~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

Just curious, what else do the Peacekeepers do, and what is the freedom they get? Are they allowed to retaliate with violence, or are they required to follow the rules of arrest and fair trial?

Layman terms, can they just whip out their swords willy nilly and hack to pieces anyone they think is looking at them wrong, or do they have to act like modern lawmen?
The Peacemakers are effectively both the police and the military in one, so they pretty much occupy any role that fits under that. They are not supposed to use violence unless it's really neccessary, such as if they were to find a top criminal in action, or if it were a particularly dangerous situation. They are then supposed to arrest, though as for fair trial... well, that's left to those at the top. But no, they couldn't just hack down anybody who they are suspicious of. They'd have to be fairly confident that something fishy was going on before diving in sword first.
Oh okay, so they aren't like the ruthless judges of 2000AD which will shoot on sight for even suspect.

Then again, that might just be Dredd being über hardline.

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Well, no, they're not. That would be rather a little too blatently hypocritical for a group of people who call themselves 'The Peacemakers', even if there is some corruption in there xD

That's what I supposed. They would have a more modernistic police force approach, around the similiar code as SWAT teams, even at the highest extreme.
I've seen some very funny ideas of 'peacekeeping' in the past like the Ivory Coast when the French intervened >.> or the middle east.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
PicaPirate said:
I've seen some very funny ideas of 'peacekeeping' in the past like the Ivory Coast when the French intervened >.> or the middle east.
Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Well these guys are called peacemakers and not peacekeepers./
Not necessarily.

Peace Keeper implies that there is already a set and established peace defined by singular laws and approaches of a governing institution.

Peace Maker can also imply the same as above, but has a connotation of creating peace, which could be a newer peace than the defined peace established in the status quo at that moment.

So they are basically the same but can have very minute differences I guess.
Sorry to interrupt this debate, but do you want me to wait for the pair of you make a response post to all the chaos before I make the plot point post? Cause I could do with knowing exactly where your doods are now, but if you won't have time I can work around it.
I'm waiting on Omen who's writing a post. Assume if you

want to post that he's just sitting back and observing the fight.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
My character can just be assumed to be sitting around doing nothing if you want to make your post. I doubt I can get one up today so I think you should go ahead if Pica gives an OK too.
Kri'tro was rather under the impression that their little game had ended when he recklessly kissed her, but I guess he's duty bound to keep it up now xD
Ah, LOL na the game still interests her, more so cause she wants to see if he has the skill to back up all that confidence. She just not a fan of guys randomly kissing her

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