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Colosseum The Haunted Insane Asylum


Indecisive Being



You & your friends dare to enter the haunted insane asylum, Hummel.

Little do you know that this location is truly haunted and deadly.

Once you enter the main

vestibule 101, you will later realize you cannot leave as easily as you entered.

Gather clues to escape the asylum or 'kill' the deadly ghosts.




Maximilian Terrence Waters

Health: 50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Lucky #: 6, 3, 1

Weakness: Holy water & crosses

Katelyn Moore


Health: 23

Attack: 1

Defense: 5

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 5

Luck: 3

Maximilian Cinte

Health: 50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Lucky #: 1,1,5

Weakness: Use his Multiple Personality Disorder to hurt himself

Marcet "Marcy" Anderson


Health: 24

Attack: 5

Defense: 4

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 2

Luck: 2


Health: 50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Lucky #: 4,5,6

Weakness: Excessive heat or fire


Kawazoe Gem

Health: 22

Attack: 6

Defense: 6

Intelligence: 0

Sneak: 3

Luck: 3

Spencer Lowe

Health: 50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Lucky #: 6,2,3

Weakness: Water


Stephen Boehrer

Health: 23

Attack: 4

Defense: 5

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 2

Luck: 3

Maliik Von Schuäter

Health: 50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Lucky #: 6,6,6

Weakness: Word games

Jennifer Sibelius


Health: 25

Attack: 5

Defense: 4

Intelligence: 2

Sneak: 3

Luck: 1

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(Ghosts) can start anywhere in the Insane Asylum.

(Humans) start in front of the Insane Asylum.

Please place yourself randomly (Ghosts).

You all can't be at the front vestibule ready to attack the humans in the first post (Ghosts).

Your location (Both), items (Humans) and stats (Both) must be in every post.

You must write at least a paragraph (Both).

No one-liners WHAT-SO-EVER or I'll boot you (Both).

Please make sure you have read the "Overview" (Both).

Have fun dammit.


@Psyker StrunLokSingh @Sexy McGee @Ambivalence​
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Health: 50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Lucky #: 4, 5, 6

Weakness: Excessive heat or fire

Location: Staff Lounge (Rm:118)

Charles was in the staff lounge and kept his head down as his hair covered his face. He muttered the numbers four, five and six repeatedly saying they were his "lucky numbers". Charles stood up and looked around. The ghost growled again and closed his eyes he took out a bracelet that supposedly belonged to his daughter who died of cancer. He stared at for a few seconds then shoved it back in the pocket.
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Health: 50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Weakness: Use his Multiple Personality Disorder to hurt himself

Location: Quiet Area (Rm:121)

"I am me, I am one, I am me, I am one, I am me, I am one..." He muttered this phrase over and over. Cinte definitely wasn't the sanest of people. But it wasn't his fault! He didn't do anything! It was them, the others in his mind. As he thought about them, 4 other ghosts appeared next to him, each one fainter than him but still there. He could only try and ignore them as he kept muttering his mantra, that is until one of them spoke. "I am you, I am two." Then another. "I am you, I am three." And another. "I am you, I am four." And another. "I am you, I am five." "We are us, we are one, we are us, we are one." His chant had devolved into that, they were all him. And he was them. He floated around the quiet area, hoping the room would live up to it's name. It didn't.
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Items: None

Location: Vestibule 101

Attack: 1

Defense: 5

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 5

Luck: 3


Katelyn was shaking in her rustic brown leather ankle boots. She wasn't cold despite the lack of coverage on her legs. She was frightened. She couldn't believe she was by herself in front of the abandoned insane asylum. It was dark, unsafe, and creepy. She tugged on her pastel colored plaid skirt uncomfortably. She wore a matching pastel colored cardigan and white satin shirt underneath. She crossed her arms and called out with a shaky voice, "Jenny? Zoe... Someone here?" The bristles of the trees and the howling of the wind made Kate cross her arms in an insecure manner.

Maybe... they're inside already... she thought. She stepped lightly towards the door of the asylum. Her boots made a slight jingle because of the zipper and straps. Perhaps, the cracks of the twigs and leaves added to the noises made from her shoes. She let in and out a deep breath before entering the hospital. The knob of the door was extremely rusty and felt disgusting. As she opened the door, she whispered, "Marcy... Zoe?"

She crept in quietly into the building. The floor was filled with dirt, dried plants, and trash. The window of the vestibule she was in was barely transparent and had plenty of scratches and graffiti. 'RUN,' drawings of ghosts, and many similar messages were written all over the entrance. She bit her lip and huddled in the corner of the vestibule.
I'll just wait here until they arrive... she thought with her eyes tightly shut in fear. She, honestly, didn't want to move or look around anymore.

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Items: None

Location: In front of the asylum

Attack: 5

Defense: 4

Intelligence: 2

Sneak: 3

Luck: 1


G'night, Ma!"

Good night, baby."


Jennifer heard the sound of her mom closing her door. "
Great, now's my chance to escape!" she tiptoed down the stairs and slid open her backyard's sliding door. "I'll be right back, ma. Don't you worry," she said to herself as if speaking to her mother. She wore a comfy, hot pink hooded jacket with ripped jeans and colorful neon sneakers which sort of matched her jacket. "Hmm, baby. Am I excited for tonight!" she said aloud to herself as she hopped onto her older brother's neglected bike. The tires were a little flat and the blue-ish gray paint was flaking off, but it was still usable in her eyes. -OMW!- she sent a group text to Katelyn, Stephen, and Kawazoe, but not Marcel. She didn't have his number, and boy did she wish to have his number. He won't even accept her friend invitation on FaceBook. This boy surely knows how to play hard to get. She let out a sigh at the thought. She hoped Katie invited him again to this spooky event. She even begged Kate to do so. Odds are, he was going to come. Hopefully, this time she will surely get him to open up to her or she could simply cozy-up to him and hope he accepts her.

Oh, Baby!!!"

She exclaimed excitedly as she raced down the street. The insane asylum isn't that far. According to the GPS on her phone, she would arrive in an hour. That's not too bad, especially since she's on a bike. The cool wind rushed through her hair as she grinned from ear to ear. She's never been to a real haunted place before.
I swear, Stephen always comes up with the coolest ideas... she thought as her hair and the hood of her jacket fluttered about in the wind.


Jennifer finally arrived to the spooky hospital. "
Oooooo, scary!" she said in a cheerful tone. She turned and saw a car parked near the abandoned building. "Hey, Katie's here!" she said aloud. She looked around as the trees swayed to and fro and the leaves scattered eerily. Where was Katelyn? She can't possibly be inside already... Jenny thought. She began looking anywhere, but the inside of the building for Kate.


Health: 22

Attack: 6

Defense: 6

Intelligence: 0

Sneak: 3

Luck: 3


Kawazoe finally made it to the insane asylum he had to walk from his second job that ended a couple of hours ago. He hopes that he was not late like he usually was for the things, but when he saw Jennifer he was glad that he was not late he was wearing a white shirt with black pants and his letter jacket with number 94 on the shoulders.
" Hey Jennifer have you seen the others?"He then started to look around wondering if she saw anyone or not expecially Kate because you wanted to enter this with a together. He's looked at the abandoned asylum it wouldn't be abandon much longer he thought to himself as he finally got to the asylum doors.

Health: 24/24

Items: Doctor's inmate list (dropped on reception desk)

Location: Lobby, 102

Attack: 5

Defense: 4

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 2

Luck: 2

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.b4d98b5802905799e1e38cf3ef53f430.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.b4d98b5802905799e1e38cf3ef53f430.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcet was standing behind the reception desk, reading the list of inmates. He'd picked it up from where it lay on the reception desk, abondoned so many years ago. He found it interesting, and he remembered almost all that he had gotten to. Only one or two patients, who had been declaired sane and left the asylum around 1934. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Katelyn had said she would be here and was bringing friends. Marcet didn't like the friends too terribly much, but hey, he found this place intriguing.

He was drawn out of his thoughts by his step-sisters voice. "Marcy...Zoe?" He smiled. Even though he'd only lived with her in the same house for a year, she was still using the childhood nickname he'd been given. Dropping the file folder back on the reception desk, Marcet nudged open the door to room 101. "Hey. I decided to get here a bit early," he smiled. "Judging that nobody else is here, you did too."

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Location: Isolation/sober, 202

Health: 50/50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.9059b9b89448010fae73a97c86368870.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90212" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.9059b9b89448010fae73a97c86368870.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Isolation. I-so-lat-ee-own. Fun word, fun word." Maliik Von Schuäter rolled the words off his tounge. If he had a tounge. He did, but he didn't. Being dead did that to you. "I always liked it here, you know. Nice cell. You can sleep on the walls, they're padded." Maliik floated horizontally and lay on one of the walls. Of course, he couldn't feel it. This particular part of the wall that was. He remembered how they felt when he'd spent time here when he was alive, and therefore could 'touch' the walls here. Really, he couldn't, but hey, so's the world. "I'm happy. Yes I am. *pbtttttt*" He said to noone in particular. In his spare time, he made mouth noises. Just like when he was when he was alive. He did alot of things he did when he was alive. All of them actually. being dead didn't make a difference to him.

And then he felt it. A slight disturbance. Only a slight one. People. "Well isn't that delightful?" He said, opening his eyes and floating down from the wall, resting his feet on the floor and taking his visible appearance of a normal human with tosseled blonde hair, a white shirt with excessively long sleeves, jeans, and a wild smile. "Lovely. Peachy. Dandy. Insert positive adjective here." He said, walking out of room 202 and into hallway 215. "Except midgets. Not those, they don't fit. Well they do, actually. But not." He chuckled to himself, stepping through the doorway, trailing his hands along the walls.

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Maximilian Terrence Waters

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_muu3a23Sb41r0eg0wo1_500.jpg.3e044f135098e428d9d321f7608a718c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90236" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_muu3a23Sb41r0eg0wo1_500.jpg.3e044f135098e428d9d321f7608a718c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Health: 50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Location: Records Room

Maximilian sat amidst the files in the Records Room, his silvery hair flowed around as though it was being blown by an invisible breeze. This was the only place he could feel comfortable, seeing as how everything was in order here. It was only one of the places that had not fallen to pieces since the Asylum was abandoned. At this time he was reading the files. It was one of his only sources of entertainment that he could find in the condemned building (other then straightening things up and cleaning, things were rather clean in some of the places he was known to frequent). Some files made him uncomfortable, others were fascinating. He could hear some faint commotion, sound carried quite well in the empty building. He decided it wasn't worth it, seeing as how it could have easily been a small animal. But if the other ghosts decided it was, he was likely to tag along. Shrugging, he turned back to the files and continued to read.



Items: None

Location: Lobby 102

Attack: 1

Defense: 5

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 5

Luck: 3


Katelyn heard some shuffling in the distance followed by a familiar voice. "Marcy? Marcy!!" she whispered almost breathlessly. She looked around, but she didn't see him. She looked at the ground as she felt something touching her leg. She yipped then covered her mouth when she realized it was only a tree branch. She leaned against the wall in relief. Quickly after, she widened her eyes as she felt grim on her clothes and hand. "Marcy!!" she called out as she ran into the next room. The moment she spotted him, she closed her eyes (not wanting to see the creepy room around her) and hugged him tightly. "Ple-please don't leave me alone," she felt herself almost crying. She grabbed on to his loose garbs tightly and pressed the side of her face tightly against his chest. "This was a crazy idea... I don't know what Jenny was thinking..." Her eyes were tightly shut again. She has no idea how she even agreed to this crazy haunt house extravaganza.

Health: 50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

Lucky #: 4, 5, 6

Weakness: Excessive heat or fire

Location: Staff Lounge (Rm:118)

Charles sat in the same spot, moving the bracelet around his finger "Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth." he searched through his bag and grabbed a music box (which most likely also belonged to Elizabeth.) He set it down and it started to play. He hummed the tune quietly and slowly. He closed his eyes and covered his eyes with hair, he snarled in sadness. A tear dropped to the floor "You know I love you." he mutters. Charles started sobbing and yelling his daughter's name (Elizabeth). He punched and kicked the air in both anger and sorrow.


Items: None

Location: In front of the asylum

Attack: 5

Defense: 4

Intelligence: 2

Sneak: 3

Luck: 1


Jennifer practically looked all around the abandoned building and then she was where she started looking. She let out a frustrating sigh. "
Oh, big boy!" she called out as Kawazoe approached her. She smiled as she found him wearing his football jacket. That boy sure loves his team. He was such a simple, typical, typical man. Perfect for Katie... she thought again as she looked at him. "Nah, apparently Kate is here, but I'm not sure about Stephen and Marcet," she said as she crossed her arms in an annoyed manner. "Where the heck could this girl be?" she exclaimed as she shook her head. "She can't be inside. She's waaay too much of a scardy-cat," she spoke her thought aloud, so Kawazoe could hear them.

Health: 22/22

Attack: 6

Defense: 6

Intelligence: 0

Sneak: 3

Luck: 3

Location: Lobby 214


Kawazoe nodded his head she was a bit of a scaredy cat he grabbed the door handle to the insane asylum and opened it." I don't know where they are but probably better waiting inside than out."He said as he walked into the inside them looking around he saw no one there ." Hey kitten are you here."He said not too loud he was thinking that she wouldn't go that far into this place probably just into this lobby he continued to look around though it was very dark and he wish he brought a flashlight to see where he was going.
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Health: 24/24

Items: Doctor's inmate list

Location: Lobby, 102

Attack: 5

Defense: 4

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 2

Luck: 2

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.f17ac0cd6d754cb1c6eae301e79b47af.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.f17ac0cd6d754cb1c6eae301e79b47af.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcet was stunned, to say the least to Katelyn's warm welcome. Not being used to close situations, he clumsily put his arms around his step-sister. "Hey, it's allright," he grinned, "What are you so scared of? There's nothing the matter here." He pointed twords the desk. "There's a roster of all the inmates who were here, I think it's interesting. Maybe reading a bit will calm you down." Marcet wasn't afraid of buidings or spooks like Katelyn was. He was afraid of things that he couldn't think of, for the fact that he couldn't prepare for them. And he could think about quite alot of things, so Marcet reasoned he did not fear much.

"Try to calm down a bit. This wasn't my idea to come, but i'm enjoying myself. You should too." Marcet kept a hand on her waist as he led her twords the counter where the open file lay. He handed it to her, tilting his head a bit with a charming smile.

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Items: None

Location: Lobby 102

Attack: 1

Defense: 5

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 5

Luck: 3


Katelyn didn't budge as Marcet attempted to soothe her. She shook her head and her curls bounced around with it as he offered for her to read the Inmate Roster, "I'm so scared! I don't want to know what ghosts could potentially be here." Kate wasn't the most adventurous , but she wasn't about to abandon all her friends because she was so scared. When he admitted that he was enjoying the scare, this made her happy. She was still scared though. She managed to lift her head up and nod at her dear brother, "Okay, I'll try." She tried to give him her best smile, but it still looked at if she was uncomfortable. She heard a door creaking open and she tightened her hold of Marcet. Suddenly, she heard Kawazoe's soft voice calling for her, 'his kitten.' "Zoe!" she instantly left Marcet's arms into her boyfriends. "What took you so long?" She playfully beat on his chest, "I was sooo scared!" She looked up at him and giggled. Her fear seemed to have temporarily left.

Location: Hallway, 213

Health: 50/50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.cf2664c5c8a0e3b7625889e89d8771f1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.cf2664c5c8a0e3b7625889e89d8771f1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maliik did a dance as he moved through the hallway. Step, chest pump, roll your shoulders a bit, let it build up and bob your head a bit, repeat. "Da da daaaaaa, mmmmmmhmmmm, dedle deeee..." He hummed to himself quietly. He knew where he was going. To the people. "Wait wait woa woa, hold up," He held a finger in the air, narrowing his eyes, stopping his little dance to be a serious individual for once as he turned the corner. There were PEOPLE here. This was a BIG thing. It required... a bit of planning. He couldn't just walk up and say hello, like he had origionally thought. Well he could, but then they'd leave. And that would ruin it all. "What if... Nono, Maxy isn't fun. He flips shit if you mess up his hair...Ah-HAH!" Maliik smacked his fist and palm together. "I should talk to the skitz! The Cinte! Or the Cintes, to be speaking correctly. They always liked stuff. Well, not all of them. And not to be confused with the other Maxy. I never liked their names." It was decided. He'd go get the Cinte. They'd have some fun together, wouldn't they?

"Oh but shhh. And I don't want to be seen before the fun starts, do I?" Turning translucent to the human eye, Maliik pressed a finger to his lips with a quaint smile and floated through the door to Hallway 115.

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Items: None

Location: Lobby 102

Attack: 5

Defense: 4

Intelligence: 2

Sneak: 3

Luck: 1


Jennifer rolled her eyes as the 'block head' stubbornly assumes Katie is in the building.
As if... she thought. She walked with her large swaying hips into the vestibule of the insane asylum after Kawazoe. "Oooooo creepy!" she said aloud. "Run. Die. Don't go inside. No escape. Some creepy ghost figures," she looked about the graffiti covered walls and described what she saw out loud. She was using her phone's light to see the details on the wall. Suddenly, she got really freaked out when she discovered one of the writings were written in blood. "Uh, guys?!" her voice had a hint of panic. She walked over to the next room and smiled at the two love birds. "Aren't ya cute together!" she bursted out then spotted a slender figure afar. "Is that you. Marcy~" she said his nickname in a mocking tone.

Stephen Boehrer



Attack: 4

Defense: 5

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 2

Luck: 3

Location: Vestibule 101

Stephen had arrived hours before the sky had begun to darken. He'd been anticipating this ever since the thought of exploring the creepy building had slipped into his mind. After a bit of research he'd found that this night could be fairly interesting. The numerous amount of horrors that lay dormant inside, goosebumps covered his body as he thought about the adventure. He watched as Marcet went into the building first. No surprise there really. He knew Marcet would arrive early, he was just like that. No one would have distracted him. He smiled slightly as he watched the figure disappear. He was glad he had a friend like Marcet. Very few people would put up with his foolish adventures, such as this one, and he was considered absurdly strange by most. He didn't leave the shade of the woods yet though, there were still more to come. He heard the soft hum of a car and watched as Katelyn drove up. He didn't know much about Katelyn, besides the fact she was Marcet's step-sister. He never mentioned her but had seemed a little happy that she ended up coming. He watched her disappear into the building as well after a bit of searching for some other life. He grinned, she was already so scared. His entrance probably wouldn't please her. He thumbed the torch in his hand but didn't turn it on. No point in giving away his position yet. It was getting late now and he wondered where the rest were. As the sky grew darker he began to doubt the others were coming then his phone went off. He pulled it out and checked it. "OMW" Welp, that answered that. A bit later he heard another car and watched as that football player got out. It wasn't so much that he disliked Kawazoe, more so that he didn't have good experience with football players. However, he couldn't have rejected that extended invitation. There had to be a lot of people here tonight or else there wouldn't be any fun. There was one more he knew... After a bit of mind searching the name came to mind. Jennifer. Another mysterious case, but another breathing body. Anyways, the dark added to his intended entrance. He waited a few minutes and sure enough watched a silhouette riding a bike come across the lot of the asylum and the rider entered the building with Kawazoe. Five people including him, that was all. He stood up and dusted off his denim jeans and pulled his dark leather jacket up a bit, giving the collar a bit of fluff as though that would make him look cool. With a wicked smile he walked towards the dark building, expecting a fun night up ahead. He walked slowly and took the torch firmly in his hand. He walked into the vestibule quietly a few minutes after Kawazoe and Jennifer had, trying his best not to be heard. He heard everyone talking so he assumed they wouldn't hear him as he entered. He closed the rusty door behind him as quiet as possible and the smile only grew wider. A little squeak for setting them on edge. He looked around the empty vestibule and listened to the conversation going on inside, waiting for everyone to get a little on edge. Best way to start the night off well.
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Health: 22/22

Attack: 6

Defense: 6

Intelligence: 0

Sneak: 3

Luck: 3

Location: Lobby 102


Kawazoe smiled and gave his girlfriend a hug she did look scared earlier then he was glad that she is lightened up a bit." I am sorry kitten I had to get my second job done"He started to look around the creepy asylum not moving away from his girlfriend. He was not afraid of anything creepy or supernatural because he didn't really believe in it it was just a lot of huggable." Any which way I am here now and I can protect you."He said as he let her out of the hug and held her hand to make sure she was comfortable

Health: 24/24

Items: Doctor's inmate list

Location: Lobby, 102

Attack: 5

Defense: 4

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 2

Luck: 2

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.057f3611c3fc9fcf402c806caa86c8d9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.057f3611c3fc9fcf402c806caa86c8d9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcet's smile instantly faded as the bulky football player entered the room. He had no love for men with little intelligence, and loathed the fact that his step-sister had puppy love with someone barely out of high school. The fact that his feeling were... Complicated... about his stepsister didn't improve his tone towards the man. But Marcet was smarter than that, she didn't know he wasn't too fond of Kawazoe, she just assumed Marcet liked him as much as everyone else. Which was not alot. At all. The fact that the man straight up ignored his presence didn't help.

And then Jenifer walked in. Marcet knew her a bit more than most people (which again, was not alot at all), so he greeted her with a bob of his head. "I don't suppose it's anyone else." He said plainly in his usual tone, which was sarcatic, yet neutral at the same time. He stood where he was a bit awkwardly. He never liked introductions. With a slight inhale, he walked back over to the reception desk and buried his nose in the patients files again.

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Map of the Insane Asylum,

Aged pendant,

1st Clue (Important looking paper)

Location: Hallway 106

Attack: 1

Defense: 5

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 5

Luck: 3


Katelyn slightly frowned when Kawazoe separated their embrace and settled for just holding her hand. She looked around the room and it gave her chills. She began to shake in her boots again and tugged on her skirt insecurely. "I... got to use the bathroom," she said as she let go of his hand and walked over to the receptions front desk. She smiled as Marcet returned to investigating the aged documents. There were a few scattered worn pamphlets that had the map of the insane asylum, "I know the bathrooms aren't working here, but I'd rather sit on a toilet than go behind a tree." She lifted up the map in her hand to emphasize her point; she was going to the bathroom. She sucked in a breath and tiptoed into the dark hallway. Her boots' buckles jingled every step. She didn't ask her boyfriend to come because she thought it would be awkward for him to go with her to the bathroom. She should have asked Jenny, but her mind was too focused on going to the bathroom and not being scared.


As Katelyn went down the hallway, she tripped over a pendant. "Whoa!?" she fell on her knees and a strange paper was right before her. She couldn't see what it said, but she tucked it in her cardigan's pocket. It looked fairly important. She got back up from the floor and picked up the pendant that tripped her. She wanted to inspect the jewelry later, so she put it in her other pocket. She looked back to see if any of her friends decided to follow her, but the hallway was much more darker than the Lobby. She closed her eyes tightly and ran her fingers against the wall to the left of her. The bathroom should be the first room to the left down this hallway... she thought. Cringing as she the felt flaky texture of the wall.
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Location: Quiet Area, 121

Health: 50/50

Attack: 4

Defense: 0

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.668c04ab0beac8af737583656dd54ee4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.668c04ab0beac8af737583656dd54ee4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maliik floated the door to the quiet room. The Cinte was visible, actually, all of the Cintes were visible. "Ayyyyyyyyy, lmao, buckaroos," he said to the specter who at the moment, was conversing with himself. With the amount of talking Maliik did when nobody else was around, or when he refered to what he was going to do, it could be argued that he was as much as a schitzophoreninc as this guy. But Maliik knew better. He didn't talk to himself, he just thought outloud. "Ay ay ay. Yep, I see we're all here at the party, yep yep." Maliik materialized and plopped himself down in an unoccupied armchair. "So." He began, wiggling his fingers, "If you hadn't noticed the distur-buew-aunce in the force yet, we haz us a couple of guests. Sweets?" Maliik waved dismissively. "And of course, none of us like guests, you know how we are. They either join us, or die. Both actually. So really no options are available, you know." Maliik laced his fingers together, leaning a bit forwards. "But ah, imma need your help, The Cintes. You know that old tree outside that was planted along with the asylum, blah blah blah, well, long story short, we're knocking it over. Blocking the doors." Maliik gestured to all of the Cintes. "You down with that? Then comes the stabby stabby bit. And that'll be the most fun we've had in years."


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Stephen Boehrer



Attack: 4

Defense: 5

Intelligence: 3

Sneak: 2

Luck: 3

Location: Lobby 102

Stephen heard Katelyn start walking off and realized he'd missed his chance on scaring the most susceptible target out of the group. With a sigh he turned on the torch and walked into the main lobby from the vestibule. He waved the light around the room, illuminating the room in all its entirety, and yelled out in a booming voice, "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Hummel Insane Asylum!" He smiled as the echo of his voice went through the room and down the halls, waking up whatever unknown horrors lay in this building. He walked over to the desk, studying Jennifer and Kawazoe as he passed them since they were both fairly new to him. When he reached the desk he leaned over and saw his friend Marcet reading over something. "You know it's bad for your eyes to read in the dark, right?" He wore a foolish smile but wiped it away quickly. "Thanks for trusting me and coming out here. Not many people would do that." He turned to the two noobs behind them and let them be washed in the light from his torch, creating eerie shadows behind them. "And a thank you to you as well. I promise, we'll all be enjoying ourselves out here tonight." As he said that the light of the torch flickered out, plunging the room into sudden darkness. "Damned thing." He mumbled as he hit the useless piece of junk. It showed no signs of turning back on so he discarded it to the side, simply adding to the junk already in the building. "So, shall we get started then?..." He looked to Marcet curiously. "Where's your sister? She is here, right?" He thought he'd seen her come in, but he really had no clue where she'd run off to. Surely they wouldn't have let her run off on her lonesome.

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