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Fantasy The Island of The Unknown. REBOOT. (Simple/Casual roleplay)

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"Well, no one told me of a humans arrival before, so I am at a blank to this. I know this is a threat to the island though, but they are children, are they not?" He asked himself before he saw the beach come into view. With a small sigh, Relic would tread over the sandy beach toward the group of people. 'I thought he said that there was two of them? Oh.' he then saw the other one floating about with one of the islanders. 'They don't seem threatening at all. In fact they look harmless. Plus their is the fact that they look like any normal islander.' Once Relic had reached them, he waved. "Hello, everyone. I was told that their was some trouble with humans getting onto the island. We've never actually had a human be here, so the worse could be execution." He'd make sure the two that was preoccupied with a dragon and an islander did not hear him. "But they look enough like an islander.. So I'll make an exception this time. We could also learn from them."
Josh turned to Relic, "Hello, Im Josh. Ive heard a lot about you. My father spoke of your island often, I dont think he really like it though, he always threatened to sink it for some reason... but I think this place is wonderful." He said. His eyes turning golden once more and smiled. "Are you affiliated with the gods in any way? If not, good. If so..." I ended darkly but cheered up, "Well! Enough of that! Im sure we'll all get along just fine!" He said, waiting for a response.
"Eh, Ok." He said to him mentioning that his father threatened to sink the island. "Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm sure we'll get along, although your father is a different story." He joked and then continued. "Besides, he'd be pretty stupid to sink the island, because one. It holds innocent creatures including sea creatures. And two. Dead man's curse holds together a powerful volcano that is hot enough to set the sea's ablaze. Not even a god as powerful as your father or Zues could stop it. That's why there is a Guardian to protect the island from such things happening. Anyway, that is all I have come to say. If you'll exuse me I need to be heading back to help the forest village."
Rine lifts his head and stares nate in the eyes.

"Yes around 246 give or take a day, your still a kitten in age huh. Here I have a gift for you too it will let me know where you are at all times. You too entertain me so I wanna keep an eye on you."

Reaches up into mane and pulls out two little medallion.and drops them in nates hands.
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Nate's eyes widened. He was two-hundred and forty-six?! ...Wait, did he just call him a kitten? Before nate could open his mouth, the ice dragon had began to speak again before dropping two medallions in his hands, causing nate to look over them. Keep an eye on them? Sounds a little...suspicious...nate really didn't consider their situation entertaining, but this could be helpful. "Thank you." Standing up, he looked to see someone leave that he didn't recognize, causing him to walk up to tanner. "What happened, now?"

"I don't know." Tanner shrugged. "I think I heard something about a guardian or something." Nate's eyes widened. They were so dead.
"Tanner, youre going to be fine, Ill protect both of you. Just stay calm." Josh said and pulled Tanner aside. "I dont know if you heard me talking earlier so Ill say it again, Im the reason you're on the island. I've been protecting you. Now I want to give you my insight, I do trust that Mika girl, she seems harmless. I dont however trust Relic, the guardian, so I think you should stay away from him. I also dont trust the dragon. Okay?" He said. "Now Im just going to throw something random out, Im older than that dragon. Im around 7,000 years old."
Rine sits there looking at Josh.

" I'm nothing to fear i think my self relatively harmless compared to some of the other beings on this island. Plus its wise not to trust a lot of what you see on this island, especially for these two boys things may get worse before they get any better for them "

Rine look at the sky then back at the group.

" well then ill be on my way im hungry and getting tiered so ill take my leave from this. trust me or not its up to you"

Rine digs his claws into the ground and shifts into a much larger version of how he looked and then proceeded to fly off back into the woods, along the way he spots a dire rat and swoops down upon it freezing it solid and snatching from the ground.
Rine curls up in a fallen tree gnawing on his frozen rat making delighted snorts and sounds.

After the nice little snack Rine gets up and walks into the village for the first time in about 3 years. unsure of whats going on and thrown off by some of hte new faces in the crowd he shifts into his humanoid form and sits on a bench in one of the taverns.

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