• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Haunting of Blair Manor Characters


Knight boi

(The family is called the Crain family so don't worry about the last names)

age: (How old were they when they lived in Blair Manor?)
Sexual Orientation:
hair color:
eye color:
any birth marks?:
personality: (Please be descriptive on this)
likes: (At least 3)
dislikes: (At least 3)
Character traits: (At least 4)
Picture or face claim of them as a child:
Fears or phobias: (I will need this for when the house starts to torment the children and discuss it in ooc or dm's)


Name: (If they changed their last name write it here if they didn't ignore this)
height: (How tall are they grown up?)
weight: (How much do they weigh now?)
job: (If they are working)
Positive traits:
Negative traits:
Fears/Past traumas or phobias:
Addictions: (If they have any)
Family?: (If they have a significant other or children if not ignore this)
Backstory: (What happen to them after the events of Blair Manor as children)
bonds: (How they're emotional connection or how their relationship with family is)
Face claim or picture of them as an adult:

Lucas Crain
age: Six years old
gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
height: 4'2"
weight: 58 pounds.
hair color: Blonde
eye color: A mix of green and blue.
any birth marks?: None
Born 90 seconds after Amelia,Lucas love's playing with his beloved twin, Amelia, drawing with crayons playing with toy army men,hanging out in his homemade fort outside, talking to his 'imaginary friend' as his father says, he also likes helping his older brother James in anyway.
Lucas is a lovable child who always tell's the truth to his parents and is always kind to adults and his fellow siblings, Lucas can also be loyal, a classic Stark quality, and resilient.
Old fashioned clothes
His cool fort
His sister Amelia
The dark
Being yelled at
Character traits: (At least 4)
Lucas can be Loyal,Ressilent, and truthful at times, he is very concerning to especially on his family, making sure they are okay, he appears to be more cheery and innocent than the rest of his other siblings.
He's also a brave kid and a daring one too, after his father gave him a old fashioned hat he said,
"Big boys know the difference between what's real and imaginary"
Picture or face claim of them as a child:
Fears or phobias:
He has the fear of being alone in the dark, after a certain 'incident'

age: 28
height: 6'3"
weight: 167 pounds
job: None (Placed in a homing section for addicts)
After The Manor he became more quiet than before and usually doesn't put his opinion in things because his family would not believe him after what he had done, he doesn't try to argue with his siblings anymore and is ashamed of himself.
Positive traits:
kind (At times)
Negative traits:
Fears/Past traumas or phobias:
He is traumatized and was the last one to leave Blair Manor after seeing his mother trying to kill him as his dad rescued him, running away from the manor, he's also traumatized from all of what had happen to him on several occasions.
After the trauma of Blair Manor, to avoid the trauma Lucas struggled heavily throughout his life with a heroin addiction.
Lucas has a love interest named Theodora.
After the horror of Blair Manor, Lucas was traumatized and relied on several drugs and alcohol to aid him, giving his siblings disprove on his misleading actions, he punched his dad for money, and stole his aunt's purse to purchase beer in high school, him and mya getting in a massive argument because of it, and him breaking into James house stealing his ipad and headphones until he was caught causing him to have to pay for it for 200$ with out arguing.
Him and his eldest brother and sibling James, have a very weakened relationship and James and him getting in several arguments, and his high disapproval of his drug addiction, Theroda and James got in a massive argument after James tried to make Lucas feel bad about his heroin addiction.
Her and Lucas's relationship is rather okay she yell's at him a lot for his addiction and misbehavior through out his life, she and Amelia use to take care of him until Eloise gave up on Lucas leaving only Amelia to look out for Lucas.
Him and Amelia each still yet a stronger relationship,than his other siblings she always take care of him until he broke her heart and not attending her wedding, though for some reason she still cares.

Face claim or picture of them as an adult:
download (17).jpeg
he has a constant hobby of counting to 7 to calm himself or reassure himself​
Name: James Blair (Or is it Crain?)
age: 13
gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
height: 5'7
hair color: Auburn
eye color: Grey
hobbies: Reading, writing, history, poetry
personality: James is a quiet boy that only speaks when it is needed. The longest time he has gone without speaking is 2 and 1/2 years. (This is when he COULD speak but decided not to.) He is also very loyal, like Lucas and he can endure anything. he is also a bit of a cynic.
likes: Musicals, poetry, cats
dislikes: Idiots, dogs, limericks
Character traits: He is quiet, loyal, all-enduring, and a bit of a cynic.
Picture or face claim of them as a child:
Fears or phobias:
Agateophobia- Fear of insanity.
Agliophobia- Fear of pain.
Name: James Fathstaken
age: 35
height: (How tall are they grown up?)
weight: (How much do they weigh now?)
job: Phycologist.
Positive traits:
Negative traits:
Fears/Past traumas or phobias:
Agateophobia- Fear of insanity.
Agliophobia- Fear of pain.
Addictions: (If they have any)
Family?: (If they have a significant other or children if not ignore this)
Backstory: (What happen to them after the events of Blair Manor as children)
bonds: (How they're emotional connection or how their relationship with family is)
Face claim or picture of them as an adult:

Practice makes perfect
Cherry Tree by The National

Name: Eloise Crain
Nickname(s): Ellie, Lou
Age: 32
Height: 5"5
Weight: 8.4 stone

Job: Pianist in an Orchestra

Positive traits:
- Diligent
- Creative
- Charismatic
- Decisive
- Gentle
- Perfectionist
- Perceptive
- Resourceful
- Rational

- Ambitious
- Stubborn
- Competitive

Negative traits:
- Paranoid
- Anxious
- Impatient
- Sensitive
- Fearful
- Obsessive
- Repressed
- Resentful
- Vindictive

Fears/Past traumas or phobias: (tba depending on what ghosts are used)

Addictions: Not a literal addiction but Eloise is obsessed with praise and succeeding, she's extremely obsessed with seeming to be the best and doing the best.

Backstory: After the events of Blair Manor Eloise drew into herself, she still had the same impulses and drives but indulged in them much less - becoming more quiet and reserved. She dove into the hobbies her parents had actually approved of and hyper focused on that, she no longer was the little girl who'd explore without hesitation. She became obsessed with being still and perfect and polite like she thought her parents always wanted, it gave her a sense of control she desperately needed after Blair Manor - that year had been terrifying and she'd felt like everything was spiralling out of control. She threw herself into music and schoolwork and stayed up all hours studying, she wouldn't play out in the garden getting scraped knees and mud soaked clothes. It changed the dynamic of the home somewhat, with one less child to worry about - even as she got older and attended High School Eloise didn't get into trouble or stay out too late. She was a popular girl but on the fringes of popularity, not disliked but not loved, civil with everyone but not close. She became somewhat isolated and clung to her family, trying to look out for them all and love them all and protect them all but from a distance. She went to College for music, studying classical music and joining the College Band. Eventually getting good enough to audition for a position within an Orchestra and she performs with them. She's content with her life now, her childhood horrors are kept at bay by sheer will - she pushes and forces it down until it's in the back of her head and locks her troubles away. Her parents gave her a music box during her time at Blair, she'd started getting terrible nightmares and she was told to lock her troubles away inside of it - imagining pushing them down and locking them away as the music keeps the memories at bay. She hasn't moved on or learned to live with it, she just refuses to let herself acknowledge it. Forcing it down and keeping control over the rest of her life. She's never talked to her family about her experience of Blair, they all share memories as well as having their own and often dismissed it as make believe when it's brought up - that's how she copes with it all.

Relationships: tba when people's sheets are sorted completed!

Luke ~ Eloise loves her baby brother, she doted on him when she was little and would try and rope him into her shenanigans when she could pry him away from Amelia. However their relationship became strained as they got older. Eloise has done her best to brush away the events of the manor and move past it - their imaginations got the better of them and that was all, she tried to support him as they got older but found herself having to pull back after one too many stints in Rehab. They argued about his behaviour and she just wanted him to move on from what happened, she tried her best to be calm and supportive but it was exhausting. She felt guilty about "abandoning," him but she made sure to keep in contact with Amelia about how he was coping and she does love him. She'll call him every so often and offers to meet up with him when she's in town.


Name: Eloise Crain
Nickname(s): Ellie, Louise, Lou, Lolly (she went through a phase of only responding to that)
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Height: 4ft 8
Weight: 5st 1lb
Hair Color: Light brown with a blonde tint
Eye Color: Hazel

Hobbies: Eloise was an avid explorer, constantly getting herself into trouble - tearing her clothes on trees and coming home caked in mud. She'd chase butterflies around the garden determined to catch them, lean into ponds to try and grab fish - she was determined to find out everything about everything there was to. She'd steal buttons and bottle caps and whatever she could and hide it under her bed, sometimes she'd tinker with it and try to make something but often she just liked having it. She also was learning to play musical instruments when she was younger, her parents attempt to channel her hyperactivity into something more productive than spending hours chasing bugs and animals outdoors or trying to climb onto the roof of the house.

- Exploring/Collecting things
- Playing violin and piano

Personality: Eloise is scatter-brained, obsessive, and curious about the world. She wants to know everything about everything and spends her time chasing ideas and obsessions, she's a hyperactive girl who's you're more likely than not to find covered in mud in the garden catching worms or chasing birds. Not because she wanted to hurt them but she wanted to see them, see what they were like and understand why they were the way they were. She wasn't the most well behaved child, despite being the oldest, although she did have a protective streak which meant she often watched out for or looked after her younger siblings. She struggled in school because of her curiousity, shouting out answers and struggling to pay attention when it was something that didn't interest her - it wasn't that she wasn't trying to be good or well behaved it was just that sometimes things didn't quite make sense to her. She's a social butterfly loves people and will happily talk to anyone, a bundle of movement and firing words off at people at 100 mph after just an introduction.

- Curious
- Adventurous
- Helpful
- Imaginative
- Independent
- Outgoing
- Persistent
- Gregarious

- Forgetful
- Argumentative
- Sarcastic
- Unruly
- Impulsive
- Sneaky
- Lazy (when it comes to work)
- Reactive

Neutral: Hyperactive

- Butterflies
- Climbing
- Animals
- Running
- Lollipops
- Waffles
- Stars
- Jump ropes
- Learning things
- Playing pretend
- Lemonade
- Skittles

- Sitting still
- School
- Water
- Dark spaces
- Teachers
- Silence
- Cats
- Arguments
- Being grounded
- Heat waves
- Salted popcorn
- Tomatoes
Eloise Crain
code by low fidelity.

Name: Eloise Crain
Nickname(s): Ellie, Lou
Age: 32
Height: 5"5
Weight: 8.4 stone

Job: Pianist in an Orchestra

Positive traits:
- Diligent
- Creative
- Charismatic
- Decisive
- Gentle
- Perfectionist
- Perceptive
- Resourceful
- Rational

- Ambitious
- Stubborn
- Competitive

Negative traits:
- Paranoid
- Anxious
- Impatient
- Sensitive
- Fearful
- Obsessive
- Repressed
- Resentful
- Vindictive

Fears/Past traumas or phobias: (tba depending on what ghosts are used)

Addictions: Not a literal addiction but Eloise is obsessed with praise and succeeding, she's extremely obsessed with seeming to be the best and doing the best.

Backstory: After the events of Blair Manor Eloise drew into herself, she still had the same impulses and drives but indulged in them much less - becoming more quiet and reserved. She dove into the hobbies her parents had actually approved of and hyper focused on that, she no longer was the little girl who'd explore without hesitation. She became obsessed with being still and perfect and polite like she thought her parents always wanted, it gave her a sense of control she desperately needed after Blair Manor - that year had been terrifying and she'd felt like everything was spiralling out of control. She threw herself into music and schoolwork and stayed up all hours studying, she wouldn't play out in the garden getting scraped knees and mud soaked clothes. It changed the dynamic of the home somewhat, with one less child to worry about - even as she got older and attended High School Eloise didn't get into trouble or stay out too late. She was a popular girl but on the fringes of popularity, not disliked but not loved, civil with everyone but not close. She became somewhat isolated and clung to her family, trying to look out for them all and love them all and protect them all but from a distance. She went to College for music, studying classical music and joining the College Band. Eventually getting good enough to audition for a position within an Orchestra and she performs with them. She's content with her life now, her childhood horrors are kept at bay by sheer will - she pushes and forces it down until it's in the back of her head and locks her troubles away. Her parents gave her a music box during her time at Blair, she'd started getting terrible nightmares and she was told to lock her troubles away inside of it - imagining pushing them down and locking them away as the music keeps the memories at bay. She hasn't moved on or learned to live with it, she just refuses to let herself acknowledge it. Forcing it down and keeping control over the rest of her life. She's never talked to her family about her experience of Blair, they all share memories as well as having their own and often dismissed it as make believe when it's brought up - that's how she copes with it all.

Relationships: tba when people's sheets are sorted completed!

Luke ~ Eloise loves her baby brother, she doted on him when she was little and would try and rope him into her shenanigans when she could pry him away from Amelia. However their relationship became strained as they got older. Eloise has done her best to brush away the events of the manor and move past it - their imaginations got the better of them and that was all, she tried to support him as they got older but found herself having to pull back after one too many stints in Rehab. They argued about his behaviour and she just wanted him to move on from what happened, she tried her best to be calm and supportive but it was exhausting. She felt guilty about "abandoning," him but she made sure to keep in contact with Amelia about how he was coping and she does love him. She'll call him every so often and offers to meet up with him when she's in town.


Name: Eloise Crain
Nickname(s): Ellie, Louise, Lou, Lolly (she went through a phase of only responding to that)
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Height: 4ft 8
Weight: 5st 1lb
Hair Color: Light brown with a blonde tint
Eye Color: Hazel

Hobbies: Eloise was an avid explorer, constantly getting herself into trouble - tearing her clothes on trees and coming home caked in mud. She'd chase butterflies around the garden determined to catch them, lean into ponds to try and grab fish - she was determined to find out everything about everything there was to. She'd steal buttons and bottle caps and whatever she could and hide it under her bed, sometimes she'd tinker with it and try to make something but often she just liked having it. She also was learning to play musical instruments when she was younger, her parents attempt to channel her hyperactivity into something more productive than spending hours chasing bugs and animals outdoors or trying to climb onto the roof of the house.

- Exploring/Collecting things
- Playing violin and piano

Personality: Eloise is scatter-brained, obsessive, and curious about the world. She wants to know everything about everything and spends her time chasing ideas and obsessions, she's a hyperactive girl who's you're more likely than not to find covered in mud in the garden catching worms or chasing birds. Not because she wanted to hurt them but she wanted to see them, see what they were like and understand why they were the way they were. She wasn't the most well behaved child, despite being the oldest, although she did have a protective streak which meant she often watched out for or looked after her younger siblings. She struggled in school because of her curiousity, shouting out answers and struggling to pay attention when it was something that didn't interest her - it wasn't that she wasn't trying to be good or well behaved it was just that sometimes things didn't quite make sense to her. She's a social butterfly loves people and will happily talk to anyone, a bundle of movement and firing words off at people at 100 mph after just an introduction.

- Curious
- Adventurous
- Helpful
- Imaginative
- Independent
- Outgoing
- Persistent
- Gregarious

- Forgetful
- Argumentative
- Sarcastic
- Unruly
- Impulsive
- Sneaky
- Lazy (when it comes to work)
- Reactive

Neutral: Hyperactive

- Butterflies
- Climbing
- Animals
- Running
- Lollipops
- Waffles
- Stars
- Jump ropes
- Learning things
- Playing pretend
- Lemonade
- Skittles

- Sitting still
- School
- Water
- Dark spaces
- Teachers
- Silence
- Cats
- Arguments
- Being grounded
- Heat waves
- Salted popcorn
- Tomatoes


Practice makes perfect
Cherry Tree by The National

Name: Eloise Crain
Nickname(s): Ellie, Lou
Age: 32
Height: 5"5
Weight: 8.4 stone

Job: Pianist in an Orchestra

Positive traits:
- Diligent
- Creative
- Charismatic
- Decisive
- Gentle
- Perfectionist
- Perceptive
- Resourceful
- Rational

- Ambitious
- Stubborn
- Competitive

Negative traits:
- Paranoid
- Anxious
- Impatient
- Sensitive
- Fearful
- Obsessive
- Repressed
- Resentful
- Vindictive

Fears/Past traumas or phobias: (tba depending on what ghosts are used)

Addictions: Not a literal addiction but Eloise is obsessed with praise and succeeding, she's extremely obsessed with seeming to be the best and doing the best.

Backstory: After the events of Blair Manor Eloise drew into herself, she still had the same impulses and drives but indulged in them much less - becoming more quiet and reserved. She dove into the hobbies her parents had actually approved of and hyper focused on that, she no longer was the little girl who'd explore without hesitation. She became obsessed with being still and perfect and polite like she thought her parents always wanted, it gave her a sense of control she desperately needed after Blair Manor - that year had been terrifying and she'd felt like everything was spiralling out of control. She threw herself into music and schoolwork and stayed up all hours studying, she wouldn't play out in the garden getting scraped knees and mud soaked clothes. It changed the dynamic of the home somewhat, with one less child to worry about - even as she got older and attended High School Eloise didn't get into trouble or stay out too late. She was a popular girl but on the fringes of popularity, not disliked but not loved, civil with everyone but not close. She became somewhat isolated and clung to her family, trying to look out for them all and love them all and protect them all but from a distance. She went to College for music, studying classical music and joining the College Band. Eventually getting good enough to audition for a position within an Orchestra and she performs with them. She's content with her life now, her childhood horrors are kept at bay by sheer will - she pushes and forces it down until it's in the back of her head and locks her troubles away. Her parents gave her a music box during her time at Blair, she'd started getting terrible nightmares and she was told to lock her troubles away inside of it - imagining pushing them down and locking them away as the music keeps the memories at bay. She hasn't moved on or learned to live with it, she just refuses to let herself acknowledge it. Forcing it down and keeping control over the rest of her life. She's never talked to her family about her experience of Blair, they all share memories as well as having their own and often dismissed it as make believe when it's brought up - that's how she copes with it all.

Relationships: tba when people's sheets are sorted completed!

Luke ~ Eloise loves her baby brother, she doted on him when she was little and would try and rope him into her shenanigans when she could pry him away from Amelia. However their relationship became strained as they got older. Eloise has done her best to brush away the events of the manor and move past it - their imaginations got the better of them and that was all, she tried to support him as they got older but found herself having to pull back after one too many stints in Rehab. They argued about his behaviour and she just wanted him to move on from what happened, she tried her best to be calm and supportive but it was exhausting. She felt guilty about "abandoning," him but she made sure to keep in contact with Amelia about how he was coping and she does love him. She'll call him every so often and offers to meet up with him when she's in town.


Name: Eloise Crain
Nickname(s): Ellie, Louise, Lou, Lolly (she went through a phase of only responding to that)
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Height: 4ft 8
Weight: 5st 1lb
Hair Color: Light brown with a blonde tint
Eye Color: Hazel

Hobbies: Eloise was an avid explorer, constantly getting herself into trouble - tearing her clothes on trees and coming home caked in mud. She'd chase butterflies around the garden determined to catch them, lean into ponds to try and grab fish - she was determined to find out everything about everything there was to. She'd steal buttons and bottle caps and whatever she could and hide it under her bed, sometimes she'd tinker with it and try to make something but often she just liked having it. She also was learning to play musical instruments when she was younger, her parents attempt to channel her hyperactivity into something more productive than spending hours chasing bugs and animals outdoors or trying to climb onto the roof of the house.

- Exploring/Collecting things
- Playing violin and piano

Personality: Eloise is scatter-brained, obsessive, and curious about the world. She wants to know everything about everything and spends her time chasing ideas and obsessions, she's a hyperactive girl who's you're more likely than not to find covered in mud in the garden catching worms or chasing birds. Not because she wanted to hurt them but she wanted to see them, see what they were like and understand why they were the way they were. She wasn't the most well behaved child, despite being the oldest, although she did have a protective streak which meant she often watched out for or looked after her younger siblings. She struggled in school because of her curiousity, shouting out answers and struggling to pay attention when it was something that didn't interest her - it wasn't that she wasn't trying to be good or well behaved it was just that sometimes things didn't quite make sense to her. She's a social butterfly loves people and will happily talk to anyone, a bundle of movement and firing words off at people at 100 mph after just an introduction.

- Curious
- Adventurous
- Helpful
- Imaginative
- Independent
- Outgoing
- Persistent
- Gregarious

- Forgetful
- Argumentative
- Sarcastic
- Unruly
- Impulsive
- Sneaky
- Lazy (when it comes to work)
- Reactive

Neutral: Hyperactive

- Butterflies
- Climbing
- Animals
- Running
- Lollipops
- Waffles
- Stars
- Jump ropes
- Learning things
- Playing pretend
- Lemonade
- Skittles

- Sitting still
- School
- Water
- Dark spaces
- Teachers
- Silence
- Cats
- Arguments
- Being grounded
- Heat waves
- Salted popcorn
- Tomatoes
Eloise Crain
code by low fidelity.

Name: Eloise Crain
Nickname(s): Ellie, Lou
Age: 32
Height: 5"5
Weight: 8.4 stone

Job: Pianist in an Orchestra

Positive traits:
- Diligent
- Creative
- Charismatic
- Decisive
- Gentle
- Perfectionist
- Perceptive
- Resourceful
- Rational

- Ambitious
- Stubborn
- Competitive

Negative traits:
- Paranoid
- Anxious
- Impatient
- Sensitive
- Fearful
- Obsessive
- Repressed
- Resentful
- Vindictive

Fears/Past traumas or phobias: (tba depending on what ghosts are used)

Addictions: Not a literal addiction but Eloise is obsessed with praise and succeeding, she's extremely obsessed with seeming to be the best and doing the best.

Backstory: After the events of Blair Manor Eloise drew into herself, she still had the same impulses and drives but indulged in them much less - becoming more quiet and reserved. She dove into the hobbies her parents had actually approved of and hyper focused on that, she no longer was the little girl who'd explore without hesitation. She became obsessed with being still and perfect and polite like she thought her parents always wanted, it gave her a sense of control she desperately needed after Blair Manor - that year had been terrifying and she'd felt like everything was spiralling out of control. She threw herself into music and schoolwork and stayed up all hours studying, she wouldn't play out in the garden getting scraped knees and mud soaked clothes. It changed the dynamic of the home somewhat, with one less child to worry about - even as she got older and attended High School Eloise didn't get into trouble or stay out too late. She was a popular girl but on the fringes of popularity, not disliked but not loved, civil with everyone but not close. She became somewhat isolated and clung to her family, trying to look out for them all and love them all and protect them all but from a distance. She went to College for music, studying classical music and joining the College Band. Eventually getting good enough to audition for a position within an Orchestra and she performs with them. She's content with her life now, her childhood horrors are kept at bay by sheer will - she pushes and forces it down until it's in the back of her head and locks her troubles away. Her parents gave her a music box during her time at Blair, she'd started getting terrible nightmares and she was told to lock her troubles away inside of it - imagining pushing them down and locking them away as the music keeps the memories at bay. She hasn't moved on or learned to live with it, she just refuses to let herself acknowledge it. Forcing it down and keeping control over the rest of her life. She's never talked to her family about her experience of Blair, they all share memories as well as having their own and often dismissed it as make believe when it's brought up - that's how she copes with it all.

Relationships: tba when people's sheets are sorted completed!

Luke ~ Eloise loves her baby brother, she doted on him when she was little and would try and rope him into her shenanigans when she could pry him away from Amelia. However their relationship became strained as they got older. Eloise has done her best to brush away the events of the manor and move past it - their imaginations got the better of them and that was all, she tried to support him as they got older but found herself having to pull back after one too many stints in Rehab. They argued about his behaviour and she just wanted him to move on from what happened, she tried her best to be calm and supportive but it was exhausting. She felt guilty about "abandoning," him but she made sure to keep in contact with Amelia about how he was coping and she does love him. She'll call him every so often and offers to meet up with him when she's in town.


Name: Eloise Crain
Nickname(s): Ellie, Louise, Lou, Lolly (she went through a phase of only responding to that)
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Height: 4ft 8
Weight: 5st 1lb
Hair Color: Light brown with a blonde tint
Eye Color: Hazel

Hobbies: Eloise was an avid explorer, constantly getting herself into trouble - tearing her clothes on trees and coming home caked in mud. She'd chase butterflies around the garden determined to catch them, lean into ponds to try and grab fish - she was determined to find out everything about everything there was to. She'd steal buttons and bottle caps and whatever she could and hide it under her bed, sometimes she'd tinker with it and try to make something but often she just liked having it. She also was learning to play musical instruments when she was younger, her parents attempt to channel her hyperactivity into something more productive than spending hours chasing bugs and animals outdoors or trying to climb onto the roof of the house.

- Exploring/Collecting things
- Playing violin and piano

Personality: Eloise is scatter-brained, obsessive, and curious about the world. She wants to know everything about everything and spends her time chasing ideas and obsessions, she's a hyperactive girl who's you're more likely than not to find covered in mud in the garden catching worms or chasing birds. Not because she wanted to hurt them but she wanted to see them, see what they were like and understand why they were the way they were. She wasn't the most well behaved child, despite being the oldest, although she did have a protective streak which meant she often watched out for or looked after her younger siblings. She struggled in school because of her curiousity, shouting out answers and struggling to pay attention when it was something that didn't interest her - it wasn't that she wasn't trying to be good or well behaved it was just that sometimes things didn't quite make sense to her. She's a social butterfly loves people and will happily talk to anyone, a bundle of movement and firing words off at people at 100 mph after just an introduction.

- Curious
- Adventurous
- Helpful
- Imaginative
- Independent
- Outgoing
- Persistent
- Gregarious

- Forgetful
- Argumentative
- Sarcastic
- Unruly
- Impulsive
- Sneaky
- Lazy (when it comes to work)
- Reactive

Neutral: Hyperactive

- Butterflies
- Climbing
- Animals
- Running
- Lollipops
- Waffles
- Stars
- Jump ropes
- Learning things
- Playing pretend
- Lemonade
- Skittles

- Sitting still
- School
- Water
- Dark spaces
- Teachers
- Silence
- Cats
- Arguments
- Being grounded
- Heat waves
- Salted popcorn
- Tomatoes

perfect accepted!
Name: Mya Crain
age: 7 years old.
gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
height: 3'3
weight:97 lbs
hair color: Brown.
eye color: brown.
any birth marks?: None.
hobbies: Drawing pictures of her family, writing fantasy stories, spending time with her family.
personality: Mya is a quiet child. She tells a lie or two to cover for her siblings if needed. She never wants to lose their trust.
likes: Her younger sister Amelia, Toys, Her hand sewn dresses from her mother.
dislikes: Her youngest brother Lucas, Her fear, not having space to herself.
Character traits: Active, Bossy, Caring, Determined.
Picture or face claim of them as a child:
Fears or phobias: Thanatophobia.
Name: Mya Crain
age: 27
height: 5'9
weight: 136 lbs
job: Lawyer.
Personality: Mya is very independent. She no long lies for others. She is her own woman.
Positive traits: Considerate, Dependable, hopeful.
Negative traits: Crucial, Weak, impatient.
Fears/Past traumas or phobias: Atelophobia.
Addictions: None.
Family?: (If they have a significant other or children if not ignore this)
Backstory:In the Blair Manor her fear got the better of her. She tried to get out as soon as possible. The Manor made her seem like she lost her family. That wasn't the case. For her, going back would take her back to the past. She never wants that. Ever.
bonds: Distant. Haven't talked in a while.
Face claim or picture of them as an adult: First one is Mya in the past. Second one is Mya in her adult hood.


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Name: Amelia Crain. Affectionately called Mia by her family.
age: 6
gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
height: 3'10"
weight: 44lbs
hair color: Blonde
eye color: Blue
any birth marks?: Café-au-lait spot about the size of a quarter on her collarbone.
hobbies: Amelia spent the majority of her extensive free time playing with her twin brother Lucas. Whatever her cool, older sisters Lolly and Mya were doing, Amelia just had to be doing too. Amelia was also fond of the dance lessons her parents enrolled her in.
personality: Mia is a horribly shy girl. She has a hard time making friends and is often teased by the girls in her class for being quiet and easily frightened. She's very sensitive and takes everything very seriously at face value. She's afraid of getting in trouble, and as such she lies frequently to tell people what they want to hear. Mia would do absolutely anything her siblings or parents asked her to. She loves them, she wants to make them happy.
likes: Her siblings, dance lessons, dolls, playing princesses, fancy dresses, mommy's jewelry.
dislikes: Dogs, her parents yelling, water, the dark, school.
Character traits: Anxious, dishonest, gullible, compassionate, dependable.
Fears or phobias: Mia is horribly afraid of dogs. Especially the big black one that barks at her all night. She swears up and down that it could talk. It puts thoughts right into her mind. Mia is also very afraid of water, particularly of floods and drowning.


Name: Amelia Joyce. Her colleagues and friends call her AJ. Her husband is the only one allowed to call her Mia.
age: 28
height: 5'10
weight: 147 lbs
job: News Correspondant
Personality: AJ has done a lot of growing since she was a little girl, she is no longer an easily frightened child. She's now a bit of an adrenaline junkie, which is well-fed due to the dangerous nature of her job. She's very self-motivated and strong-willed. She doesn't abandon a task once things get difficult for her. She's extremely passionate about her work and doesn't take criticism well. She's no longer gullible and has 180 into distrustful. Even though she's a far more confident person than she was growing up, she has a tendency to keep people at arm's length from her. Despite her years of hardening herself against the world, her siblings are her Achilles heel, particularly her brother Lucas. Aj has a hard time watched her twin struggle, and as such often enables him by giving him anything he asks her.
Positive traits: Empathetic, decisive, professional, charismatic.
Negative traits: Enabling, petty, overcritical, manipulative
Fears/Past traumas or phobias: While AJ has outgrown her fear of dogs, she's still very much afraid of the water. She doesn't know why she's still so afraid but you will never catch her swimming.
Addictions: Aj is a bit of an adrenaline addict. She will go out of her way to do something dangerous for the rush.
Family?: AJ has been married for two years to her husband Patrick.
Backstory: WiP
bonds: Pending​

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