The House of Grimm


Retired Asshole
A large banner hangs above the newly renovated mansion built smack dab in the center of a large and imposing forest reading “Welcome to the House of Grimm!”. Two men, brothers, are standing on the front steps, directly under the banner, watching the road for the first to arrive. And then it happens, A cloud of dust, being kicked up on a dirt road is seen far off in the distance. Within minutes, the car has arrived at the entrance and a rugged man with a battle-scared hat and duster steps out. He looked at the brothers Grimm and broke out into a giant smile.

“Jacob!... and William I presume? Geez, you two have grown”

“Van Hellsing!” Jacob greeted enthusiastically, “I was hoping you could make it”

Van Hellsing nodded. “You and your schemes almost got me killed last time. What have you two cooked up this time?”

Jacob put on a false pained look, “Come on! That was years ago, I'm older and wiser now!”

William gave a snort of disbelief, and said nothing.

“We were hoping you could help us teach them” Jacob admitted

Van Hellsing blew out his breath. “That's a serious responsibility you're trying to take on, are you sure you're up to something like that?”

“Yes!” proclaimed Jacob at almost the same time William muttered “No...” silently under his breath.

“Besides” Jacob defended “I got more help then just the three of us”

Just then an old battered white van came sputtering down the driveway and a scrawny young man with thick wire rimmed glasses and an impressively wrinkled lab coat craned his head out of the window. “Am I in the right place?” the nervous looking man asked.

William pointed impassively at the sign without looking up.

The man forced his van door open, half stumbling, half falling out before being caught by William's extended hand.

“This?!... This is the help you were talking about?” sputtered Van Hellsing, as if in disbelief of his new coworker.

Unfazed, Jacob stepped forth and declared “Why not? I hear he's the best at what he does. May I present to you, Dr Jekyll.”

The side door on the van slid open, and another man hopped out. Shorter and stockier than Dr Jekyll he was a plump little balding man with a pristine lab coat on. He waddled up to the front steps, and dropped his little suitcase at his stubby feet and went up to shake Jacob's hand.

Jacob returned the gesture, and announced, “Welcome Dr Frankenstein. It seems we're all here. And good timing too. The students should be arriving anytime now.”
Rose sat in the back seat of the government van her hands cuffed together. She could tell that there was a divider between her and the driver because the man's voice was so muffled. He was explaining to her the rules of this new place she was going too. How she was not permitted to say anything about her previous life or any of the tests she had endured. Rose moved her hands along the fabric of her pants surprised by the softness of the fabric, it actually had a texture unlike the smock she had been forced to wear. The shirt was also soft but the neckline was a little odd. Rose lifted her hands and tried to trace the line between he skin and shirt but she kept getting lost. It seemed to scoop instead of follow the circle of her neck.

The van had turned and now they were under even more trees. She could tell because the temperature dropped a few degrees and she heard the man driving pull off his sun glasses. They were slowing and now the scientist was saying something again.

"We are almost here, now remember your name is Rosalind Faire and I am your father Jonathan Faire. I am a dentist and your mother died in a car accident, that is all you need to say if someone asks you about your parents," he said quickly almost nervously. The van came to a halt and the scientist opened the divider unlocking the cuffs on her wrists.
"Ah!" Jacob exclaimed as the van with government plates rumbled to a stop in front of the school. "Our first student has arrived. Lets make sure she receives a warm welcome"

William grunted in reply, and turned to face the van suspiciously.

Jacob thumbed through a few papers until he found the one he was looking for

"Ah ha! looks like we have Rose here, blind werewolf it says. Jekyll, would you mind helping our young student up the stairs?"

Jekyll, who already looked like he was about to jump straight out of his skin, nervous as he was. Nodded in acknowledgement and walked in hasty jerky motions down the stairs to offer Rose his trembling hand as a guide
Mel looked at Brooke in the passenger seat. Her bottom lip was sticking up and out in a pout. "Don't be like that, Birdie. It sucks away -"

"From my beauty?" Brooke snapped. "Not now, Mel."

The vampire woman sighed. The guys had her drive Brooke to her new school, and as much as she loved the girl, her
attitude was too much for even Mel to handle. It didn't help that Brooke was upest with them for sending her to this place, but Mel Brooke knew it was the best for her. "Do you have the blood tablets?"

Brooke, in response, held up a small box. In it, the "medicine" made hollow bumping noises.

"Good," Mel said. "That's good...."

Brooke groaned. She prefered fresh blood, as most do. Mel sighed, and turned Brooke's music off. The girl next to her let out a protesting snarl, but Mel ignored her. She paid atention to the forest, and tried to keep teh volume in the car low as she pulled p to a gothic mansion.
Livio Wolfwood walked up the beaten path others drove up towards the house. The air was cool, and he was calm and content. His inner turmoil and questioning could be put at bay for the moment. The beauty of the moment was inspiring.

Getting to the school, the banner stood out to him, and he saw a few people. The calmness was still in the air, so he felt at ease walking up, and past the people.

He stood in the doorway, his blond hair flowing a bit in the breeze. He bit his lower lip gently, and took a deep breath.

He was..... Home?
The scientist tapped her shoulder softly and Rose jumped a little raising her hand up limply. She could smell the fear in the man standing in front of her and she could hear the low murmurs of the people talking around her. The sound of a van approaching was oh-so-annoying and she shook her head a little. She moved her hand back and forth for a moment until she located the man who was going to lead her to her new room. She began to count the steps to the doorway and wished she could take her blasted shoes off. It was so easier to tell where she was going when she was barefoot. She could feel the slight vibrations and temperatures it helped guide her.
Brooke got out of teh car, and her fangs immediately jumpedout of her gums. "You cant be serious," she snapped as Mel got out of the car. "A lycan and a freaking -"

"Brooke!" Mel scolded. "For crying out loud - be quiet!"

The blonde girl snarled. She could smell the half-angel's holy water. He must have been armed. Plus, there was a werewolf...Oh, hell, this was a recipe for her disaster...."Mel..."

"Brooke, walk. Your complaining will get you no where."

The little vampire pouted and started walking, swallowing a hiss for the angel preist. Her day was going in a foul direction, and her mood plummeted with it.
"Um... watch your step here" the jumpy man said as they started up the stairs.

Van Hellsing watched amused, wondering which would would trip first, the scientist or the blind girl.

Fortunately they both made it up without incident, and Jykell guided Rose into the large entry hall and into a couch.

"Make yourself comfortable" he stammered. "Your bags will be sent upstairs soon enough""
(OMG I JUST FIGURED OUT WHO VAN HELLSING WAS. I watched the movie and loved it, is there a book about him?)

Rose leaned back her hand guiding her as she sat down. She nodded slowly wondering what her "bags" would contain considering she owned nothing. Of course the scientists had probably bought her a bunch of stuff that once again she would not even know. Her fingers slid over the couch feeling the different threads in the fabric. The couch was new but the rest of the house was not, unlike the couch which smelled of metals and cleaning products the house smelled of woods and a little smokey, fireplaces most likely.
From every other shadow lining the walk way, a figure would appear for a mere second, before disappearing, causing some to second guess the spot. Stopping just near enough to catch sight of a banner, the figure finally stopped it's ceaseless movements in the shaded spot. Staring, or what one would suppose was staring, at the people who moved around, it crouched, head and mask bobbing as if in a nod. An arm phased into 'existance' before adjusting the object pinned to itself, before it stood once more. As the arm faded back into the rest of the creature, it started to scan for a closer shadow to move into, otherwise remaining perfectly still.
Livio raised an eyebrow.

The pale person's snarl was obvious, and she'd been looking at him for a second. He could assume she wasn't human, and must have been reacting to his holy water. He sighed.

A werewolf and a freaking..... Priest?

Do other creatures hate men of God that much?

OOC - Livio does not know he is half-angel.
( I saw =) Ah, don't mind Brooke...She's in a bad mood xD )

Brooke glared at the angel, her eyes narrowed menacingly, as she walked into the mansion. Mel rolled her eyes at her "daughter" and looked at the boy, mouthing an apology. As Brooke passed him, the holy water made her head ache. Expressing her frustration in a low hiss, she tried to over-look the fact that she was going to "school" with two very natural enemies. They could be he nicest people she could ever meet, and she'd still hate them.
Rose sat alone on the couch for a mere moment before standing up and starting to learn her way around the room. She had refused to use a cane so she had to lean over a little to feel things around her. She slowly made a circle around the room counting steps. She knew that eventually it would become second nature to her but for now she just needed to keep circling the room each time becoming more and more confident.
Livio smiled gently as the woman mouthed an apology on behalf of her daughter, he assumed.

He decided he wouldn't carry around his holy water anymore, but leave it in his room, once he got one. He didn't want to cause anyone any distress.

With a silent sigh, Livio proceeded into the entrance hall, putting a little distance between himself and the pale mother and daughter. Undue antagonism wasn't needed at all. He just basically attempted to stay away from everyone, not knowing who would be affected by the holy water.
Brooke stopped and leaned against a hard wall, looking around thoughtfully. She tried to ignore the half-angel, the lycan and the pain in her head, but it proved difficult. Her sensitive nose went nuts at the threatening scents, but her head knew they wouldn't hurt her.

The House of Grimm was the largest building she had ever been inside. The sheer size of it intimidated her, but she worked hard not to show it. Sure, the building was beautiful and detailed, but Brooke habitually got herself lost.
The noise... life? A pile of leaves amidst the forest, moved, twitched, and a pale, stitched corpse sat bolt upright in a flash.

"Life?" the creature tested uneasily, it's voice cracking and scratching audibly.

"Food?" it tried again, standing, and following the direction the noises went. It sounded familiar but different, something similar, but changed.

"Shanks..." the thing reminded itself, clumsily shuffling after the noises, following a distance behind another walking the same path, quickly falling behind.

"Faster?" Shanks asked itself, trying to mimic the other with the yellow head, it's walk growing more fluid, lifelike. The undead youth struggled as he began to walk more normally, still dragging his feet a little, often losing balance, and occasionally falling; a lack of use leaving his muscles stiff with rigor mortis.

Some time after Shanks got up, he began to approach a large building, a building that seemed quite familiar... what was it about the structure? A crowd of others stood about outdoors, waiting for something.

"Why waiting?" he asked himself, speeding up a little, then tripping once more.
Hyokki sat in the back of a old pickup while it went down the old road. Hyokki laid in the back staring at the trees whip by. went the truck came to a screeching stop he popped up and looked around seeing a large building with a couple of people in the front.

"i guess this is it"

he grabbed his bag and jumped off the side of the truck, waving goodbye to the driver as he turned around and left back down the road. he approached the people that looked in charge in the front of the building. placing his bag down and shaking there hand he smiled

"I'm Hyokki are you the grimm brothers"

he said letting go of there hands and waiting for a answer
Jacob shook Hyokki's hand enthusiastically. "Why yes, we are. You must be that exchange student fro Japan. Feel free to wait in the entry room while your fellow students are gathering."

William nodded in agreement, and gestured towards the open doors leading to the mansion where several of the students who had already were getting the feel for the place.

"Feel free to leave your bags if you need to, We'll deliver them to your rooms shortly"
Red walked down the twisting misty path in the dark under the shade of the great trees, he didn't walk on the road, he was using an old path through the woods.

he stopped in an opening and smelled the air deeply

"hmm... a mix of scents to the east... five wolves behind me"

he turned his head, these weren't werewolves, just animals.

"east it is, catch me if you can, pups"

he took off, sprinting to the east.

he ran and ran, eventually seeing the lights of the school, the wolves turned back, they knew to avoid that place, and Red seemed to burst from the woods, he stopped but the damp ground carried him, and made him slip, landing on his butt in front of the men.

"uhh is this the House of Grimm?" he asked sheepishly, getting back up, wiping the dirt and leaves off his jacket.
Hellsing stooped to help the young being that had come crashing in.

"A vampire this one? No, not completely... a halfblood?"

He reached out a strong rough hand, and helped brush the mud off Red's backside.

"Yes it is, you'd better get inside before you get sunburned."
As more and more people entered the hall Rose returned to the couch worried that she might bump into somebody. Two of the people had very odd smells. One scent was cold and harsh the other was so crisp it burnt her nostrils. She dug her hands to the couch her head jerking back and forth as if she could see them. Rose knew her habit of looking back and forth was pointless considering she would never see anything.
Red nodded to the men, and went inside.

he came into the main room, the mixture of scents was stifling, of course he couldnt smell most of it, like their hair or sweat, no, he could smell their blood, and although to humans all blood smelled the same, the vampires could tell them appart.

he walked in, nodding to the ones he walked past

"hey, hi, how ya doin?"

he sat down on a sofa and kicked his legs up on the coffee table

"damn this place is creepy..." just because hes half-vampire doesnt mean he's used to things like this, his old home was an ultra-modern penthouse with plasma screen TVs and windows with adjustable tints, but still well lit from the inside, this place was something froma Bram Stoker novel.
Shanks came closer to the building, joining the others outside, looking from one man to another as the younger went inside.

"Why waiting?" he tried, looking around. His voice was still hoarse from disuse, but the ghoul was curious, as most were, as to what was going on. The short and stocky man with the smooth coat seemed familiar, but Shanks had no idea why.

"What is?" the dead boy asked, looking between the men outside, and the entryway to the house.
Brooke hung back on the wall as Mel got her bags from the car. Then, a familiar scent tickled her nostrils...A vampire? No, only half....Brooke shifted her weight. She didn't know it was possible to be a half...Then again, she didn't beleive in vampires a few years ago. She watched the half-blood a few minutes, then looked at the new arrival....A dead boy asking questions. This place.....
The tension inside the entry room was building so thick it causes the hairs on the back of Van Hellsing's neck to stand on end.

"Hey" Van Hellsing Said, "You'd better get in there and do something, before those kids eat each other alive"

Jacob looked over his shoulder and saw that that would probably be the wisest course of action.

"Frank, Hellsing, Come with me. We'll settle in these kids first." Jacob finally decided. He turned on heal and strode into the mansion leaving Jekyll and William behind to greet any stragglers who followed behind. Once inside, he claped his hands together loudly to gather their attention. "Alright class, We're about to show you to your rooms, so if you don't mind, please follow, and try not to get lost."

He strode across the room and climbed up a set of stone stairs that wound up the side of the room, and into the upper floors with everyone in his wake.

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