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Futuristic The Grand Masquerade [CS]


As previously stated, I request your characters to be relatively new in regards to their powers as well as their involvement within the organization for the sake of the story. The personality and history should be brief and stick to key points as they can be developed within the story. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Be creative, enjoy the process!

General Information
Appearance (description and/or picture):

Personal Information
Personality (preferably brief):
Background (preferably brief):
Distinguishing features:
Skills (non-combat related):
Gear (both combat and non-combat related):

Appearance (description and/or picture):
Name of mask (Mask of [power]):
Power description:
Level of mastery:

General Information
Appearance (description and/or picture):

Personal Information
Personality (preferably brief):
Background (preferably brief):
Distinguishing features:
Skills (non-combat related):
Gear (both combat and non-combat related):

Appearance (description and/or picture):
Name of mask (Mask of [power]):
Power description:
Level of mastery:
General Information
Name: (formerly known as Akari Ito) 001
Age: looks to be late teens -early twenties but is much older
Gender: Female
Sexuality: She is straight
Appearance: although her body is all mechanical she does have a synthetic face that stops at the upper lip, she also has rose carvings etched into her face and the rest of her body, she lives wearing a see through turtleneck shirt that's cut up at the sleeves. she doesn't wear any pants or shoes but sometimes wears dresses (in private)
Faction: REDS

Personal Information
Personality (preferably brief): 001 is very mechanical in nature, she shows little to no signs of empathy. She comes off as an introvert and sometimes acts like she has the moral high ground because she is a reborn. but she has been seen protecting children and adults from other REDs, making humans have mixed singles about her.

Background (preferably brief):
Ever since she became a reborn Akaris perspective on the universe was that reborns were superior in every way, she would rarely take into account humans morals and ethics, she views humanity as wholly inferior and wishes to help them, laboring to shape conditions that will force modern humans to confront evolution if they are not willing to conform into a reborn. Even then she wishes to feel like humans do, she wants to see in their perspective, she knows at one point she was human and she felt like they did, she would do anything to rekindle that flame.
She wants to ensure humans will survive for as long as possible in this hostile world, although her methods are questionable she does have good intentions.

Distinguishing features: Her voice, many people say its almost too robotic and devoid of life compared to the voiceboxes most reborn choose to go for when it comes to there voice.

Skills (non-combat related): She is very intelligent, 001 thinks and doesn't let her feelings get in the way of any situation. she makes for a good listener. and for some reason is artistically inclined.

she carries a modified desert eagle with her at all times even if she's not in her suit. her right leg has a small compartment specifically for her desert eagles ammo

while she is in her suit she carries a MAX 418 pulse rifle.

she also carries a few control collars.

001 wears a small necklace which opens up and has two pictures of herself and her brother, but it seems to be rusted shut.

Whiles kitt's body is just upgraded after upgrade on individual limbs, her framework is very frail, to make way for more fast and powerful hits,
her spine is visible and longer due to the fact that she has very good reflexes
her eyes are equipped with night vision, infrared in which she can see in a panoramic view
her legs are hollow allowing more tension if she gets knocked back or decides to hit with a powerful blow
her aim is very accurate, be it with punches, or bullets, the only time she misses is when she does it intentionally.
Her armor is bulletproof,

001 is very weak, any sort of heavy blunt damage can make her malfunction and almost useless, and since she relies on speed her body can overheat and takes time to cool down.
because her spine is visible she can basically be cut in half. she has almost no defense outside of her suit.
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General Information
: Lazarus Mithren.

Alias: Aegis.

Age: 24.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Straight.

Appearance: Lazarus is a tall young man who stands at 6'1 and weighs 60 kilo. He seems to be physically fit, although weaker than an average person in the physical strength department. However, he compensates that with his agility. Their skin is pale white, and his gray eyes, a trademark of his family, accompany it. Lazarus has wavy unkempt black hair. Usually people describe his voice as 'silvery'.
His regal attire: (just ignore the shotel, and imagine a different mask, okay? okay)

Faction: 『T h e R e g a l s』

Personal Information
: An actor, easy and simple. While they usually don't strike up conversations on their own, they always reply, with quite the amount of words too. From time to time, he may even keep up the conversation. Their actions always have some flamboyantness to them, unless they're alone and no one's watching. They've learnt how to turn the sound of lies into the sound of truths.
Laz talks to himself often.
Has a strange way of calming himself down - Laz counts down prime numbers, usually outloud.

Background: Lazarus aspired to be an actor. Usually people think that being on a big screen means they're important and cool, but he was different. Laz thought that if he'd appear on a big stage he'd be even more popular. So, he practiced in front of the mirror every morning, learnt how to sing and how to move his body, he learnt how to control his voice tone. However, things didn't go smoothly in his family, nor did they in the world, and he had to give up on that dream. Despite the fact that none of the factions please him, Laz decided to join the one where he thought he'd fit the most.
Now he's an actor on the biggest stage of all.

Distinguishing Features: As mentioned above, Lazarus' gray eyes and pale white skin.

Gear: A Ruger Blackhawk revolver with quite the amount of ammo. Specifically, enough .45 Colt ammo for several barrels to be loaded, as well as .357 caliber ammunition. A black pocket flashlight with 3 battaries, and a few more simple things. He carries all that in his bag, and can very quickly reach for the revolver.


Lazarus is a great actor, and he's able to quickly shift his behaviour according to the situation.
Extension of Acting - Bullshit
Never underestimate the power of carefully worded nonsense.
Lazarus is far more agile than an average person, able to perform impressive feats. With the help of his mask, this skill is further enhanced.
Laz is very dexterous, and is able to quickly draw his revolver if the need comes. He's also able to reload it in just a few quick moves.
Laz is calm under pretty much any circumstances, and emits a cold, soothing aura.

Mask Appearance:

Name of The Mask:〔M a s k__O f__B a r r i e r s〕

Power Description: Lazarus is able to create and manipulate a barrier. The barrier's transparency can be maniuplated, and it may appear reflective or transparent. He is also able to manipulate the shape of the barrier freely (even after it's already deployed), yet currently he's unable to create complex shapes. The barrier has immense defensive capabilities. In creative ways, the barrier can be used in offensive ways as well. It all depends on the user.

Level of Mastery: Intermediate.

Limitations: The damage limit of the barrier is unknown, because Lazarus is yet to witness someone or something break it. However, they have witnessed it cracking before, meaning there is a limit. He can only sustain one barrier at a time. The maximum total surface area that the one barrier can cover is 10-20 meters. Lazarus also has a certain radius in which he can deploy the barrier, which is 5 meters. The range at which a barrier can persist away from Laz is unknown. And, finally, Lazarus can't create the barrier if it's not connected to anything. It has to touch some sort of object or person in order to exist. Gases and liquids do not count, but powders do. It has to be a solid object.​
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Name: Eriana ‘Eri’ Stratus

Alias: Divider

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance: She wears a loose white v-neck t-shirt with a somewhat tight black leather jacket over that she leaves unbuttoned. She also wears form fitting cargo pants and combat high heels (apparently they’re a thing) , both done in black. Her hair is the same as in the picture but goes down to her shoulders.


Faction: The Vandals

Personality: Sadistic and manipulative, Eri enjoys dealing pain and exploiting others. She likes using her body to her advantage in order to accomplish this and strongly believes that the Reborn should be destroyed since she is unable to manipulate them as she can other humans.

Background: An orphan that spent most of her life in an orphanage. She was taken in by a Vandal known as Arrix Stratus when the orphanage crumbled due to low funding. Already manipulative and sadistic, as well as striking with her looks and form, her new mother introduced her to the Grand Masquerade. Not that Eri considers the woman her mother at all.

Distinguishing Features: Hair, above average breasts, body, trademark smirk.

Skills: Agile and flexible, former gymnast. Surprisingly good at cooking, excellent with knots and rope tying, and can actually reliably do flips and freerunning while wearing high heels.

Gear: A Beretta 92FS Brigadier Inox holstered at her right thigh, several ammo clips for the pistol that she keeps in her jacket, two coils of rope that hang from her left hip, a powerful flashlight clipped at her right hip, and a small set of lockpicks also kept in her jacket.

Appearance: Lower section of mask only appears when Eri summons her blade, and the whole mask is coloured glossy white.


Name of Mask: Mask of Division

Power Description: Allows her to summon a blade made of a highly reflective material. Anything reflected in the blade can be cut out of thin air without Eri actually having to move. The blade is highly reflective, far more so than the picture, and the red sections on the hilt are white.


Level of Mastery: Good enough to reliably land hits at up to a meter or two around her, but any further and she’ll usually miss or the strike will be weak.

Limitations: The further away a target is, the weaker any strikes will be. There is also a possibility of self harm if Eri becomes distracted or messes up in some way, as she is also reflected in the blade and as such can be cut.
General Information

Name: Charley Prescott
Alias: Specter
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Asexual??? Not sure yet)
Appearance:Haircut-For-Curly-Hair-Men-10.jpgLean, almost lanky build, stands at 5'11 (180cm) and weighs 149 lbs (67.6kg). Has tan skin, dark wavy hair, and dark green eyes.
Faction: The Echoes

Personal Information

Personality: Charley keeps to himself. He is normally quiet and tries to keep out of the spotlight (which helps when it comes to being a Masquerade). He is somewhat guarded/shy and thus doesn't like to show his emotions, trying to keep his decisions based on logic and the facts. He is patient and cool-headed, and appreciates a plan rather than winging it. That said, he can get a little socially awkward. But he tries his best to stand up for what he believes and will want to go out of his way to help others.
Background: Charley is the son of two Masquerades, though they were killed in action when he was younger (separate occasions: his mother when he was twelve, his father when he was seventeen). Thus, he seeks to honor his parents' legacies as well as avenge them as well as he can.
Distinguishing Features: None really in particular, as he tries to keep himself as inconspicuous as possible. If anything, he has a few freckles oddly positioned on his face (two on his left ear, one on his right eyelid, and one on his left jawline).

Gear: idk guns lmbo He has a crossbow that he built himself which can transform/break apart into small daggers (image below). Other than ammunition, he tries to keep it light, packing a flashlight and other various small tools inside a small handmade drone he named Zoe (image below).

Skills: He is reasonably dextrous and strong (moreso the former, though not to an exceeding degree), and has a surprising talent for gadgetry (coding, mechanics, etc). He is also an artist, but that's just a hobby and mostly for designing.

Mask Appearance:Skyrim-cosplay-3.jpg It is a rather nondescript black mask covering the lower half of the face (nose and down). He usually pairs it with a hood (such as in the picture), but it's not a part of the actual mask.
Name of Mask: Mask of Illusion
Power Description: The mask gives Charley the ability to create illusions (as the name would imply). Whether the illusions are sounds, images, smells, etc is not a issue, as it has the capability to perform each, both alone or combined (eg someone finding a supposed "banquet" complete with the smell of roasted chicken).
Level of Mastery: Somewhere between beginner and intermediate. Charley hasn't had the mask for too long, but he's learning relatively quickly how to balance a larger illusion or multiple factors/illusions at once.
Limitations: As implied above, he can't yet create large illusions (eg an explosion), especially with multiple factors (bright light, loud boom, and smell of smoke, etc). He can currently balance one illusion with two factors, or two separate illusions with only one factor each, but not for longer than a few minutes. Also, they eventually fade into nothing if he moves too far away (currently, the limit is 360ft (109.1m) -- the size of a football field).

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