The Hidden School for the Different


"The name's Renee, yeah."

Renee Levi


"Never ask a betty for their age, bloke."



"Down yonder."




+Social, Flirty, Humorous, Brave -Reckless, Rebellious, Carefree, Short-Tempered


"Who's asking?"

• Is able to manipulate all of the natural elements


"Ugh, I hate that class."

• Renee is the loud-mouthed girl you'll always see smiling in class, or cracking a joke. When she's not cracking jokes or yelling out loud, she's a really nice and caring person, who's sensitive, but covers it up so she's not criticized. She is very loyal, and will never back away from her word, or a promise she had made. Always donning a bright smile and a carefree attitude, Renee will often rebel against rules and perform reckless actions to get her point across. Despite that, she is a very good friend, person, and very fun girl.



• She uses her elemental powers for productive things... Most of the time.

• She spaces out sometimes when she gets really bored.



• Elements

• Nature

• The beach

• People who think her Aussie accent is cute

• Feeling free


"Just a few things tick me off."

• Discrimination

• Feeling alone

• Being bored

• Feeling weak

• Those who taunt her because of her accent

Name: Meme Tsumiki

Age: 18


Personality: Is quiet and subdued but prefers it if people call her by her last name

Powers/race: Shinigami (grim reaper)

Bio: Meme is a very polite person but also very shy. She gets flustered when talking to people and often times will just blush like mad.

Extra(pets, other description details, likes, dislikes): She is about 4'2 and likes softball
Name (First and Last. Middle if you like): Alexander Tavrish

Age: 17

Appearance: 6'2, Tall and lean. (Like picture but blonde)


Personality: Very kind and compassionate person. Very light hearted and caring, but when you threaten what he loves he'll fight to the death to protect them. Is very flirty and romantic.

Powers/race: Half angel. His wings can regenerate and retract, and he has the powers to cast holy spells of light. He can summon his battle armor and silver longsword whenever he see's fit.





Bio: His mother was an Angel sent to earth to protect a man in great danger, and fell in love with him. After a year, she returned to the Heavens with a child. Her own. It was decided that she could never see her son, and he was sent to be raised on earth with his father, and when he comes of age, should his heart be pure, he would unlock angelic powers. So the day he turned 16 he started to be able to cast light, and was starting to grow wings. His father told him of his mother, and how he was a half angel. While not immortal like true angels, he contains some of their abilities.

Extra: He's very open minded and cares not what others do. one thing he can't stand is people who take advantage of others. He's a protector at heart, and would do anything for someone he cares about.
Name: Feitan "Four" Firepaw

Age: 17

Appearance: Standing at a short 5'5 he can easily be mistaken for someone much younger, along with his slim physique you really do end up questioning his real age. Always wearing the same jacket that covers the lower part of his face, and carrying around a red umbrella, with a black hilt as well as a skull imprinted onto it. His skin, pale as the freshest snow, yet his hair remains darker than black. At a first glance he could easily look timid and weak, as appearances tend to define people.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/314549d4bb6111e394940002c9d07a7c_8.jpg.7cdb1c9844632587c0f9614f676c9fa7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/314549d4bb6111e394940002c9d07a7c_8.jpg.7cdb1c9844632587c0f9614f676c9fa7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Feitan believes he is always right in an argument which essentially describes his personality in two words. Self righteous and Narcissistic. Though he knows if he's outmatched by someone quickly, when first meeting him he is very timid and will not partake in conversation, possibly once getting to know Feitan, he could feel more comfortable around you and begin to speak up more which could lead to a good friendship, or it could make you a hated enemy. On accident, he tends to shut people out and try to keep them away from himself, though in the end he's like everyone else and just needs a friend or someone to speak to.

Powers/race: Morpher (Main ability to be known for is morphing certain parts of the body ever so slightly.)

Bio: At one time he used to have a large group of friends, large deemed himself. The group of ten traveled from town to city, and back to towns with only themselves and the very few possessions they had. If anyone were to give them trouble they'd give it right back, no matter what they looked like, or who they were; they believed they were on top of the rule, they were the strongest. Quickly this changed when they took on someone the could not handle, Feitan knowing this, quickly fled from the scene assuming his acquaintances would as well. Sadly being very wrong he was on his own. No where to go, no one to be with.

Likes: Books of all varieties, no matter what it is he will read it. All the way from Romantic to murder, he will read it. Whispios loves the darkness, which is why he always has his umbrella with him, even though it may be sunny out, he will always feel that much darker. His favorite thing, either than books, would have to be the rain. Sitting out in the rain, or walking about would satisfy him greatly.

Dislikes: People who question him, along with sunlight. Absolutely despising sunlight can change his mind on whether he goes to school on some occasions.

Fears: Having very few fears, one of his biggest would have to be his fear of large groups and crowds, or having all eyes on him.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Feitan_OE.jpg.195e63d3bcb59b5ccfa3e5421bb51ca2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16990" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Feitan_OE.jpg.195e63d3bcb59b5ccfa3e5421bb51ca2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Melanie Takamoto (Miss Takamoto is what most refer to her as)

Age: 18


Personality: Mel is a timid neko, who doesn't believe in confrontation and is what you would call "anti-social". She is polite and is always nervous about something, weather it be grades, social interactions etc.

Powers/race: Mel is in fact a neko, but that's not what brought her to the academy. She has a neighboring ability of extracting human souls and consuming them, possesses charm spells, and has wings. In other words, she is also a succubus.

Bio: Secret! ( ¬‿¬)

Extra(pets, other description details, likes, dislikes): she is 4'5 and feels intimidated by, well, everyone. She is from Japan and still practices Japanese traditions (Calling people by their last names being one)



Chickadee Kelsa Jacobson




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/0a39692ad59d6cb69ca0a61dc4ce6483.jpg.c80efe09d2c47fcc9f0c7f7aa2c1da20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16997" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/0a39692ad59d6cb69ca0a61dc4ce6483.jpg.c80efe09d2c47fcc9f0c7f7aa2c1da20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Has hands though.


Chickadee is a very friendly young woman with a mischievious nature. She enjoys being around people and talks quite a lot. She's sassy and stubborn too. She can also be described as hyperactive, always fluttering about and sometimes messing with people purposely to annoy them. Not all the time though. Chickadee also will eat anything if she's hungry.


Part bird, not an angel.


It really isn't that important. She lived in the forest with her family in almost complete isolation. Her parents thought it would be good for her to socialize with other people, and so here she is!


She hates cats. They usually try to eat her, which turns into a bunch of bite marks all over her.


Henry Johanson




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/troy.jpg.875930a94d1ac7d41bdc43292cd1c90f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16998" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/troy.jpg.875930a94d1ac7d41bdc43292cd1c90f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Henry is almost always pretty calm and enjoys and good joke here and there. He doesn't like stupid drama though and won't stay near people who cause it. Other than that, he's very nice and likes bunnies.


Half Shadow. Can turn into a shadow and control them.


His mother was human while his father was a full shadow. His father left before he was born, leaving Henry's mother to take care of him. Him and his mother had a great relationship. Unfortunatly she died recently from cancer. She enrolled Henry into the school before she died.


He likes making shadow puppets in his own way. He also has a pet bunny named Barry.



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Name (First and Last. Middle if you like):

Binx Atlas Backster



But looks 17



(Golden hair, Brown eyes, 6 foot 4, 156 lbs, Rosy cheeks on Pale skin.)


Binx is probably the big brother of any group, taller then most he would often time mess with someones hair when laughing. He always attempts to give everyone a chance, and be kind to anyone whose responds the same becoming quite loyal to them. He's very selfless and generous, caring and sweet to anyone he meets. Binx though can become quite annoyed easily, the first sign being that he'll ignore everyone and try to show no emotion. He isn't one to yell, never liking the sound. And though his nice structure can become quite vulnerable or depressed when alone, he isn't one to share big facts about himself and especially his past.


Ghost, usually un-liked for having a second chance at life.

Telekinesis and moving through solid objects


Though his cheerful exterior he had a very surprising life, an orphan since an infant Binx lived in a foster home for most of his life until he was adopted at the age of 11. His life was pretty average all the way up to high school, where his height and happy attitude where usen as weapons against him. Constantly called names and beaten he only had a small group of people who didn't see him as someone they could push around so easily. Until one night when they where out on the road going on a small walk enjoying themselves, when an intoxicated man jumped out at the small group. In one of his hands was a gun while the other held a glass bottle, the man began yelling at them telling them it was there fault before shooting at them. Binx was the only one un touched due to diving around a corner, once the shots had ceased along with his friends cries he contacted the police but was suspected to be the murderer and killed.

Extra(pets, other description details, likes, dislikes):

Binx can become flustered quite easily, and loves sweets.

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Name: Katrina Miortti

Age: 17


Personality: Sly, Sarcastic, Fun, Kind-hearted, Can be serious when you need her to be, Great listener but can go on tangents when she gets on a good topic

Powers/race: Katrina is a vampire and seems to be one with the darkness (sees clearly in the dark and is seemingly invisible in the dark)


Katrina has a younger brother named Joshua and an older brother named Jake. Her mother, Beatrice, is sick and has Jake watching her and Joshua while Katrina is at school. Jake and her mother are the only people who know about her 'difference' and they have to lie to Joshua about were she is. Katrina loves her mother and Joshua, but she has a difficult relationship with Jake and they fight a lot.

Extra: Katrina loves eating (especially chocolate) and she hates drama and gossip. She ignores it best she can. Pet wise, she has a small, black cat called Edgar Allen Purr.
Introducing... The greatest character... EVER.... or nawww

Name: Mio Sunoha

or Shio Sunoha

Age: 18



Personality: Your typical total and extreme nerd... Mio loves anime, and is an Otaku, he also likes listening to music and reading books. He likes to stalk up on knowledge, and he can often tell you random little facts that are probably pointless... Like a fact on why white bread is white... He likes to eat junk food and laze around, doing mainly nothing most of the time. He also enjoys sweets/pastries, taking a liking towards chocolate covered espresso beans. Overall he doesn't seem to resemble a demon that much, this is only because of his human form though...

That's the outside though. If put under extreme pressure, and or subjected to a dangerous situation, he will most likely take off his glasses and step on them. (He doesn't actually need glasses. They are just for show, to make him look weak) When he does this he becomes practically another person entirely, which is true considering he has a demon self. This person is the demon representation of himself... Rather than being Mio, a nerd who enjoys lazing around all day, he becomes Shio... Shio tries to resolve things using violence... This tends to get him beat up a lot, leaving Mio to wonder what happened. Mio doesn't always know what happens when Shio takes over. Sometimes he completely blacks out...

Powers/race: Half Human Half Demon... Just your typical fire controlling demon, however occasionally he can bring out some lightning... Just look at dem lightning eyes ;o;~

Bio: Because he's a half sweetened, half unsweetened iced tea drink, people often always picked on him for being different. He used to not know about being part demon, until a little voice in his mind began telling him of his true nature... Shio was always there for Mio, considering they were essentially the same basic person. Though sometimes Shio would come out and play with the other children... More like bully them and make them cry anyway. Though both sides, Mio and Shio, they both are big talkers. They say they will do something, when it's likely they won't, due to Mio's laziness. Theres some other Bio stuff, but this shall be revealed...~

Extra: A nice 5'10.

Quotes of Mio;
"You gonna eat that?" "I'll do it... If I get paid in cakes..." "Easy cheesey would make that taste better"

Quotes of Shio; "I'll definitely make you eat those words! Like how Mio eats cake... But, worse!" "Weakness? Maybe I am a bit dumb, but that word is out of my vocabulary by choice." "Your small, aren't you." "Meathead."

Oh, and in his bedroom, you can find a whole drawer filled up with spare glasses. No two pairs are exactly the same exact aqua color...

He loves triangles and he likes taking extremely hot showers

(that was for the lulz^^^)
Name: Skillex Freyrdottir

Age: 1000+ [Appears to be eighteen]


Personality: Bubbly, Social, Sarcastic, Witty, Curious, Careless, Loving, Protective, Emotional

Powers/race: Control over elemental magic/Light Elf

Bio: Abandoned as a young baby, she was taken in by another race of elves. Finding out she had a gift over magic and elements, she often got made fun of for how she looked. Being that she appeared different in the same race of people, others often did make fun of her for having magical skills unlike they. She tried to ignore them but still felt different and unwanted however she remained her same bubbly safe. She longs to find others that are different like her and make friends with all the people she can.

Extra: Skillex has birthmarks on each side of her face and down her arm. Since she is rather emotional, her elemental powers tend to be channeled through her emotions. If she's sad it rains, if she's angry the ground shakes, when she's happy the sun shines. She has an extreme sweet tooth and loves chocolate covered strawberries. She longs to find out why she was abandoned and tends to wonder about her self worth. She loves the color purple and speaks with an accent similar to an Australian one. 
Oh my God, thank you! Lol 
Oh, I didn't know that. Lol.

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