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Realistic or Modern The Hertics Losers-Winners Club [CS]



The Origin of The End.

CS Template

[pic here]




Appearance Extras:





Personality Goods: (up to 5)

Personality Bads: (up to 5)

Persona: (Personality & Behavior)

Hobbies and Talents:



Writing Sample~~

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Sienna Arley Vickers aka Sav
Age: 21
Height: 5'10"

Appearance Extras: Really fit and toned body. No tats, but has ear piercings.

Sexuality: Fraysexual
Gender: Cis-Female

Heresy: "it is NOT better to have loved and lost, it's better to not have loved at all."

Occupation: Actress; Also a certified Personal Trainer.

Personality Goods:
- Confident
- Ambitious
- Generous
- Loyal
- Encouraging

Personality Bads:
- Pretentious
- Dominant
- Melodramatic
- Stubborn
- Vain

Two species remind you of Sav when you first meet her. The Queen Bee, and the Lioness. They possess a kingdom which they protest and cherish. They are high esteemed, honorable and very devoted to themselves in particular! The kingdom could be anything from work, to home, to a partner, whatever it is, she rules it. Sav is always center stage and full of flair, she enjoys basking in the spotlight. Always making her presence known. She's full of energy that acts like a magnet for other people. Others are attracted to her wit, charm, and what she has to say for she speaks of things grand and very interesting. Sav will never settle for second best. She wants only the best which can cause lavish excessive habits as she enjoys life of luxury, which is all to easily justified by the grand and magnificent attitude. Public image is very important, with luxurious possessions and ways of life, this keeps the public image in high standing. She will do whatever it takes to protect her own reputation and is very generous, kind and openhearted. If Sav is crossed, she will strike back with force but she's not one to hold a grudge, she easily forgives, forgets and move on. Always trying to make things right in the world, she has larger then life emotions and needs to feel like she has accomplished something at the end of the day. She reacts to situations with action instead of sitting back and thinking about it, she isn't impulsive however because she looks at the future and considers consequences of her actions.

Hobbies and Talents: Acting, Writing, Producing, Debating and Philosophy, First-Aid, Knowledgeable in Health, Psychology, and behavior, Great in persuasion, Speaks English, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese; Very Flexible; She can do advanced athletics and fitness routines, including fights and stunts. Learned kickboxing and Krav Maga just to be great at it. She also loves to cook and is a foodie. Can recall an insane amount of shows and movies and their passages. She has very athletic stamina and endurance, and great body control along with facial expressions and posture. She's also a beast at soccer , swimming, and volleyball. On a more intimate level, she's exceptionally wise and clever with an emotional intelligence and maturity; usually the go-to for giving advice and mediating personal problems.

Drawing, Writing, Working out, arguing (will not lose), reading, watching movies (loves horror), cooking, makeup, fashionista, playing video games, vlogging, partying, exploring, kickboxing, making others laugh, Film, Movies, Shows, Entertainment, Acting, Nightlife, Spiritualism, Wisdom, Fun environments, Intellect, Compassion, Animals, Music, Books, Exercising, Traveling, Philosophy, Psychology, Comedy, Creative arts, Fine Arts.

Becoming taken for granted, feeling used, Liars, Disloyalty, Arrogance, Selfishness, Disrespect, Sudden change, Men who hit women, Boredom, Being forced to do something, Repeating herself, Losing herself.


  • Never making a difference/impact
  • Being alone
  • Humiliation past repair


Sienna has and forever will be the magnet and glue of the Heretics. Not from an arrogant source, but the crew usually doesn't plan or move without her. From middle school even she was way mature and intelligent beyond her age, and it was something that helped draw in the friends that were now The Heretics. She was raised a hybrid girl, starting out as a tomboy beating most boys in sports and activities. That stemmed from her father Matthew who was a die hard sports fan and infused his desires of wanting a son into Sav. However Sav fell in love with things of that nature of her own accord regardless. Game days with her father, and still those little tea parties and pow wows with her mother Emily as a child. She grew up the only child and obviously the source to be spoiled and doted on by the family, but this didn't interest Sav as much as understanding the world and people in it. She had never been materialistic, ironically yet she's very lavish. She never really fit into one crowd, seeing as how boys were intimidated by her and girls thought she was too rough and tough. When she started to embrace more of her feminine side, suddenly she was too stuck up and prissy. It wasn't until middle school in Newbridge when she'd finally start to meet people who understood her, that unknown to her would become her family. The Heretics, a name they hadn't coined until high school, but they knew they were outcasts, but the positively connotation of the term. They would all develop a Heresy, or the prime thing that made them so drastic and different from conformity. At first, Sav's Heresy was that "Everyone has a destiny, but fate was something that could be controlled by personal free will." But upon forming the bond with her now best friends, she'd witness something in her fascination with wanting to understand people and their mindstates: Love. It made the soul do crazy things, both good and bad. It was a guide and captain of action and response to a person's spirit. Sav believed her destiny was and is to save the world, but her faith in mankind started to falter when her love would be taken for granted. Sav would date the star athlete of the school, and in image they were the power couple to be forever. They were the talk of the school, and with the Heretics on her side, she'd never been happier. Until she was used worse then anyone in recent Newbridge history.

Her first love and only love, thought to be hers forever, not only took her virginity, but after doing so ditched her for one of her own soccer teammates, who knew that Sav loved him and didn't care anyways. He broke it off with Sav in front of the whole school, and she'd never felt so lost and betrayed giving her entire essence to someone she thought could be trusted, that made her believe she could be worthy of real love. This was the day her new Heresy was formed. She changed after that. She still was fascinated in emotional psychology, trying to gain empathy over what it's like to be a certain character (which sparked her desire to be an actress), but also she began to take an objective approach, much like how she was objectified and used. People became experiments to her, she even got a bit distant from the Heretics for a time. Even they could see that she still cared for them, but her love for them was changing. She was scared to love anyone. Nevertheless, it didn't stop her from shining like the comet she was. She excelled in academics and athletics, joining the drama club as well to hone her acting skills. She was still the it girl, but she rejected the common cliques of society and forever resonated with the Heretics, the only people who'd ever understand her. Now she openly has no problem discussing her views on love, even through the years of her dating and being semi-interested, she enjoys the thrill and chase of getting to know someone, but as soon as she starts to get attached and develop real feelings she isolates herself and blocks herself from truly loving a person intimately. Only the Heretics will have her trust and love, and even then she repulses a day where she would have to lose them or be lost to them in any way no matter how small or big.

But with the arrival of a mysterious letter, her entire reality was about to be challenged once again, like the moments that shaped who she was in the first place that happened once before.


- She's had extra roles in Jurassic World, Hereditary, and Avengers: Infinity War.
- She's had supporting roles in Riverdale, Atomic Blonde, and Red Sparrow.
- She has personally trained with athletes such as Paul George.
- Her favorite color is Lavender, because it mixes blue and pink.
- Her favorite Tv Show is Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and movie is Guardians of the Galaxy.
- She's obsessed with horror films and shows.
- The key to her guarded heart is Strawberry Cheesecake or anything strawberry.​

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CS Template
Rhonnda Young

Age: 20

Height: 5'9

Appearance Extras: A few scars that originated from playing soccer that never truly went away and a small tattoo of a clock on her upper back.

Sexuality: Asexual

Gender: Female

Heresy: "No good deed goes unpunished, especially those in servitude of others."

Occupation: Waitress currently looking for a better paying job.

Personality Goods:


Personality Bads:


Persona: Green takes up the majority of Rhonnda's heart as she's a very envious person. She often has to keep this part of herself in check otherwise she's prone to be passive-agressive, masking her honest and raw truth cooking in the midst of her tongue, boiling to the touch but never confident enough to serve it. She's afraid. Not only of being confronted for her unnecessary jealousy but of finally coming to terms with the fact that she's not the girl she used to be. Once she was the naive wallflower who stood still and straightened her back as others carelessly stepped on her, climbing and using her only for as long as they found her useful; Only to be discarded once they move to the next step. While this part of her life obviously made Rhonnda more empathetic she theorizes it was also the fuel that led her to run on a flame of hatred for those who seemed to be given more than her. More opportunities, more happiness, more ease.

However when she does manage to control her emotions she can become a very different person. The caring but realistic advisor who'll stay up with someone until early dawn or the friend who hopes you consult her when you have a problem. This part of her eagerly awaits for people to confide in her, maybe out of the fact she's always longed for a sibling or perhaps it's more to do with needing others to reassure her that she is liked, even if she denies this at every chance she gets.

Hobbies and Talents:
  • She used to surf but eventually she had to give it up in order to keep her job. At this point she rarely gets the chance to even go to the beach but she treasures the few moments when she does.
  • Has had photographic memory ever since she was a small kid. It's rare that she forgets something although sometimes it does take her some time to remember particular things.
  • She's taken some classes involving programming in the hopes this knowledge would present her with a good job opportunity.
  • For a while she was really invested in photography.

Likes: Sketching, The beach, Road trips, Sweaters, Summer, Taking long walks, Chocolate.

Dislikes: Dancing, Cigarettes, Hip-hop, Seagulls, People talking over her.

Fears: Death, Wasps, Failure, Airplanes, Suffocation.


Born in Tampa, Florida to a single mother who had only recently lost her husband in a car accident. This caused many difficulties not only economically but emotionally to the extent where the only parental figure still present in the child's life had gone on a downward spiral into depression. Luckily after having Rhonnda's grandfather move in and some sessions with a therapist everything seemed to stabilize. Although the feelings brought on by these events were still present the family had finally reached a point of acceptance that allowed them to move on. Soon enough Rhonnda got a step-father when she was just eight years old after her mother decided it was time to re-marry. Although a bit awkward at first, they managed to integrate this new member to the family fairly quickly and were, in a way, a complete unit from then on out.

Throughout her life Rhonnda always received average academic success however her teachers took notice in her lack of social skills with any of the other kids in her school. At first it was suggested the problem stemmed from her home, the death of her father being a known fact among faculty members. Be that as it may this was quickly proved wrong as the arrival and acceptance of her step-father didn't help in the slightest. Personally Rhonnda was happy sitting alone in her classroom doodling away in her notebook but encouragement from her mother ultimately made her try and befriend some of the girls in her class.

Oblivious to the kind of people she was dealing with Rhonnda often felt in debt to the group of girls that had so kindly taken her in. Debts that she would slowly pay off one by one. Whenever something was needed Rhonnda would always be there. Even if it was only a matter of entertaining which mostly came in the form of provoking someone and receiving the consequences. It went on like this for a few months. For some reason the feeling of being wanted made her susceptible to this despite knowing it was wrong. Maybe this was the reason why she was doubtful upon first finding the heretics after her previous friends got bored and cut all ties with her. Now knowing how some people could be she was extremely cautious of anyone. But she eventually came around.

While assigned with the task of coming up with a heresy Rhonnda wasn't sure if she wanted to go for the obvious route. After a long week of thinking it over she was about to change her entire concept but her bitter resentment got the best of her and in that moment she knew exactly what she had to do.

Part of her reinvention included dropping soccer for surfing, changing her whole appearance and to some extent her personality. She wasn't the quiet introverted girl anymore and she wouldn't allow herself to be stepped on ever again, even if she had to become somewhat cynical in order to come across as a threat. Independence was her ultimate goal and she only needed to move out from her parents' home to finally feel triumphant.

In the end, moving out was much harder than she had originally thought. It took her a few more months than planned but in the end she managed. Even if she did only have a small bedroom, a shared kitchen and a bathroom. Her job was stable and decently in pay and her roommate wasn't too bad to live with. Everything seemed to be looking up until she got home to find a letter waiting for her. After reading it she could only think this had to be a joke.

  • No matter what Juno is and will always be her favorite movie.
  • Hates most sweets due to cavities she had to deal with when she was young.
  • Leans more towards spicy foods.
Writing Sample~~

The kids all made the box together. A small shoe box that, at first was intended to be a time machine, but due to impatience ended up being more like a treasure chest. Hidden in attics or lockers. Inside their little treasure chest there were photos, broken toys, cigarette butts, letters and drawings among many other wonders.

To them these items held more value than anything in the world because each item had the power to take them back to a certain day. The rainy day where they couldn't go outside and only had some crayons and paper to work with. Their first day of middle school where none of them seem to fit in and ended up passing notes to each other during class because they were all they knew. The day where they all tried their first cigarettes together and unanimously agreed they left an awful aftertaste. It was perfect.

Until they began to slowly part ways.

It wasn't planned, of course but all of them wanted different things. Studying out of state, leaving to pursue their dreams of becoming a musician, getting involved with the family business and, of course, the one who stayed behind in the small town where they grew up. It worked out for a while. Video calls were scheduled at least once every two weeks and their group chat was always filled to the brim with new occurrences. It went on like this for about two months. But like a the last few heartbeats of a life, thing slowed down. Excuses were made and arguments followed quickly after. Accusations of not caring enough about their friendship is what finally drove them apart. So they continued on with their lives, the childhood friends they once had only getting a passing mention. Soon their treasures became worthless, rose colored glasses broken revealing only trash. On the ever so common spring cleaning the shoe box somehow ended up in a trash bag. Before they noticed it was already gone. The last remaining connection between them now finally broken.
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CS Template
pppooooooolllll.jpgName: Ryan Ashton

Age: 22

Height: 6'2

Appearance Extras: He has an eyebrow scar from some high school party he barely remembers.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Cis-Male

Heresy: “If time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time then I’m the most productive person on earth.”

Occupation: Bartender

Personality Goods: Understanding, Bold, Charismatic, Eloquent, Humorous

Personality Bads: Blunt, Careless, Melodramatic, Picky, Secretive

Persona: A self-proclaimed hedonist; Ryan is the kind of person that prioritizes having a good time above all, more specifically his own good time. He's pretty particular when it comes to the kind of enjoyment he's looking for, normally seeking out the wildest parties around town or the best bar to drink away his troubles until he can barely stand. He loves meeting all kinds of people and eventually getting to know every little thing that makes them tick. Despite his love for meeting new people he can often come across as cold or careless because of his running commentary which tends to be rather sarcastic if a little blunt. People easily attribute this to the fact that he's not accustomed to taking other peoples feelings' into account, especially not when the people who serve you are being paid to put up with your array of bad attitudes.

In spite of this he does have friendships and of course the casual fling every now and then, proving Ryan can't handle much more than a long-term friendship. A common pattern among these friendships, however, is the fact that not many people seem to actually know anything aside from him aside from the obvious wealth of his parents and his habits of wasting away his life of partying. Except, of course for his close knit group of friends. With whom he truly displays the best parts of his person. An attempt at a joke to light someones face, maybe a shoulder to cry on or even a wingman when needed, Ryan is much more willing to be flexible and sensible when it comes down to the Hertics.

Hobbies and Talents:

Swimming: For some time now Ryan's had a love-hate relationship with water as the result of an incident in his childhood. The incident had occurred one summer where his family and their close friends, the Johnson's had gone to the beach for a relaxing vacation. The Johnson's had brought along their two children. Andrew and Shane who had decided it would be hilarious if they held Ryan underwater while he was swimming in the hotel's pool. It happened relatively quickly but the details of the story have not yet been erased from Ryan's mind. Andrew dove into the water, grabbing and tugging his ankle downwards into the pool while Shane, still looming above pushed and held his head. Ever since then he's terrified of drowning. It took him a while to even consider stepping foot in a body of water ever again but slowly he allowed himself to float in relaxation and soon enough his anxiety decreased. Of course his fear is still present but he's learned to overcome it for the most part. The pool incident wasn't going to keep him for one of his favorite activities.

Dancing: One of the many activities his mother encouraged him to take on and one of the only few he actually enjoyed and even kept on practicing. Ryan's figured dancing is often a crucial part in attracting a partner or simply looking that much more attractive.

Likes: Warm weather, Old horror movies with awful special effects, Black coffee, Sleeping, Dancing.

Dislikes: Cooking, Needles, Cleaning, Most forms of exercise, Spiders.

Fears: Abandonment, drowning, rodents, sleep paralysis.

History: If it were up to him Ryan would live away his life on his parents' money however, them being rational people and all, decided to cut him off immediately after he graduated high school. At least until Ryan proved himself capable enough of maintaining a normal lifestyle with a steady income. This has proved to be difficult for the young adult. Instead he's come to terms with the fact that he won't ever be able to reach his parents' expectations nor their money. In all honesty, he feels as if their lack of financial support hurts more than their lack of acknowledgment. Possibly due to their absence from his life and in most of his major accomplishments, instead being tossed around from one tutor to another who he could never get too friendly with before they'd be fired over some minor inconvenience. One of the few places he found some sort of support finally came in the form of his misfit friends which he came to know in middle school. Their relationship was different from any other Ryan had experienced throughout his life and he loved it. These people were somehow outcasts and at the same time accepted and desired by everyone. With this group came his chance to develop something of a design for his life. Wanting this to reflect him as he truly was he of course, only gave put some thought into this for a day before returning to his friends with his own heresy.

From then his time with his crew grew both in affection and instability as well. Many problems had begun to pile up on all members of the small club and it seemed to be drifting them apart. While going through his own bout of feeling worthless in the absence of money Ryan decided to let things play out as they had to instead of actively taking action to reunite the group he held so dear. Luckily things were soon patched up and the group seemed to be back in business, leaving only conflicts at home. Much more easy to manage, in Ryan's eyes.

The newest problem for the season has now arrived in the form of a letter to his residence which was almost discarded had it not been for the fact Ryan was expecting some sort of letter from his parents. What he found inside the envelope was something he never expected to find; something that would be more important to him than any sum of money his parents had to offer him.


-He's able to quit his addictions for periods of time.
-He loves Pulp Fiction for the simple fact that it's so quotable.

Writing Sample:

The first indications of his affection began to arise when he noticed he started to see in tunnel vision. Only able to keep his eyes on the tall blond man he'd only taken notice of as they both danced with someone else. Although apart it felt as if their bodies swayed to the music in unison, eyes locked onto one another with a hint of curiosity in the midst of the word of people. This was clearly the beginning of a game, their current dance partners only a means to an end to a night that could either finish off in a drunkenly scribbled phone number, a disappointing and unsatisfying wave or possibly something more.

This was a great way for the young high school student to let loose. He wasn't in the best mindset, hadn't been for a while actually but going out to parties and meeting new people was the only way he was able to cope even if the day after he'd have to come back and confront another dull day. 'Better make it last.'

As the music died down and the emotions leveled out the pair now found themselves near the bar both exchanging some witty banter trying their best to leave the other speechless. A few whispers and the brunet's face betrayed his facade forcing him to remain quiet. It wasn't often he was taken this aback by somebody but he relished the emotion of a challenge however there was no way he could have thought the night would end with the two men on the vacant streets in a heated discussion. It seemed there had been a misunderstanding when discussing the nature of their relationship.

Everything came to a sudden end once these words were said.
"You think money can buy everything, don't you?" So much for a distraction.
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[div class=title]IVETTE RODRIGUEZ
[div class=box]
[div class=infotitle]THE BASICS [div class=info]
— NAME: [div class=answer]Ivette Feliciana Rodriguez

— AGE: [div class=answer]20

— HEIGHT: [div class=answer]5 feet and 3 inches

— APPEARANCE EXTRAS: [div class=answer]Ivette is very short, which is what people usually notice first about her. She has a beauty mark on her right hand, below the knucle of her pointer finger. She also has a rose tattoo on her shin.[/div]
— SEXUALITY: [div class=answer]Heterosexual[/div]
— GENDER: [div class=answer]Female[/div]
— HERESY: [div class=answer]"A rolling stone will eventually gather moss." In other words, Ivette believes you will eventually be rewarded when you are always on the move and can do many things at once (multitask), rather than if you were patient or focusing on one thing at a time.[/div]
— OCCUPATION: [div class=answer]Sales Clerk / Part-Time Model / Student[/div]
[/div][/div][/div] [div class=infotitle style="top: 235px"]PERSONALITY [div class=info]
— PERSONALITY GOODS: [div class=answer]Free-spirited, peaceful, lighthearted, obliging, welcoming

— PERSONALITY BADS: [div class=answer]Self-blaming, impatient, perfectionist, jealous, moody[/div]

— PERSONA: [div class=answer]Ivette naturally gives off independent vibes, mostly because of her "wild" curly hair and "baddie" fashion sense. Some think she's some type of rebel because of it, but in reality, she's just individualistic. She's very easygoing around both strangers and friends and Ivette is very pleasant to be around. She is upbeat and kind, always willing to give a helping hand. She has a very random sense of humour and she enjoys laughing, as well as making others laugh.

Ivette, however, is often too quick to take on new responsibilities. If she can't finish, then she gets moody and feels depressed and often blames herself. Despite this, she never learns from her experiences and never changes her opinion on her own "multitasking". Relating to this, Ivette gets jealous very easily, particularly when someone who has a busy life seems much happier than her. She isn't very patient and tends to be a huge perfectionist, even with minor things.[/div]

— HOBBIES AND TALENTS: [div class=answer]Singing :: In school, she joined the choir and Ivette found her love of singing. However, she didn't start taking lessons until she was 13, but she quickly progressed and continued through her time in school. (Voiceclaim is Jhene Aiko)

Modeling :: Ivette doesn't consider this much of a talent, but she was good enough to be scouted as a petite commercial model and do a few photoshoots. Whenever they contact her to do a shoot, she's there.

Dancing :: Ivette started taking lessons in hip-hop and contemporary dance when she was 15 and though she always had rhythm in her, it did help her to become looser when it came to dancing. She's pretty good at it, too.

Drumming, Swimming, and Archery :: These are some of her more on-and-off hobbies that Ivette only does when she is actually able to. She hasn't played the drum in years and archery isn't exactly something people do a lot where she is. Swimming is something she does much more often than the other two. [/div]

— LIKES: [div class=answer]Music (indie pop, R&B, alternative), faux fur coats, cars, cocadas, sweets in general, aesthetics, karaoke[/div]

— DISLIKES: [div class=answer]Muggy weather, country music, anything "basic", racists, animal cruelty, dirty places, condescension[/div]

— FEARS: [div class=answer]Not accomplishing "enough" in her life, losing someone close to her, serious injury[/div]
[/div][/div][/div] [div class=infotitle style="top: 465px"]BIOGRAPHY [div class=info]
— HISTORY: [div class=answer]Ivette was born in Queens, New York as the oldest of 4 daughters to an Afro-Colombian couple. Her parents were not poor but they were not rich either and there were times when she didn't have much to eat. Her father was an engineer while her mother was a restaurant owner. Ivette was quick to realize the disparity between the rich and the poor, even as a 7-year-old girl going to a school that was old and quite run-down. When she drove with her parents in the yellow taxi cab, they would sometimes drive through the Upper East Side, the obvious neighborhood of the rich.

In school, she strived to do better for herself and her parents, who would not allow her to receive any grade below an A-. Ivette kept this up for the most part, but when her grades did drop, she was punished in one way or another. The most common punishment was no TV, since they had a black-and-white television that they got from some relatives. Other times, like when she received a D on a math quiz in 5th grade, she was spanked. It's no surprise that she never wanted to be spanked, so that was another motivation in keeping good grades.

When she was 12, Ivette's family moved to the nice little town of Newbridge. It was different from Upper Manhattan, but she soon made friends in middle school. It was a new time for her - but schoolwise, things piled up. Her parents, more eager than ever to get their daughter into more activities, enrolled her in a variety of sports - volleyball and tennis during the week and archery and swimming on the weekends. She signed up for the school choir and began taking lessons the next year.

The friends formed a group called the Heretics and, during her time in school, Ivette had hope that all her efforts were worth it. That they were not just a waste of time and that it was part of her purpose. At that moment, her heresy was formed, a true belief that gave her hope as well as peace for the future. The rest of her years in school were somewhat monotonous. She graduated at 18 and after that, she applied to a community college and was accepted.

She began majoring in Cognitive Science with the goal of graduating with a Bachelors to become a neuroscientist. However, at the same time, she would be recording songs on her computer after her afternoon classes. While doing that, she also began working as a clerk in a retail store on the weekends to make extra money. Life seemed to be going smoothly, mostly. Until she received a strange anonymous letter with very specific requirements.

— EXTRAS: [div class=answer]• Ivette understands most conversations in Spanish, but rarely speaks it herself. She prefers answering in English.

• She probably watches too many reality TV shows (KUWTK, Real Housewives, etc.) and actually lives for the (fake) drama.

• Ivette really wants to become a singer but she's going to college mainly to please her parents.

• She absolutely loves chocolate, whether it's hot cocoa, chocolate bars, truffles, or cookies. [/div]
[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [class=title] position: relative; height: 15px; width: 268px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ab9d74; font-size: 11px; font-weight: 850; text-align: center [/class] [class=box] position: relative; top: 10px; height: 382px; width: 290px; overflow: hidden; word-spacing: 0.5px [/class] [class=infotitle] position: relative; top: 5px; height: 20px; width: 278px; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; border-top: 1px solid #ab9d74; border-bottom: 1px solid #938763; border-left: 1px solid #ab9d74; border-right: 1px solid #ab9d74; font-size: 7px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: black [/class] [class=info] position: relative; left: -11px; top: 11px; height: 190px; width: 268px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ab9d74; border-left: 1px solid #ab9d74; border-right: 1px solid #ab9d74; padding: 10px; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 0px; text-align: justify; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=answer] position: relative; left: 10px; top: 5px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px; background: #dcca95; width: 230px; [/class] [class=border] position: relative; height: 80px; width: 80px; border: 1px solid #adadad [/class] [class=image] position: relative; top: 5px; left: 5px; height: 70px; width: 70px; background-image: url(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLUoe9NXkAAFI5T.jpg); background-size: 160%; background-position: 45% 0% [/class]
Farhana knew her mother wouldn't like her going to a party late at night, especially one with the West Siders, who had burned down their own school in the weeks prior. Even though the day had been a normally uneventful one and the party was probably just what she needed. If it was just the East Siders, the children of reputable and well-respected members of the community, then she may have been somewhat more open to letting her daughter go out that night.

'Your papa and I are going out tonight. I do not want you to go to that party to associate with those West Side goruguli (cows) who threaten the whole community,' her mother had said hours earlier when her daughter brought up the subject. Her father was more laid-back than his wife and rarely spoke against what his daughter wanted to do. In fact, he often pleaded on her behalf to let her "be young, have fun", which his wife usually agreed to eventually, since Farhana was quite good at being the respectful daughter they wanted.

But this time, her mother saw too much risk, apparently. This time, she would not allow it, and it seemed that her mind could not be changed. Her mother and father kissed her on the forehead before they walked out the front door of their home to their fancy limousine. As her mother got into the limo, Farhana watched her father get out hastily and run back towards the house. 'I forgot something!' she heard him yell from inside before the door swung open and he went up the stairs.

Farhana simply watched as her father came back down and, rather than hurriedly walking back out the door, he approached her. 'Now, you go to that party if you want,' he had said very straightforwardly, but with a smile. He kissed his daughter on the forehead yet again and walked out the door. After her parents left, Farhana immediately began to get ready and took her parents' Porsche to the party. She soon arrived and parked the car before getting out. She headed inside and began looking for any familiar faces, though she didn't really see anyone she knew well.
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CS Template


Name: Andrew Reed

Age: 21

Height: 5'8

Appearance Extras:

Sexuality: bisexual

Gender: male

“most human are self destructive but i believe in collateral damage."

Occupation: tattoo artist/singer

Personality Goods: (up to 5)
- protective
-laid back

Personality Bads: (up to 5)
-good lair

Persona: (Personality & Behavior)

Andrew prefers to keep his distance from others, so he often comes across as aloof and elusive. He has a rather cynical and even misanthropic view of the world around him, often belittling and mocking others and their emotions and the significance they place on friendship and life. And while he is relatively taciturn, he occasionally squabbles with and insults his friends. It is obvious that deep down he holds a certain amount of respect and kinship for those he feels understand him.

He shows the same degree of ruthlessness to those he feels are foes- regardless of age or gender. he hows his word and promises very strongly and will do anything to keep them. when other try to insult him he often show no sign of it getting to him and can return insult with a vicious tongue. He is also phenomenally arrogant, and has a tendency to underestimate other. he is quite a clever and is very observant when it comes to others . he also has a very impressive memory, able to recall small detail quickly and with little effort. However, he shows a surprising degree of sincerity, warmth, and protectiveness if you are able to connect with him.

Hobbies and Talents:
singing: Andre is a very natural vocalist and is easy able to express his emotion better sinigng then normally.
Artist: Andrew is very well adept at art because he make a living from tattooing. he enjoy stretching and painting always has a sketch book on him
boxing: Andrew had a very tough life and need to find a way to defend himself but a way to release suppressed emotion. he took up boxing during one of his stints in juvie and has been practicing it ever since.

Likes: cold weather, smoking, quit places, playing the question game, making deals
Dislikes: being touched, lies, the word please,
Fears: heights, noises at night

Andrew's mother gave both him and Aaron up to foster care a few days after they were born. She soon changed her mind and took Aaron back to live with her, while leaving Andrew to grow up in the system. He grew up with 12 different foster families until he was 13. He would claim that he didn't remember any of them being good. He was abused by at least two members of various foster families, once when he was seven, by a foster father, and later, when he was twelve and onward, by a foster brother, Drake. ,Andrew gets himself set to juvie to make sure that Drake couldn't get his hands on him anymore, and barely avoided a second term. During this time, his biological uncle convinced Aaron's mother to take him in, Despite wanting nothing to do with his birth family. Andrew struggled to understand his sexuality in his new religious household. this led to him feeling isolated and alone. this contuined on through middle school and began to fall into a deep depression.

when began high he found a love for art and music. he found supporters and mentors in both David Wymack who double as the music teacher and lacrosse coach and Abby Winfield his art teacher. they slow began to help him overcome his abusive childhood and come to term with his sexuality. academically he didn't really try to get anything other then passing but when it came to art and music he showed true talent and passion. at the same time he became very protective of both teacher and would even threaten and attack anyone who try to mock or insult them. he slowly began to get a reputation for being unstable and being crazy. this led to him having no friends and no real significant others.

slowily as graduation started to loom, Andrew need to decided what he would do for a future. He was exactly sure what he wanted to do because he was never sure if he would make it to his future. Wymack help secure him a part-time at a tattoo parlor when he turn 18 and from there he slowly began to fall in love with the medium. he learn everything he could there and stay there for 2 year before he decided to move away from his small close mind town. he still rather new in town and just got his job as a tattoo artist 6 months ago but his hoping to finally get a chance to have a future.

Writing Sample~~
Sebastian let out a tired breath as he finally made in the city. It's been a long journey into the city and a larger life on the run. If a mother could see where I ended up hiding, she would either be extremely angry or just beat the sense into me, but it cannot be helped. The city itself made the perfect hiding spot for Seb to least catch his breath until he has to start moving again. The unforgiving terrain out the city, the heavy walled off surroundings, the untrusting and harsh people of the city and the plague make the prefect deterrent to anyone working for his father. Sebastian wasn’t naïve, he knew that his father had associates that would find their way here eventually and not even bat an eye to the situation going on here.

Either currently Sebastián needs to try and not draw too much attention to himself and use the peoples “Us-And-Them” attitude to his advantage. He also uses the plague to his advantage to keep himself covered and hidden. Having a rather rough looking brown cloak over his body and a hood pulled up. On top of that he had a scarf wrapped around his neck and mouth to keep his face hidden. The only thing visible is his vibrant green eyes and part of his pale skin. Luckily, this made it so Sebastián didn’t have to act or bolt up a facade just yet. Sebastian kept himself to the alleyways and avoided as many people as possible.


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