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One x One The Fourth Great Shinobi War (ChristinaXIV, Naruyashan)

I think it'd be wise to use Character Sheets
Sure, that sound good, I'll begin working on it immediately.
Okay :P It's up, also, I'd like to add this... If we wish, we are allowed to create tailed beasts beyond the Ten Tails, though anything before that needs to have already existed.
Well, tailed beasts don't make sense. However, who says jinchuuriki must contain tailed beasts? They're demon containers, after all, not bijuu containers...
That's true lol, do as you will.
I will lol, sorry, let me take care of something really quick.
OH SHIT! Um... Give me a sec, I'll get a reply done then I'll be right on this, so sorry for the wait... Life's been hectic...
I don't want this, I don't want this! I was gone for four days and I missed SO much... There's just too much requirements for me at the moment!

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Okay... I don't want to end this, but do you think you can give me a starter? A prompting to reply???
I'm sorry, too much on my plate ATM, I've done a lot of starters recently and I need a kick start myself :P
thanks, can you tag me in it so I can view it when I get home and not forget?
I suppose I might want to list what she's wearing... She's wearing a fishnet for her upper body and coat that covers her torso, ideally this is like the sage's cloak, however, it is white and blue.

Next, the lower body, she wears a mini-combat skirt and fishnets under those with shoes that reach up to her upper thighs.
I'll make sure to get my reply in when I get home ^^ good to have this kicking off finally.

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