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Futuristic The Inmates - SP CS



Bored Ancient
Elekta Kount Elekta Kount fickleglory fickleglory ShakinMcBacon ShakinMcBacon Coriander Coriander

This will serve as the character sheet for our roleplay! Now the things you need are as follows.

Inmate Code: (I.E. Devils Advocate, The Trickster, and such other things)
Reason for Incarceration:
Area of Expertise (Future Role for Ship):
Weapon of Choice:
Methods of Fighting:

Feel free to add any more information you’d like about your character! I look forward to seeing all of your ideas!

"Settin' me gitfinda ta panzy!"
Name: Atuk Triggabrainz
Gender: Technically doesn't have one, but many would consider it a "him", including "himself"
Species/Race: Ork (Mekboy)
Age: Unkown
Weight: 197 lb
Height: 5’4”
Inmate Code: Mr.Triggabrainz
Reason for Incarceration: Was the head engineer for one of the galaxy's most infamous Ork pirates, Fuefued Hellstompa

Area of Expertise (Future Role for Ship): Engineer/Weaponsmith
Personality: He’s just your everyday mekboy, essentially an ork that has the innate ability to build all sorts of tech. Triggabrainz loves to build all kinds of random stuff, mostly weapons and objects that are meant to kill and destroy, though he also builds the occasional thing that has a use other than destroying something. The ork generally prefers to keep to himself and build in peace, although there are times where he will be more then happy to contribute to the conversation. After all, Triggabrains recognizes camaraderie and if someone gives him an inspiration more often than not he’ll be happy to fight besides or just not straight up kill.
Backstory: Triggabrainz was born an ork, from a fungus spore, upon a planet simply known as "Da Blak Rok", a planet that just happened to be infested with this war obsessed race. The fact was, "Da Blak Rok" was one of the harshest places in the galaxy to live in, as violence was not only the norm, it was everything the ork society revolved around., what the orks lived for: War. And Triggabrainz's role in all of this? The ork was one of the planet's "mekboyz", essentially those who kept the tech running despite the fact that everything they build seems like it's gonna fall apart. But, this was where Triggabrainz grew up, yet somehow the level of violence was never enough for the young ork at the time, no...the ork wanted better and more advanced loot to toy with. It was after this thought, did the ork join up with an ork pirate warband, one of the more infamous ones in the galaxy. With this warband, Triggabrainz rose through the ranks, through violence and "kunnin'", and perhaps a lot of luck, he rose to be the pirate band's head engineer. Of course, not all good things last, as the ork pirate crew would finally land on somthing that they could not bludgon they're way through...well, they tried anyways, and nearly all of the orks perished in the fight...all but one; Triggabrainz.
Weapon of Choice: Triggabrain’s aresnal is very large and very diverse, as the ork can make and use everything ‘eavy shootas to deff guns, rokkit luanchas, or even a Kustom Mega-Blasta. He also can duel wield either his slugga or pokkit rokkits, as well as use his choppa when absolutely necessary. The ork also carries a number of throwables, such as stikkbombs or even deomlition level explosives. He wears ‘evy armor and has a battery pack that serves as a shield generator/teleportation device.
Methods of Fighting: Praimarily a ranged fighter, Triggabrainz's arsenal allows him to be very versatile in what situation he's in, be that of anti-infantry or anti-armor. In factm Triggabrain'z strength is his insane weapon fire rate no matter what small arm he uses, although it should be noted he trades accuracy as a result. Triggabrainz is a fair bit more tougher and stronger then your average human, even being a relatively small ork, and can this take a few rounds that most normal humans would fall to. Trigfbrainz also utilize a number of insane devices, including mines, various grenades, shield generator, and even a teleported pack.
-Can build weapons piratically out of nothing but scrap metal, although their is a trade off in quaity as a result.
-Triggabrain'z personality also carries over to the ship, as he makes avaliable a number of upgrades for the ship:
Ram- With enough scrap, Triggabrainz can install a ram on the front of the ship, allowing for the ship to plow stirght through enemy ships.
Zappa Gun- A very unstable weapon, how

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Name: Torwin Clarthe

Appearance: (in full gear with mask)

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Human

Age: 18

Weight: 150 lbs

Height: 5'9"

Inmate Code: Ace

Reason for Incarceration: Theft of numerous imperial ships, grand theft, murder, assault on an imperial flagship, assault on a trading convoy, smuggling, loitering.

Area of Expertise (Future Role for Ship): Helmsman

Personality: Torwin is sarcastic and cocky, and loves to poke fun at others, particularly if he likes the person. However, his jokingly arrogant attitude can rob off wrong on some, even if he means well. Making a meaningful connection with another can be difficult for him, but once he does grow close with someone, he becomes much more serious. He performs remarkably well under pressure, but often has a laid-back attitude, which means he's quite disorganized. A bit crude, he despises anyone who abuses authority, believes themselves to be superior, or has a genuine arrogance. As a result, he focuses much of his crime on the rich and important, which often backfires, resulting in exorbitant punishments, hence his incarceration in District A of Infernos. Despite his relatively cheerful demeanor, he has a dark past and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty.

Backstory: Torwin was born in the gutter, and was raised likewise. His father was an unknown drifter, and his mother a sickly seamstress. Growing up in the slums of a large city, he learned quickly the ways of the world, and learned that a discarded bottle could knock another boy senseless in two swings, or that a blow to the nose could stun one's opponent for a brief window to escape. Living on scraps and fighting for much of his food, Torwin was already mostly independent when his mother died when he was seven. It was at this time that he fell into a group of thieves, in particular smugglers that stole cars and other vehicles, modified them, and sold them on the black market. Here Torwin learned to operate an assortment of motorcycles, speeders, and eventually ships. Not much for the mechanical side, his talents were placed in the actual theft of the vehicles, and his group rose in influence with their little protégé. However, as with most successes, the group began to fall apart as rival gangs began to target the upstart group, and eventually it ended with a large raid, leaving Torwin as the only survivor, escaping on a motorcycle into the dark and winding alleyways. Blaming himself, Torwin went solo afterwards, first taking revenge on the rival groups, then moving on to larger, more lucrative jobs, often being contracted to steal high-profile ships. Learning marksmanship as a useful skill, he grew more and more ambitious, even raiding imperial convoys and ships, making him powerful enemies. One job went sour when an imperial agent posed as a collector and hired Torwin, who was then caught in the act. Imprisoned and left to rot for a few months, he was eventually moved to Inferno, to pay for the massive financial losses he caused.

Weapon of Choice: M7A3 Senet Sniper Rifle
Also has a long-bladed knife.

Methods of Fighting: Preferring to fight from afar, Torwin prefers marksman rifles, using them to deal with any threats from a comfortable distance. He is also adewpt as using a ship's weapon systems, both while flying or using them as stationary turrets when landed. When the fighting is closer, he uses a knife or anything else remotely usable as a weapon, including his fists if nothing is available.

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