The House of Grimm

Red's eyes shot open, he turned to the others

"did he just say Hellsing? Hellsing!?" he had been taught tales of Van Hellsing since the cradle, it was his boogeyman, but unlike the boogeyman, the name Hellsing still made him scared, his heart beat faster, harder, his eyes narrowed.

"this isn't good"

when they were told to follow the man to their rooms, Red kept to the back of the group, just in case this was a trap, but then again, if that was the same Van Hellsing from legends, it would be too late for escape.
"Don't be such a baby," Brooke muttered as she kicked herself off the wall, but she herself was a lso a bit nervous. There were too many enemies here, but why would Mel and the others make her stay here if there were threats around every corner? Thye wouldn't. Brooke, a little wary of everyone else, hung back and waited for Mel, who came in with Brooke's luggage not too long after. With a sigh, the vampire girl took her bags and started walking, a hang-off friom the rest.
Livio could feel the unease in the air, and sighed. He really hoped it wouldn't erupt into violence. He swore to avoid conflict, and always do his best to solve it..... But with this crowd of super-natural children, and two legendary KILLERS of super natural beings, he saw no good ending. He gulped, and watched on from the side of the room.
Rose stood up listening to everyone walk out of the room. She slowly began to follow the sound of their footsteps. She could smell a bit of hesitation as if something was scaring these people. She ran one hand along the wall the other was stuck out in front of her. Rose had hated the idea of a cane because she felt it was nothing more then a broken in half crutch.
Following behind the crowd, always staying off to the side in a shadow, having found it's way inside just before the one called Hellsing had spoken, Kard just nodded along. As the amount of shadows grew on the stairwell, it moved away from them, and actually walked. Looking at one that kept her hand on the wall, it tilted it's head, before bending slightly so it was closer to it. "Help want?"
Rose felt a slight chill pass by her body. She heard a soft voice just above a whisper appear beside her. It took her a moment to consider the question but Rose eventually nodded, "Yes, that would be nice," she said extending her hand. The cold chill still surrounded her but she was getting used to it.
When they reached the third floor, it opened up into a rather large comfy area with several couches strewn about, and a fireplace crackling away on the wall. Two long hallways branched in either direction with room door spaced evenly alongside both hallways.

Jacob turned around to address his little group of followers. "Males to the right hall, females to the left. If you don't have a gender, come talk to a teacher later, and we'll work something out. Once you pick out your room, your bags will be brought up."

He turned and gestured back to the stairs "You've already seen the first floor. A majority of our labs and classes are on the first and second floors. the forth floor is where the staff will be staying, so unless you have specific business with one of them, there's no use for you to go higher than here."

Hellsing eyed the students already trying to peek up the stairs, and gave them a withering glare that would suggest they do otherwise.

Feel free to wander the halls" Concluded Jacob, "try not to get lost, and be sure to be back in the main hall before dinner for your official orientation"
Hyokki followed the group dancing along to the music from his mp3. he noticed that the beautiful architecture of the building. looking around at the group hostility he laughed in his head thinking that there wouldn't be a dull moment ever.he then started to mumble the song to himself "i got them moves like jagger" once they reached the room area he danced off to the right to look at the sleeping arrangement
Nodding it's head as usual, it looked around itself for a moment for something solid, knowing full well how lacking it was to touch anything living. Finding nothing it thought would suit the purpose well enough, or that wouldn't be 'frowned' upon by the man that appeared to be in charge, it shrugged. Unpinning the card on it's chest, it set an edge gently in the girl's open hand, still holding the other so it could "guide" in that nature, till they reached the staying rooms. Listening to the man speak, it frowned a little, before wondering what would be considered the appropriate time for 'later'.
Brooke, determined for first pick on the nicest rooms, started left, hauling her luggage behind her. In her mind, she heard Mel's voice. Okay, I really should be off, now....I love you, be nice. Feeling new anger for a new reason bubble up in her belly, Brooke's fangs pertruded from her gums, again. Ugh, this day sucked!
Rose grasped the edge of the card slightly confused but decided to just go along with it. "Thank you," she murmured before one of the professors began speaking. She knew that any room she got would be fine to her considering she couldn't see it. However she would like a room where she could sit in a window allowing the sunlight to sweep across face. And the scents and sounds could fill her ears giving her hints of what was going on. Rose released the card and suddenly felt very isolated as everyone in the room began to move around her.
As the others all scampered off inside, Shanks felt a little bit abondoned and ignored. Only two of the four remaining outdoors.

"Where go?" he asked, a puzzled look making it's way across his stitched together face.
Seeing that the students were fairly well taken care of for the moment, and that his help was not needed, Dr Frankenstein toddled back down both steps of stairs to see how things were running downstairs. Reaching the bottom, he notices Shanks, still blindly staring off into space after everyone else went upstairs.

"Hey kid. you're a real piece of work, aren't you?"

He winced as he said it. It was meant it as a complement it didn't sound that way.

"Here, he said let me help you out." offering one of his thickly rubber gloved hands as a guide. "I'll help you get your rooming situation sorted out"
Taking the card back, it pinned it back to itself literally piercing it's shadowy body with the pin, though it felt nothing. Looking around, it bowed it's head as if in a frown, or a slouch. Moving towards the main man who had spoken, it bowed lower for a bit more respectful tone, and waited to be noticed before it would speak of it's inquiry.
The small man that seemed so familiar came back, offering his hand to Shanks. It was a gesture lost on his mind though, and he just reached out a hand to imitate the stubby scientist.

"Room?" he asked scratchily.
Soul drove up in a runned-down car that was almost out of gas but had to slam on his brakes which killed the car in front of the school because he had almost hit Ash who had just teleported there.

(side note for me: [roll0] )

Frankenstein pointed to the upstairs and spoke slowly and clearly

"Room, place where you stay"

He gave a short bobbing bow, and gestured for Shanks to follow


William watched the car drive up and almost hit the newly arrived Litch as he observed them with a discerning gaze seeing what they would do.
"Room..." Shanks repeated, following the professor upstairs. The house seemed even more familiar once on the inside, but the dead boy just couldn't remember at all.
Soul got out of the car while grabbing his duffel bag and yelled and Ash saying "You IDIOT!, i could have run you over!"

Ash looked at him and said "Well maybe you should watch where you are going, maybe then you'll get accustomed to how a Lich does things"

William's hand drifted to the hilt of his broadsword in case something ugly was about to start.

Jekyll was doing everything he could not to jump out of his own skin and run away.

Frankenstein quickly ushered Shanks inside and up the stairs before either of them could get caught up in any mess that was beyond either of them.

Somewhere between the first and third floor, Frankenstein stopped to catch his breath.

"Sorry there little guy, I don't normally get out of the lab much"

He stuck out one gloved hand to Shank

"Name's Dr. Frankenstein, but you can call me Doc Frank for short"
"Frank?" Shanks asked, imitating the stocky man again while they paused on the stairs. Speaking was a little strange for him, but the ghoul at least thought he knew what he was talking about.

"Shanks?" he said questioningly, pointing to himself with his free hand after attempting with his right to find it firmly in the professor's grip.
Rose heard the rumble of a car and then the protesting of the brakes as it squealed to a halt. There seemed to be some sort of argument. Slowly she made her way towards the sound finding a window. The sun beamed through the wooden frame warming her face it was wonderful, she ran her fingers across the painted wood, wishing she could feel the actual grain of the wood. Someone else was coming up the stairs he smelled dead but not completely, how odd.
Soul cracked his neck and looked like he was going to drop his duffel bag when all of a sudden he slightly bowed and said he was sorry which threw Ash off guard and Soul started to turn towards the school and said out-loud yet to himself "stupid in-grateful idiot, you should have been paying more attention. No i will not shut up."

Ash eventually just shook his head and headed towards the school to meet others.

(changing to an automatic 4 next turn)
Hellsing's instincts told him of the cold shadow long before any of his other senses did. He raised an eyebrow in question, before turning to give it his full attention.

"Why hello there, little guy... you're a quiet one, aren't you?"

He dipped his tall frame closer to the shadowy figure to get a better look.

"Do you need some help? these rooms not suit you?"
The shadow stared at Hellsing for a moment, most likely only proving his first question correct.Tilting it's head to the side and phasing out an arm, it gestured down at itself, speaking softly, "No Gender." Pulling it's 'arm' back into itself, it stared at him more, before looking towards a window, it's form wavering for a moment like it was shuddering.

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