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Fantasy The Island of The Unknown. REBOOT. (Simple/Casual roleplay)

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Tanner looked on as nate groaned. Before he knew it, the boy gasped and immediately jumped up. "Tanner! You wouldn't believe the dream I had. We were on this island, and-" Blinking, nate turned from tanner to the man. He then looked around before slowly turning back to tanner. "...That wasn't a dream, was it?"

"Nope." Tanner replied. Blinking, nate stumbled backward, nearly fainting again, but stopped himself.

"Wh-What the heck just happened!" Nate began to panic. "That was-That was..."

"So. COOL!"

Tanner ran up to josh, jumping up and down and running around the man. "Do it again! Do it again!" Nate watched on, puzzled as his friend asked this demigod guy frequent questions. Ranging from 'Can you shoot lightning?' to 'Can you fly?' and even to 'Can you turn into an animal?'. Nate scratched his head, desperately trying to find an answer for all this, not even noticing the guy call the two over.

@ChronosCoded @Puggie @Dkingow
Josh looked away from the two figures and answered Tanners questions "I cant shoot lightning but I can do this cool energy blast thing, I can fly, and yes, I can turn into an animal..." He said, feeling like he forgot something, "Ohh, and Im about 7,000 years old, I cant really remember" He finished

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"Another ship wreck." Relic had explained to himself, whilst viewing the storage of the ship, like he usually did after they wrecked. He had found things floating around already, like food, water and other useful contents for the forest village, who were short with food from hunting, due to the fact that animals had become smarter and found other tactics to either fight back or hide from the villagers. This food would for sure help them. He'd grab a box, that had not been flushed out to sea, and carried it through the halls of the ship, to get back onto the beach, where he would proceed to go back to the village with it.

-[[ Sorry for the short entrance. I got nothing at the moment.
xD ]]-
Mika tilted her head up in thought. "We can't. I've already talked to these people. Not that new guy, the young boys. I don't want to leave them betrayed, and they were perfectly harmless." She froze when she heard the man calling them. "Quickly, go find a guardian. I'll see what I can do." She left and started walking back and stopped when she realized what he was doing. She walked around him and waved to Nate and Tanner. Hey guys, I'm back!" She said with a shining smile.

@SpicyLickiTounge @ChronosCoded
Zani fly off. "What is he?" She said as she went to every village. "Wait?" She said out loud. "Ship wreak cove." She started to fly to the coast in search of Relic. "Relic, we have humans." She yelled as she spotted him and flew over to him. "On the opposite shore. We have no idea how they survived." She buzzed by him. @Kippers
Relic had stopped in his tracks with the food in his hands and ended up placing it back on the floor, looking for the source of the voice, before seeing it buzz by him. "Humans?" He repeated to himself in confusion at this situation. "This island hasn't ever had a human on it, It's supposed to protect it from them in fact. It's impossible for them to be here." Relic said, then he decided that the food could wait just a little while longer, before he finally left his current position and made his way toward the beach area.
After Hearing all the commotion on the beach, Rine Sleepily crept out of the tree he was sleeping in and walked to the forest edge to watch the fun.

After tilting his to both sides and a stretch, Flew over to a bolder near the kids.

( As a large dragon looking cat flies over from the forest edge lands next to the man and two children on a large bolder, watching them with a curious intent)

"Hello" said Rine with a sly smile.
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Josh turned to the girl, he heard her say something

"Hey guys, Im back!"

"Hi, Im Josh" Josh held out his hand in greeting, a half smile on his face. As soon as he heard the girl, he heard another voice on the rock behind him. He sighed and turn around, "Hi! Im Josh, this is Tanner, and this is Nate." He said, his eyes turning golden for a moment


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Rine Flashed a grin of enjoyment from this interaction. (rine shifts into a small looking child with snow white hair and Icy blue eyes) Rine exhales and smiles.

"this might be a more comfortable form to speak to" Rine said with a smile.

"so another wreck with survivors no less this is a cause for some interesting circumstances" he pauses " any-who what are these children do they posses something special to make it past this barrier or was it you who protected them and invited them in"
Nate didn't know what to say. The boys were known to attract trouble, but this was a whole different level! After the huge dragon thing appeared, nate literally gave up trying to make sense of this. At least he had tanner with him, otherwise he didn't know what he'd do. With the blonde boy around, he was sure to remain calm.

"Mika, you're back!" Tanner cheered. "We got all the wood at the edge of the forest just like you sai-" Stopping as the dragon landed, tanner's mouth went agape. "Wh-Whoa! I never seen a dragon before!" The dragon then turned into a child just as small as them and started to ask questions, causing nate to finally contribute to the conversation.

"Uh, Neither." He said bluntly. "We just...ya know...woke up here." Nate shrugged. The boys had a large amount of dumb luck, and this seemed to be another case where dumb luck strikes once more.


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Josh was amused by his persistence and said, "These two children are human and pose no threat to you, and yes, I did protect them to get here. See, its a long story but here goes. A long time ago, the wizard who created me said that one day I would run away from my home. He said that once I ran away I would come upon an island untouched by human hands. He also said that there would be two children on a ship not far from mine, and that I would need to protect them and anyone affiliated with them." He laughed. "Ohh and just to add onto current events, Im an illegal demigod." His eyes turning a brighter golden color this time for a moment.

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Rine rubs his eyes " well even if they are nothing special they shall cause a stir with the locals and the guardian possibly" looks towards the kids and makes some snow appear in his hands and tosses it at Nate and Tanner.

(with a deep breath Rine shifts back into a dragon cat but about two feet in height and about 3 feet long)

"this is gonna be fun" turns to Josh "An Illegal demi god never heard of such a thing but i have never heard of humans coming here either well not at least in the last 200 years."

Looks at Mika suspiciously.



Josh just sighed, not knowing what to say and turned around to the girl, "Sorry about that..." He held out his hand again in greeting.
Mika waved to Rine. "Well, I'm gonna give up on this small act. So Tanner, Nate, everything I said was true, but I left out side pieces." She walked up to Tanner and put her soft hand on his forearm. A soft glow emitted from it and healed all the cuts and bruises. "You see, none of us that live here are human." She noticed Rine's gaze and morphed into her usual form. Mika then flew up to his face. "Didn't recognize me? Well, one of the guardians will be here soon. Maybe Relic. This certainly will be interesting."

@SpicyLickiTounge @ChronosCoded
Rine flops over on the ground and yawns and lets out a cloud of ice playfully.
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Josh was really getting overwhelmed by all of the new people, "Relic? Really? The elemental guy that controls this island?" He said, waving to the girl for an answer. "Hey Tanner, come here." He suppressed a laughed.

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Rine stands up and looks for a place near by and releases a powerful blast of ice at the ground freezing it solid, then proceeds to circle on it a few time's and then curls up for a nap
Tanner and nate watch, shocked, as all tanner's cuts and bruises were gone. Hearing his name, tanner quickly turned to josh and walked over to him, leaving nate to look at the two animals with a confused, yet curious stare. So, everyone wasn't human? And him and tanner were the only ones who actually made it here? If there are guardians here, then wouldn't that mean they were protecting the island from...humans? Nate's eyes widened, suddenly afraid for his life.
Josh watched as Tanner walked over to him, "Do you want to see something awesome?" He said excitedly, not waiting for an answer Josh took Tanners hand and floated above the ground. "It was getting a little tense down there. It looked like you were going to have a panic attack!" He said seriously and quickly said, "Dont freak out, you're fine."

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Nate, not noticing tanner's airborne state, curiously, yet slowly, walked up to the dragon. Nearly slipping on some ice, he sat down next to him "S-So...are you really two-hundred years old?" He was afraid, but his curiosity overruled that. And besides, tanner was sorta right. If these guys weren't really attacking them, then they didn't really want to hurt them...right?


"Whoa! We're so high up!" Tanner exclaimed, not really freaking out at all. "Nate!" He called out, waving his free hand. "Nate! Look at me!" Yet his companion wasn't really noticing.

@ChronosCoded @RineFrostfang
"Thats the spirit kid!" He said. "You want to do it by yourself? I can do that if you want! But only for about ten minutes or so before you crash..." Josh lowered himself to the ground. Put Tanner down and walked over to the girl. He was still trying to get her attention. "Hey." He said. "We haven't formally met yet. Im Josh. And you are?"


Mika morphed back into human and crossed her arms, grinning. "Mika. So you're a demigod, eh? To whom?" She looked towards Nate and Rine. "Everyone seems to be getting along well. I hope it will stay this way when one of the guardians come over."

"Im a demigod to Poseidon." He said. "But its a long story, Im an illegal. A demigod who has the power of two divine beings. See, Poseidon stole some of Zeus' power and transferred it into me. And you've probably never heard of an illegal demigod before because Im the only one!" He smiled and asked what the wood was for.
Zani followed Relic in case she could help as backup. "So what are we going to do with them? They look to be just little boys?" She asked when the beach came into view and she saw Mika and some random people Zani didn't know with the little boys. @ChronosCoded @SpicyLickiTounge @RineFrostfang

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