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The Great Unknown, The Big Empty (Ketixrei and Clairvoyance)


I'm a bad bitch, you c'aint kill me.

The morning sun began to rise over London's distant horizon, painting the ruined British landscape in shades of red and pink. People already milled about, clearing wreckage from streets and homes, and repairing what was lost.

At the Alliance intelligence base, what was left of it at least, various assets to the Reaper war gathered for the upcoming launch of a repaired Quarian vessel through Sol's damaged Mass Relay. The brightest minds on Earth, including most of the scientists who worked on the Crucible, had worked together once more in an attempt to repair the Relay. The only problem, however, was that no-one was sure if it had been done correctly.

A team of volunteers now prepared to board the ship, fondly named 'Pathfinder', and learn whether or not the Relay had been correctly repaired.


As the sun rose, Xaiana stared out of the city before her. She knew that once upon a time it was beautiful, but the Reapers changed that. Now, as the humans rebuilt their cities, Xaiana could only hope that Thessia was doing the same.

With a sigh, the Asari turned around and sat on her bunk, pulling her boots on. She wasn't sure if she was ready -- hell, she wondered if anyone was -- and wasn't really looking forward to an experimental trip through the Mass Relay.

Xaiana stood once more and exited her small, bad excuse for a bedroom, heading for the gardens in the back yard of the estate she and many other soldiers were staying at. Back home, Xaiana had been right across from a park where she spent hours climbing trees, and this particular area reminded her of home.


"Good thing you can still get a smoke, right? Reapers couldn't take that away from us." A soldier beside Carter said, puffing on a cigarette stoically. The blonde nodded, smiling slightly and taking a puff on his own cigarette.

Carter had been up long before the sun rose, probably up and ready by about 4:30 in the morning, and was eager to take on the mission. If he could be a part of reconnecting the galaxy, that was huge in his book.

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