The Hybrid (Woo first RP in a long time)

Dusk walked past Scythe not saying a word. Then he turned to him. "What are you thinking?" he asked leaning against the tree.
Scythe looked of into the distance "Hm. I didn't plan to be stuck to this tree for so long."
(Okay then.)

Layla walked down the street with an annoyed look on her face. She didn't see why she got kicked out of the tavern. She didn't start the bar fight, she just won. After a bit of thinking, she sighed. There hasn't been any good work in a while. If she didn't find a decent paying job soon, the others will have to resort to pickpocketing again and they were bad at it. Layla couldn't count how many times the little ones had been caught.
Scythe slowly untangled him self and stumbled into the street. "Stupid tree" He looked down the street to see a flawless girl who seemed to be ranting about something.
(Did you happen to see the person who wanted to join? Ember? She asked if it was too late on the character sign up.)

Layla lost her train of thought when she caught a boy up the street staring at her. Still in a pretty bad mood, she marched right up to him and said, "What the hell do you want?" The annoyance was really prevalent in her voice.
Scythe blinked. Her face was flawless. Not a single scratch or bruise. He looked like an Idiot just standing there staring at her "Uhh..."
Hearing him stammer, Layla rolled her eyes and backed off. "If you don't need anything, then say so."
Sai stood a ways off following Layla. Staying close enough to hear what was happening but far away enough as not to be seen right away. She knew Layla had told her to go "Home" before the fight in the tavern started but she stayed to watch anyway. Now she was watching as Layla was talking with a strange men near a tree not to far away. She inched closer and hid behind a lamp post so she could eves drop on what was happening.
Scythe noticed movement and raised his guard, he halfway watched the source of movement, and half payed attention to he girl in front of him. "Were you just in the tavern bar fight?" He chuckled "So was I. I was throwing the mugs in the air."
Layla noticed his attention shifting a bit from her. She crossed her arms and said, "Your point being? There were a lot of men in that fight. Why should I have remembered you?" She did remember mugs flying but that wasn't exactly abnormal behavior in a fight. "Look. If your business with me is through, I have to go check on my kids." It was getting late and Layla had to make sure everyone got home safe.

(Sorry if she's mean. It's her character.)
Scythe shifted his attention back on the girl infront of her. He thought for a second. "Would you like some help?"
"Would you like some help?"

At these words Sai inched her way closer curious on how this strange man planned on helping them.
Layla eyed the man suspiciously. "And why should I let a complete stranger come near my family?"
Scythe grined and pulled 50 gold coins, at the least, out of his pocket. "You'd be surprised."
Sai's stared at the 50 gold coins with her eye wide open. That was the most money she had ever seen in one place. Seeing this money made her even warier of the stranger but she couldn't help but get a little closer to the two of them. Ready to take grab the money if he should decide to change his mind.
Layla glanced at the money. It was quite an amount, but that made him all the more suspicious. What could anyone with that much money want with a band of street urchins? "That still doesn't change the fact that you are a complete stranger. Now what intentions do you have with my family?"
Scythe sat down "I know what its like. To be out on the street.." He said looking up at the stars "My parents were killed when I was little, and I had to raise myself. I hate seeing other people suffer" Scythe put the coins in the girls hand. "Be kind to the poor, but terrible to the wicked" Scythe stood once more and turned his back. "If you need anything at all, let me know"
Layla sighed and then yelled, "Sai. What do you think of this?" This man was still a bit suspicious but if he was sincere, help would be needed.
Sai run up next to Layla and looked at the coins in her hand. "Well I think we should take it. I mean the little ones need to eat. But we should offer something in return so this is not just a hand out. That would make as seem even more poor then we really are." Sai said with a look of thought on her face.
Layla considered what Sai had said. Then she turned to the young man. "Your help is much appreciated, but we do not take hand outs. We lack money, not pride. What do you want in exchange for this?"
Scythe grinned. "My name is Scythe. I am currently plotting to hunt down and destroy The Core. What are your combat skills?"
Sai glared at the grinning man, still not trusting him. "I can handle myself pretty well with a dagger or a katana. But I'm a beast in hand-to-hand combat. And my speed and small build makes me very hard to catch." She said smirking.

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