The Hybrid


New Member
Scythe is a Hybrid.

A special form of Were-wolf. He is after 'The Core' A item that can grant one wish.

Scythe plans on forming a team to get The Core and creating world peace.

I plan on roleplaying as Scythe


1. No OP. I hate OP.

2. Keep the romance to PG 13

3. 2 post battes (EX: Post 1: Scythe lunged at Dusk Post 2: Dusk slits Scythe's throut)

4: Try not to double-post.

Link to thread

Is it possible to get more information about this? Like what sort of characters you're looking for, setting, what can we do or a general villain? I'm a bit interested but I'd need to know what I'm getting myself into.
For other neutral/Friendly characters I'm looking for Elves, maybe humans, spirits, and dwarves

For enemies in general I'm looking for Giants and Frost spirits.

For the MAIN enemy I'm thinking a pack of wolves that Scythe abandoned
Are there any rules to follow? Is there a character sheet? Is this a traveling type adventure? Sorry for all the questions. : -_- :
dont mind,

Hm rules.. I'll edit my first post with rules.

Otherwise Yes traveling, and heres the CS






Name: Layla

Age: 17

Sex: female

Appearance: View attachment 3167

Bio: Layla lived the life of a street orphan along with a few other kids. As one of the oldest, she was like a mother to the little ones. She made a living by pickpocketing or dancing for tips. Now that's she's older, it's taking more money to care for her "siblings" so now she does mercenary work. She has skills in parkour, archery and hand to hand combat.

Personality: distrustful, quiet, easily annoyed, a bit violent, more than willing to sacrifice others for her own goal, motherly (haha, except for that last thing, she sounds like a villain)

Other: likes puppies and kitties? I don't know what to put here

I'm sorry but what's OP?
amdreams said:
Name: Layla
Age: 17

Sex: female

Appearance: View attachment 3167

Bio: Layla lived the life of a street orphan along with a few other kids. As one of the oldest, she was like a mother to the little ones. She made a living by pickpocketing or dancing for tips. Now that's she's older, it's taking more money to care for her "siblings" so now she does mercenary work. She has skills in parkour, archery and hand to hand combat.

Personality: distrustful, quiet, easily annoyed, a bit violent, more than willing to sacrifice others for her own goal, motherly (haha, except for that last thing, she sounds like a villain)

Other: likes puppies and kitties? I don't know what to put here

I'm sorry but what's OP?
OP= Over Powered
solarwing123 said:
Name: Dusk Solar
Age: 16

M/F: Male

Bio: An elemental spirit. Dusk mainly uses shadow and fire elements. When he died he was a very skilled warrior. Dusk can take on a physical form to blend in with humans.

Appearance: Spirit form:

Physical form:

Other: Has a strange speech pattern. When he gets excited he says 'you know' at the end of his sentence.
Ok, feel free to post in the main thread is you havnt already
It barely started so I think it's okay, but we should probably wait for Scythe to reply. Although we also only have 3 characters . . .
Name: Sai Lane



Bio: Sai was a street orphan since her early childhood. When she was 7 years old she meet Layla who took her in along with many other orphaned children. Sai became attached to Layla and never wanted to leave her side. In order to help her "family" Sai goes out and gets whatever work she can since she is the second oldest. When she was 10 years old Sai got into a fight with a rival band of orphans and lost her left eye. Now she wheres an eye patch over said eye.



Other: She tends to have a bit of a temper when angered but other then that she keeps to herself most of the time only talking to those close to her.

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