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Fandom The Guertena Art Gallery


to thine own self be true
Garry and Ib had barely survived the journey inside of the art museum. They did make it out, and they've been very close ever since.



But, you are not Ib and Garry. After being closed for a while, the art gallery has opened up, better than ever. Many people went, loving all of the abstract art. A select few people have been chosen to be sent into the depths of the gallery, a place where your life is a dear flower- a rose.

"When the rose rots, so too will you rot away."



You were excited for the opening day. You've heard stories of Guertena's art and how the museum sucks you into a trance. It was a perfectly normal day, like any other in your life. You arrived at the gallery and signed in, neatly printing your name down on the paper. The ink seemed to sink down into the paper as if engraved there forever. You run off into the maze of art, grinning at the sights. This style of art was unique, like yourself. You felt a real connection between yourself and the paintings. Looking around some more, you come across a giant painting on the wall, taking up the whole room. It was called "Fabricated World". You peered at it, the detail was impeccable. You loved it. The lights start flickering, but you quickly shrugged it off. It was opening day, the gallery was bound to have some malfunctions. You heard a splatter on the floor as you attempted to leave the room. There was red paint everywhere, in sloppy strokes. Walking around, trying to make a thought about the sudden red paint of the ground, you see that it forms a sentence. "Come join us." The lights then went out. Frantically running out of the room, you see that no one is in the gallery anymore. You figured you must've dozed off and it was closed. Walking to the front door, you try to open it but it was locked. It was dark, empty and you were locked inside. You hear whispers, constantly repeating "Join us" or "Come here" or just your name, over and over.

Your body seemed to be moving itself, and you come to a painting on the floor. It was one of the most popular ones at the exhibit. It was a painting of the ocean and a giant carnivorous fish. The voices got louder and louder once you got near it. You held your breath and went down into the abyss.

Welcome to the Guertena Art Gallery.


This is where you will be entering the gallery.



Hello, please follow by these rules.

? Please be semi-lit. The requirements are 2 paragraphs minimum, but if you truly have writer's block, it's fine to post 1 paragraph once in a while. Everyone experiences writer's block, so I know how it feels. Quality over quantity.

? Swearing is allowed, but don't go crazy.

? Romance is encouraged. Once things get heated, fade to black. Just like the actual rules. Read all of the rules. At the end of the next rule, there will be a word in white. Highlight it at put it at the end of your character sheet so I know that you read the rules.

? Remember, you are not Ib and Garry. You won't know anything about these puzzles during the roleplay. Be realistic. No person would randomly know every path to take. Rose

? Of course, no godmodding or bunnying or whatever it's called.

? Try to make your character sheets detailed, I will only be accepting a few people. (4-10)

? Lastly, please refrain from using parenthesis in your posts. If you need to go out of character, we have a tab for that. Use it, please.

I'm very excited for this! It's recommended you join this if you have played Ib, but of course you don't need to have played it.
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