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The Island (RP follow up) (closed)

"So are you" I said softly settling slowly back down into the chair. "You're braver than me that's for sure"

Okay, so I couldn't remember being captured But I could make it up!
"No, you didn't panic. You stayed brave. You were great. Even when he had a gun..." I made it up. I got shot. So it didn't take a genius to think he might have had a gun
FirstAidan said:
"No, you didn't panic. You stayed brave. You were great. Even when he had a gun..." I made it up. I got shot. So it didn't take a genius to think he might have had a gun
"He almost shot me in the head, Aidan!" She sobbed, her heart monitor going off. "Oh god he almost killed me!"
Wolfie got up and decided to stick his nose in Zoe's belly button. Zoe whimpered lightly and nodded. "I don't wanna be brave. I wanna be safe." She whispered.
FirstAidan said:
"They're going to do a better job for us this time... They've promised". More lies, yes. But they should help
Wolfie growled at Zoe's belly button and started pawing at it. Zoe's face tightened in pain and gently stroked Wolfie's head.
"He has a small obsession with belly buttons. I really don't know why" laughed, reaching to pet Wolfie's head as I did so
Wolfie burying his nose in Zoe's navel again and growled. Zoe just laughed. "He's a little bug."

(I'm basing this off of my dog Lucy... She's eight and still pokes her nose in my belly button)
"Well whatever. He's adorable.... And he's ours to look after" Maybe the idea of responsibility would help her.
"Well. It looks like we're going to have a forever puppy. So it's not all bad". I tried to stay as cheery as possible for her.
"Yeah. You will do sweety...  Don't worry.  Don't worry."   I stroked her hair and gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek.

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