The Hidden Cloud Village

:: Isao sighs, feeling lazy all of a sudden. ::

"Let's get a move on then, I suppose."

:: Isao forms a cloud that he hops up on that he'll use when they fly to the Land of Water. ::

"I hope it doesn't rain..."
:: Katon tapped pino, and in no time they were soaring off through the sky, a stream of orange sparkles left behind by pino's tail feathers. they flew far for several miles without speaking, katon soon broke the silence. ::

Katon: "I don't know if you have traveled through here before, but keep your wits about you. This place is crawling with rebel ninja. They tend to attack just about anyone due to the corrupt government of the land of water."

:: They continued flying deeper into the country, and soon enough Katon's words became a reality. It looked like word of Katon's leave reached the other territories, and Katon had enemies all over the world. There was one specific reason people hunted him, and that was because of his great sword the Douten. The swords history was actually quite well known, being forged for a god by the first disciple. ::

::The disciple was old and near death, and wanted to repay the gods for the power given to him, so he used his chakra to create a wondrous stone that could seal away ones chakra, and give it's wielder the edge in battle. The sword however never reached the gods, for the disciple died before he could give it to them, how Katon got the sword, was a mystery. ::

:: Katon smiled deviously as he saw the large number of rebels. ::

Katon: "And here they come, what do you say we test our abilities... These missing nins are fresh meat, death is the price they must pay. Goddess Amaterasu, bless these fools!"

:: At that moment the rebels leaped high into the air attacking the two, at that instant Katon leaped off of Pino who shrieked disrupting the rebels. Katon pulled out his sword as he reached the first rebel, instantly cutting him in half. The sword then glowed as it absorbed the mans chakra right from the inside. He then waved his sword around sending all the chakra out in a great shockwave, knocking back any rebels around him. He then finished off with a few hand seals, and shooting a great dragon head of fire towards the group, igniting them. As he finished he landed on Pino, allowing Isao to finish off his own group. This was the power of a Sannin. As the two watched eachother, they could tell that they underestimated eachother. ::

~Leaving Region~
As Shinji entered kumogakure, he leaped from roof top to roof top.

{I need to get to the raikage and inform him on my last mission} Shinji thought as he came upon the raikage's building.

As Shinji walked into the raikage's building, he took in a deep breath.

{That was a pretty easy mission last time. I wonder what the raikage-sama will have this time.} Shinji said as he knocked on the door.

"Raikage sama." Shinji called out on the other side of the door awaiting the response.
:: The Raikage had just finished reading a letter sent to him from the Hokage. ::

Ryoma: "Yes, please come in!"

:: He waited for the visitor to enter his office. ::
As Shinji heard the Raikage speak, he opened the door, and walked into the room.

"Sir, i jut finished the last mission and was wondering if you have another one ready?"
Shinji asked as he knelt in front of the Raikage.

{I wonder if he is going to send me to a new land? that would be awesome to see some new scenery.} Shinji thought as he looked back up towards the raikage.
"what do you mean sir?" Shinji asked as he looked at the raikage.

{I should be able to handle it, i am a member of the anbu after all.} Shinji replied in thought.

"I know i am a new member of the anbu, but i believe that i can handle it." Shinji replied towards the raikage.

"Sorry for the outburst." Shinji followed up.
:: Ryoma nodded. ::

Ryoma: "Okay.... Well... Just a few days ago, konoha's sannin, Katon, came here. He said he was given a mission by the Hokage to recruit powerful ninja from each territory and bring them back to his village so that they will be briefed on their mission. I just received a letter from the hokage briefing me on the mission. I can not go into the details now, but it is a national matter, and I would like to have more of our ninja on the job."

:: he paused for a bit. ::

Ryoma: "I want you on this mission. Katon is gone now to another region, but you can meet up with him at the hidden leaf village. I want you to head over there and meet up with the hokage. Let him know I sent you. He will put you in Katon's platoon whenever he may return."

:: Ryoma filled out a notice. ::

Ryoma: "Show this to Konoha's gate guards, they should allow you to pass. "
"Yes sir. You want me to go to konoha?" Shinji asked as he stood up.

Looking at the Raikage, Shinji reached up and rubbed the top of his head.

"Ok, Is there anyone that you want me to take from here?" Shinji asked as he placed both of his hands to his side.
"Yes sir. Ill head out right now." Shinji said as he nodded towards the raikage.

Heading out the door, Shinji checked his ninja gear.

{Wonder what i will get to see on my way to konoha?} Shinji thought as he headed towards the front gate.
*Ookami jumped right in front of the guards smiling. They had greeted him home and opened the gates. Ookami walked the streets waving at everyone. He stopped by a local herb shop.*

Ookami. "Hello? Anyone home to give me a hug?"

Woman. "Ookami! You're back!"

*The woman jumped at Ookami hugging him. She was like a little sister to him. He always got herbs here.*

Woman. "Where have you been? Time gave a bit of aging."

Ookami. "I was out. Thinking. Trying to figure out what needed to be done."

Woman. "Sounds interesting."

Ookami. "Yeah... Hey! Have you seen Blue by any chance?"

Woman. "Why yes I have! She just left the grocery to go home."

Ookami. "Thank you!"

*Shi barked.*

Woman. "And who is this?"

Ookami. "This is Shi Sasayaku. Shi this is Kanari."

*Shi barked licking her hand*

Ookami. "I must go. I got to get him to Blue so he can get better."

Kanari. "Awe, ok Ookami. Be careful and tell Blue I said hi!"

Ookami. "Will do!"

*They hugged and Kanari gave Shi a kiss on the nose while he licked hers. He left walking to home. He entered in and no one was there. He hid as he heard a door open. He snickered.*

Blue. "Hello?"

*Ookami came from behind*

Ookami. "Boo!"

*Blue screamed hugging*

Blue. "You idiot! You gave me a heart attack!"

Ookami. "Just like old times."

*Shi sticked out his nose barking. Ookami pulled out Shi carefully putting him on the table.*

Blue. "Who is this? And does he need my help?"

Ookami. "This is Shi Sasayaku. Shi this is my sister Blue. He does need help. I did what I could on the spot but it wasn't enough."

Blue. "Ok. I'll have him fixed up before you know it. But while you wait, can you go to Raikage. He wants to see you. One of the messengers told me that you were back and he was looking for you."

*Ookami sighed.*

Ookami. "Ok. But after that I'll come get Shi. Now come here."

*Ookami hugged Blue closely parting and then leaving the door for Raikage.*
Stopping on the top of the kumogakure front gate, Shinji paused to calculate how much gear he would need. After all, it was a 3 day journey.

{I figure if i hurry, it will take me two and a half days to get there.} Shinji thought as he looked past the gate.

{I wonder if i actually need to keep my mask on?} Shinji thought as he turned around and looked down towards one of the guards.

As he looked down towards the guard, Shinji leaped down off the wall. Landing in front of the man, Shinji asked how far konoha was form here.

"It is about a three or four day trip to the south west." the guard replied as he looked at Shinji.

"Thank you." Shinji replied as he lifted his hood over his head.

Looking towards the top of the gate, Shinji jumped, placing one foot firmly on the top of the wall.

"Later kumo, on my way to konoha!" Shinji yelled as he pushed off the wall and started his journey.


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