The House of Grimm

William relaxed his grip on his broadsword and blew out a sigh of relief. He wasn't afraid to tackle some kids on the first day, but he didn't want to leave a bloodstain on the front steps of the school either. Very bad for the reputation right there.

Frankenstein enthusiastically shook Shanks hand, before huffing and puffing the rest of the way up the stairs.

"Most of the staff stay upstairs, but I requested my room in the basement. Less climbing you see?"

He gasped his way up the last few steps and stood there panting for a bit.

"Well, if you need anything, feel free to give me a call. Try not to break too much stuff until then."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Hellsing gave a hearty laugh

"Right... well lets deal with that right away. Do you need a room to stay in, or something else, since your physical construct isn't quite..."

He paused surveying the shade up and down

"Break?" Shanks asked, trying to follow the others as Frank had directed. The dead boy absently scratched at the stitches running from his right ear to his mouth, patching his jaw to his cheek, an old habit he hardly remembered. The flesh pulled apart a little every time, exposing his yellowed teeth and blackened tongue, a stark contrast to his porcelain white skin.
Soul passed by William and said "What are you looking at?!.... Shut up right now Niwa!, No i will not talk to this Shade dude... i don't care who they are!" Soul rubs his face as he walks in and heads up the stairs quickly to get to his room.
Kard thought for a moment, nodding it's head in a habitual fashion, before looking back at Hellsing, before 'pointing' at itself. "No sleep." It paused for another moment, thinking more. "Light bright bad." Bending a little, in an almost apologetic manor, it returned it's starring.
Livio glanced around, taking in his surroundings as he was guided to the rooms, and immediately went to the first room on the right, closest to the stairs. Dropping his bags off in it, and making sure to slide the bag with his holy water and other weapons under the bed, he went back out into the hall, and stood by a window. He liked the view of the forest. It felt nice and..... secluded. Even if they wanted to find him, the Monastery wouldn't be able to out here. He sighed, going back into the room and changing from his robes into more casual clothes. Dress pants and shirt, and a simple black tie that he didn't bother to tighten. It hung loosely around his neck as he stood by the window again.

He really liked the view.
Soul rushed past Dr. Frankenstein and Quickly asked him, "do you have any red and white paint?"

Ash just stood around until he was ready to move.
Hyokki entered his room and turned off the music.

"well its better then nothing i guess"

he laid his back pack on the bed and opened it up laying out some posters of famous Japanese anime and movies, hanging them around the room ho pulled out his kanobo mace and a portable stand to it and set it up in the window seal.he did one last quick check around the room and then left going back down stairs to check out the rest of the building.
Rose sat in the windowsill a silly smiling playing across her face. It was funny how invisible you could become if you didn't talk or move. She had been "looking" out of the window while everyone buzzed around her. She decided now would be a good time to find a room. She slowly began to make her way across the room moving by scent, sound, and touch. She could smell her bags across the room and she knew the slower she went now they faster she could move later. Every time she touched a piece of furniture she paused touching it for a moment and gradually she came to picture the room. Rose ignored the rest of the people, it was nice not having some scientist poke and prod you every step being quiet suited her just fine.
The hallways were buzzing with activity, but Shanks had no idea what to do, so he just stood quietly, hoping someone might guide him. Frank told him something about a room, and not to do something. So Shanks figured if he didn't do anything, he wouldn't do whatever it was the doctor told him not to.

"Shanks?" he asked in a low husky voice.
The House of Grimm spread in wings, dipped with the landscape and rose to a couple small towers and covered walkways, providing many crevices for observation from height without being easily seen. Not far back from the entrance Lenore perched on a ledge, swinging one leg idly, the other crooked up to support her folded arms. She had been directed to this sanctuary as a place to learn to blend, which was so critical these days. Even she had known it before taking this form, but watching the new 'students' she wasn't so convinced. Half breeds and night feeders, killers and undead, how was she to learn from these mongrels?

Still, her choices weren't exactly broad. Her boredom vanished a moment later when she realized one of the men had looked directly up at her. She had thought herself unobserved. She moved quickly, dropping her leg and leaning forward and distinctly saw his gaze flick to her, a flinch behind his hand twitching to the hilt of his broadsword.

A quick twitch of the wind, little more than a thought and she leaped off the ledge, landing lightly on the steps. Her stance was challenging and she stared without blinking at the man with the broadsword.
William watched the young lady gracefully leap down and approach the him.

"Ah, a Valravn." William never liked to say too much, but you hardly saw Valravns around anymore. they seemed to be a dying breed.

"Please, welcome to the House of Grimm. Your fellow students are already upstairs"

Frankenstein paused, tapped his chin and thought as Soul questioned him about the paint.

"Red paint, red paint... hmm... I know the supply closets got restocked recently to prepare for the new school year... and white paint is easy enough to come by. I'm sure we can scrounge some up somewhere. What do you need it for, is it urgent?"
Thoughts swirled in her head, but her pride was still at the fore and she lifted her chin, dark eyes narrowing. "I have no fellows," she retorted, voice a harsh, throaty contrast to her sleek features. "What worth is there to be here, Grimm? Trash and cast offs walk your halls."
William shook his head sadly, but when he spoke his voice was filled with clarity and conviction

"No my dear, It may seem that we are a disjointed and unruly school, but it is my brother's wishes that we may use this opportunity to lay aside our differences and that we may learn greatly from one another."

He stepped to the side of the door to let her pass

"Will you join us?"
"yes, Very Important. Whether or not i have a brush, i need it." Soul said kinda twitching.
His continued serenity finally penetrated her reactivity and she physically took a step back to retreat from her frustration. "This body is not right," she muttered, looking away for a fraction and then back at William. "It causes conflict. If will help me sort this out, I will remain." She could not make herself bow but she did incline her head briefly, then strode past him to the cooler, dark interior of the ancient building.

Scents were not as strong in this body but she still tried to learn her surroundings by that sense. A man of similar shape and scent to William was in the entrance and she approached him only enough to speak easily. "Is there a room on a higher level?"
hyokki walked up to Frankenstein and tapped his arm lightly

"sorry to bother you sir my name is Hyokki, i was just wondering if you had a class schedule or you could tell me what we might be doing here?"
Murky green waters surrounded Xeno, who swam at a leisurely pace in the untouched depths of the lake. Rocks covered half the bottom, a green moss covering every inch exposed to the fresh water, which slugs and other invertebrate seemed to feed on. The water weeds parted as she made her own path to the ‘House’ she would be staying at, already missing the saline waters.

The rocks started rising to the light that barely shone through the surface, and she skimmed close to the ramp. When it became evident she could no longer use her fish abilities, her tail bleached and split, gaining a nude color as the two parts shaped into legs. Bubbles came rushing out as her gills closed and human ears formed; her hand caught hold of a rock and she pushed her naked torso above the water. Her knee knocked against the same rock and she hissed in pain, the other foot finding another rock to steady herself.

The shoreline here wasn’t very distinct, and Xeno had to struggle over the many rocks until she came to mud she could actually dig her feet into. Balance was found as she walked steadily across dry-land, being drawn towards the dark mansion that she would now be living in. It was a huge building that looked decrepit in its old state; rusty hinges, missing shingles, crooked shutters, even a broken weathervane.

Not one to be modest, she approached the mansion in her nude form, knowing full well she would probably be forced into clothes. Clothes that weren’t exactly with her at the moment, as they had been sent before her; the clothes she has been wearing were piled on the other side of the lake. With a brief glance back she noticed a dock she hadn’t before and was annoyed at the hindrance she caused herself.

It was too late now though, as she approached what she assumed was the back door; no welcoming party, no big assuming double doors. Xeno assumed her luggage was at the front, and she debated going through the mansion or around, before her hair dripping decided for her. She made her way around the building where she only saw one person, no suitcases…

“Excuse me…” she spoke to him,

“Where are my clothes?” she asked, politely.
Dr Frankenstein: "You'll get your schedule during orientation tonight as for for you, come with me. Lets find that paint"

Dr Jekyll:"I... Um... er... there might be some towers up above the 4th floor, but... um... I'll check on that for you..."

He turned to face the nude girl who had just walked in, and his ears turned a bright red. After picking his jaw off the floor he regained what little composure he had and pointed up the stairs.

"T-they should be moved to your room... I think. You might want to check there."

He stared at his feet and tried not to look at the young Nixie
Soul Nervousily nodded as his twitching a bit more "oh yeah and if possible, some black too."
The person in the doorway answered, and Xeno turned to look at him; he seemed a little shocked at her blatant nudity but he did answer.

“Alright, Thank you” she noted with a curt nod,

Then she entered the mansion, hurrying up the stairs as to not make anybody else uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the room she ran into also held a large group of people and she almost ran right into a boy just standing idly in the doorway.

“Sorry” she apologized, turning towards him slightly

With a frown, she hurried towards her easily identifiable blue-green suitcase and opened the front of it; whipping out a sheet to wrap around her.

“Uh…” she started, looking at the elder who seemed to be leading the group,

“Sorry, which way to the female rooms?” she asked.
(WOAH one day and this RP goes so far xD took me 15mins to catch up)

Red looked around his room, it was fancy but all in all, the fanciness just extended to the apperance, it was a functional as a rock in a toilet, it was a small as a shoebox and it had this pungent aroma... the room sucked, finally, something normal for a boarding school.

he looked out the window, at the surrounding area, for about half a second he could swear he saw a girl standing there stark-naked, then he rubbed his eyes... and he was right!

he watched her as she got her clothes and ran inside, he chuckled... this place was getting weirder and weirder.

he looked aroun again, he made mental notes of where everything was, and then he went to his door and leaned on the frame.

he saw the girl from before (Xeno) come up, and ask where the female rooms were, he told her "left hand side!"

as she walked past, since his room was right next to the stairs where she was, he smirked and said

"better keep those clothes on, you'll catch a cold in this weather"
Frankenstein led Soul back downstairs to where the storage closet was... just outside. Storage closet? This was more like a mini warehouse.

Producing a small silver key, Frankenstein unlocked the door and pushed it up as high as stubby frame could reach. Going inside the warehouse/closet, he searched around a couple of shelves and came back with three small cans of paint.<br>"May I ask what you plan to do with this? Not defacing school property I hope?"
"Sor-ry?" Shanks queried as he turned slowly around to the sight of a retreating female. A girl running away, that seemed familiar too. It took a moment, but Shanks realized that he was about to give chase out of reflex. That must have been what Frank was talking about. He was still unsure of what he was supposed to do, so he just kept standing where he was, waiting for someone to tell him.
"No, certainly not, *twitch*, why would i do that?" Soul said as a voice in his head said to soul why wouldn't you do it?
Rose heard the sharp intake of breaths across the room and was once again frustrated by her lack of sight. Something or someone had happened done something and she had no idea what. Sighing Rose made her way across the room one more time trying to find her bags and a room.

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