~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

Ah, I will have my post up in the morning, Need sme sleep for the big Homecoming Parade/Pep Rally they're having at my school tomorrow.
@Omen : Just to point out, demons aren't red skinned as your post suggests, rather either normal looking in disguise, or coal-black skinned as the one in Pica's post was.

Also, due to having no reply for a small while, I'm going to timeskip away from the current library scene when I find the time (which will either be a little later this evening, or some time tomorrow), just to keep things moving for those people. If I don't have a post up tonight though you're welcome to post if you can and keep things going as was @Comix 
I'm preparing an absolute monster of a post, so get ready your reading hats, cause you're about to have an awful lot to react to! xD
Well, I'm currently on over 20 paragraphs xD Let's just say Kri'tro's fight has turned into somewhat of an epic anime showdown. Hope you guys enjoy it though; it's been immense to write :D
Bleeding heck. Well when it gets to Alistair doing more fair fights, I'll have more to say.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
xD Well, I had a crazy idea and then things went haywire from there. Hope you all enjoy the jumbo-sized post! 
For those who were perhaps confused as to Kri'tro's intentions, I was going to explain them but at 30 paragraphs in I decided to spare you the further reading xD But yeah, effectively, he's now created the perfect sloppy riot in which to boh satisfy his rebellious needs and form the perfect backdrop in which to stage a mass robbery of the drunkern fools and the like. So your characters can interpret events however they want, but they'll be caught up in them regardless!
I'm glad you like it xD It has had the rather unfortunate side-affect of somewhat skewering what I had planned for going into the next plot-point, but I can work around that :')
He doesn't have a young brother does he? Alistair is gonna be like "he's working that silver bullshitting tongue again."

Anyhow, waiting on Omen for now. He'll probably withdraw from the mess, being not that anarchic and reasonably calm right now.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Yeah... she kind of call BS on his story though. thats largely because she doesn't trust a word he says. Though she is very annoyed that he started a riot. xD now she needs to figure away out of there
True enough, how crowded is this place though? I'd imagine most of the fighting is centered around the pit.
I was imagining not too crowded, actually; still pretty busy and enough to almost fill the chamber, but the chamber isn't too huge anyway :')
Ah'k cause honestly I was wondering if Rani could just stand off to the side and not make her self a target. LOL Going into the brawl is just asking to get hit.
Getting out of there might e a nice idea actually, though I welcome those willing to stay as well. If you are planning on having your character head off though then I ask you make them get no further than the cellar of the pub, for plotting reasons.

Also @Goddess , I'm assuming the brawl Chimera entered into at the end was supposed to be the one Kri'tro started, in which case that is impossible as the only way to get to there is through the cellars of the tavern. If I assumed wrong then apologies, but if not it needs editing.
Ah in that case I'll probably have her stick around.Figure out a place that wont get her involved in the brawl to wait out the storm.

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