The Journey: Through What's Left of the World


RIP Doctor Calgori (2012-2017)

Medelsvensson Presents...

A Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Roleplay


  1. Introduction
  2. Gameplay
  3. Character Creation
  4. Game Information and Rules
  5. Pastebin

An Introduction to the World

The island of Habitu lies safe in the middle of The Dome, a large sea that is situated in the absolute center of the continent, surrounded by land. It is said that the island is the only inhabited area in the entire world, but that was not always the case. Today it is the 24106th night of the second fire. 24106 nights since Nio's Wrath, 24106 nights since almost the whole continent was turned into a pile of rubble.

In the top of the Stairway to the Skies, the priests of Habitu through powerful magic and sacrificing their lives, lit the eternal fire. The fire connects Nio (The Sun and Creator of the World) and Oculu (The World) and allows him to channel the fiery spirit through every soul that has embraced his teachings. The fire can not be put out by any living creature, the only one who can, is Nio himself. Every inhabitant of Habitu must worship the fire and is forced to throw expensive gifts into it, no matter how dear they are. It also doesn't matter if they are made of the most precious of metals, they are consumed instantly.

The first fire was an age of war. The Humans of the north fought the elves of the south for over 300 years, millions were slain in the Emperors and Empresses lust for power and domination over the others. But it was on that day, the end of the first fire and the end of Oculu, when Nio couldn't take the pain of the fighting anymore and decided to burn the world to the ground. The priests and their people could see the flames all the way from the island, they rose high in the sky, growing higher and higher, until they came together through the sun, trapping Habitu in The Fire Dome. It was on that day and that day only, that the fire stopped burning. The island was left without a scratch because they had been against the fighting, constantly trying to solve the disputes of the many sides, trying to have them listen to Nio's words.

Soon after, the priests lit the second fire and the new age began.

The Island of Habitu..

..was before Nio's Wrath an independent state of elves, not ruled by any of the Old Empires. The island was not like any place in the rest of the world, it was govorned by priests. In the rest of Oculu, religion was banned, the empires were ruled by emperors, not gods. If they hadn't been at constant war with each other, the empires would have likely crushed the island and slaughtered it's inhabitants for attempting to bring faith to their people. The island gained wealth from being the only island in, what was then called, The Sea. The majority of the world's trade made its way through the island and they taxed it gladly.

After Nio's Wrath, the island went into years of starvation, the people had relied on importing what they needed because of their wealth and now food was running out. But the island survived, managing to make more efficient use of their space, moving buildings up into the trees.


..Had been captured and put in the islands only prison, Carc. Maybe you were put there because you comitted some terrible crime, maybe you were put there because of the fierce political intrigue in the Firesouls (Also commonly known as the "Church of Nio"), or maybe you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. What was your sentence?


Just days before you were to be publicly executed for your crimes, you were offered a deal. For years the Elves of Habitu have wanted to send someone to the mainland, for years they have wanted to know if the world really was over, or if there were still someone out there, but the fear of Nio's wrath had kept them. The choice is yours, die and be forever forgotten, or live and be the first to take..

The Journey: Through What's Left of the World

The Journey: Through What's Left of the World is the start of a Role-playing series I will be doing, hopefully spanning many different players, games, continents, worlds and perhaps universes. The lore of this series will be worked into another piece of world building I have written together with a good friend of mine, which currently doesn't have a name. As stated above, the first game in The Journey series will be a post-apocalyptic fantasy game.

A game where you have been sent away from home, to the haunted wastelands of Oculu and now you, together with a group of strangers, or friends, have to figure out how to survive. But the place that has been deemed the Gateway to the Underworld could also act as the land of opportunity. Is death actually all you find? Or will you start a new life in the wasteland. Will you build a settlement, turn it into a town, a city, a capital? Will you find the source of the blight and try to restore the balance of nature? Will you find other elves? Or maybe other races? Will you fight the demons of the Underworld or will you use you necrotic powers to control them and crush the people who once sent you to this fiery hellhole? Will you fight wars? Will you farm? Will you invent a new alcoholic beverage or will you use your magical powers to bring down Nio from the sky and fight him yourself?

The choice is far from clear, but it's your choice.

  • Freedom: Player freedom combined with a slowly driven main story makes for the perfect role-playing experience. Play the game as you want to play it.
  • A Game For Everyone: Do you like to explore the world, start a business or build an empire? Or do you want to pursue the bad guy and kick his or her ass? Or maybe fight for him, or have him fight for you?
  • Dice Gameplay System For Magic: Magic is dangerous to use, will you succeed in your epic-magic-demon-summoning-satanist-fire-angel ritual or will you be turned into a spellwraith, forever destined to walk the underworld, tortured by the intense soulburn.
  • A Massive Continent to Explore: Hundreds of creatures, ruins, portals, hellscapes, treasures, demons, gods, elves, humans, haunted mansions and magical mutations to find and experience. Also, much, much more.
Character Creation

You will initially make a character concept, this is as long as you want it to be, but must not be the final character. I will review this and approve it and when the prologue is over, you will be asked to finish your character or change what I want you to change.

An Introduction to the Habitu Elves

The Habitu elves are all magical and their magical power grows as long as the fire keeps burning, as more of Nio's spirit finds it's way through theirs. The priests rule on Habitu is absolute, before Nio's Wrath the Firesouls used to run more openly, but the fear of Nio has forced them to stricter means. Habitu Elves are generally quite withdrawn and keep to themselves or their families, they do seldom throw parties or social gatherings and spend most of their time studying, working, practicing magic or generally attempting to acquire wealth. Habitu Elves are very pacifistic, but will fight if there is massive personal gain in it or to defend themselves.

View attachment 1787

A Habitu mission riding through the Sliver Forest.

Character Creation Rules and Character Sheet

  • Magical: All characters must posses some sort of ability to conjure magic, they may be very subtle or extremely "in your face".
  • Origin: Every player's first character must be a Habitu elf. A players second character? That can be discussed.




Appearance: (A written description, include height and weight, picture is optional)

Notice: (Anything you would like to make the participants aware of before we read further, otherwise don't include this entry.)

Professional Career and Educational History: (Include how these experiences have affected your character)

Level of Magical Power: (You can be at whatever level you like, as long as I feel that there is room for character development in this area. Also don't define any spells, these will be designed by me.)

Character Backstory:

You may freely edit the appearance of the sheet, but not change the list items.

[b]Appearance:[/b] (A written description, include height and weight, picture is optional)
[b]Notice:[/b] (Anything you would like to make the participants aware of before we read further, otherwise don't include this entry.)
[b]Professional Career and Educational History:[/b] (Include how these experiences have affected your character)
[list][*](Item One)
[*](Item Two)
[b]Level of Magical Power:[/b] (You can be at whatever level you like, as long as I feel that there is room for character development in this area. Also don't define any spells, these will be designed by me.)
[b]Character Backstory:[/b]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_09/57a8bfbcdef35_HabituElves.jpg.ec6a18a8e56b5d0a0aa62f367dbdb199.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23772" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_09/57a8bfbcdef35_HabituElves.jpg.ec6a18a8e56b5d0a0aa62f367dbdb199.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Habitu Elves.jpg
    Habitu Elves.jpg
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General Information

  • Genre: Free From, Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy.
  • Dice?: Yes, very lightly implemented.
  • Player Control: The Storyteller controls all characters that are not PCs, players can make as many characters as they want, NCCs are also allowed.
  • Thread Structure: Multi-Thread/Traditional Hybrid (A single main thread, static threads for frequently visited locations).
  • Player Amount: A maximum of 20, but the game will start with 4 or more.
  • Posting Length: Everything from a paragraph and more.
  • Posting Frequency: Every three days minimum, unless special conditions apply and I have been informed of what they are.

Game Rules

  • The storyteller has absolute authority over everything.
  • Follow RPdom rules.
  • The storyteller decides the outcome of all actions, if you try to hit someone, you don't write 'I hit him and he dies', you write 'I attempt to hit him'.
  • No God-Modding, obviously.

I would like to dedicate this game to Doctor Calgori, ehmygirl, Captain Hesperus, The Dark Wizard and Pineapple.

Thanks for reading!


Here you will find all of the work I have finished so far, until the game has it's own forum.

View attachment 1786

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_09/OculuMap0.2.jpg.a16dc1c85cd3484639fb505958ba8f38.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23771" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_09/OculuMap0.2.jpg.a16dc1c85cd3484639fb505958ba8f38.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • OculuMap0.2.jpg
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[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Approved and set to awaiting players!
Nice work medel.

[/QUOTE]Thanks and thanks! :)
Nice... Temptation to join a game... rising....

Adaline would be a fit in this universe I think... >_>
Seer said:
Nice... Temptation to join a game... rising....
Adaline would be a fit in this universe I think... >_>
Wow! I thought this wasn't going to happen, if there is additional interest, I'll most certainly start it up.
Not sure if I will be able to mind you... College leaves me a bit drained to do longer posts... But I could try.

Paragraph posts... I do try... But hey if we have freedom of environmental description and everyone has long posts it should be easier than in roleplays where people use shorter posts...

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