The Human Colonial Alliance


Worshipping Emilia-tan
Roleplay Type(s)


Ad Gloriam Maiorem Generis Humani!

For the Greater Glory of Mankind!


Official Name: The Human Colonial Alliance is the official Galactic Standard name, and the official Colonial Standard Alliance is Das Menschliche Koloniale Bündnis. However, various translations in other languages of the Old Earth exist, like L'Alliance Coloniale Humaine and Человеческий Колониальный Альянс/Čelovečeskij Kolonial’nyj Al’jans Since Latin is the official language of the Axiom Church, the Latin name is also used, as In Colonialis Humanum Foedus.
Demonym: Allied, Human-Colonial
Government Type: Despotic Totalitarian Hegemony
Leader(s): The Circle of Administrators (CS: Der Kreis der Administratoren; in other Terran languages:  Le Cercle des Administrateurs, Совет администраторов/Sovet Administratorov) holds most of the powers, acting as the supreme executive and judiciary power in the Alliance. A legislative body, known as the Great Council of the Alliance(CS:Der Große Rat der Allianz ; Le Grand Conseil de l'Alliance, Великий Совет Альянса/Velikij Sovet Al’jansa) also exists.
Galaxy: The Milky Way, with small bases in the Andromeda, and an unofficial control over parts of the Grand Council of the Humans in the Andromeda
Territory: Mainly centered around the Centaurus and the Norma Arm, on the opposite side of the Galactic Center from Sol.  More towards 3 o'clock than the general territory under the control of the Federated Colonies.
Number of Systems: Around 250 million systems.
Influence Rank: 4
Capital World: De facto, the world of Efriore, formerly the capital of the theocratic state of the Axiom Church. De jure, the Human Colonial Alliance claims control over the Old Earth.
Population by Race: The total population is of around 3.5 quintillion, from which 2.5 quinitillion are humans, the rest being alien slaves.
Technology Rank: 8.6
FTL Travel:

Colonial Faster-than-Light Jump Drives. Also commonly known as Shockjump Drives.

The technology behind Colonial FTL systems is such that, providing the relevant data is known, ships can jump with a high degree of accuracy, allowing ships to rendezvous in space and even "park" in a synchronous orbit directly above a given point on a planet's surface. Advanced  FTL drives  even enable ships to arrive in crowded areas, such as the middle of an asteroid field or other ships, without the risk of collision and damage.The drives are based on the use of Superstring Theory and M-Theory that essentially enable the "jump drive" systems to "fold" space, reducing the distance between any two points by creating a "corridor" through space that links them together. The ability to process that data is dependent from the computing capacity of the ship using it. At least in theory, the Colonial FTL drives should not have any range limits, but the capacity of the computers limits it considerably. Even the most advanced Acruani AI's would stop at a certain point, where the calculation involving the data contains too many errors. Practically speaking the further one attempts to Jump, the calculations involved become more complicated, and the variables that have to be taken into equation increase. All computer systems known will stop at a certain time, where the number of errors is too high for the jump to be considered safe, that is the so called Red Line, an an imaginary sphere enclosing a vessel which denotes the maximum safe limit for an FTL jump.

The other limit of Colonial FTL Drives is the energy. Colonial FTL Drives are powered by Nuclear Fusion Reactors, fueled by Highly Refined Opilium. Opilium is a material found in many worlds, but useless in its brute form. The Colonies have developed a highly secret refinement process. Its result, the Refined Opilium, is highly volatile, but used in reactors, it can provide an enormous amount of energy, the energy necessary to support the drives and the entirety of a space vessel. The output of the reactors also limits the range of a FTL jump. The use of Refined Opilium also makes the reactors and the drives highly prone to explosions if damaged.

"Spooling up" a Colonial FTL drive takes some time when the drive has been offline, although the advancements of the recent years have considerably reduced that time. Even so, because of this, when ships enter dangerous situations, they keep their FTL drives "spun up". Drives cannot be kept spun up indefinitely, as system crashes or serious damage to the drive will occur. A "cooldown" time is required after a jump for new jump calculations, so a ship that has jumped into a new location cannot jump to another location for a brief period of time.

Progress is also being made on restarting the Travel Devices that the HCA currently possesses, in order to use the Travel Network again.
Technological Development Focus: The main focus of the Alliance's technological development is formed by military technology. The Human Colonial Alliance has inherited the focus on genetics and on military technology of the Federated Colonies, but a large part of their development is also focused on technologies which allow them to control their citizens easier, like the Synthesizer.

Exceptional Technologies: 

  • The Synthesizer. A technology that doesn't necessary belong to the Human Colonial Alliance, as it was firstly theorized and perhaps even used during the old Human Colonial Alliance, which was completed and finalized by the Federated Colonies. The Synthesizer is a result of Project Morpheus I and II, and is built on the Synthesis Process which is on its own built on the Fluctual Light Theory. The theory, through the Quantum Neuronal Dynamics Theory, theorizes an Evanescent Photon, a light particle that acts as a quantum unit of the might, and that exists in the microtubes of the nerve cells. The light particle exists in a state of indeterminism and fluctuates according to the probability theory. A collection of these particles, a quantum field, is the human consciousness. Through this huge breakthrough, the Fluctual Light Theory theorizes a possibility of manipulating the very consciousness of a human through interfering with and modifying a subject's FluctLight, through a process that became known as Synthesis. As such, the Synthesizer modifies a subject's FluctLight, destroying its free will, and as such, making it vulnerable to suggestions. People that are subjected to the Synthesizer become nothing more than puppets, completely loyal to the person programming the process. The Synthesizer has served as the basis of the creation of the Axiom Church and its infiltration in the deepest levels of the government and military of the Federated Colonies, and is now the most powerful way through which the H.C.A. keeps its citizens obedient, and controlled. It should be however noted, that the Synthesizer isn't perfect, and as such, depending on what is intended, it might have to be used on the subject several times, and even a single process can take quite a while. The Synthesizer can only be used by specialists, which have pretty small numbers, and it requires an enormous amount of energy, with the machine itself being fairly large and difficult to use. Synthesized persons can be easily identified by their behavior, and lack any sort of initiative on their own, except from the basic living necessities that are automatically implanted during the process. And perhaps most importantly, it can only be used on humans and those with similar mind structures, and all the above mentioned limitations ensure that it can not be used in secret, and it can not be used on many people. Currently, only parts of the elite of the HCA and problematic citizens have been Synthesized.


Just like in the case of the Federated Colonies, describing the culture of the Human Colonial Alliance, especially shortly, can be near to impossible, as it is basically a syncretism of countless human cultures, and suppressed alien cultures. The easiest way to describe the HCA is however, as a complete opposite of the Federated Colonies. The Human Colonial Alliance is a totalitarian state, often compared to a hegemony, although not in the sense that the word had gained in the Colonies. The HCA's culture, society, and organization is commonly called the System. Everything is controlled, the state is everywhere, and all opposition is cruelly removed. The HCA is completely centered on the human race and a strict supporter of human supremacy. All alien races in the territory controlled by the HCA, or better said, everything that is non-human, is kept in a state of oppression that can be easily compared to slavery. Aliens have no rights, no freedoms, no dreams, and no hopes, and in the opinion of the Human Colonial Council, they only exist to serve the human race. They are oppressed, and killed, without any sort of remorse or consequences. Not even all the humans are citizens of the Alliance, and those who aren't can and will be oppressed as slaves nearly as bad as the aliens are. The humans who aren't citizens but live in the HCA either try to flee to other nations, like the ProvGov, as many aliens do, or try to join the Human Colonial Armed Forces, as military service guarantees citizenship. The citizenship in itself, however, despite the propaganda, is nothing to dream of. Citizens only do what the state allows them to do, only think what the state allows them to think, and only dream what the state allows them to dream. The Human Colonial Alliance is totalitarian by all points of view. Citizens are split between 10 Ranks, with the 1st Rank being the best, and the 10th Rank being the worst. The better rank a citizen has, the more rights and benefits he has.

Human Colonial Citizenship isn't all bad however, as at the very least, the HCA takes the safety of its citizens very seriously.


The Human Colonial Alliance is by all means, a totalitarian and oppressive dictatorship, that follows the principles and regulations of the Great Charter of the Alliance (CS:Die Große Charta der Allianz; La Grande Charte de l'Alliance, Великая Хартия Альянса/Velikaya Khartiya Al'yansa, De Foedus Magna Carta).

The sole entity with any actual power is the The Circle of Administrators (CS: Der Kreis der Administratoren; in other Terran languages:  Le Cercle des Administrateurs, Совет Aдминистраторов/Sovet Administratorov), a group formed by the leading elites of the Alliance, and led by the Great Administrator (CS:Großer Administrator; Grand Administrateur, Великий Администратор/Velikiy Administrator), a position currently occupied by the mysterious being known as Cardinal. The Circle of Administrators has the supreme executive, legislative, and judiciary powers in the Alliance, and it approves and controls everything, from laws, to the very lives and consciousnesses of their citizens. A legislative organization, the Great Council of the Alliance (CS:Der Große Rat der Allianz ; Le Grand Conseil de l'Alliance, Великий Совет Альянса/Velikij Sovet Al’jansa), also exists, and acts, at least de jure, as a Parliament of sorts. It discusses and votes on the laws of the Alliance, but unlike the similarly called Council of the Federated Colonies, its members are not elected, they are selected by the Circle of Administrators. All the laws that are approved by the Council must be always approved by the Circle. As such, the Great Council is mostly just for the image. The Axiom Church (Die Axiom Kirche; L'Eglise Axiom, Аксиома Церковь/Aksioma Tserkov', Axiomatis Ecclesiae) is the official church of the Human Colonial Alliance, and the Axiom Creed( CS: Das Axiom Credo; Le Symbole de l'Axiom, Аксиома Крид/Aksioma Krid, Axiomatis Credo) is the only recognized religion of the Alliance. The Axiom Church is in fact, the most powerful organization in the entire Human Colonial Alliance, and it keeps control over the population through the Axiom Inquisition (CS: Die Axiom-Inquisition; L'Inquisition de l'Axiome,  Аксиома инквизиция/Aksioma Inkvizitsiya, Axiomatis Inquisitionis), an organization with unrestirected powers that has the right and the purpose to eradicate the Alliance from all pagan and heretic religions and thoughts.


The Human Colonial Armed Forces, commonly known as the H.C.A.F., are the military arm of the Human Colonial Alliance, with their administration and procurement authorities. None of the member states of the Human Colonial Alliance is allowed to have military forces on its own, as the Charter of the Alliance states that all military matters fall under the sole responsability of the Alliance as a whole. A direct successor of the forces of the Federated Colonies that have either joined the HCA on their own free will, and of the forces that have been brainwashed into doing so, the organization of the HCAF is a military force just as powerful as that of the Colonial Bundeswehr, and as such, claiming the spot of one of the best trained, best equipped, and most powerful military forces in the galaxy. With many of its upper ranks being simply brainwashed using the Synthesizer, the HCAF enjoys a discipline that can't be reached by other military forces, and a complete obedience to the Alliance and its rulers. The Synthetization of its officers and parts of its soldiers has also weakened the HCAF however, as they are mostly unable of any impulsive actions or thinking on their own except from the terms of the programs that have been placed in their minds. The HCA is trying to avoid that problem by programming them with advanced programs that allow them a relative freedom of thinking, but no Synthesized person will ever be able to have the same freedom of thought as one that hasn't, which means that most of their military forces are only used to taking orders, not to giving them.

The Human Colonial Armed Forces are organized in the Human Colonial Star Forces, on its own divided in the Human Colonial Star Fleet, and the Human Colonial Orbital Forces. and in the Human Colonial Planetary Forces, divided into the Human Colonial Army, the Human Colonial Air Force, and the Human Colonial Naval Forces. Although their origin is indeed from the Colonial Armed Forces, the Human Colonial Armed Forces have a radically different doctrine. Having scrapped most of their battlecarriers, except for those which serve as flagships, the Human Colonial forces focus more on faster, smaller ships, which use their speed, numbers, and sheer offensive power to overwhelm enemy ships, especially Colonial battlecarriers. The Baseships of the Human Colonial Star Fleet are weaker than a Colonial battlecarrier, but their impressive array of offensive laser and plasma batteries, and their massive numbers of drones make them a force to be reckoned with.

The other military force of the Human Colonial Alliance is formed by the military arm of the Axiom Church, the Axiom Knights. An elite force, they are better armed and trained than the regular military forces, and are perhaps the most powerful units of the Alliance.

History: The original Human Colonial Alliance was formed in 2016 HSC, when under pressure from revolts in its colonies, Earth and its United Governments, reformed its organization, replacing the federal system with a unitary alliance. Soon enough, the alliance turned into a complete totalitarian regime, as the System was inaugurated, and the original Circle was created. The HCA became an oppressive nation, and one that quickly expanded to become one of, if not the largest state in the known universe, exterminating and forcing into slavery many alien races, with a strong human supremacist doctrine. The HCA served as the main opponent of the Invaders in the First Great War, and its forces finally stopped the Abyss in the Great Battle of Sol, through Operation Heaven's Fall. The closure of the Travel Network however, was fatal to the Alliance, as it broke it down. The HCA maintained control over the Sol System, but was beaten down even there by rebels, and throughout the galaxy, results were similar. In some worlds, the HCA authorities resisted, and continued to exist, while in others, rebellions created new states. Once the ShockJump Drive was created, the HCA expanded, and all the existing authorities claiming to belong to the Alliance joined them. Earth tried to expand its territories one last time, but the mass rebellions and secessions created the Federated Colonies and the First Secession War, which the Human Colonial Armed Forces lost. The Alliance was broken, and it was replaced by the United Republics of Earth.

The current Human Colonial Alliance was created on the 23rd of August 3175 HSC, by the Axiom Church and the words under its control, after the Axiom Church staged a coup d'etat against the martial law that had replaced the last Federal Government of the Colonies due to the situation created by the Second Great War. The Axiom Church orchestrated the Massacre of Xalion, commonly known as the Day of Wrath, the event that marked the destruction of the central government and military organs of the Federal Republic. Once the new Human Colonial Alliance was created and reformed, it followed the example of the old HCA, recreating the System, and becoming a totalitarian regime, that oppressed all aliens. While aliens ran in fear, the HCA attracted many extremist humans, and for the next three years, it entered a war with the democratic remains of the Colonies, the Provisional Government, a war that has continued to the present day. Negotiations have however resulted in an Armistice, that will become active pretty soon. With that, the HCA will be free to focus on the Andromeda..

Goals and Hooks:

  • Destroy the Provisional Government of the Federated Colonies
  • Become the greatest nation of the human race, and assimilate all other human states.
  • Recover the Old Earth and the other former territories of the original territories of the HCA
  • Become a superpower.

Misc. Notes: Not for now.
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