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Fantasy The Hunting

[QUOTE="Yuuki Kagami]How do you get accepted?

WEll first, I advise reading the Rules tab, then I must accept your character from there. If I so chose.
[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 5273082, member: 42789&quot]I don't have to reserve a spot do I?

Either way, I'd like to take a which hunter character >:3

Not at all c: Just simply make a CS!
So, I definitely assumed there would also be other fantastical creatures with magic. If not, I should probably change my CS
If I asked about everything I write about I would never have the chance to write XP I find it's easier to write it and change it if necessary ;)
if we want to speak the incantation, do we have to use a latin translator or can we make up latin?
I don't think it's started yet so go for it. If I'm wrong then you'll have an amazing character for another RP
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[QUOTE="Right okay then]Hey! I was wondering if I could still join? Or is it too late?

Nope! Its not too late at all c:
Onikmey said:
I don't think it's started yet so go for it. If I'm wrong then you'll have an amazing character for another RP
Also yeah the RP has started :P a very poor start on my behalf. But started nonetheless.
Onikmey said:
if we want to speak the incantation, do we have to use a latin translator or can we make up latin?
You don't have to actually speak it if you want. You can simply imply that your character said it.
If, on the odd occasion that I really want to write out exactly what my character says, I were to write out the incantation, would it have to be actual latin or made up latin?
Onikmey said:
If, on the odd occasion that I really want to write out exactly what my character says, I were to write out the incantation, would it have to be actual latin or made up latin?
Actual. As I feel if we made up Latin, amny people would be very offended.

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