The Hidden Sand Village

Hadrian Dark

Junior Member
Welcome To The Hidden Sand Village

Obey the law or suffer

:: The sand village was located deep in the desert. It was so far in that the only way to find it, was to know exactly where it was. It's villagers kept to themselves mostly, but even so the community was lively and active. Security outside the village was very tight, making it very difficult for outsiders to get in. But those who make it in tell stories of the beautiful structures and buildings. ::
High up on the walls encasing the Village Hidden in Sand, Amami Wakahisa stood alone, eyes protected from the intense sunlight and ever present grit in the air by ark sunglasses as he scanned the landscape. There was little to see, just empty stretches of sand, rising into dunes in the distance, always shifting with the incessant wind. Unconsciously his delicate fist was clenching and relaxing in response to his thoughts, the muscles of his sharp jaw occasionally standing out against his olive skin.

If you're that irritated, do something about it.

Amami tipped his hat back and angled his head to look up and watch as a fierce looking bird glided easily on the hot wind, swooping down to land on the wall beside him. "I can't just go off."

You might as well. The bird's contempt was as clear as a voice in Amami's head and he preened his golden feathers idly. You know he'll never give you permission.

"He might." I'm not inclined to becoming a missing nin. Amami couldn't always express himself telepathically as easily as the bird, but it was easier when he was particularly adamant.

The bird squawked his indignation to the intrusion into his head, as though he did not do the same to his keeper near constantly every day. Sometimes you have to push the chicks from the nest, he retorted, spreading his wings and giving them a beat to lift himself to eye level. Sometimes they have to fly out on their own. He started forward and snapped a lock of Amami's loose bangs in his lethal beak, giving the victim a sharp tug before letting got and taking off. His amusement was loud in Amami's head and he gave it life with a raucous caw, easily gliding out of the range of Amami's shuriken, grabbed in frustration but not discharged.

"Stupid animal," he muttered, returning the weapon to its place and stomping down towards the village.
Most people had to fight their way through the blistering hot and windy weather but for a reason, unbeknownst to most people, Bansai never had a problem with going from place to place. He enjoyed being out there, even in poor weatherconditions. Perhaps his happy state of mind came from the near-constant music playing in his ears. It was true that Bansai could often be seen making happy dance steps, shaking his hips and shoulders at the beat or be just plain silly.

He was walking around aimlessly through the village. He had received the day off from his Siego trainer, more so due to the trainer's heavy drinking the night before than anything else. So he walked around, enjoying his music.

A sudden memory of a recent event made him freeze into place and let out a heavy sigh. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows with Bansai and thanks to a dumb action made by him that became clear to alot of people.

At a Siego event he was asked to play a song on his lute. Which he would normally refuse outright but thanks to the drunken state he was in, the happy atmosphere and the peer pressure he accepted.

Everyone tought he was going to play a happy song, but after a few cords struck it became apparent to all that it was not going to go as planned. Bansai, unfortunately, played his heart out subconsciously and it was clear that his heart wasn't filled with happyness. The tune spoke of desperation and anger to the point where they stopped him

Bansai shook his head a bit after remembering that night and let out another sigh, while straightening his lute over his back.
Feeling rather like a caged bird himself, juxtaposed by the mocking joy his bird took in soaring effortlessly over the city, able to see all and allow him to feel it, Amami was once again torn over what to do with his desire to serve outside of the village. He was unable to perform as the typical shinobi due to his weak body, perfectly adequate for a civilian, but lacking in a world were war could always be around the corner, even when it wasn't expected.

Frowning in distraction and narrowing his eyes to focus on weaving between the press of bodies, the villagers always busy doing what they needed to to maintain their livelihood, carting and irrigating water, storing and preserving foods and grain, trading and haggling over goods and services. It was life so raw, it boggled Amami at times, who had been raised and trained peeking in on political meetings, meditating in the quiet dojo or practicing in the yards where even the sounds the future nin made were rhythmic and regimented.

Shaking his head to clear it of confusion, he spotted the distinct prows of a lute neck and a katana rising over the shoulder of a well-balanced man walking away from him. "Goze-san!" he called, twisting his body to get past a wooden cart and hurry after the newly titled chuunin. "Goze!"
Bansai started walking again and just as he moved his hand towards the volume controller on his right ear he heard someone calling out to him..."Goze!" He now heard it more clearly. He turned around to see who called out to him, he saw a man in the Sand's ninja outfit coming his way, he vaguely remembered his face from afar but when he got closer Bansai realized it was Amami. Amami and Bansai got acquainted during the last mission Bansai did as a Genin.

It was quite a thrilling mission considering it was his first encounter with ninjas from other countries. Amami had held his own really solid during that battle, Bansai's novice genjutsu at the time held an enemy ninja in place succesfully for over a minute before someone else finished him off. But in one of the close-combat battles Bansai had tripped over his feet and if it wasn't for Amami he wouldn't be here anymore.

He quickly walked towards Amami to shake his hand.
Amami smiled brightly at the welcome distraction, accepting Goze's greeting handshake. "I thought that was you, I recognized the lute. You're a Chuunin now, right?"

The younger male had represented himself and Suna well in the joint mission with Earth shinobi tracking down a few missing nin. It was more for diplomatic purposes than true need for the additional force, allowing them to relax a little and get to know each other. He had enjoyed the boy's lute playing in the evening when they were bedding down, and had at one point saved the boy by using an incomplete jutsu he was developing with difficulty to trap the shinobi attacking him and allowing him to escape.

He smiled again, remembering the escape from the walls of Suna, and tipped his head up to look at the face of the other man.
" Hehe, yeah the lute kinda sticks out doesn't it ? Maybe I should Henge it into a less-eyesoring item. " He said with a grin, both men knew that the lute was much like a sacred object to Bansai and that he would never Henge it into anything except maybe when needed for an infiltration mission.

" And aye I'm a Chuunin now indeed, they're going to appoint me to my new cell later today. It'd be great if they'd appoint me to your cell to be frank, I think we'd work well together. "

" And what's going on with you? Any news? "
"Not an eyesore at all," Amami chuckled, tucking his hands into his sleeves to protect them from the dry air. "That would be nice. Maybe Kazekage-sama would deem me fit to leave these walls and my companion will stop harassing me. Or at least do it about something else." His smile was tight with sarcasm, but he tried to keep the mood light. "Did you hear there is a Genin cell coming from Lightning? Think they will make it?" He smirked with the sardonic humor common to the Suna shinobi.
" Tsk, anything is possible in this world but that ... is improbable, to say the least. Poor genins, wouldn't want to be in their place. "

" And man, I would LOVE for some good missions to show off my skills and to see other nations. By the by, care to boogie down the road for some ramen? I heard they have this new dish that's supposedly really good. "
He already started walking, turned around and mimiced an owner calling his dog over, with a broad smile on his face.
Amami sighed mournfully, painting a forlorn expression on his thin, narrow face. "I get no respect here," he grumbled, stalking after Goze obligingly. "I will accompany you, but I am not hungry just now."

In his head he heard the laughter of his avian companion. Though he himself had not eaten, his stomach still felt full by what the bird had just eaten. It also felt queasy for the same reason. "It is incredibly difficult to practice some of my jutsu within the city walls," he added with true aggravation.
" I'm just kidding mate. " He pouted his lips jokingly.

" But if you're not hungry, we can go some place else? How 'bout we go training a bit in the training facility ? Perhaps you could show me some cool moves that you CAN use while within a huge perimeter ? " He said before turning on the spot a few times in rapid motion, kicking one leg out into the air and going " AUW! " ... " Yeah, sorry, I love this tune. "
*Ookami opened his eyes from the memory and stretch on the tree branch. He looked around him to see what was happening. Just the usual he thought. He jumped down and went to get breakfast from his house. He started walking and his stomach started to rumble. Hehe, I must have forgotten to eat dinner he thought. As he entered the house and got the meal prepared he sat down. He started to eat and felt lonely.*

Ookami. "I need to find someone to talk to this about."

*He summoned his wolves petting them letting them curl up against him*

Ookami. "Hey guys how are you doing?"

*While he was petting his wolves, he laughed, embracing what they had endured through their lives. He got up allowing them to disappear walking out the front door, only to be surprised..*

Ninja Elite. "Where are your papers for being able to stay here?"

*Ookami pulled out his papers from his bag showing the ninja.**

Ninja Elite. "Thank you, sorry, the Kage informed us a ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village had just arrived. Thank you for your time."

*They disappeared instantly. Ookami thought to himself. I need a walk. And so there he went, walking out the door not knowing whats next...*
A grin of honest amusement split Amami's thin face at Goze's antics. "No worries. And yes, I'd enjoy that."

He had only taken one step towards the dojo's, though, before he was intercepted by a masked Shinobi, who spoke in a rapid, unemotional voice. "Amami Wakahisa."

Amami felt his spine straighten instinctively and his smile melted into a flat line. "Yes."

"You are summoned by Kazehage-sama."

"Understood." He turned to Goze with a crooked, apologetic smile. "I'll have to take a raincheck on that spar. Enjoy the ramen in my absence."

With a brief wave, he bounded to the roof of the nearest home and took the upper street to the domed Kage buidling. Just before he reached his destination, his bird glided into the air beside him. Another treat poked through the bars of the cage?

"Hush," Amami snapped. "Stop taunting me or I'll lock you out."

I'll cut your door to pieces.

As ever the smug avian was right; when he wanted in, he got in. Amami regretted picking up his egg as often as he remembered why he kept the bird. Landing lightly on the balcony outside the Kazekage's office, he knocked lightly on the frame of the open door. "Uncle?"

"I have a mission for you Amami." The younger man said nothing, stepping into the office and the bird swooped down to perch on the window sill, paying attention and being silent. The Kazekage was one of the few people he respected. When he turned away from his papers, all that Amami could see of his face were his lined blue eyes, the left slightly paler and this was only visible at close range. Few knew their leader was slowly going blind, losing to time as he never had to man. The rest of his head was covered by a mask and a headwrap, used to confuse his identity and conceal his advancing age. "The newly arrived Genin team is to be kept secret. You are to help them assimilate into Suna and to track a Kumo nin the Raikage and I believe is hiding in this village."

Disappointment surged up his trachea for a moment and then he frowned in concern. "How did he get in?"

"That is something we need to uncover. The team is being security checked at the guardhouse and then they will be debriefed. You are to meet them there."

"Understood, Kazekage-sama." Amami answered softly, bowing before stepping out.

He heard no laughter from his bird, only frustration and anger. For his part, he was only dully resigned.
As he watched Amami disappear suddenly over the rooftops that were overshadowing him he merely shrugged and continued his walk towards the training facility. He hoped there'd be either no people or people eager to train by sparring. He didn't like training on his own because he felt like you learned much more by battling another shinobi and techniques.


As he entered the large and round training infrastructure he saw quite a few people sparring and several training on their own. He saluted his senpais and greeted his juniors sincerely before continueing on his merry way while dancing enthusiastically while on the move. When he reached the empty parcel of land he stopped after spinning on the spot. He closed his eyes, merely for the effect it had on his mind, meaning it helped him empty it. And controlled his breath 'till it was a steady flow of air gushing through his lungs and back. Then, without warning, he suddenly grasped the handle of his large katana and unsheathed it swiftly and smoothly, holding it diagonally and backwards he crouched slightly before slashing it in several directions and stabbing the air in a single spot from different angles, all in a mere second.

For spectators it seemed like he was dancing, so smoothly were his motions. He stabbed the earth and swung his whole body over it, when he was in the vertical position for a split second he kicked an imaginary point in his surroundings twice with revolving legs before pushing himself off with one hand, grabbing the shaft quickly with the other and landing majestically while rotating on one leg and the other stretched out in an angle so that only the tip of his sandal hit the dirty ground and slowed his pace gently.

He repeated the same actions several times before taking a short break. Looking around he saw many auras in an orange state. Meaning they were passionate about their training. Even some senpai that were overlooking the actions were orange, those were the good ones. The ones that care about others as much as they care about themselves.
~Leaving Region~

*Ookami jumped through the air wondering what that was all about. He had jumped to the gate asking for permission to leave.*

Ninja Guard. "Do you have papers?"

Ookami. "Yes here they are."

*Ookami showed him the papers*

Ninja Guard. "Very well, safe travels."

Ookami. "You too."

*Ookami jumped off disappearing. He thought to himself. I need to go see my Kage, he might have answers for me. That or I'll be assigned to a squad. He sighed hoping that wasn't the case. He didn't feel like dealing with annoying brats that had that crap motto that they will be the next top ninjas. He didn't want to hear it but felt like he would. He traveled long and was tired resting on a tree branch high so that he wouldn't be seen. He went to take a quick nap..*
He heard a sudden thump on the ground not too far from him and slowly directed his gaze at the origin of the sound. He saw a dense green aura that signifies that the person whose aura that belongs to is trying to conceal his identity and chakra ammount.

He stood tall, monumental, from the angle Bansai was looking at him. He walked closer to Bansai and whispered while in the crouching position:

" The Kazekage is ordering you to come see him, immediatly. "

Bansai was a bit flustered, he had no idea what this could be about. He has never personally been asked by the Kazekage to go on a mission before.

" I'm on my way. "
He responded, after which he stood up and sheathed his sword before making his way through the training facility and the city in a fast pace, jumping over rooftops, the spheric buildings and more.

He got to the Kazekage's office relatively fast, so he thought he could catch his breath outside the Kazekage's door for a second, 'till he heard a scratchy, militaristic voice coming from inside.

" What are you doing standing out there Bansai Goze ? Get in here before I change my mind. "

Bansai's eyes widened and he swallowed the tension in his body away. Once he entered he was in a refreshingly cool and windy room, but the atmosphere was tense and dry. He sat on his knees on the small tatami mat and bend over as a homage to the Kazekage, who was sitting behind a veil-like curtain with two guardians and two advisors sitting in front of it.

" Do you know why I summoned you here, Bansai Goze? "

" No sir, I was ordered to come so I came right away. "

" That was to be expected of you, and nothing less. But let me inform you of your next duty...There is a certain man I wish to see captured, he is a member of a small organization known as " The Sand Rats ". Yes I know, it's a pathetic name but it doesn't change the fact that they are rather well organized and were able to steal an important scroll from one of our shrines. They are not very powerful but they are excellent co-operators. I need you to find, infiltrate, exterminate and retrieve.

Do I make myself clear to you Bansai Goze? "

Bansai went over the things just said to him in lightspeed, he basically was ordered to do a mission that was not allowed to be spoken of to anyone else. Meaning he was on his own all the way through. If it was anyone else it was a suicide mission, but with my techniques it just might work...Bansai foolishly tought.

" Yes Kazekage-sama, I understand and I will not fail you. "

" Good, now go see Somante, he will brief you further. Good day and may our God bless you with its fortune and luck. "

Bansai nodded and stood up, turned around and left the silent room.
"Man, I miss the old team... things've been so boring around here lately, so slow..." Sumiyaka muttered to himself, stretching out for his daily sprint, getting further and further every day. Not many people even knew he left the village, they probably thought he was just pulling laundry off the line or something. His endurance still wasn't very good, but after the chuunin exams, he'd been practicing every day. And off he went, faster than the human eye could see, vanishing out the door, across the town, over the gate, and across the desert, miles covered in moments.

"I guess I'm just never gonna get any faster..." Sumiyaka said, taking a quick breather on the side of an oasis, brushing some dust out of his clothes.

And just as fast as he had gone, he returned, whipping up gusts of sand as he went. "Man, *gasps* that really takes it out of ya," he choked out, collapsing onto his couch, steam rising from his skin anywhere that friction would be caused whilst moving.

"Gotta find Konjou, she'll know where Akagi'd be..."

(Anyone that remembers Sumi knows that even though he's ridiculously fast, he can't breathe while he runs, and is so weak he can hardly lift his own body weight)
*As Ookami woke from his sleep he jumped up continued his journey to the Land of Fire so he could jump to his land. It wasn't that it was far it was just troublesome. Dealing with all the guards, all the bandits, just everything. He didn't feel like dealing with everything, but he might have to. Especially bandits. As soon as he thought that, a group of bandits ambushed Ookami.*

Bandit."Haha, someone was sleeping too long. Now you gotta pay the toll."

Ookami. "What toll?"

*Ookami was biding time as he did hand symbols slowly wrapping string around his kunai.*

Bandit. "The toll for sleeping in our area! Pay with your life!"

*The bandit jumped after Ookami. He never made it past his initial jump. He was stabbed instantly by the floating kunai. The bandits were stunned, in shock, scared. Ookami spun the bandits body knocking them down pulling the kunai into his hands. The bandits jumped up throwing suriken. Ookami caught it with his string and wrapped him self in wind spinning as a tornado whirling the suriken. The bandits jumped up trying to flee. But as soon as they jumped, so did Ookami. Capturing them in his tornado getting each one. He then sent lightning throughout the tornado shocking them dropping. He stood releasing the suriken. He jumped back checking each one. Alive, but barely. Ookami used logs to create a wagon using the string to wheel them to the Land of Fire.*

Ookami. "These bandits ambushed me. They are critically injured. Please get them help."

*As soon as Ookami put the people down, he vanished. He must continue his journey he thought. I have to get to my land. Blue...*
::Akagi stood on the thin border between the sand village and the vast desert outside.::

Akagi " has it already been a decade since then?"

::Akagi watched the sand roll across the wasteland::

Akagi " I can't believe I've become a chunin. Dad,Uncle, big brother everyone. I'm so close to achieving power..."

::Akagi always felt closer to his passed on relatives when staring at the desert. It reminded him they lost their lives stopping a storm that would have ended his. He knew he owed them a great life....::

Akagi " One day I will be willing to sacrifice myself just like they did."

::Akagi closed his eyes then smiled::
"Wait a minute... Was that Akagi at the gate!?" Sumiyaka exclaimed aloud, springing back up off the couch almost immediately after laying down. Off he went again, back to the gate to check in on his old friend.

"Akagi!" he yelled, practically appearing from thin air, and tackling his former squadmate.

"How ya been man?"
[ OOC: After returning from his mission in Suchi. ]

Arriving before the guards, the ones who are making sure the bandits get to the Hidden Sand Village safely, he immediatly makes his way towards the Kazekage's office. Standing before the door he politely knocks on the door and awaits the permission to enter. Almost immediatly he's ordered to enter, standing in front of him are several Anbu-members, the advisors, the Kazekage's guards and the Kazekage himself. Not sure what is going on he respectfully asks for an audience with the Kazekage.

" Don't worry, this is just a precaution. "
The Kazekage said.

" Give me the scroll. "
He asked in a soft tone of voice but without a doubth Bansai felt it was a clear order and undisputable.

He took the scroll out from his bag and gave it to one of the guards of the Kazekage who went behind the openweaved curtain where the Kazekage was residing before returning back to his seated position.

" Hmm, this is the scroll we were looking for indeed. I see the seal has not been broken. I have to admit I was a bit sceptic of you at first, but now I see I can trust you with these kinds of missions without having to worry about your loyalty. You have done well, consider yourself praised. "
He said in a friendly manner but Bansai couldn't help but feel mocked and his insides were burning up by the mistrust of the Kazekage.

He bit his tongue, he was in no place to get angry with the Kazekage but he felt...used.

" If this is all, I will take my leave now if permitted. "

" It is, it is. "
The kazekage said, obviously bored with the situation by now. He probably hoped I would show my anger, for his own amusement, knowing I can't touch him, Bansai thought.

After he left the Kazekage's quarters he held his anger in 'till he reached the training facility, after which he completely demolished portion of the wall, playing furiously on his lute. Wind slashes cut the wall open like butter, but he was still not pleased. He stopped playing and started pounding and kicking against the wall. He had never felt so used and betrayed by his own people like today. Distrusting him ... " Disgusting " he thought to himself.

After exhausting himself he layed himself down and turned his head sideways so he could see the city, through the hole in the wall. " This is why I remain here, for my people. Not for a powerful, but despicable, man. I have to remember that. " He mumbled.
"AAAH." Akagi exclaimed as a speedy silhouette appeared in front of him " You scared the crap out of me Sumi!" Akagi extended his hand to shake his former team mates hand " I've just been paying my respects." Akagi wiped a stray tear from his face.
"Oh... I'm sorry," Sumiyaka responded, accepting the handshake.

"I've just been thinking that life's gotten a little bit boring since the exams... just wonderin' if you wanna help me find Konjou. Y'know, one more mission for old times' sake."
Akagi shook Sumi's hand " I'm always up for a road trip. Especially if it's for Jou Jou." Akagi smiled " So we just need to find out what we need....What part of the world is our Konjou stumbled into?" Akagi leaned on the gate that signified the outside world eager to demonstrate his power.
"I dunno, but I guess we can find a clue if we check her place," he replied.

"But maybe you should lead, I have no idea where she lives."

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