The Kingdom of Kirria {Sign-ups/OOC}

@paipai900 That's a great idea, I'll work on that now~ ^^ It would certainly be useful to have a quick reference of everyone's characters. I'll add it to the main thread.

@Kiro Akira Thank you for your patience!~ c:
Mawhahahaha The first post is up! you may post now 
I hope you guyz like it. I thought It would be more interesting to start it off like this.
Name: Cecily Thistle

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Personality: A bit quiet and shy and talks mostly only to Gerard, her brother. She's really attached to her brother, since he's the only family she has, but sometimes he annoys her since he does treat her like a baby sometimes. Cecily also has quite a quick temper if you piss her off.

History: Cecily's parents both died in a house fire when she was 14, leaving her with her brother, Gerard, who was 19 at the time. She doesn't know who killed their parents or why. Since their home was burnt down, they lived with they're cruel uncle. Gerard was a guard, so he taught Cecily how to fight and defend herself if she ever needed to. When Cecily turned 18, she became a guard just like her brother.

Skills/Specialties: Her aim is really good, so she always uses a bow and arrow or throwing knives. But she does know how to use a sword or dagger if she ever needs to. She is also quite stealthy.

Faction: (Arua Manipulator or ShadowMancer) Shadow Mancer

Social Class: (King, queen, prince, princess, guard, commoner, ect.) Guard

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/glamorous-portraits-11_thumb_large.jpg.d8c25a712250e84ae5a2b91efbf27881.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5748" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/glamorous-portraits-11_thumb_large.jpg.d8c25a712250e84ae5a2b91efbf27881.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Without headphones)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/833257-bigthumbnail.jpg.ca2d77a92e1b0a25e7149819d4654c60.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/833257-bigthumbnail.jpg.ca2d77a92e1b0a25e7149819d4654c60.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Gerard Thistle

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Personality: He acts like how he looks :P tough, badass, and fierce. He is really overprotective with his sister, and is a bit of a hot head. Some say he may have anger issues. But he's never mean or yells at his sister. He's gentle to Cecily and softly spoken towards her. She is his only family left, so of course he'd be like this. Basically, his sister is both his weakness and strength.

History: (Same as Cecily except he knows who killed they're parents :o )

Skills/Specialties: He's strong so he's good with big weapons like two handed swords or battle axes. He's good at stealth, but not as good as his nimble sister since he is obviously bigger than her.

Faction: (Arua Manipulator or ShadowMancer) Shadow Mancer

Social Class: (King, queen, prince, princess, guard, commoner, ect.) Guard

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/lastmanstanding.jpg.562f69f0f8b21faf6d128aac48cb1b1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/lastmanstanding.jpg.562f69f0f8b21faf6d128aac48cb1b1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/last_man_standing.jpg.3845e132e65b2aaf1744f72f820fcfb5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5755" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/last_man_standing.jpg.3845e132e65b2aaf1744f72f820fcfb5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@NotKasey They're both accepted, despite the photos being more modern, it's not an issue for me to imagine them in medieval attire~ xP

@Lucem Tenebris Hi Lucem, I'm really happy to hear that!~ <3 Can't wait to have you join. ^^ 
Wow I didn't see Xynia's post. *floats off*

@NotKasey Yes, the link can be found under the banner on the first post~
My character(s) might take awhile. I'm gonna try to get a better feel for this and read the other characters.
Okay go ahead, but I need to shout something first.

HEY @UnholyRedemption Axis is the oldest heir, so you might need to change your status a little bit to like second oldest, but That is about it besides that your perfect. 
I gtg for the night guys, so if I come back on tomorrow and there are like 20 pages of post I need to read I will slap you all then feed you to Jeff and eyeless jack.
I AM FINISHED IZAZIA!! I'll add more to her history later. :3 I hope she's alright. I kind of twisted a few things around to make the RP a bit more complex.
@Lucem Tenebris Take your time, it always takes me about a year to finish my characters, so I got your back xP

@paipai900 Ok, glad I haven't got to her on the Character list yet, so I wouldn't have to go back and change it. ^^
@Kiro Akira It's largely up to you, but an idea, if he's a soldier, is to maybe have him start with a description of him waking up or starting his day to give an idea of how the character lives. (Same could go for royalty.) It could give some backstory on his environment. After that, you could have him go to the castle and interact with the fellow guards and soldiers people have made (perhaps training), maybe even involving some gossip over the stuck up royalty. xP

Again, these are all just suggestions, it's totally up to you. ^^
Wait, so I read Xyn's post and am a little confused. Who was the "firm voice"? Are the Shadowmancers meeting Izazia?
soooo....I'm very confused at what's going to happen. ._. How am I supposed to start? Is the voice just some sort of recording or so? *utterly confused*

*is also confused*

. . .

*raises finger*

I have a solution. . I think. . . What Soulicy was hearing could be a messenger, relaying what the Queen was saying. (I'm not sure Xynia realized you were playing as her-?)

Because I figure Izazia would be far away, in another castle-?
I think that's what happened....? Oh well. *shrugs* Because I don't think the queen would be there to get attacked. ^^"
@paipai900 *pokes and whispers* We'll just roll with it that way, and yes, they haven't made peace so there's no way for her to be over there not being attacked, if she somehow got through the armies standing in the way. . . xD
@Odayaka Inazuma I apoligize for the confusion, I'll ask Xynia to clear up some questions on her post. For now I wouldn't worry too much about it being perfectly accurate, and just have fun with it. ^^

Note: Characters can now be seen more easily on the main thread. I've tagged everyone to make it simple to recognize who made that character. The character list will be updated as new characters are accepted.

I'm going be distracted for the rest of the evening, and my intro will likely not be up until tomorrow afternoon. School starts again for me tomorrow, so I need to be prepared.

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