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Futuristic The Implant



Rolling her eyes behind her helmet at his laughing, Foxtrot responded with a curt nod. "I'm..." Though she trailed of as there was a faint gleam of recognition in his eyes and Emir continued to speak. Frowning deeply she found her voice once more. "What the hell is going on...waking up in the middle of nowhere with only a simple note to guide us then to find out that you can bust down a door and I just ran faster than humanly possible...and we seem to know each other despite being strangers…” The woman’s mind was fried from all of this...a giant mind fuck it seemed. Gesturing to the city in the distance, Fox sighed bitterly. “And so...whoever this...this...Miss Arien is, I’m hopping they have some answers.” Turning and walking away once more, she unconsciously didn’t put all her weight on her right leg despite how it was perfectly fine. Forcing herself to do so, there was obviously nothing wrong.

Anaxileah said:



In the middle of a...forest?


(Attire) Tank top, cargo pants, boots.

(Other) Strange note.

Character's Mood:


User's Mood:




The darkness was nowhere and everywhere. A blissful, comforting, soft, nothingness surrounded the unconscious being like a blanket. The being looked down at themselves, seeing that they were female. She looked back up at the nothingness she seemed to float in, and was about to close her eyes once more, just to allow the darkness to take her, when a shrill scream tore her from the nothingness, bringing her back to a hazy reality.

The female let out a sharp gasp as she was jolted back to the land of the living, back from the shady recesses of her mind. The scream that was in her dream was in fact real, as it had continued even after the woman awoke. Her instinct was to find the being in peril, but as soon as the young female tried to move, a searing pain shot through her head, originating from the base of her skull. The female gritted her teeth together to avoid making noise from the sudden pain, and reached back slowly to tough where the pain was originating. As she retracted her hand, she found a dark, thick, liquid on her fingertips, the color of...
Blood. The woman thought with sudden realization, then furrowed her eyebrows together. Why am I bleeding?

After that thought passed through her head, the female noticed something on her arm. It looked like someone had written on her skin with some form of marker, since the handwriting was a little smeared. 'No name. Jane Doe.'
No name? Jane thought to herself, confused. She was confused even further with her ability to read, since she didn't recall ever learning. Actually...I don't remember anything. Jane thought to herself, her eyes widening in fear.

No no no. Don't panic. I can find answers later. Jane told herself sternly, shutting her eyes once more as she used one of the nearby trees to lift herself up from the ground, a couple leaves falling from where they had been stuck to her clothing. A note fell from her clothes as well, catching Jane's attention. She leaned down to grab the piece of parchment, her arm and hands slender, she noticed, and pinched the paper between her fingers, proceeding to read that as well. After she finished reading the note, she pocketed it, knowing that it would disappear soon, and glanced around.

Jane was wearing a white tank top - now dirtied - a pair of black cargo pants, and a pair of black combat boots. After standing for a moment, using the lowest tree branch for support, Jane's hand loosened from the dark brown bark, dizziness gone, and headed in the direction of the scream she had heard. She opened her dry lips to speak, or try to, but ended up coughing a little bit first, the young woman having to lean against another tree to keep herself from falling over. After spitting out some blood from her dry mouth, Jane managed to croak,
"Hello? Is someone there? I don't mean any harm, I only want to help." The young female's voice was raspy, like that of a smoker's, as she spoke to whomever had screamed about a minute previous. Jane continued walking in the direction she last heard the scream come from, and stopped when she saw another woman on the ground.


Lucifer frowned as she examined her surroundings, wondering if there was a water source nearby that would quench her thirst. She attempted to stand up, only to grunt when pangs of pain shot through her back and skull. She sighed, ready to give up-
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. She froze, her light blue eyes widening. There was someone or something coming, and she couldn't even get on her feet if she needed to defend herself. She was helpless, vulnerable, and she hated it. She frantically looked around for a weapon, anything that would help her. "Hello? Is someone there? I don't mean any harm, I only want to help." A raspy, female voice drifted into the clearing she was in, and Lucifer sharply breathed in. The voice sounded familiar, very familiar. She could hear footsteps, and they were getting louder. Suddenly, a woman walked into the clearing. She had short brown hair, and was wearing a white tank that was stained brown with dirt, with black cargo pants and combat boots. The sight of her made Lucifer gasp, as memories flashed through her mind, images that would pop up and fade away as fast as they came. She was filled with an odd feeling of affection, as she gazed with wide eyes at the female's tanned face. "Um..." She stuttered, speechless for a moment. "Hi."

She mentally cringed at how pathetic she sounded, making a note to improve on her socializing skills. Here she was, standing - or rather, lying on the ground - in front of a fellow human being, and she could barely form a few coherent words to say. "Nice weather, isn't it?" She said, her voice sounding pleasant enough. Inside, she face palming at her own stupidity.
Great job, Lucifer! She sighed inside her head, giving up on herself. What was this stranger (or was she really a stranger?) thinking right now? She probably thinks that I'm mad. Despite her internal war with herself, she couldn't help staring at the new woman in what she hoped was a subtle manner. She was beautiful, with her sparkling hazel eyes and soft curves. Lucifer just wanted to reach out, and run a hand through her hair and press their lips together... She quickly shook her head mentally, horror struck. What the hell?! She screeched to herself, scolding herself for having such dirty thoughts. Any former exhaustion was gone, replaced by curiosity and adrenaline.

Location: In a forest in a rural area | Status: Wounded and hungry, but less tired | Thoughts: Damn, I'd like to f- WAIT, WHAT?! | Mood: Curious, confused, horny :3 | Tags:


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~ Is it really that weird that I kicked down a door? ~ Emir thought to himself as he walked alongside Foxtrot, listening to her poignant explanation of the events that had just occurred to both of them. Taking note of the woman's changed walking style, Emir was beginning to ponder more things that made her seem so familiar. For some odd reason he could scarcely remember a girl from what felt like his childhood who was always falling or getting herself hurt. The connection between the memory of this girl and the woman before him was slim, and in fact it probably wasn't even the same person. He was growing more and more comfortable hearing her voice as she talked further. This comfort would soon end unfortunately, as Emir stopped in his tracks and closed his eyes.

A ringing sound as loud as a fire alarm echoed through his mind, as his head began feeling like someone lit a torch in his skull. A seering, unstoppable pain he had never felt before gripped the back of his head so hard he could not move. He let out a loud grunt and and both of his hands raised and held the sides of his head in agony. Incapacitated by this migraine, he stayed in this position for a few moments. His breathing was slow and methodical, trying whatever he could to ease the growing pain to no avail.

"What the F----!" Emir yelled out in frustration, this sound would carry for a long distance as it was at the top of his lungs. Unknown to him it would be another 20-30 seconds before his headache would subside.


@Ashaficent @Anaxileah
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Bardtech Scientist


Before his esteemed colleague could say anything, a loud blaring alarm rang throughout the building. That meant one of three things. 1: Some idiot pulled the fire alarm as a joke. 2: There is an actual emergency and Bard should be running for his life. Or 3: A Super has escaped. No matter what he had to call for help, and he knew just who to call.

"The alarm?! I'm sorry Dr Newroth but that message will have to wait." Bard said as he rushed to the armory grabbing his pistol and a bulletproof vest. Without delay he ran to his office, grabbed his cell phone and dialed the red button. "Come on pick up damn you!" He cursed impatiently. Not long after a male voice picked up the phone.

"Praetor Vice."

"This is Dr Bard Innestako Clearance level 12, the alarm is blaring and we don't know what the hell is causing it!"

"What? How?..."

"Stop asking questions and send some F****** troops!" Bard replied, running back to his office grabbing various holodisks and files.

"Yes sir, we'll send them immediately. " he said calmly.

Dr Bard promptly hung up and grabbed a tiny metal lockbox labeled "Project DWXR". "I swear this day has it in for me." Bard complained with hatred. The scientists in the room all went into a panic as the alarm blared, creating future headaches for hours to come. Bard then flew back to his office and entered the emergency code to shut the blast doors leading into the 12th level. All he could do now was wait for the help to arrive.

Current Mood: Really pissed off.

Current Location: Locked in his office.

Current Thought: "Today sucks!"

Physical Status:Filled with adrenaline, and ready to fight.

Actions Committed: Called Praetor Vice signaling the alarm. Armed himself. Grabbed his most valuable files.Locked himself in his room.

Interacted With:Dr Newroth, and Praetor Vice.

"Ahhh, I smell Neurocotics and fresh Steamed buns... That means it's time to go to work!"-Dr Bard Innestako

Tags: @Anaxileah @DJGomez
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Caine continued down the current hallway with his rifle raised, he saw a man In a suit run out of a lab with his pistol raised as he aimed at Caine. He crouched down and quickly dispatched him with a double tap tot the chest and one to the head before running up and kicking in the door, scanning the room for a brief second as he saw someone taking cover. The man looked familiar as he lowered his rifle a fraction. He couldn't pinpoint it, but he knew the man had a correlation with the word "others" as the interviewer had said. But Caine didn't know who to trust, he was going to shoot the man as he aimed at his head, but something picking at him in his head told him not to as he closed the door and broke the handle, moving on to the next area.

The next section of labs Caine walked through were empty as all the lab personel had fled by now. The radio he had picked up alerted Caine to the men positioned as they began to enter the room. With only a few seconds to prepare, Caine shot out all the lights in the lab, as he ducked into a shadow. He muted the radio as the military forces reported gunfire and proceeded to enter.

Caine quietly maneuvered around until he was behind the last men entering. His time was dwindling as more forces were surely em route as the entire building went on lockdown. Caine swiftly kicked the man's legs out from under him, grabbing his head and shoving him into the ground. The commotion caused all the men to shine their lights at their fallen man as Caine ducked back into the shadows. The military forces hadnt adapted to the lack of light yet as Caine could perfectly hear their movements and saw where they all were with ease and no NVGs. He took aim at an oxygen tank as two guards walked past it. Firing off a round the tank exploded as the men were either hit with the shrapnel or hurt by the expulsion of compressed air, followed by a flurry of yelling and confusion. Moments later Caine tossed a flashbang to incompatible the rest of the men as he moved out of the lab and ran through the hallways, finding an emergency stairwell and went down to floor 4, still keeping the map layout in mind as he searched for the next maintenance hatchway.

@Onyx Energy @Anaxileah @SolistheSun @ShyEra



Middle of a Forest


(Attire) Same as Before

(Other) Same as Before

Character's Mood:


User's Mood:

Headaches suck ass, bruh



Jane froze as soon as she saw the woman fully, watching as pale blue eyes gazed at her. They reminded her of ice and of the sky, chilly and endless. Her long, dark hair curled around her face and shoulders, messy from lying on the ground. She looked a bit unbalanced, as Jane had earlier, so the shorter female approached her, aiming to aid her in standing. As Jane neared the female, her eyebrows furrowed together at the woman's awkward speech. The weather? Jane thought to herself, confused, then grinned at the other woman. "Yes, I suppose it is quite nice." Jane replied, the raspy-ness in her voice fading as she spoke more. She needed water, in all honesty - both of them did. But because of their enhanced bodies, they could withstand dehydration for longer periods of time.

As soon as Jane neared the other female, her heartbeat quickened, her breath coming up short. This woman was absolutely beautiful. She had perfect curves all along her frame, and her pale skin was like moonlight. Her dark hair looked black from afar but actually had a reddish tint to it, as if it had been changed some time ago. Her face was small and heart-shaped, perfect for caressing, her lips full and pink, perfect for...
What are these thoughts I'm having for a complete stranger? Jane peered at the female, taking in her appearance just as the other female was for her. Memories hit her out of nowhere, flashes of this woman's face and her name being murmured by Jane herself. Lucifer... Another memory hit her, one of the two of them smiling at one another, growing alarmingly close. "Ah!" Jane cried out, clutching her skull. The pain going through her head was agonizing, causing it to throb painfully. After the memory subsided, the aching pain remained, rather than disappearing as swiftly as the memory had come and gone. Jane looked up at the other female, who was only a couple feet away, and blinked a couple times, offering her hand out. "Do...do you need help walking?" Jane spoke somewhat breathlessly, her words coming out with her choked gasps.

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@Onyx Energy @Altaynna @StoneWolf18 (?) Character's Mood: Pissed/Irritated User's Mood: Om nom chips :D Location: Side Lab -> Main Room on Lvl 12 Inventory: Lab Coat, military apparel, combat boots, and goggles


Dr. Newroth had opened his blubbering mouth to utter the demands of the Supreme when the building's alarm suddenly went off. Newroth, being the coward he was, let out a piggish squeal and bolted for his office, obviously not at a very fast pace, due to his incredible weight. He squeezed into his office, using his key card to open it and push through the doorway, allowing the metal door to automatically shut behind him. The sound of the deadbolt was muffled by the alarm, but could be seen due to the semitransparent walls of the office. Scientist Dylan Wyatt was in his lab on Level 12 as well as the other scientists, going through his samples and organizing them with a scrutinizing gaze. When the alarm sounded, he let out a sigh of irritation. He ran a hand through his close-shaven hair, looking around with his icy blue eyes covered with goggles.

Dylan stood from where he had been seated at the lab counter, then exited his lab to greet Dr. Bard, who looked incredibly irritated. The other man had just hung up on the phone, no doubt with a military official.
"Praetor Vice, eh? At least you didn't have to suffer talking to General Iliot. What a bitch." Dr. Wyatt spoke sourly, his face twisting into a snarl. He hated the woman, but he loved the department he worked in, and practically lived in. Praetor Vice was more tolerable, so the forces deployed wouldn't be under the guidance of a woman. Dylan inwardly shuddered, then glared at the doors. "Those military idiots better make sure we don't lose our test subjects."

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Alyssa Olfan

Location: Side lab, lv 12

Mood: confused and irratated

Inventory: lab coat, military apparel, goggles, chemical mixture she's working on

Tags: @Anaxileah @Onyx Energy

Confused, Alyssa turned to her colleague. "Wyatt, what's going on?" She regarded her new chemical compound, an experimental chemical she was working on, gently placing it down in a test tube holder. "Should I be concerned, you seem...not happy." She picked up the paper she was scribbling on, the paper crinkling in her hand as she picking up her pencil and adding a few equations, muttering quietly to herself.

She had no idea what was going on, the alarm was concerning her, and she didn't want her work to be interrupted. She had skipped two lunches and breakfast for this project, she couldn't let it be ruined now. This was perhaps the most important chemical discovery she had ever made, and to lose it now would be disatrious.

She watched Wyatt leave the lab, before carefully going over her samples and checking to make sure everything was ordered and in place. Picking up her sample from one of the supers, she carefully took a sample of blood before pulling down her goggles, sliding them over her eyes as she took a DNA sample, testing the hemoglobins and the cell count. As she concentrated, she winced as the alarms blared, nearly spilling the sample. Irratated, she sighed and stood up, meticulously recording her notes and placing them down, sorting the sample into its proper place, before nearly slamming the pencil onto the counter.

Alyssa stood, turning to leave the lab before shutting the door, approaching Dr. Bard and Dr. Wyatt. "Do either of you know what's going on, I seem to have been left out of the loop." She slid her hands into her pockets, regarding the men in front of her. "I think I'd have to poison them if I lost my samples, that would be...ugh." She gritted her teeth and shuddered, before she slid her goggles back up into her hair long hair, running a hand through the soft blonde strands.
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Bardtech Scientist


A Time for Lunch...
Dr. Bard sighed heavily, leaving his office to find Dr. Wyatt in his bald goggled glory. The alarm had continued blaring, but with military influence coming soon he figured that he could leave. Dr. Olfana stood close beside him, a clipboard in hand writing stuff down. "General Iliot you say? Yikes, she can definitely be thorny. Not as much as project DWRX, Dr Wyatt." He said handing the tiny box to him, gently as if not to disturb it's contents. "My latest advancements, feel free to give critique." He then faced Alyssa, who was still writing equations. "To answer your question Dr. Olfana I don't know what happened. Newroth needed me, my patient almost died, then the alarm went off." Bard said, putting a mint in his mouth, letting it dissolve before speaking. "Praetor Vice is sending troops so we should be fine." He murmured almost distastefully. He admired Olfana's, dare he say it, cute appearance. A woman in a lab coat always made him turn Suave. "Well Im sure we'll be safe. Say Olfana, what you say we get lunch after this whole fiasco ends?" Such a question was dumb to ask during an alarm but it was indeed a time for lunch.
Current Mood:Still Angry, but calming.

Current Location: In the lvl 12 laboratories.

Current Thought: "Maybe we can make it a date..."

Physical Status: Still ready to burst.

Actions Committed: Left his office, spoke with other scientists, and handed valuable technology to Wyatt.

Interacted With: @Anaxileah @Altaynna

"Ahhh, I smell Neurocotics and fresh Steamed buns... That means it's time to go to work!"-Dr Bard Innestako

Tags: @Anaxileah @Altaynna.
Out of the corner of Alexis's eye he some security personnel rushing out of a side door, their boots making a soft yet audible click as they connected with the floor. Alexis was no expert at reading body language, but something from the way these men walked quickly with hands hovering near their guns told Alexis that something serious was happening. Closing his eyes he tried to focus on one thing at a time, breathing, in...out...in...out...in...out, once he had his breathing under control he thought back to the briefing. The General was talking about the suppers, and what their mission was. The faint ding of an elevator in the distance marked the security troops leaving, looking with his bionic eye at the last man to enter the elevator he activated a scan and saw that the mans side arm was loaded, something was defiantly going down. Looking over to his partner, Whisper, he got his attention and mouthed, Alpha Foxtrot India, after over three years of working together Alexis new Whisper would under stand it meant, we need to talk, possible containment issue.

Pushing him self off of the cold wall that he had been leaning on previously, Alexis walked down the hall way to a near by bench. Making sure to let Whisper see which way we walked, as Alexis walked we felt the cold air coming from one of the near by vents, odd, it seamed that all government buildings wanted to keep their employees at a nice chilling temperature. Smiling to himself at the thought he sat down waiting for Whisper.

@The Shadow Realm
Caine didn't have much longer, he had to double time it if he wanted to make his exfil. Though the thought occurred to him to maybe get to the upper levels where the head scientists would undoubtedly be, maybe he could find out just what he was, but there was no way to determine if they'd even help him, let alone the fact trying to escape would be impossible then. He kept a close ear to the radio as more troops updated their movements, allowing Caine to avoid most of them with ease. Once or twice he had to neutralize a pair of sentries but they were made short work off and didn't do much to delay him.

Moving two bodies into a hall closet, Caine got the idea. He didn't know why he didn't think of it sooner, it would make this whole escape much easier. He stripped off his clothing and gear, setting it aside as he stripped the gear and clothing off another guard. Within a minute Caine could easily slip past all of the patrols in the guards gear as he replaced his expended equipment and pulled the balaclava over his face and casually walked out the door.

The majority of the troops didn't pay much attention to him, some barked commands or heads up to Caine, thinking he was one of their own but a few nods and responses were enough to stray the troops from any suspicion. Caine made his way through the last four levels of the building with ease and came outside to see the conglomerate of vehicles and troops massed outside. This was the easy part now, once you got to open ground, it was easy to disappear. And in a metropolis like this, you weren't being found unless you wanted to. Provided you knew what you were doing. Caine mingled through groups of troops and played his persona off with no hiccups. Up until the bodies of the guards he swapped clothes with were found. Then every gaurd went in alert, scanning for anything off about anyone. It was useless though, Caine knew how to blend, but that didn't mean he wanted to stick around and risk being exposed by some outside factor. Carefully he made his way to the edge of the perimeter formed by the troops and slipped into an alley, ditching the clothing but keeping the equipment with his suit before finding a sewer hatch. With a little elbow grease he got it open enough and slipped into the system, pulling the hatch over his head and he made the final leg of his escape.
Alyssa Olfan

Location: Side lab, lv 12

Mood: confused and irratated

Inventory: lab coat, military apparel, goggles, chemical mixture she's working on

Tags: @Anaxileah @Onyx Energy

Alyssa raised a brow at Dr. Bard, before she glanced down at her watch. "Well...it is lunchtime...however, this chemical requires my full attention, I'm unsure how it will react after a period of time. I'm trying to create a chemical that will react to a super in such a way that it will hinder them temporarily unconscious until the alternative chemical is applied, due to the resilience of our patients. So far...I'm hopeful, but I don't know if it'll work." She unconciously ran a hand through her hair again, her eyes scanning over the page in front of her once more, the eraser tapping against her lips while she thought. "Perhaps you can ask Dr. Wyatt if you don't want to eat alone." Oblivious to Dr. Bard's intentions, she turned her gaze to his before the emerald orbs returned to the paper.

She groaned softly before placing the clipboard down on the desk, leaning against it and massaging her temples, a scowl on her lips. "Honestly, how can they expect us to do anything? Obviously the brawns of this operation have forgotten the brains."

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