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Fantasy The Game of Life


Delightfully Out of My Mind
High above the clouds is heaven, the place where angels, spirits, and happiness reside in plenty. But not all is light, for even in the brightest of places evil lurks among the good.

Hidden behind these golden gates, far beyond the beautiful clouds and singing choir voices is a group, not angels, not demons, not spirits. These are an entire entity upon themselves. These are
the seven deadly sins.

Though it is rumored that these are opposite to the heavenly beings, they actually are a part of them. Their job is to gamble on the aspects of every life of every individual human being to see if their luck is high or low.

Greed gambles for your money, how much you start, live and end with. Lust gambles for your relationships, your sexuality, your love life. Pride gambles for your social status, your self esteem, your motivation. Wrath gambles for your patience, your aggressiveness, your physical strength. Sloth gambles for your rest time, how much free time you will have, how hard you will have to work to achieve things. Gluttony gambles for how much you need to survive, your consumption, how much you eat and your body image. And finally, envy gambles for your hopes and aspirations. If you believed anything you wished for was your own mind, you would be wrong.

One day, an argument broke out among the sins. They argued what was the most needed in life.

"Money! Money, obviously, you can't accomplish anything without cash!" Greed roared at the top of his lungs.

"No, no! Love and sex is what is important! Humans can't survive or reproduce without that!" Hissed Lust.

"You can't get anywhere without self esteem and social rank! No one would look at you without that!" Refuted Pride.

"What about the strength to do all of this, huh?! If you are a little weakling with no backbone, you wouldn't be able to accomplish any of that!" Wrath barked out,

"You would overheat without rest. Humans can die without sleep, you know?" Sloth purred out lazily.

"But what if they don't know how much they need? They will go mad and and shrink away, hating their appearance and starving!" Argued Gluttony.

"What?! You're all crazy! Human's survive off of aspirations! If they had nothing to keep them going, they wouldn't get out of bed in the morning!" Scoffed Envy.

The argument continued until they agreed on a completely new gamble. There would be seven, seven humans who would prove who was needed most. They would have everything they needed in every other aspect, except one. The human who fails in life first will be the victorious sin.

The humans spontaneously all ended up in the same high school, pulled together by their lack of one thing or another, their respective sin watching them with a close eye. Who will succeed in life, and who will fail? It is up to
you, dear players, to gamble their fate.
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Cedric had prepared breakfast for the morning. For his human, he had prepared the usual salad full of water, celery, cucumbers, and leaves. He had gotten Sana addicted to this salad with almost no nutrients so that it was all she desired to eat.

For the others, there was a scrambled egg, three pieces of bacon and sausage, as well as a stack of three pancakes with whip cream, as well as an option of fruit or maple syrup. As the janitors were finishing up cleaning the cafeteria, students started to file in.

@ChronosCoded @SassyAndroidSera @JayKuro @Mythicana @Cherrywitch
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"Attention, all new students!"

A voice boomed out on the speakers all over Woodland Oaks High, it feminine but with a strange edge to it that would send shivers down most's spines.

"I am your headmistress, Naomi Rythewyne. The school will not be having an opening ceremony this year due to budget cuts. Because of this, school will be starting later today so you can look around. The school is quite big, so I would get moving. You have one hour to get to your Homeroom on your schedule. Have a nice year at Woodland Oaks High."

With a click, the announcement ended.

Underneath the one oak tree that resided outside lay Sloth, or as he was known here, Ian Thompson. A brunette boy with an addiction to sleep, who currently had his arms tucked behind his head and was snoring softly. Even the headmistress' loud voice did not awake this napping boy, he turning over on his side with a sleepy dumb looking grin on his face.

@ChronosCoded @SassyAndroidSera @JayKuro @Mythicana

Kiyoko listened to the headmistress speaking holding his schedule in his hand. 'Home room is this way... No this way... Uh, I think I'm lost.' He said looking down at his schedule wandering around in circles in the hallways having absolutely no idea where he was going.

'Uh... Maybe I should ask someone for help... But what if they decide they hate me? Or they choose to ignore me?' He thought as he looked around in the hallways for anyone that seemed to know where they were going, and would be nice enough to at least point him in the right direction.

Kiyoko sighed and moved some of his bright pink out of his face only to have it immediatly fall back in his face. 'I need help...' He determined looking over the schedule, flipping it upside down and flipping it over as though he would magically find some secret code on how to get to his home room class. 'Well... I guess it could happen...' He thought smiling a bit to himself.

(Open for interaction)
Luly Carmas

Oh how great!! We all have free time!!! I jumped for joy about 5 times before I nodded enthusiastically toward the speakers and dashing off to the my home room but stopping midway when I saw someone literally walking in circles. I immediately went over to them and tapped their shoulder twice while tilting my head to the side to hopefully see what they were doing.

"Hey why are you walking in circles?! That's dangerous you might get hurt!" I smiled energetically waiting for their response hoping I didn't scare them.

"Maybe I could help?!" I said my eyes widening with joy at the thought of helping someone.


Kellen Miswo

I rolled my eyes at the speaker with my hands in my pickets walking the hallways. Looking around there was so many new kids which means more chances to get things I smirked before running a hand through my hair and walking outside where I saw a 'friend' of mine sleeping. I walked over to Ian and lightly nudged him.

"Aw how cute he's sleeping so peacefully" I faked a 'aww' voice and chuckled before sitting next to him.

"Hey, Ian if your going to sleep may want to sleep in your home room, less you want to get yelled at."


(I have to go to sleep so night, sleep well everyone)
The male turned onto his back, cracking open a deep brown eye lazily up at the familiar voice, matching brown locks in scramble that somehow was so uncaring it was endearing. Ian sat up, giving a long stretch of his arms before rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hand. "Sup Kellan..." He paused to cover his mouth with a yawn. "I don't have to move yet. We have an hour, remember?"

As usual, Ian still heard everything around him. He was just too lazy to actually act upon it. He cocked his brow at the other sin with another goofy grin. "Why do you care? Shouldn't you have attempted to pick my pockets by now?" Ian teased lightheartedly, reclining back against the tree and closing his eyes in a serene way.


Kiyoko jumped slightly when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned to fade the person his nerves calming down a bit when he saw that she looked very harmless. He bit his bottom lip for a moment before he chose his words carefully as if they were all categorized and he was picking a select few of them leaving the others for the next time he would speak. "Ah, I'm lost... Sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He said looking at her for a MoMo

Eat before carefully choosing his words once more. "You wouldn't mind d helping me would you?" He asked wanting to make sure it was okay with her first.

@Mythicana (goodnight)

The clicks of heels resounded against the hard cement outside as Lust, or Venus Nightingale, walked up towards the school. She was dressed in much more casual clothes that day and had dulled a bit of pizazz because she didn't feel like it. Perhaps sloth was rubbing off on her. What a coincidence, there he was laying under the tree with Greed at his side. Laughing gently with a rather amused smile, she muttered, "poor Baby, all he wants to do is have the pleasure of sleeping."

Deciding not to disturb them, she headed for the school building with a flick of her pink hair. Today was going to be fun.


Seconds after the announcement, a long car pulled up outside the school gates. A butler hurried out from the far side to hold the door open for his mistress. The young girl, Sana Duboise, slowly stepped out with her school bag hugged to her chest. She'd been feeling sick all morning which led to her coming much later than the others. Brushing of the Butler's fussing with reassuring words, she nervously turned and walked along the path towards the school building.

Days at the school were getting gradually worser. Everytime some one looked at her, she felt repulsed at her own body. She was too fat.. She looked ugly... She needed to diet. Even at the cafetaria where those delicious salads were being served... She always had to vomit those up later.

As she walked, the workd suddenly seemed to tilt and warp in front of her. For she was walking, then standing and, next thing she knew, she was lying on the ground. The edges of her vision seemed to darked and lighten as she tried to concentrate...
Mm.. My head...
Alyssa Lilan

Alyssa woke up and yawned. Checking her clock she realised she was a good 15 minutes late for school. She shrugged and lay back down again. 5 more minutes couldn't hurt. She rolled over and closed her eyes. A couple of minutes later she sighed and winced at the sound if her mother coming up the stairs. She got out of bed and threw on some clothes, doing her hair in its usual style. Her mother peeked in, swelling and opening her mouth, but Alyssa held out her hand, grabbed her bag and ran downstairs. She grabbed the toast that had just popped, opened the door and left.

She walked to school, not really caring whether she was late. She ate her toast and read through the papers and things she had been given. Timetables and things. She rolled her eyes and stuck them back in her bag as she approached the school gates. She walked round the side, as there would probably be a pathway to the grounds. She walked past a wall and pulled out her permanent marker, drawing her symbol on the wall.

She entered the grounds and picked a shady spot. She sat there and pulled a tennis ball out if her bag, which she proceeded to throw into the air and catch repeatedly. She stretched and continued, watching the others around her.

Alexa walked in slightly late through the schools main entrance. The office administrators never minded... She had made some suggestions. She looked around. She could see Sloth in conversation with someone - Greed? -, looking like he was about to fall asleep.

Considering she was Pride in human form, she would be top dog at this school, and that wouldn't change. Lust was stalking around gracefully as though looking for prey. Alexa rolled her eyes. Greed was around, as were the others. Hmm.

And it wasn't just the sins, the humans were around too. Sloth was talking to one, one girl had come in and fainted, a couple were in conversation and one was sitting throwing a ball repeatedly into the air.

Alexa sighed, and walked over to the girl who had fainted. She offered her a hand so she could stand back up and said "Are you alright there? I'm Alexa by the way." When she told the girl her name, she made a small suggestion. "Remember her name... She looks important." Alexa smiled at the girl.

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Kellan Miswo

I smirked before chuckling at him.

"Who said I didn't? Then again with those ears of yours you would probably hear me no matter how quiet I was" I shrugged and motioned my hands in a 'oh well' motion.

"Either way I just wanted to come and annoy my fellow 'student' before the games start" I chuckled yet again before taking out a game boy I had stole a week ago and started playing it.

"And I may just snatch something from you one day...you may never know but for now I shall call it....the grace period" no I died nooooooo I frowned and pressed retry on the sonic game that was in here.

Luly Carmas

I tapped my chin before taking a drink from the coffee that I had with me.

"I wouldn't mind helping anyone!!! But then again I don't know if you could keep up with me...OH" I had an idea but wanted to second guess it because it would probably terrify them. I was still constantly moving my body shaking or doing some kind of gesture while I was thinking.

"I'm really really fast not many people can keep up with me and I can't slow down so...hmm" I can't drag them...piggy back ride would be considered a insult to some people.

"I guess I'll try to walk..." I said through clenched teeth because I knew the would be hard, took a glance at the paper before as slow as I can walking backwards.


~Sana Duboise~

The young girl seemed to take a second or two to focus as cool air blew onto her face and filled her lungs. Though in the muddles confusion of her brain, she seemed to make sense of one thing. One single sentence. Remember her name...She looks important... But she seemed to forget it.. Was it... Alex? Lexa? Alexa? Yes.. Alexa sounds right..

Giving the girl a faint smile before accepting her help, she pulled herself slowly to her feet yet stumbled slightly as the world tilted and turned. It tokk her a few seconds till her mind seemed to calm down and everything slowly started to make sense again.
"I.... My name is Sana... Thank you for helping me haha..." She said to Alexa with a soft smile, "I'm fine really.. Just a little woozy..."

"Okay..." Kiyoko said as he followed after the blue haired girl walking backwards. 'Maybe she's this hyper because she's drinking coffee or something with caffeine in it all the time?' He wondered looking at the cup of coffee in her hands before quickly looking back down at the paper.

'Why do I have the feeling that it's going to be a long day?' He thought sighing as he moved his bright pink hair out of his face once more. It had become a he big and while it only moved the hair out his face for a few moments sometimes it still relaxed his nerves.

"Ah... If you don't mind me asking... What's your name?" He asked looking up at the girl who's name he didn't even know 'yet she's helping me... Most people wouldn't gr doing this...'

Ian gave another yawn, shrugging half heartedly with his stupid grin still plastered on his face as usual. "We'll see about that." The brunette slid open an eye again to look at the gameboy, frowning at the little blue character running along the platform. How can anyone have so much energy...? Well, I suppose my human does.

Sloth glanced at Greed's thigh. That looks comfy... Ian stretched his upper half across the other sin's lap without a care of personal space, the tall and somewhat heavy boy smirking in his drowsy way. "Eh, your human form is really comfy. Your my pillow for a while, Kay?" His messy brown locks fell over his eyes as he started to drift off again after muttering this sleepily, not really caring what the other thought anyway.

Alexa Willows

Alexa inwardly rolled her eyes, but smiled in a slightly concerned way. She looked her up and down. She must be one of the humans. "Why did you collapse...Sana?" She asked. If she could get to the problem, she could find out why she collapsed. She frowned slightly. Whichever Sin she belonged to, was doing well. Where was her human? She would have to find them,later.

Any of the other sins would have used this opportunity to gain information, and she doubted any of them were above cheating. She was too proud to do that. She knew it would do better to build her own social status in the school. It would make it easier to get information on her human, and the others.


~Sana Duboise~

The girl before her seemed new, perhaps a new student? Well she hadn't seen her before, that was for sure.. But then again, Sana was never really ever around often enough to know who were old students and who were "fresh meat".

When Alexa asked about why she collapsed, she was tempted to spill the beans.. But stopped herself. She couldnt tell anyone. "...I was ill as an infant.. Which made it so tha I have always been weak..." She said softly with a faint smile, "Don't worry." It wasn't a complete lie... So that was fine right?

"I'll take strawberry sauce with my pancakes, Mr. Crescentina."

Cedric drenched the pancakes in his homemade strawberry sauce. "Would you like whipped cream on top?"

"What kind of silly question is that?" Glenn laughed. "Of course I want whipped cream!"

Cedric grabbed his whipped cream, also homemade and loaded into a spray can, and decorated the pancakes with it.

"Perfect!" Glenn smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Crescentina! I always love the food you make!"

Cedric smiled and muttered to himself. "I know."

Glenn devoured the egg, bacon, and sausage, but slowed his eating when he got to the best part. He would savor the delicious pancakes. When he finished, Glenn washed up and went to find Sana, to check up on her.

After aimless wandering around the hallways, he finally saw her and ran up to her. "Are you okay, Sana? It's breakfast time! Mr. Crescentina is ready for you! Remember those salads you love so much?"

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Luly Carmas

I smiled at the person before me noticing how they seemed to be shy but it's to early to make an guess. My smile widened when I was asked for my name, I immediately stooped jumped up and Held out my hand pointing to myself still looking at them before speaking.

"my name is Luly Carmas its nice to meet ya what's your name?!" I said loudly, my enthusiasm practically pouring from me. I started walking again taking a look over my shoulder. I am new but I had already explored the area before and had finished before announcements started thanks to all my energy and athletic skills. So I understood the place better than most new people already.


Kellan Miswo

"Yes we shall" I chuckled noticing how he was frowning at the blue sonic character that was mostly ever running. Makes sense he would dislike it, it is the almost opposite of him only similarity I can tell is the hedge hog is a dark blue...the color of sloth. My eyes widened a lot when he laid down on my thighs. My immediate reaction being almost to just sit and stare, totally surprised by what just happened.

"Wha-when did this-I mean-...fine " I growled knowing I wouldn't win this battle,I picked my new game boy up and went back to playing my game.

"One time thing..." I mumbled though Ian definitely heard me, while I was playing the game I was thinking of a way to take something....

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Kiyoko jumped back a bit from her sudden movements towards him but shook her hand none the less. "My Name's Kiyoko... Kiyoko Monoscent." He said as she started walking again, struggling a bit to keep up with the girl's fast pace.

'I guess she really does have a lot of energy. Maybe she shouldn't be drinking that coffee after all...' He thought until he almost bumped into someone. He quickly apologized and continued following after Luly. 'She has a pretty name. I rare one too... It mends me of lilies and July... Maybe that's what her parents were thinking of at the time.' He thought chuckling to himself a bit at the thought.

Ian smirked slightly in his sleep, though it was hard to tell whether he was smiling at what Greed had said or if it was just one of his dreams. The brunette boy laid comfortably, breathing in a soft rhythm through his mouth. He didn't toss and turn, didn't wiggle about, just slept peacefully on Kellan's lap. Sloth always seemed so innocent in his natural state of pure sleep, but the other sins knew him well enough that if they tried to do anything he would hit them so hard their head spun, and then crack a joke about it afterwards. Now, he was docile, like a big sleeping puppy, looking as if he wouldn't hurt a fly.

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@SassyAndroidSera @Riuma

~Sana Duboise~

Sana turned away from Alexa at the sound of her name being called to find her friend Glenn. Casting him an apologetic smile, she said, "...I think I'll pass today Glenn.." In all honesty.. She loved the salad... But she really couldnt bring herself to eat at that moment. Her stomach just felt very sick.

"Maybe later?"

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