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Fantasy The Good Life (Always open)

"Don't call her a mutt. She behaves better then you do." He shielded Yukari from him and drew back his sword. He looked at Kazuichiand snickered. "Ladies first."
Yukari ran around Locket to Kazuichi. Kazuichi sighed. "Buddy buddy buddy I got some bad news for ya. She's the one who bugged me to call her that." Yukari saluted. "I'm master's loyal dog arf arf." Kazuichi shook his head. "Not to mention she's a huge pervert. Who only good points are she can cook and lift heavy things. Other then that she's a complete idiot and pervert who stole my tooth brush then returned it later with her spit on it. Meaning when asked she confirmed it was her spit plus I've caught her countless times sniffing my clothes. And to top it off." He pointed at Yukari who was blushing and had a trail of drool coming from her mouth. "She's a masochist."
Kazuichi shook his hand then looked at Yukari. "Yukari shake." She nodded. "Arf." Then took Locket's other hand and began to shake it.
"I'm Locket by the way. " He slapped Yukari. "I don't want any of that pervert stuff so can I slap her again if she gets to touchy?"
Yukari rubbed her cheek chuckling. Kazuichi put his hands up. "Woah dude." He hit Yukari upside the head. "I'll handle punishment." He turned to Yukari. "Hey mutt go look for a library." She saluted and ran off. "I'm Kazuichi the pervert who just ran off is Yukari. Don't worry about remembering her name just call her mutt if you forget she likes it as you can tell."
Ember felt bile rising up in her throat as she watched the exchange, and as the human named Kazuichi told Yukari to find a library, she remembered that she needed to get back to work "Looks like you'll be running on will power for the rest of the day Embryo" she mused shaking her head as she navigated the alleyways until she arrived at the back door of the library, and entered, walking up to her place at the information desk she called out to no one in particular "Honey, I'm home' as she took down the sign and sat back down at her desk.
Kazuichi shook his head. "Not unless you want to be the one rasing the dead." He joked.

Yukari heard someone call out in a backally and walked into it finding a door she went in seeing Ember. "Excuse me um is this place open?" She asked.
Darius awoke to a burning sting radiating from the side of his neck. He flinched and opened his eyes with a sigh, clenching his fist as he endured the pain until his cousin realized he was awake. "Ah~morning Darius! Just getting my breakfast, ya know, the usual." Caelan said with a grin before quickly scooting away from the bed and flashing the dark haired boy a smile. Darius rolled his eyes and got up, running a hand through his hair before pulling some jeans on and grabbing his hoodie from beside the door. "Whatever, come on blood sucker you're buying me coffee." Darius growled, shoving a protesting Caelan out the door to their condo and into the street. The complex was in a perfect location, just a block from the library downtown which made up a sort of central point to the city. The vampire sighed and allowed himself to be directed in the direction of the coffee shop, one Darius frequented because it kept his energy up after having his blood drained at least once a day. The dark haired boy pulled up his hoodie so his bite marks couldn't be seen as he walked past a couple bickering guys, one with a sword. "Hello~!" Caelan sang as they passed.
Alexis woke up as she saw two boys as she sense one of them was a vampire like her she stood up weakly" you your a vampire right" she said softly so no one can hear her as she smirked" i'm one too" she said her clothes was dirty since she lives on her own in the alleyway
Caelan jumped and spun around, upon seeing the girl he relaxed his shoulders and tilted his head slightly, putting on that flirty half smirk on his face and running a hand through his blonde hair. At her words he raised an eyebrow and stuck out one hand to stop his cousin. "Whoa, no way, another one? That's pretty cool, especially someone as a adorable as you~ I'm Caelan by the way, we should hang out-hey!" Caelan was interrupted when Darius grunted and grabbed his collar, yanking him away from the girl beside them. The dark haired boy eyed her warily and gave her a curteous, stiff nod before turning away and marching his cousin off in the direction of the coffee shop. "Sorry about that." Darius grunted at her, avoiding her eyes and quickly shuffling away.
Alexis dropped to the ground as she felt lonely she saw them at the coffee shop she just wanted a friend everyone at this town avoid her except for Ember
Caelan pouted the rest of the walk to the coffee shop and through the line until they were seated in a covered table outside with Darius sipping an espresso. "You're a demon, you know that? Can't you for once let me talk to someone?" Darius slowly looked up with a glaring expression and scowled at his blonde cousin and rolled his eyes. He rubbed his forehead with a small sigh and gestured with the coffee cup in the direction of the girl. "She's a vampire. And probably homeless, not to mention she's like 12. Not a good idea Caelan. Find someone else to flirt with." He said with a growl, Caelan narrowed his eyes and shook his head, standing up and starting in the direction of the girl. "You really should stop being such a control freak." He said before stopping in front of her and crouching down on one knee. "Hey, sorry about that, he gets a bit over protective, miss... ah, I don't believe I caught your name?"
Alexis saw he was back as she smiled" my name is alexis but call me lexi" she say to the caelen" its okay i understand i mean i used to have a big sister before i got killed" she say looking away(gotta go for now be back around 1)
Caelan chuckled and nodded, standing up and adjusting the headphones around his neck while he smiled at her. "Well Lexi, Darius isn't my brother, but he is family and older than me, so it's pretty much the same thing~" He said, running a hand through his blonde hair and brushing it out of his eyes before tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans and smirking at her.

Back at the coffee shop, Darius narrowed his eyes with a scowl and took a long swig from his to-go cup as he watched the exchange between the two. This wasn't good, if it went like every other time Caelan flirted with a girl, she'd end up damaged and heart broken before the day was over. Poor girl, Darius felt bad for someone like her, what with her apparent status she must be pretty lonely, and expecting the best from Caelan.
"Good luck with that, kid."
Alexis smiled" you know i'm only 13 right you look about 15 or 16 oh what the heck age don't matter" she say smiling looking around if ember will come back" right now i'm homeless but i can handle myself" she say smiling to him yeah she was lonely all the people in this town was always mean to her but she try to be happy she faked smiled to him everyone was looking at her afraid" WHAT THE HECK YOU STARING AT" she yelled at the people

(hey if anyone want to do this rp i just made go ahead and join =) https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-flock-maximum-ride.133182/
Caelan widened his eyes in mock surprise and pressed a hand to his chest with a gasp before chuxkling and shaking his head. The man shook his head and alung an arm over the girl's shoulder, directing her towards the coffee shop. "What does age matter? Us vampires have to stick together, no matter what." He said, flashing a grin at her as he walked, this would be nice, having someone else like him to hang out with, a new friend. Caelan jumped at her outburst and chuckled again, mussing up her hair softly before dropping his hand over her shoulder again. "You're adorably feisty, you know~ so cute."
Alexis Smiled" yeah we should totally hang out" she said smiling" you think i'm cute" she said as she smiled he cared but he messed up my hair
Ember stood up and looked around, she saw the girl who came for the interview "Congratulations, you got the job, your shift begins.... Now, go sit at the desk I was just at, and help the lady" she said and ran out of the library into the alley way, she went to the place she had last seen Alexis, hoping to find her.
Alexis saw ember as she smiled" Ember what you doing here i thought you went back to work" she say smiling as she just was holding the book she was reading" ember" she asked worried tilting her head she wasn't talking at first
"I did,but I took off early, I needed to find you" she said hurriedly, "Do you remember that you asked me what a sister was" she asked.
Alexis looked at ember" y....y...Yeah and" she say not sure what was going on here
"Well, I hope I explained what being or having a sister was good enough, but I'm not really sure, I wanted to know, if maybe I could be, a stand-in sister to you, you could live with me, heaven knows the apartment is big enough, and well, we'd take care of each other, because that's what sisters do" she rambled, hoping to get her point across.

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