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Fantasy The Four Aces

Davis, the Mysterious Man, and Reginald

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/naruto_oc___kuroyomi_tsukuyomi_god_by_sato_manga-d5fl8ur.jpg.ba11be0aacd56b94d0705d28ecde2d8c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139669" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/naruto_oc___kuroyomi_tsukuyomi_god_by_sato_manga-d5fl8ur.jpg.ba11be0aacd56b94d0705d28ecde2d8c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Davis and the Mysterious Man were both taking out one person after the other. A muscular man with gray hair and a scarred face ran at Davis. Who simply looked at him with a suprised face and said," Mother is that you?" The man was put-off by this which gave Davis the chance to flip him out of the ring. The mysterious man was far more brutal about his strategy. A Shinobi like warrior came at him, tossing kunai and performing ridiculously pointless tricks. So the Mysterious Man evaded the kunai, as he did he moved closer to the shinobi. Upon getting within range he grabbed the shinobi arms moved behind him and broke both arms in a single movement. At this point just about everyone who wasn't completely brain dead, or full of themselves was avoiding the mysterious man. Those who weren't got more of the same, broken bones, painful bruises, gashes that need stitches. But nothing fatal, just enough to get them eliminated from the match.

Reginald was commentating with ease, even though someone was getting eliminated every other second.
"Oh, and another brutal takedown by our mysterious combatant. Hmm I'd put smart money that he's the Joker. Although I'm just a butler so don't take my words to heart. Merely suggestions really, oh mister Davis has used his unorthodox strategy to take out several opponents. It seems the crowd favorite is his mother technique. Which hasn't failed him so far. Ah and young master Benji uses his clubs wraith to take out his first opponent. Although I must say the name sounds ridiculous for the move in mind. Clubs wrath sounds more like a physical move rather than a attack on the mind. But again thats just the thoughts of a old man who cleans for a living." Reginald said as he continued commentating be on the tournament. So far several people had been eliminated, close to half actually. It wouldn't be long before they reached the limit.



  • naruto_oc___kuroyomi_tsukuyomi_god_by_sato_manga-d5fl8ur.jpg
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Benji narrowed his eyes as he continued to take down quite a few opponents. His Club's Wrath had, so far, brought up to three people to their knees. Many people didn't get what was going on, so they still attacked him. So far, he was Club-Wrathing pretty much everyone he ran into. And now the Benji-caused quitters had gone up to seven. He pried yet another giant off of him, after having convinced him he was at his fifth birthday party, and soon found himself facing the same man who had molested him. He stared at the man for a moment, eyes narrowed, then turned away. "I'll see you at the 1 v. 1......Joker," he said quietly.

@Solemn Jester
Soren didn't know what to really do, fighting wasn't his thing until the blood started to show. He dodged and weaved through the crowd casing many of the blades brought down on him to repel back and go after the owners. His telekinesis really came in handy for this and he barely even needed to take his own blades out. As he fought there was a small smile on his face.
V watched Davis and the Mysterious Man intently, continuing to chuckle under his mask as he watched. Both were doing quite well, he even wondered if it were possible to enter the competition still so he might be able to fight them and test their skill himself but he doubted they would accept him now so he would just stick to watching. For now that is.

@ Anyone
Reya frowned at Tybalt, whom had awkwardly bounced off her breasts and back onto the ground. She smiled at him and brushed some dirt off him. She whipped around slamming her fist into a man's face whom was trying to sneak up on her. He fell his nose broke. Seeing He was incapacitated now she turned back.. She motioned for Leona to wait out this one. She stepped forward her stature enough to ward away the clever, but the more unfortunate hit the hay. She didn't even draw her scabbards until a rotund man tried to slam and ax into her side. He swung at her exposed side, and was caught off guard when Reya grabbed the ax head, her hands seemingly steel. She ripped it from his hands and tossed it aside. She drew her scabbards and became a whirlwind of blades. When she stopped he was completely naked, and he was bald. Reya giggled as he ran away. She would win, even if it meant using Kill mode. She needed to expose this Joker, and hang him from his toe nails over a fire; while holding a cup of water just out of reach.

Berry was just putting up the broom and hanging up the dirty apron he was wearing when a loud gong sounded off in the distance.

"Hey old man, whats that sound" said Berry looking in the direction of the strange bang.

"that'd be tha start of tha Midsummer tourney."

"A tournament? Are there games there?"

"Heehee well if ye consider bashin' in some heads "games" then im sure there's plenty there for ye! That sound like anything you're interested in?"

"OH ME? nooo nooo i could never hold my own against any skilled fighter haha ..ha.." Berry shifted nervously in his place once again looking towards the origin of the gong. He did want to go see what this tournament was., infact he was hoping to find out everything he could about this place. The old Sweet shop keeper clearly saw this.

"hmmm... i'll tell ye what boy, i'll give you the rest of the day off. consider it paid vacation Heehee. just if you do crack any heads 'n there just say my shoppe is sponserin' ya."

"O-oh thank you so much sir!" Berry gave a slight bow of the head and bounded off the porch of the shop. He stumbled a bit though as he turned back to quickly retrieve his sword from the wall. He ran quickly to the origin of the gong,taking barely any time to fasten his sheathe to his belt. As he ran he said hello to the few familiar faces he came to know over the past 2 weeks (mainly shop keepers and traders). Finally he reached the origin of the gong as he rounded a corner. He couldn't help but to slow his pace almost to a stop as he laid eyes on a massive building. He could hear the roar of the fighting inside. 'This must be it' he thought. He excitedly looked around but the excitement quickly faded as he ran into a bit of a problem. He couldn't find an entrance.

Berry looked and looked but couldn't see an entrance.

"AHAH!" He said out loud as he came to a archway. "this must be it then." Berry curiously wandered inside. After walking for what seemed like a minute or so he finally emerged into a big wide open arena full of chaos. There were people who seemed rather disoriented, some unconscious, others whooping ass, and of course roaring spectators. "Alright! ya! this looks ...awesome?" Berry suddenly noticed something peculiar about the position he was in. He was standing solitary at the entrance of a big archway looking straight out at a huge brawl about 20 yards away and on the OTHER SIDE of the wall separating the spectators from the contestants. He was now unfortunately in the ring. 'oh shit...i fucked up...'
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Tybalt smiled as Reya wiped off some dirt on him. He opened his mouth, about to lazily thank her...until she punched a guy in the face and started to massacre the competition. Tybalt was just standing there, to be honest. For some odd reason (Carmen), Everyone either didn't notice him or just ignored him. He shrugged and looked around, watching multiple fights take place while trying not to fall asleep, yet his closing eyes hinted at the losing battle. Ulric snorted, watching from the spectator side. Tybalt was gonna get killed! His eyes nervously wandered over every contestant. This was crazy! It was as if they were out for blood! If this kept up, someone was bound to get to the sheppard eventually. The Joker, Carmen (Ulric rolled his eyes), Benji, ...Reyna...

Ulric shivered. Tybalt was screwed.
Soren's eyes caught sight of Tybalt and made his way over as he causes someone's sword to go through there shoulder. Won't kill them but would hurt really bad. "hey" he smiled as he looked down at the king of clubs. He put his daggers back in there hilts as he moved someone's ax to hit someone else.

Tybalt's eyes snapped open and he lazily looked look to his left, tilting his head. "Oh. Hey." Tybalt yawned, looking at him up and down. "So...yer the new Jack, huh?" Tybalt looked to the side and shrugged, watching two men wrestle each other, for some reason, shirtless. "Welcome...I guess." He looked back at the guy and rubbed his eyes. "So...Nice day, eh?"

@Srion Receno
Soren nodded. "thank you and yes it is, even for a good fight" he smiled as he looked around for his next fight. "it seams everyone is doing pretty good....have... Have you been sleeping the whole time? " he asked noticing the sleepiness on Tybalt's face.

Tybalt shrugged. "I've been tryin' to." He responded, looking up at the guy. Ben said something about a...Soren? Huh. Tybalt yawned. "I mean, I was kinda jus' waitin' for this free-for-all thing to be over." Tybalt said, pointing to the other Cards. "Don't really see the point n' fightin' if they're just slaughterin' the competition."

@Srion Receno
Luckily no one had noticed Berry yet. He shuffled awkwardly looking everywhere for a way out of this. "OH i know!" he said slamming one fist onto the other in triumph. "ill just walk back through here an-" just as Berry began to turn for the exit, the light at the end of the corridor began to fade as the big doors sealed off the tunnel from the outside. "i.... w-.....ho-..." Berry stood whimpering at his unfortunate luck, dumbfounded by the events that kept him in the ring with all those bloodthirsty brawlers. The sound of a crash and what sounded much like a bone shattering under a howling scream was enough to bring Berry back to reality. He quickly turned around and surveyed the arena frantically for a way out.
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Benji had been pretty much slaughtering everyone in his way using his Club's Wrath when he saw someone really out of place trying to get out. He finished beating someone up with his whip and then skipped over to the man, cocking his head. "Hmm....there are no clear memories I can use on you....odd," he said, looking curiously at the man. "And your latest memory shows you getting thrown into this ring b accident. Well.....hello! I'm Benji—oh—" He cracked his whip at another bulky man charging at him, who immediately retreated. "Benji Cross. It's a pleasure.....um.....Berry?"

@Chief Shiro
Reya smiles as she is surrounded by a group of men, they all seemed to be bent on beating her. They were trying to beat her together, attacking whiles others dodged attacks. Reya was becoming frustrated and her eyes were somewhat glowing red, she felt the bubbling rage inside froth. In an instant her eyes went black. The rage violently burst forth in the form of a cry so fearsome even the dead cowered before it. It would echo throughout the arena, and call the attention of anyone in it. If anyone fought alongside of Reya they knew exactly what this meant. It meant someone awoke the sleeping lion.

@Everyone in arena
Just as Berry was trying to concoct an idiotic plan to get over the wall and make his way into the stands, a boy approached him with a whip. 'FUCK! this is it, im gonna die....wait is he skipping? hmm.....ah damnit forget that! what did i do to deserve this!?' Berry thought. He prepared for the worst and flinched backwards as the boy came near to him.

"And your latest memory shows you getting thrown into this ring b accident. Well.....hello! I'm Benji—oh—" Thats when the boy took out another charging competitor with nothing more than the flick of a wrist. "Benji Cross. It's a pleasure.....um.....Berry?"

Berry threw his hands up in defense as if to shield his face from a blow.

"PLEASE JUST NOT THE FA- ...oh wait heyyy!!, you know my name!" Berry immediately discarded any attempt to shield himself from hostility. "Do i know you from somewhere? Are you one of the merchants children? or maybe a shop assistant? hmmmm..." Berry studied the boys face closely, even coming inches from it at times. He looked at him as if he were some strange trinket from a far away land. He was definatley interested in this new person. He'd never seen such a feminine male before.

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[QUOTE="Chief Shiro]Just as Berry was trying to concoct an idiotic plan to get over the wall and make his way into the stands, a boy approached him with a whip. 'FUCK! this is it, im gonna die....wait is he skipping? hmm.....ah damnit forget that! what did i do to deserve this!?' Berry thought. He prepared for the worst and flinched backwards as the boy came near to him.
"And your latest memory shows you getting thrown into this ring b accident. Well.....hello! I'm Benji—oh—" Thats when the boy took out another charging competitor with nothing more than the flick of a wrist. "Benji Cross. It's a pleasure.....um.....Berry?"

Berry threw his hands up in defense as if to shield his face from a blow.

"PLEASE JUST NOT THE FA- ...oh wait heyyy!!, you know my name!" Berry immediately discarded any attempt to shield himself from hostility. "Do i know you from somewhere? Are you one of the merchants children? or maybe a shop assistant? hmmmm..." Berry studied the boys face closely, even coming inches from it at times. He looked at him as if he were some strange trinket from a far away land. He was definatley interested in this new person. He'd never seen such a feminine male before.


Benji chuckled, then tapped his chin at the question. "Well, first of all, I read your memory, and I could only find the name 'Berry'....as for how you would know me....hi, I'm Benji Cross, the Ace of Clubs." He extended a hand for Berry to shake, a cheerful expression still on his face. "I'm also the son of a scullery maid and a horse trainer....it's a pleasure to meet you."
femjapanriceball said:
Benji chuckled, then tapped his chin at the question. "Well, first of all, I read your memory, and I could only find the name 'Berry'....as for how you would know me....hi, I'm Benji Cross, the Ace of Clubs." He extended a hand for Berry to shake, a cheerful expression still on his face. "I'm also the son of a scullery maid and a horse trainer....it's a pleasure to meet you."
"OH! you're the ace of clubs! i think ive heard of you ace guys from some of the townsfolk! Well im...er...well i'm Berry! A-as you already know...haha" Berry took hold of Benji's hand as he nervously smiled and laughed. 'ok lets see...what were the aces again?... huh i think they're like the royal jesters or something like that? hmmm sounds plausible..' Berry thought as he studied Benji more closely, his body more so then his face now.
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SpicyLickiTung said:
Tybalt shrugged. "I've been tryin' to." He responded, looking up at the guy. Ben said something about a...Soren? Huh. Tybalt yawned. "I mean, I was kinda jus' waitin' for this free-for-all thing to be over." Tybalt said, pointing to the other Cards. "Don't really see the point n' fightin' if they're just slaughterin' the competition."
@Srion Receno
"I guess you have a point but it seams like everyone is having fun fighting... do you not?" he asked looking back at him then turned to the others seeing how many were left. it did seam like there wasnt as much...well there were only a few left. "who are you wanting to get on the 1x1s?" he asked as he took out his blades and wiped off what blood was on it.
[QUOTE="Chief Shiro]"u-uhhmmm b-but i-" Berry's voice trailed off as the man lept off. 'WHAT the HELL just happened?!' Berry thought. 'I can't be in this thing!! i'll get slaughtered!' Berry stood with a mixed look of anxiety, confusion, and dread

Benji patted Berry's shoulder sympathetically, watching his own victims getting carried away on stretchers, most of them scarred for life. "Don't worry.....if I get paired up with you, I promise to go fairly easy on you, okay?" He did a little nod. "Besides, if I did go against you, I'd probably have to use physical attacks. There just isn't anything I could use to traumatize you for life."
She felt satisfied. Satisfied at her work.

Dusting the imaginary dust off her hands and her maid dress ; a souvenir she took from the occupants of the castle. Her dress was clean, not a crimson stain can be seen from it compared to the room that she is now in. This is Arcana, the previous' Ace of Spade's room. A somewhat huge 500 square feet of room space, fully utilised.

Arcana's death

A great struggle seemed to occurred inside this room, or actually, made to seem like a great struggle had occurred in that room. The carpet for the floor, used to be beige, now soaked in a crimson red juice. The walls, decorated with splashes of crimson and long crisscross slash marks. There is about twenty bodies strewn in pieces on the ground, sliced up pretty nicely. 21 people can be found in this room. Each head is missing its body, and each torso is missing its limb. They died quick and fast, that the murderer have time to make a cruel arrangement of everyone on the ground around the room. All except one person.The bed is the only furniture seemed to be untouched by the massacre. Aside from the edges of the bed sheets soaking up the crimson from the carpet, the bed is still clean. White Satin sheet, fluffy pillows meant for an Ace's bed.

A figure, seems relatively untouched by the scene, is eternally sleeping on the bed. She is no doubt to be Arcana, the previous Ace of Spade. Rest assured, this Ace is never going to wake up anymore. A kitchen knife can be seen buried deep into her chest through her body. Her hands holding the protruding handle of the knife like a funeral rose. Her legs tucked together straight, her head rested lightly on a pillow, her eyes forever shut.

She will not be lonely, being surrounded by so many of her servants, guards, chefs, and maids.

Mei concluded, before she shut the door to the room. This area around the castle have been cleared indefinitely. Of course, there are the other sections of the castle haven't yet cleared. Humming to herself, she looked around the place castle corridor that she have just passed a few times. Blood drag marks certainly was leading in and out into Arcana's room. And she is not bothered to clean it up. No one guard that is stationed at this area is alive anymore. Humming to herself, she adjusted the maid brim on her head that she 'borrowed' from one of the ex-maids, as she continued down the corridor into one of the other Ace's dwelling place.

Carmen Springs

Carmen had stayed near Tybalt the entire match, making sure no one got near enough to try to hurt him. It wasn't that she didn't think he couldn't protect himself, far from it. It was just the fact literally most if not all of the contestants other than the royalty participating were giant muscle-bound thugs, plus the threat of the Joker..that and he might randomly fall asleep and end up getting severely injured. Soon though the free-for-all was over, Carmen of course going through with minor injuries. Nothing she couldn't take. Once a rest period was called she lowered her staff and heaved a heavy sigh. Thank God. She looked around for Tybalt and quickly spotted him and Soren talking together. "
Hey guys! You made it through huh?" She greeted, asking an obvious question. "Those guys weren't so tough. Just a buncha untrained muscle guys." She added before shrugging.
femjapanriceball said:
Benji patted Berry's shoulder sympathetically, watching his own victims getting carried away on stretchers, most of them scarred for life. "Don't worry.....if I get paired up with you, I promise to go fairly easy on you, okay?" He did a little nod. "Besides, if I did go against you, I'd probably have to use physical attacks. There just isn't anything I could use to traumatize you for life."
"i think i'm already traumatized" whimpered Berry. Who would he get paired with wondered. He needed to figure out fast. He may not win but he could at least find a way out of this without dieing... Berry looked around the arena with his hand to his chin debating his next move. "so what now?" he asked Benji.

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