The Hidden School for the Different [Inactive]


Spirited Young Lady
Chair submitted a new role play:

The Hidden School for the Different - Normal people just don't understand

~When one displays an unnatural gift, it is feared or it is abused.~

~We're here to protect you from that~

The Hidden School (or Silver's Academy) is a school for the unnaturally gifted and different. Whether you are a vampire or other otherworldly persona or you have powers, we welcome you with open arms. People with fear you and discriminate so Silver's is now your home.

Read more about this role play... 
Meme was not expecting this. Not in the least. She wasn't supposed to go to school. She was dead for Pete's sake. But there it was, that ebony colored envelope with an impressive teal wax seal.

She dropped the softball bat she was carrying an checked her outfit. She felt very under-dressed for receiving such a elegant letter. Timidly she leaned over and poked it, before squeaking and disappearing behind her couch.

Meme peeked over the back of the couch and seemingly satisfied with the fact that it didn't blow up, tiptoed back over and picked it up. There was no way she was going to open it yet. It was warm and buzzed when she held it close to her chest. She collapsed on the couch and fell asleep with the letter clutched in her hand. 

~What the letter says~

Dear Mr./Miss_________(insert name)

We have been informed of your "difference" and welcome you to Silver's Academy or as we like to call it,

The Hidden School for the Different.

Coursework and dormitories will be determined upon your arrival.

Enclosed in this letter is a teleportation device that will bring straight to the school.

Pack your bags and we hope to see you there.


Gold +Silver


Chickadee looked around as she walked around the school grounds. She recieved her letter a few days ago and had taken the days afterwards the pack and get ready. Now, she was there, not knowing what to do. The bird girl had never been away from home before or been near people her own age. But, Chickadee guessed that she would have to deal with it.

Chickadee ran a hand through her naturally messy hair, which annoyed her to no end, and smoothed down the dress her mother had made for her (in the picture). After concluded that she looked fine, she continued to walk around.


Henry was sitting on a bench. He too had already gotten his letter and had already given himself a tour of the area. Now, he was just sitting there, taking everything in. But, at least he wasn't alone.

In the young man's lap a black, brown, white, and floppy-eared bunny lounged in his lap comfortably. Henry looked down at his little fluffy companion and managed a little smile. He stroked the creature's head and whistled lightly to himself.

"Dear Mr./Miss_Tarvish__

We have been informed of your "difference" and welcome you to Silver's Academy or as we like to call it,

The Hidden School for the Different.

Coursework and dormitories will be determined upon your arrival.

Enclosed in this letter is a teleportation device that will bring straight to the school.

Pack your bags and we hope to see you there."

Alex read the letter aloud with his dad. His face gleamed with an excitement he had never felt before. His hands were trembling, he couldn't hold it in any longer. He hurried and packed his bags, in a rush. It was an amazement to him that there were others like him. It should have been obvious, but it just never occurred to him before.

"So, this will be your last night here for awhile, hunh son?" Asked his father.

"Yes." Alex gleamed with excitement.

"I'm proud of you son. Make your mother proud." With a smile they hugged. It hadn't set into Alex exactly how much he would miss his Dad, because all that mattered now was there were others. OTHERS! So Alex went upstairs into his room and laid on his bed in wait for morning.
Days after her embarrassing reaction to the letter, Meme found herself following a winged girl to the school grounds.

"It is beautiful." She said aloud, turning her head every which way. Her eyes landed on a boy petting a rabbit and she made her way over, dragging her trunk (which was taller than her) with her.

"May I sit here?"
Dear Mr./Miss Backster

We have been informed of your "difference" and welcome you to Silver's Academy or as we like to call it,

The Hidden School for the Different.

Coursework and dormitories will be determined upon your arrival.

Enclosed in this letter is a teleportation device that will bring straight to the school.

Pack your bags and we hope to see you there.

Binx sat casually on the edge of a roof his long legs dangling off the edge as he read the note over and over a smile clear on his expression. He fumbled with the teleportation device, his cream brown eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Well....Let's do this..." He whispered to himself, before reappearing in front of the school empty handed. It's looming shadows filling him with more excitement, his structure skinny but tall compared to the others he stood around. He wandered for a while taking in the sights before taking a seat alone on a bench. His legs criss-crossed and his note still in hand.
(I'm feeling a bit lazy since I just took a warm shower)

Mio, too, had gotten the letter already and had packed his things away in his orange dorm room. He had looked about the room with a smile on his face as he began deciding on where things would go... He didn't exactly have roommates, so the other beds could be used to store.. Snacks!

I can put the Angel Food Cake over there... AND OOO! The potato chips can sit neatly over in that corner! These were just some of the thoughts that had gone through his mind....

Currently though, the "four eyed" boy was sitting on a bench, across from two other people who were also on a bench (well, one standing anyway) He sat with his legs crossed, and on them there was a large paper plate with an assortment of snacks... Fluffy white cake, Tiramisu, Angel Food, Strawberry tarts and also some Cheetos... He currently was taking some bites from the Tiramisu...

Ahh, nothing like a snack to calm one's nerves of transferring to a new school.... He thought with a euphoric smile... Later on, Mio had plans to watch some of his beloved Anime... For he could relate to the one's that were based on supernatural creatures...

Shio was quiet today...

Chickadee looked towards the girl with the extremely tall trunk, hearing her speak. She blinked a little bit, then decided to mind her own business and continued on her way.

It really was quite beautiful there. Nit more eye-pleasing than her home, but the school had its own charm. Maybe she didn't mind it as pretty because she had never been near a building so big. It was pretty intimidating to her. Another thing she was going to have to get used to. Chickadee began humming softly to herself as she wandered around by herself.


Henry looked up quickly when he heard a feminine voice. He blinked a little bit, frozen for a bit. He had not spoken that much in a few months simce his mother had passed away.

"U-umm...sure. Go right ahead," he tokd the girl after he found his voice. He made some soace on the bench and went back to petted Barry. The bunny looked at the girl and sat up excitedly. The bunny liked new people. More hands to pet him.

Skillex smiled happily, walking eagerly down the rather nicely made path that led down to the school she was invited to.

The sun was shining brightly, letting it's rays fall onto her pale skin and purple hair.

The wind gently blowing her purple flower hair clip. Her hazel eyes scanning every area.

She wore a bright smile across her lips, barely able to contain her excitement.

She never once thought she would be wanted or even invited into something like this.

She held the invitation in her hand and spun around, freely moving in her purple tank top and tight black pants.

Her birthmarks similar to tattoos were shown on her cheeks and right arm.

She might have been abandoned when she was but a baby but the birthmarks were a clue as to what race she belonged to for light elves were known to have such markings.

She felt her magic continuing to flow inside her, traveling to her fingerstips. She continued to smile, bringing her hand up.

Purple flowed through her fingertips, channeling it to the ground. Skillex commanded a patch of flowers to appear.

She let out a laugh, seeing the red, pink, orange and white roses. Slowly walking over, she got down on her knees and gently picked one of the roses.

Twirling it between her fingertips, she looked around. Wondering where everyone else was.
Meme bowed slightly before taking a seat. She watched as a boy across from them bit into some sweets. She waved at him and turned back to the boy she was next to. Reaching out a timid hand she asked,

"Is he alright to pet?"
Alex used the teleporter and arrived at the school the next morning. He looked around in amazment. It was all he could have dreamed of. It was even in the sky, his second home. Honestly thougj, he was confused. The letter gave almost no direction except to show up.

"Well I'm sure someone will come eventually..." he said, uneasily?

Barry watched the girl. He cleaned his face,then continued watching. Henry sighed as he watched the bunny. Such an attention hog. When the girl spoke again he nodded.

"Yeah, he loves to be pet," Henry told ger and let the bunny hop over to the girl. "He might lick your hands though...he's like a dog really...even plays fetch," he added and watched Barry nudge the girl's hands to be pet.


Chickadee soon finished looking around and looked for someplace to sit. She saw a shady spot under a tree and went to it and sat down. She didn't care that her dress was white and was sure to get dirt on it from sitting on the ground. It could be easily cleaned.

The bird girl began a sort of inspection of the people arriving at the school. She was usually friendly, but she was still trying to get used to everything, which was proving to be more difficult than she thought it would be. That was annoying. Chickadee started humming again.

Binx followed a smaller girl with his gaze, her white dress flowing with the wind as she laid under a tree. He opened his mouth about to tell the girl that she was going to dirty it's white surface but bit his lower lip. Raising a finger to push his glasses back up his nose instead, he'd probably come off weird if he where to suddenly tell a stranger to not get their dress dirty.
Skillex looked around, turning her head towards the school. Maybe everyone was already inside?

The thought of being late had her cheeks flushing, how embarrassing would that be?

She got up, placing the rose behind her ear. She slowly got up, walking towards the school.

Extending out her hand to feel the cool bricks underneath her hand, her fingers spread apart.

Ivy growing underneath her palm in a little circle.

She briefly wondered what these people would be like, would they be nice, shy or like those back home?
Meme smiled softly and placed her hand gently atop the soft bunny. She rubbed circles on his head and spoke absentmindedly.

"Usually, animals run away from me." She trailed her fingers down the rabbits soft ears once more before standing up and facing the boy. She pulled her trunk to her side.

"It was nice meeting you, um..."
When Mel received the letter of her invitation to the floating school, excited wasn't exactly what explained her feelings. Nervous would probably be a better word. She argued with her mother (Easily backing down because she was intimidated) and refused to pack her bags, but nothing worked. Now she was walking around the courtyard, lonely and scared and friendless. She was too nervous to talk to the many people laying and sitting around, but she didn't want to sit on the ground either. Mustering up all of her courage, she walked over to a boy scarfing down desserts who was sitting on a bench. "E-excuse me, sir?" She asked, sheepishly "Do you mind if I take a seat? I- I don't have anywhere else to go..." She admitted.

Chickadee fixed her red high-socks she was wearing because they were falling down a little bit. That was unacceptable. Even though she didn't care about her dress getting dirty, she didn't want to look completely messy. She looked up again and noticed somebody watching her. A boy.

The girl tilted her head to one side, kind of letting the boy know that she saw him. She then raised a hand a waved a little bit and smiled in a friendly way.


"He liked everybody...even wolves..." Henry told her. He reached over and gave the bunny a little pat on the head. He looked at the girl and smiled slightly, relaxing a little bit as he went back to his more social side, at least for the moment.

"My name is Henry," he told her and gestured to the bunny. "And his is Barry," he added. "What might your name be?"

" My name is Meme Tsumiki. Please call me Tsumiki. It was nice meeting you Henry-san."

She bent over and patted the bunny for the last time.

"And you too Barry-kun." She then bowed again and walked away, tugging her giant bag behind her. She was interested in getting a dorm and her coursework.
Binx' eyes widened a bit as she looked straight at him, before he felt his already rosy cheeks heat up in embarrassment. She probably thought he was a creep, staring at her he thought, about to stand to leave before noticing her wave with a small smile. At first taken off guard Binx furrowed his eyebrows a bit before his expression softened his lips spreading into a happy grin as he waved hello in return.
Mio saw that someone came over to him and he looked up to her while having a piece of the Angel food cake sticking out of his mouth. He quickly chewed and then smiled at the girl.

"Sure, I don't mind at all. Would you like come cake?" He said as he gestured to the plate that was in his lap, filled with sweets of all the sort... And Cheetos...

Well, someone is actually talking to me, isn't this great Shio? He thought to his demon counterpart...


It was almost as if the boy didn't have Shio, and it started to worry him. What if he was just crazy? Not a demon at all, but just crazy! No, Shio was real though, how could he not believe in a part of himself?

"Alright, Tsumiki," Henry said nodding. Interesting name. He watched as the girl stood up, gave the bunny a little pat on the head, then leave. He watched Barry give the short a quick lick on the hand before she left. He picked Barry uo again and decided to go check out the dorm rooms. He didn'r have anything else better to do at that moment, so might as well.


Chickadee watched the boy then stood up. She brushed off the sort of poofy skirt of her dress, getting rid of the dirt that was there, which surprised her because it came off pretty easily, then headed to the boy. Maybe she could make her first friend.

"Hello!" Chickadee greeting the young man, still smiling. She didn't seem very shy. Perhaps just a little bit, but not enough to really affect her.

Binx sat up straighter when the young women stood up and made her way towards him. The dirt he had been so worried about seemed to slip right off of her fabricated dress. His golden hair was pulled back in a tiny pony tail, the strands barely held together within the hair tie.

"Hello," he responded in a small sing song voice, Binx was glad to meet someone so soon, it removing some of the weight on his shoulders.
Alex wandered around aimlessly, until he stumbled a pon a group of people. He noticed they were eating Angel food cake. "This is my chance. Make friends with comedy" he said to himself.

He approached them and said, "Hey! Your eating my mother."
Melanie smiled at the boy while sitting down next to him, rather happy that she had asked. When he offered some of his own food, she was startled. She looked around the courtyard, making sure he was in fact talking to her. "O-oh, uh actually, yes. Yes I would." She nodded, indeed happy to receive sweets. No one had ever actually tried to be kind towards her, or hold a conversation with her. She was quite giddy that she was in the process of making friends.

Chickadee began trying to fix her pretty-much-white hair. It was no use though. It kept going every which way it wanted to. Stupid hair. She kept up her smile anyways. Her hair wasn't going to ruin her mood.

"What's you name?" She asked the young man as her wings fluttered a little bit. "My name's Chickadee," she added before he could answer, then gave him a chance to actually respond, now messing with some of her feathers.

Mio blinked at the guy who tried making the joke, obviously having noticed that the girl was a little shy... He turned to the girl with a smile.

"Pick whatever you like." He said to her, before looking back to the guy.

"The joke was okay... But the delivery needs some work to it." Mio said with a chuckle.

Work? Really? He needs to scrap it all together gosh... Shio piped up inside of Mio's thoughts finally.

Shio!? Where have you been?! Mio asked, continuing the weird inner conversation...

Napping? Shio replied in thought, though who knows what he was really doing... Such a strange day.

"Oh, and to the both of you, my name is Mio Sunoha, pleased to make your acquaintance!" He said enthusiastically.

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