambushed his ship Raylen saw everything and he's the only one that escaped he promised that he will kill the bounty hunters to avenge his parent's death. 1 year after he learned assassination hoping that he would find and kill the murderers of his parents.



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Alternated said:
Name: Raylen Verkal
Age: 21


View attachment 185773

Side: Neither

Occupation: Once a Pirate now a thief and an assassin.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Bio: Raylen is a son of an infamous pirate he learned thievery and tricks from his mother and fencing from his father. His father and his crew tried to avoid other pirates and bounty hunters for the sake of his family until a group of bounty hunters ambushed his ship Raylen saw everything and he's the only one that escaped he promised that he will kill the bounty hunters to avenge his parent's death. 1 year after he learned assassination hoping that he would find and kill the murderers of his parents.

Sign up sheet


Charley Naux



Appearance: (anime please)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.d9beccda034d8d9a9eb7c8792b404157.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82864" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.d9beccda034d8d9a9eb7c8792b404157.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Side: (Life or Death or Neither)


Occupation: (Please put one down, villiger, quard ect.)





Unknown (straight)


Charley was the daughter of a Necromancer who lived under Deaths rule. He did as the queen wished but messed up once on a mission and his life was taken from his only daughter. Charley was aalone then, only five. She practiced her powers by learning from her fathers hundreds of books on them, hand written by him. She eventually learned how to animate her stuffed toys, turning them real yet they couldn't die unless she did, but only if she was decapitated.

She named them Bean, Slice, and Chomp (in that order in the picture). They've been her best friends, although they couldn't talk, they could still attack and kill, doing her bidding because they wanted to, because she was their best friend. She takes care of them and loves them as if they were flesh and blood. Charley wanders around now, occasionally getting lost and finding herself in trouble. She's had to learn how to properly defend herself because of those incidents.

Her weapon is her fathers sword, hidden inside her walking stick with a skull on the handle. Aalthough the sword may look flimsy, it's made from enchanted steel, making it breakable.​



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Kyubi said:
So guys I had to rewrite this a lot for mutuiple reasons so sorry if there is any mistakes which seeped for the gaps of my tired rewritingness.( I use proper words)
Majestic Falme Bird as the GM you can change anything I wirte but please try to keep my precious Chubi pleeeease *gives cake with a cherry on top whilst boring into the birds soul with pleeding, innocent eyes forcing you into submission* I hope.

Name: Jenna Vay (she writes her name as Gemma Vaa because of her lack of formal education)


Appearance: Just remove any of the hair accessorys (This drawing isn't mine I found it on google. Acknowlements at the bottom)


Side: "I am not a spy of life! I am a spy of peace between you two idiots!" Right now she is infultring Elora. Porably gonna be captured by Moon Shadow or someone else.

Occupation: She's a mercenary when she really needs money otherwise she's okay doing any part time job whilst being the founding member of the tiny and unelite W.P.S. (World Peace Seekers).

Gender: IC "She is male Hahaha, okay it's not funny" hides in a dusty conner *cough* OOC (her humour can be crap)

Bio: She grew up In a small militaristic camp of a faction different from Life and Death (unless life and death are the only militaristic factions) which got totally and untterly obliterated minus her and her 'imaginary' pet who, were unconscious in a cell for a crime Jenna didn't commit.

(They were belived dead by the attackers, who were in a rush,)

This fox, Chubi, is real

it's just invisible and inhearble to every one except Jenna and is extremely week.

Now this fox's ability to turn a revenge inspiring situation to a situation which inspires people to go on IC "a quest to spread world peace thourgh out the world peacefully!" Raises Nunckuku OOC is the reason she founded the W.P.S.

Now Chubi is a spirit who has a psychic link with Jenna which weakens with distance and magical (or what ever powers the godesses. It could be chi or chakara) influence so when at least one of them is near a powerful entity their psychic link is teporaily weakened. This dose give them the ability to 'sense' strong 'magic' though they weakened because of it.

Now Jenna can 'sense' people since Chubi can scout ahead look around (as a spirt, the fox can fly and move though soild objects) and report back to Jenna thourgh their psychic link. This dose have limits as she can only 'sense' were Chubi is, can only 'sense' things Chubi can see (the fox dose have better sight the most humans) and Jenna gets headaches if a)she has to psychicly report back b)she've been using the link for two long or c)Chubi is more then a mile away and the fox risks death that far away from Jenna.

Now Chubi can move stuff but since he is so weak he can only perfome feats like getting dust in someone's eyes and that tires him. Though he is stronger when he is colser to Jenna.

I think these 'powers' are fair considering that Moon Shadow has Kage Bushin no Jutsu and technically her only power is the psychic link.

I've skipped some of her history because this already excessively long an it would be cool to reveal that in character.

Thanks for reading my rambling post. Were Google links the picture

(Click Here)
Moon shadow has shadow manipulation
SenpaiMagnum said:

Sign up sheet


Charley Naux



Appearance: (anime please)

View attachment 186869

Side: (Life or Death or Neither)


Occupation: (Please put one down, villiger, quard ect.)





Unknown (straight)


Charley was the daughter of a Necromancer who lived under Deaths rule. He did as the queen wished but messed up once on a mission and his life was taken from his only daughter. Charley was aalone then, only five. She practiced her powers by learning from her fathers hundreds of books on them, hand written by him. She eventually learned how to animate her stuffed toys, turning them real yet they couldn't die unless she did, but only if she was decapitated.

She named them Bean, Slice, and Chomp (in that order in the picture). They've been her best friends, although they couldn't talk, they could still attack and kill, doing her bidding because they wanted to, because she was their best friend. She takes care of them and loves them as if they were flesh and blood. Charley wanders around now, occasionally getting lost and finding herself in trouble. She's had to learn how to properly defend herself because of those incidents.

Her weapon is her fathers sword, hidden inside her walking stick with a skull on the handle. Aalthough the sword may look flimsy, it's made from enchanted steel, making it breakable.​
Accepted but could you maybe have found the animated stuffed toys instead of using magic to animate them please xD thanx
GeoStone said:
Moon shadow has shadow manipulation
Yes and you made a shadow clone.

Okay so the reason Jenna is like that is because I took her from something else. This was my first roleplay.
Sign up sheet

Name: Cherry

Age: 17

Appearance: (anime please)

Side: (Life or Death or Neither) Death

Occupation: (Please put one down, villager, quard ect.) Villager student and DJ musician

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Bio: Unknown, but known to have been born to a wealthy family and hasn't got many friends.
[QUOTE="Summer Dotty]
Sign up sheet
Name: Cherry

Age: 17

Appearance: (anime please)

Side: (Life or Death or Neither) Death

Occupation: (Please put one down, villager, quard ect.) Villager student and DJ musician

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Bio: Unknown, but known to have been born to a wealthy family and hasn't got many friends.


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