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Realistic or Modern The Haunting of the Mountain Ridge Institute - Characters



Stock Image
If you get a cookie from me, your character has been accepted.

Characters can be students, teachers, and other forms of faculty.

Faceclaim (realistic, anime, illustrated, CG, you do you, boo):
[Class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. you'll have to use the
tags// // Square sized images also will look best but if you have a non square image it'll still work Don't worry// [/class]
[class=Notes] //The code above makes usre everything is the same font and is the mx width the code takes up on a post// [/class] [class=ColorBlock] background-color:#A3BABB; color:white; padding:10px; font-family:Verdana; font-size:5; // This is the box of color around everything change this and you change all the colors// [/class] [class=BarCode] font-family:Libre Barcode 39; font-size:30px; color:white; text-align:center; //The Bar code at the bottom of the ID. Once again I had to just use the [font=] tag to get it to work even though I have the font in the class correctly IF YOU WANT A UNIQUE BAR CODE 1) Replace the letters of the word "Name" with your OC's Name 2) Alternate Caps often to give it an even more unique look// [/class]

[div class=ColorBlock]
[div class=ColorBlock]Mountain Ridge Institute

Student ID

Given name: Clementine
Surname: Dewitt
Age: 16
Birthday: December 3
Height: 5’3
Weight: 120
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Allergy(s): Bees
Grade: 10th (sophomore)

[div class=ColorBlock] [div class=BarCode]Clemintinecl[/B]MeNAmE NAMeNAmiE NaMaNAmE NaMeNA[/div] [/div][/div]

Student File

Personality: Clementine, or Clem to her friends, is a little shy but very kind. Sadly her tendency to be a wallflower and not approach others leaves her with few friends, but once she’s comfortable with someone she can talk for hours. Clem hates conflict and will do almost anything to avoid it, she also has a fear of public speaking. One easy way to connect with Clem is her love for gardening and cooking, she could talk forever about recipes or variations of flowers. She tries hard to be optimistic about even terrible things.

Clementine grew up in a loving and close knit home, there were few arguments and none that were bad. She had what many could consider a perfect home life, complete with understanding parents. However two years ago Clementines mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor, she fought hard but died within the year. After that her relationship with her father change, they suddenly felt worlds apart from each other and while they still loved each other they both found it hard to talk about anything important. Clem still mourns her mother but tries hard not to let it get to her, she tries to be happy and thankful of everyday she has.
Goals for this school year: to get out of her comfort zone and make new friends

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Name: Frank Callentelli
Age: 18
Occupation: Student - Senior in highschool

Background: Grew up in a lower-middle class household with a single father and a younger sister. Definitely not what you'd call a "straight-edge" kid - Drinks, smokes, and generally doesn't listen to authority. (In an apathetic way, not in a "cool edgy kid" way.) His personality is definitely an.. Acquired taste.

Description: Standing at 5'10", Frank isn't exactly short, but he's not too tall either. He has moderately long hair, for a guy, going down to the tips of his shoulder blades, sweeping up and to the left in the front. The top of his hair is dyed a bright blue, while the rest of it is his natural dark brown. His skin is a pale white, similar to his father and his sister, despite him being outside quite often. He often wears wool, fingerless gloves with a gray denim jacket, dark blue jeans, a beanie, hiking boots, a black half-face mask, and some form of old rock band t-shirt (AC/DC is his favourite)

Other: Nothing in particular.
Name: Robin Clearwater
Age: 17
Occupation: Student

Background: Robin comes from a typical middle class family, but was raised in a way that gave him slightly more "refined" mannerisms. He rarely gets up to actual illegal antics, but still enjoys a bit of mischief. He treats everybody with a fair hand at first, but this may change as he gets to know somebody if they end up seeming unfavourable to him.

Description: His physique isn't particularly imposing, standing at 5'6". He's of average strength and physical ability, but he's somewhat sensitive about his underwhelming height.


Japanese way: Watanabe Haruki
English way: Haruki Watanabe



Student - Sophomore

Haruki was born in Japan, but when he was ten they moved to America for their jobs. He was put into school and took a program to teach him English. He had a hard time making friends and often spent his days alone. He got bullied for the way he dressed (he wore lots of pink and general girly styles) quite often. He later developed a fear of being alone when a group of kids locked him in a janitor's closet for the day. He sat alone and cried until the principal came and unlocked it to let him out. He refused to say who did it simply because he was afraid of them. He has major social anxiety towards new people but he has a few friends now.

Haruki is 4'9" and weighs around 100 lbs. He has warm brown eyes and dirty blond hair. He always tries to smile, which he succeeds in doing most of the time. He wears oversized sweaters in soft pastel colors and loose fitting clothes.

He has a chew necklace for helping calm his nerves and anxiety
He starts crying and having a panic attack when he's alone (he feels like he can't get out)
When he panics he speaks only Japanese​

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