The General Discussion Thread

@YanaAi Bri had to drop from the RP so it's just you and me in our little group for now. IC we can say that Nyx elected on the way to break from the Party and follow her own path. Bri hopes to come back at some point, but for now there's no point waiting.
@YanaAi Bri had to drop from the RP so it's just you and me in our little group for now. IC we can say that Nyx elected on the way to break from the Party and follow her own path. Bri hopes to come back at some point, but for now there's no point waiting.

That's sad. :(  We'll continue on then. Thanks for letting me know!
I will be out during the weekdays of the next three weeks my next SAO post will be on the weekends of these weeks to come sorry for the inconvenience. 
Sorry I haven't replied in so long, I'm honestly not sure what else to do/how to progress. It seems to be easier when you're in a group, but there aren't any people around really.

Life happens though, and I can't say I'm surprised.

If anyone feels that grouping with Miki and Kaede would help liven things up, then by all means go for it. It's becoming clear IC that they're going to need more than 2 people to make the most of the opportunities to grind anyway.

@YanaAi, @A Mysterious Figure, @VeiledPariah
So sorry i am back now and free to party up with anyone ill be posting tomorrow again sorry i was gone for so long
@A Mysterious Figure, @YanaAi, @tammynorthland, @VeiledPariah, @Brokenbri@Seraph X, @Verdana.

Hey everyone, Cho here.

I've been waiting to post since Yana and I are waiting to find someone who will join our Party IC, and it seems Veil took the first steps towards realizing that merger.

I realize the RP is a bit heavy in its mechanics and has probably caused more grief than enjoyment, so I'd like to propose to you all a streamlining of the RP's mechanics to make it more enjoyable and hopefully get you all back up and running and excited to be a part of it again.

Basically, the changes are thus:

1) You now only required to keep track of your character's Level, total HP, Strength and Agility stats (based on the 3 Stat Point allocation per level rule), and their Gold.

- You no longer need to keep track of exact EXP amounts for either the Player or their weapon, as we will be on something of an honor system to keep levels fair among the group. If there are any disputes I will settle them.

- If you would like to keep track of your current Weapon Skill trees (such as One-Handed, Two-Handed, and so on), you may, but that also is not required any longer.

2) Grinding sessions may now be skipped in favor of a "Grind Skip," meaning that all members of an active party will agree to a certain amount of time passing in the RP world relative to their Party's agreed upon grind time, and relate that to whatever else is happening in the world.

- So if one group has a Grind Skip lasting from 10am to 2pm IC, and my group has a Grind Skip from 12pm to 5pm IC, the two groups will not be able to interact with one another since the Grind Skips overlap. Make sense?

- If the Grind Skips intersect exactly, then a merging may be arranged, but the arrangement must take place before the Grind Skip actually happens. If the first group in the example is out on a Grind Skip and my group pops in at 12pm, it's not very polite or respectful to the first group to rush in and interject ourselves into your Grind. So if the two groups meet out in the fields a few minutes before their Grinds are scheduled to begin, then a joining of the groups in their Grind efforts may be arranged and they can either expand the party to include all members (temporarily) or simply agree that specific sectors of the field belong to them for the Grind as long as they're out there.

Make sense?

So hopefully these changes will make life easier for you and convince you, if you've been gone a good while, to come back and get involved again. Without worrying about EXP and understanding that it will take time to level up the Player and their Skills, it should be easier to keep track of everything now and less of a hassle.

If you guys whom I've tagged are still not interested in maintaining any level of involvement, please speak up now so I know to drop your characters from the RP so nobody thinks they need to wait for you.

Thank you!

~ ChoShadow
Sorry about not editing my character.

A bunch of things have been happening and I haven't got any time to do anything. I will finish someday, though.
Hey I'm so sorry for being missing in action for so long. I want to keep the rp going but my work life has changed a lot and made shut tough. I'm not dropping out but I can easily reincorporate my chars into the rp. Now that being said I mainly have to finish another rp mission and then I'll free up my posting. Hence me mia. If I quot I would pm you @ChoShadow
@ChoShadow Can you explain how the honor system works for leveling up? Other than that, I'm all good. :)  

Basically as long as your character takes time to level up, I'm good. No sudden 1 hour time skips where they jump 5 levels. The mechanics of the EXP system are still in place story wise, but I won't make you grind everything out across several posts. So if we do a Grind Skip lasting around 5 hours IC, we can expect maybe 1 solid level out of it, sometimes 2 depending on where in the game world we are.
Basically as long as your character takes time to level up, I'm good. No sudden 1 hour time skips where they jump 5 levels. The mechanics of the EXP system are still in place story wise, but I won't make you grind everything out across several posts. So if we do a Grind Skip lasting around 5 hours IC, we can expect maybe 1 solid level out of it, sometimes 2 depending on where in the game world we are.

That makes sense. I assume the same applies to Skill EXP? Might be helpful to create a private thread for personal tracking, then.
That makes sense. I assume the same applies to Skill EXP? Might be helpful to create a private thread for personal tracking, then.

It could help, yes.

An alternative (just as a suggestion) could also be that because weapon skills aways take 1,000 EXP and every successfully landed attack is 10 EXP, you could also calculate an average amount of time you'd need to level the skill up. You could average that out if you really wanted to. Based on enemy spawn rates and how long it takes to attack one hundred successful times, I imagine that it would only take around 30-45 minutes to get a level. If you grind for 5 hours, it's not hard to imagine that you'd get between 6-10 levels for your weapon/Skill.

But if you'd rather I create a separate thread for you to personally track your Skill EXP, then I can easily do so. Let me know which you'd prefer.
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It could help, yes.

An alternative (just as a suggestion) could also be that because weapon skills aways take 1,000 EXP and every successfully landed attack is 10 EXP, you could also calculate an average amount of time you'd need to level the skill up. You could average that out if you really wanted to. Based on enemy spawn rates and how long it takes to attack one hundred successful times, I imagine that it would only take around 30-45 minutes to get a level. If you grind for 5 hours, it's not hard to imagine that you'd get between 6-10 levels for your weapon/Skill.

But if you'd rather I create a separate thread for you to personally track your Skill EXP, then I can easily do so. Let me know which you'd prefer.

Estimates would certainly be easier, story-wise and since we're veering away from most of the technicalities. :)  Thanks for the explanation, Cho!

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