The Huntsman: Hunter Madson [The Exodus of Fables]


Whiskered Writer
Hunter Madson

  • MJTrE4b.jpg


    Hunter is a strong and chiseled man, with eyes of deep emerald and flesh marred and tanned with years of work. With a physique to match his rugged appearance, he stands tall and looming, despite not being overly muscular. His features - once kind and gentle - have been changed over years of frustration and stress, leaving him with a permanent scowl and glare that most find offputting.

    His clothing consists of basic garments; jeans that are generally well worn and shirts to match. Darker colors are dominant in his simple wardrobe. Almost always seen wearing some form of long jacket to cover his arms and the markings there from trials long forgotten.

    Where there once sat longer hair, now sits a medium crop of straight brown, hanging just enough to brush his sideburns and part of his cropped beard.

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