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Fandom The Hidden Royals *Anime*


She's alone
Use this for all of your OOC needs.

P.S.- If you know who you want to be paired up with then either PM me or tell me here xD
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kawiibunnygirl said:
If anyone knows who they want to be paired up with please PM to tell me so I can get an idea of who I help pair everyone up with
I really dont care who Hikari gets paired with.
Are these OOC questions unanswered?


Now, to ask another question...

When will the RP officially begin?


Until next time, folks...

(@kawiibunnygirl Y U no answer questions in OOC?)
No one has sent you a PM of what their preferred pairing would be?

Maybe you can just randomize for those who don't really care about pairings.

(I would like to be paired with Natsumi :3)
I don't exactly know how they're are going to arrive.

In the same way? Will the regulars already be there? Will the royals already be there?

We need these specifics.
It seems like ages since this ever began,

and it's sad considering it never started.

I was just looking through my bookmarks and found my character for this roleplay in it,

completely, utterly, definitely for sure, unused.
TurtleGod said:
It seems like ages since this ever began,
and it's sad considering it never started.

I was just looking through my bookmarks and found my character for this roleplay in it,

completely, utterly, definitely for sure, unused.
It is. This was a promising idea, would've been fun.

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