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Fantasy The Forgotten Past Of Legendary Heroes- The Seven Deadly Sins

"Really? It's alright! We can always combine our cash! And um.., hm.... I want that yummy delicious chicken leg! And I shall take nine!" Shami looked around the room filled with tables and a couple of people. A smile popped on her face she smelled the aroma of many sorts of food. "Thank you, Kenora-chan! You're such a good friend!!!"

Loud looks at her face

"I don't think so." Loud then says "Maybe it won't matter much what i say, but i don't think you're ugly, you just have a unique style of your own, and let me add that it's kinda cool."

Loud smiles and pats her head...

"Yes, I could say I am." She boasted to herself. Her drink and cake came soon after along with Shami's chicken legs. They looked big and definitely fattening... Kenora looked at the money piled on other's tables. The envy that overwhelmed her years ago was coming back, but it was fine. Kenora can totally handle it.

She gulped her liquor, distracting herself from her sin.
Shami started to dig in, munching and tearing the seasoned skin from the chicken legs before getting to the soft white meat. It was delicious, really delicious. She just hoped none of the other customers around her would notice that she's Gluttony, one of the sins. Eating too much would give her away, so maybe nine was enough? But she really wanted more... Shami bit into her fifth chicken leg while thinking of getting another nine. @GiannaCoco
Loud feeling tired wondered if it was his voice that was saying abhorrent things again, and ignored them...

Eventually Loud finishes the book and seems tired for today..

"*Yawn* I guess i should lay her in the couch and cover her with a blanket or something."

Short while after covering her with a blanket, Loud starts to feel a bit dizzy and sits down with his back on the wall near the couch and begins to sleep profoundly...
Kenora looked up from her cake. "Hey Shami, don't you think you're eating a little too fast?" She asks, wondering what was on the girl's mind. She looked at the table, sliding her hand silently and snatching a heavy pouch. Kenora hid it with her own and tried to look clueless.
Shami looked up and swallowed her chew. "Maybe, I don't really pay attention to how fast I devour, but thanks for telling me because I would've gotten a tummy ache after I ate too fast." She grinned and ate slower. The warm delicious smell from the chicken made her want to eat more, but safety paused her desire because more people were entering the room. Some looked like Knights, others looked like commoners. She just hoped they didn't find out about them.

Azer1on said:
Loud feeling tired wondered if it was his voice that was saying abhorrent things again, and ignored them...
Eventually Loud finishes the book and seems tired for today..

"*Yawn* I guess i should lay her in the couch and cover her with a blanket or something."

Short while after covering her with a blanket, Loud starts to feel a bit dizzy and sits down with his back on the wall near the couch and begins to sleep profoundly...
It becomes morning and I stay asleep not moving at all
She curled her lips, handing a few coins for the bartender. As the bistro filled, Kenora pulled her hood up, hiding her face from unwanted attention. She wanted to leave, but leaving in the manner that she will was... suspicious. Maybe after Shami finishes, and then they can destroy the kingdom. "You need more Shami?"

Riku had followed after the girls silently as she placed her cloak back over her body, having the mark low on her arm was really quite a major disadvantage... they soon arrived at the restaurant and Riku sat down next to them giggling to herself slightly seeing Shami's sin showing a bit, as well as noticing Kenora's as well "I'll have..." she skimmed her finger down the page blushing slightly before answering "s..some milk.." she legally was allowed alcohol but had never liked the taste, she saw more and more people entering the restaurant... including some knights.. this would be a problem if they caused a scene "as an answer to your previous question, I don't 'hate' the kingdom... they were corrupt it wasn't completely their fault." she replied coldly in a quiet tone. she had never thought badly of the kingdom... "although..." her mark started glowing lightly "If I ever get my hands on those who corrupted it, those who..." she cut herself off crossing her arms across her chest breathing deeply to try and calm down, out of all of them i her sin showed up it would be the biggest problem. @GiannaCoco
Kenora looked at Riku, quietly thinking to herself. She continue to eye around her, worried. So far, they haven't attract much attention but Kenora couldn't help but wonder why she was the odd one out, despite a lot of attempts to pass as a normal citizens. It must've been the eyepatch, or the intimidating sword on her side.

"Then whose fault was it? Us?" She whispered in a challenging tone to Riku. "I really want them to be damned. For what they did to our team. For getting everything we were suppose to get as heroes, for making me one of the sins. I should also ask, where is your wrath, Riku?"

"Not once have I seen your sin exposed."
Kenora commented, beckoning someone for more liquor.
Riku's eyes widened at these words "m..my wrath?.." she muttered her mark started glowing brighter making a small glow come out from under her cloak "I..it isn't our fault, it's just.." she clenched her arm, those words had struct something in her... something that should have been left alone.. "th..they, I.." her breaths became hasty and rushed. @GiannaCoco @yumiyukifan1
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Kenora watched in anticipation, giving her an encouraging nod to continue but something was wrong. Riku was clutching her own arm. She looked at the problem and cursed. She said what shouldn't be said. "Riku, get yourself together." She scolded softly, trying to calm her friend's nerves. It was just a question, Kenora thought. "Riku, there's people here, just relax..." she said, repeating her efforts.
((sorry for late reply... I'm at school.))

Riku looked up at Kenora terror in her eyes "I..I.." the words echoed through her mind, she had to calm herself down she clenched her fists on her lab tightly looking down... "I've never... been able to stay in the same place, for more than a few days.. because..because otherwise.." her words felt empty she took a deep breath looking up going back to her normal cold expression, but you could still see the glow making it obvious she was defiantly not fine with the situation. @GiannaCoco @yumiyukifan1
"That's better now. Isn't it?" Kenora asked rhetorically. She didn't give an assuring pat on the back or a brush on her hair. Human interaction was something they didn't dwell in, unless the situation calls for it. 'Way to go Kenora. Your first time seeing them in months and you almost got caught.' She thought to herself. Then she looked at the still eating Shami. "Now, I gotta run before someone gets me broke. I'll still be watching you two though."

And with that she went for the door, avoiding eye contact at all costs.
Riku snapped out of it, leaving her mark glowing less and almost faded back to normal, she muttered to herself "typically Kenora... never paying..." she looked back at Shami still devouring all the food deciding it was best if she took a break at this rate... they could be here a while... she got up leaving the area jumping behind some trees near the place she quickly tore of the cloak looking at her glowing mark, the thing was... they had been marked with these so that if any of 'The Sins' started doing their sin it would activate, glowing brightly... Riku slumped down, back against the tree sweating, "why Kenora have to go do that..." she slammed the back of her head against the tree, tears lingering in her eyes... she never showed emotion to anyone, not after... she shook her head "she knew.. what would happen if I committed my sin..." she spoke harshly with a sorrowful tone grabbing the sword off her back holding it in her hands, it was completely destroyed except for a blunt end and the grip. @GiannaCoco @yumiyukifan1
Feeling the gentle breeze of the wind coming from the window, Loud wakes up from what it seemed a really long and profound sleep...

Loud, still sleepy, says while stretching his arms: "...*Yawn*...I think it's time i wake up already." Loud gets up and goes to his backpack and takes from it a Apple and a Sweet.

*nom* *nom* Loud devour the Sweet first and then concentrated on eating the Apple slowly near the opened window while staring at the vast blue that filled the sky...
After leaving, Kenora immediately went for the rooftops. The one place where no one usually expects her. She felt her left eye heat up. "Ugh." She groaned, placing one hand to inspect it. She was getting jealous of something, she was doing something she wasn't suppose to.

Half the time when this happened, she had no idea what she was envying, but after a few moments, it was clear. She was envying power. Riku's power.

Why would she envy such a thing? Having another sin would only ruin her. Maybe it was the abilities that came along with it.

Kenora pushed it away and her eye stopped glowing.
Riku got up from the behind the tree wiping her eyes so that no traces of tears could be seen, she could sense both Shami and Kenora's presence... somehow Kenora's seemed to flicker for a moment before returning to normal, she replaced the sword on her back before going to grab her cloak... where was it?! without it her mark was in clear sight! she started to panic frantically searching around the area, "dammit!" she hissed under her breath, what could she do!? @GiannaCoco @yumiyukifan1
I toss in my sleeping bag, not wanting to get up. Looking around the mmpty building, there are tons of tables and books, most unreadable. I sit up and sigh, getiing my things together before leaving for the day. When I meet the sun outsode, I yawn and start to sing a tune.
Riku tried to signal Shami but the distance was too great, she couldn't spot Kenora even if her presence was somewhere near... what was she going to do!? she starts to wander a bit holding her arm incase someone came by before spotting someone coming out of a building, she just stood there staring "marie?..." she muttered to herself staring at said figure. @GiannaCoco
I looked up and saw a distant figure standing still. I waved at them, hoping to find someone to talk to. It would be kinda nice. I kept singing as I walked up cliser seeing who it was. "Riku?" @TheHappyPikachu

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